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40GHz InGaAs/InP CML 结构静态分频器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Static frequency dividers are widely used as a circuit performance benchmark or figure-of-merit indicator to gauge a particular device technology's ability to implement high speed digital and integrated high performance mixed-signal circuits.We report a 2:1 static frequency divider in InGaAs/InP heterojunction bipolar transistor technology.This is the first InP based digital integrated circuit ever reported on the mainland of China. The divider is implemented in differential current mode logic(CML) with ...  相似文献   

A static frequency divider is presented using 0.7μm lnP DHBTs with 280 GHz ft/fmax. The divider is based on ECL master-slave D-flip-flop topology with 30 HBTs and 20 resistors with a chip size 0.62 ×0.65 mm^2. The circuits use peaking inductance as a part of the loads to maximize the highest clock rate. Momentum simulation is used to accurately characterize the effect of the clock feedback lines at the W band. Test results show that the divider can operate from 1 GHz up to 83 GHz. Its phase noise is 139 dBc/Hz with 100 kHz offset. The power dissipation of divider core is 350 mW.  相似文献   

W波段InGaAs/InP动态二分频器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用fT=214 GHz,fmax=193 GHz的InGaAs/InP异质结双极型晶体管工艺,设计了一款基于时钟驱动型反相器的动态二分频器.该分频器工作频段为60 ~ 100 GHz,但由于测试系统上限频率的限制,只能测出62 ~ 83 GHz的工作范围.在-4.2V和-5.2 V的单电源直流偏置下该分频器的功耗分别为596.4 mW、1060.8 mW.此分频器的成功制作对于工作在W波段锁相环的构建有较大的意义.  相似文献   

This letter presents a high speed 2:1 regenerative dynamic frequency divider with an active transformer fabricated in 0.7 μm InP DHBT technology with fT of 165 GHz and fmax of 230 GHz. The circuit includes a two-stage active transformer, input buffer, divider core and output buffer. The core part of the frequency divider is composed of a double-balanced active mixer (widely known as the Gilbert cell) and a regenerative feedback loop. The active transformer with two stages can contribute to positive gain and greatly improve phase difference. Instead of the passive transformer, the active one occupies a much smaller chip area. The area of the chip is only 469×414 μm2 and it entirely consumes a total DC power of only 94.6 mW from a single -4.8 V DC supply. The measured results present that the divider achieves an operating frequency bandwidth from 75 to 80 GHz, and performs a -23 dBm maximum output power at 37.5 GHz with a 0 dBm input signal of 75 GHz.  相似文献   

InP/InGaAs/InP double heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) were designed for wide band digital and analog circuits, and fabricated using a conventional mesa structure with benzocyclobutene (BCB) passivation and planarization process techniques. Our devices exhibit a maximum ft of 203 GHz, which is the highest ft for DHBTs in mainland China. The emitter size is 1.0×20 μm2. The DC current gain β is 166, and BVCEO=4.34 V. The devices reported here employ a 40 nm highly doped InGaAs base region and a 203 nm InGaAsP composite structure. They are suitable for high speed and intermediate power applications.  相似文献   

为了适应数字及模拟电路带宽的不断增加,我们在传统的台面结构基础上利用BCB钝化平坦化工艺技术,设计并研制了InP/InGaAs/InP双异质结双极型晶体管。我们研制的晶体管ft达到203GHz,是目前国内InP基DHBT的最高水平,发射极尺寸为1.0μm×20μm,电流增益β为166,击穿电压为4.34V,我们的器件采用了40nm高掺杂InGaAs基区,以及203nm含有InGaAsP复合式结构的集电区。该器件非常适合高速中功耗方面的应用。  相似文献   

A common-base four finger InGaAs/InP double heterostructure bipolar transistor(DHBT) has been designed and fabricated using triple mesa structure and planarization technology.All processes are on 3-inch wafers. The area of each emitter finger is 1×15μm2.The maximum oscillation frequency(fmax) is 325 GHz and the breakdown voltage BVCBO is 10.6 V,which are to our knowledge both the highest fmax and BVcbo ever reported for InGaAs/InP DHBTs in China.The high speed InGaAs/InP DHBT with a high breakdown voltage is promising for submillimeter-wave and THz electronics.  相似文献   

毫米波频率综合器中的重要模块之一高速可编程多模分频器,它主要用于对VCO的输出信号进行分频从而获得稳定的本振信号,它的性能影响整个毫米波频率综合器性能。本文设计的一种高速、低功耗、分频比可变的分频器具有非常重要的意义[1]。根据26 GHz-41 GHz硅基锁相环频率综合器的系统指标,本文基于TSMC 45nm CMOS工艺,设计实现了一种高速可编程分频器。本文采用注入锁定结构分频结构实现高速预分频,该结构可以实现在0 d Bm的输入功率下实现25 GHz-48 GHz的分频范围、最低功耗为:2.6 m W。基于脉冲吞咽计数器的可编程分频器由8/9双模分频器和可编程脉冲吞咽计数器组成。其中8/9双模分频器由同步4/5分频器和异步二分频构成,工作频率范围10 GHz-27 GHz,最低输入幅度为:300 m V,最低功耗为:1.6 m V。可编程吞咽计数器采用改进型带置数功能的TSPC D触发器,该可编程分频器的最大工作范围:25 GHz;最小功耗为:363μW。本文设计的高速可编程多模分频器,可以实现32-2 062的分频比;当工作于28 GHz时,相位噪声小于-159 dBc/Hz。动态功耗为5.2 m W。  相似文献   

A 75 GHz static frequency divider in InAlAs/InGaAs transferred-substrate heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology is reported. This is the highest reported frequency of operation for a static frequency divider. The circuit has 60 transistors and dissipates 800 mW. The divider was operated at a clock frequency of 5.0 to 75 GHz  相似文献   

金智  程伟  刘新宇  徐安怀  齐鸣 《半导体学报》2008,29(10):1898-1901
研制成功了一种无微空气桥的亚微米InP基异质结双极晶体管(HBT).发展了小于100nm的发射极侧向腐蚀工艺,实现了亚微米的InP基HBT.发射极宽度的减小有效提高了频率特性,发射极面积为0.8μm×15μm的HBT的电流增益截止频率达到了238GHz.发展了基极-集电极的侧向过腐蚀工艺,有效减小了结面积,提高了最大振荡频率.Kirk电流密度达到了3.1mA/μm2.据我们所知,电流增益截止频率是目前国内三端器件中最高的,Kirk电流密度是国内报道的HBT中最高的.这对于HBT器件在超高速电路中的应用具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

An InP/InGaAs single heterojunction bipolar transistor(SHBT) with high maximum oscillation frequency (f_(max)) and high cutoff frequency(f_t) is reported.Efforts have been made to maximize f_(max) and f_t simultaneously including optimizing the epitaxial structure,base-collector mesa over-etching and base surface preparation.The measured f_t and f_(max) both reached 185 GHz with an emitter size of 1×20μm~2,which is the highest f_(max) for SHBTs in mainland China.The device is suitable for ultra-high spee...  相似文献   

金智  程伟  刘新宇  徐安怀  齐鸣 《半导体学报》2008,29(10):1898-1901
研制成功了一种无微空气桥的亚微米InP基异质结双极晶体管(HBT) . 发展了小于100nm的发射极侧向腐蚀工艺,实现了亚微米的InP基HBT. 发射极宽度的减小有效提高了频率特性,发射极面积为0.8μm×15μm的HBT的电流增益截止频率达到了238GHz. 发展了基极-集电极的侧向过腐蚀工艺,有效减小了结面积,提高了最大振荡频率. Kirk电流密度达到了3.1mA/μm2. 据我们所知,电流增益截止频率是目前国内三端器件中最高的,Kirk电流密度是国内报道的HBT中最高的. 这对于HBT器件在超高速电路中的应用具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

报道了发射极自对准的InP基异质结双极型晶体管.在集电极电流Ic=34.2mA的条件下,发射极面积为0.8μm×12μm的InP HBT截止频率fT为162GHz,最大振荡频率fmax为52GHz,最大直流增益为120,偏移电压为0.10V,击穿电压BVCEO达到3.8V(Ic=0.1μA).这种器件非常适合在高速低功耗方面的应用,例如OEIC接收机以及模拟数字转换器.  相似文献   

报道了发射极自对准的InP基异质结双极型晶体管.在集电极电流Ic=34.2mA的条件下,发射极面积为0.8μm×12μm的InP HBT截止频率fT为162GHz,最大振荡频率fmax为52GHz,最大直流增益为120,偏移电压为0.10V,击穿电压BVCEO达到3.8V(Ic=0.1μA).这种器件非常适合在高速低功耗方面的应用,例如OEIC接收机以及模拟数字转换器.  相似文献   

采用金属有机化学气相沉积生长了InP/GaAs0.5Sb0.5/InP 双异质结晶体三极管(DHBT)材料,研究了材料质量对器件性能的影响.制备的器件不但具有非常好的直流特性,而且还表现出良好的微波特性,其结果与能带理论的预言一致,DHBT集电结和发射结的电流理想因子分别为1.00和1.06,击穿电压高达15V,电流放大增益截止频率超过100GHz.  相似文献   

采用金属有机化学气相沉积生长了InP/GaAs0.5Sb0.5/InP 双异质结晶体三极管(DHBT)材料,研究了材料质量对器件性能的影响.制备的器件不但具有非常好的直流特性,而且还表现出良好的微波特性,其结果与能带理论的预言一致,DHBT集电结和发射结的电流理想因子分别为1.00和1.06,击穿电压高达15V,电流放大增益截止频率超过100GHz.  相似文献   

成功地将Polyimide钝化平坦化工艺应用于InP/InGaAs单异质结晶体管制作工艺中.在Vce=1.1V,Ic=33.5mA的偏置条件下,发射极尺寸为1.4μm×1.5μm的器件,其ft达到210GHz.这种器件非常适合高速低功耗方面的应用,例如超高速数模混合电路以及光学通信系统等.  相似文献   

成功地将Polyimide钝化平坦化工艺应用于InP/InGaAs单异质结晶体管制作工艺中.在Vce=1.1V,Ic=33.5mA的偏置条件下,发射极尺寸为1.4μm×1.5μm的器件,其ft达到210GHz.这种器件非常适合高速低功耗方面的应用,例如超高速数模混合电路以及光学通信系统等.  相似文献   

针对毫米波电路对大电流、高截止频率器件的要求,利用平坦化技术,设计并制作成功了结构紧凑的四指合成InGaAs/InP异质结双极晶体管.实验结果表明发射极的宽度可减小到1μm.Kirk电流可达到110wA,电流增益截止频率达到176GI-Iz.这种器件有望在中等功率的毫米波电路中有所应用.  相似文献   

报道了基于InP基双屏质结双板晶体管(DHBT)工艺的四指共射共基75 GHz微波单片集成(MMIC)功率放大器,器件的最高振荡频率fmax为150 GHz.放大器的输出极发射极面积为15μm×4μm.功率放大器在75 GHz时功率增益为12.3 dB,饱和输出功率为13.92 dBm.放大器在72.5 GHz处输入为2 dBm时达到最大输出功率14.53 dBm.整个芯片传输连接采用共面波导结构,芯片面积为1.06 mm×0.75 mm.  相似文献   

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