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新型电容式指纹传感器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指纹识别是当前进行身份认证的一种比较可靠的方法。美国Veridicom公司生产的电容式指纹传感器FPS110,具有体积小、成本低、功耗少和成像清晰等优点,因而具有广泛的应用。文章给出了FPS110的各引脚功能和电气特性。  相似文献   

用于侵入性及非侵入性患者监视的固态集成传感器已逐渐可行并令人瞩目,因为这种传感器尺寸缩小,更可靠并结合了单片信号处理.对于许多生物和生理研究程序及一些临床应用,患者的侵入性监视已成为重要的焦点.这些应用包括很广的领域,从物理和化学生物事件的简单测量,如记录单个神经细胞内电化学产生生物势的放电,到增强或恢复障碍功能的全  相似文献   

生物恐怖袭击和生物传感器   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐毓龙 《电子世界》2002,(1):78-79,81
<正> 2001年最后的三四个月,美国纽约和华盛顿等地屡遭恐怖袭击。这些袭击可分为两类,第一类是“9.11”事件:国际恐怖分子劫持商业航班的飞机作武器,对纽约世界贸易中心两座姐妹摩天大楼和华盛顿的五角大楼进行突然袭击,在一二个小时内就夺去了四千多人的宝贵生命,造成难以估算的损失,给世界经济蒙上了浓浓的阴影,对世界的未来将会产生深远的影响。 第二类恐怖袭击是炭疽孢子袭击。“9.11”事件后的几个月内,纽约、华盛顿等城市不断发现带有炭疽孢子的邮件,一些邮局和几大电视台网的雇员遭到炭疽热的致命袭击,闹得人心惶惶。据说为了应付炭疽袭击,两个月内洛杉矶市就已用去约1400万美元。  相似文献   

生物传感器的研究和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将较详细叙述生物传感器的研究和发展,同时简要介绍仿生传感器和生理量传感器,以对生物传感器的研究和发展有一个全貌。  相似文献   

光与生物有着密切的联系,光是一种电磁波,光的传播速度是300000000米每秒。光与生物学之间的关系可以概括为:生物发光反应;光在生物物质中的能量传递,譬如生物物质的光吸收、光猝灭和受光激发等。生物反应物质对光的传播影响。随着高科技的发展,已经研制出光纤维生物传感器,光纤维生物传感器主要有光学器件检测光的灵敏度非常高,当然那用光纤维制成的生物传感器灵敏度也非常的高。另外,光信号的传播不受外界电磁波的干扰,传感器的噪声低。光纤生物传感器指用光导纤维及其检测器与生物分子识别器组装构成生物传感器。  相似文献   

光学DNA生物传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了当前DNA生物传感器的研究特点以及发展现状中存在的问题,通过对光学DNA生物传感器的基本原理和种类详细介绍,结合多学科交叉的特点,对DNA生物传感器的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

MEMS传感器和智能传感器可以被称为新时代传感器的典型代表,在智能化以及集成化方面体现出独特的优势。随着我国科学技术发展水平的提高,MEMS传感器和智能传感器也处于不断发展的过程中,同时应用的范围不断拓宽,为各行各业带来了极大的便利。文章对此展开分析。  相似文献   

This paper covers recent developments in microfabricated potentiometric liquid chemical sensors. It includes a discussion of the various types of solid-state potentiometric sensors, including the inherent and practical challenges involved in implementing and commercializing the devices. The paper also presents recent advances that overcome some of these difficulties, including progress toward compatible microreference electrodes.  相似文献   

混合信号CMOS集成可编程传感器与系统的问世,促进了汽车产品在减少有害物质排放、改进安全系统、实现无缺陷质量标准与提高可靠性等方面的改进——当然也有效地促进了成本的降低。早先的传感器系统都是由无源元件和简单的IC组装而成的。进入九十年代以后,可编程的、嵌入有敏感元件的单片系统IC,逐步取代了上述由许多元器件组装而成的传感器模块。这些先进的集成系统,遵守Moors定律,虽然复杂得多,但是由于芯片内信号处理能力的增强,成本却反而降低了。本文将介绍两种当今常用的集成传感器和敏感器件接D线路的构造。传感器需要进行…  相似文献   

Spin-dependent sensors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discovery and development of structures using the spin dependence of conduction electrons has led to products and product developments in recording heads and nonvolatile memory. It has also led to the introduction of several new products which sense magnetic fields using these new structures. This article describes giant magnetoresistance and magnetic tunnel junction structures and how they are used in several applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes a tactile sensor design, allowing data acquisition from a sensor array using a single wire. The sensor is implemented as a filter. Sensor excitation changes filter characteristics, and the pressure profile can be recovered from the filter's impulse response. The method is also applicable to sensor arrays for other scalar fields than pressure, such as heat, proximity, or radiation. Several methods of data extraction from the impulse response are discussed, and experimental implementation results are presented  相似文献   

A directional coupler, consisting of two coaxial dielectric waveguides, has been studied as a possible fiber-optic sensor. The dependence of the power distribution between the guides as a functinn of the outer cladding index is considered for monochromatic illumination. The additional advantages of using wavelength modulation as opposed to intensity modulation are discussed, and the fiber design procedure is given in detail. Preliminary experimental results are presented for both systems, broadly consistent with theory but showing limitations caused by fabrication problems. The requirements for developing a practical device are considered.  相似文献   

The Taguchi and thick-film forms of semiconducting metal-oxide sensors and their reproducibility and stability problems are discussed. An attempt to circumvent these problems by producing a modified thin-film sensor based on oxygen absorption rather than adsorption is described. The sensor is made with evaporated bismuth molybdate, which has a very high diffusion constant for oxygen vacancies. The combustion gas to be sensed extracts lattice oxygen from the bismuth molybdate; atmospheric oxygen restores the lattice oxygen. Because the oxygen vacancies move rapidly in the material, the bulk stoichiometry (i.e. metal/oxygen ratio) follows the surface stoichiometry and controls the resistance. Bismuth molybdate films are stable and, as prepared, are highly sensitive to alcohols. Techniques for improving selectivity are considered. The use of electronic circuitry to circumvent inherent sensor problems is examined  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the concepts proposed to explain the piezojunction effect and to describe the techniques employed in its application. Several experimental transducers which have been constructed and evaluated are described.  相似文献   

CMOS image sensors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this article, we provide a basic introduction to CMOS image-sensor technology, design and performance limits and present recent developments and future directions in this area. We also discuss image-sensor operation and describe the most popular CMOS image-sensor architectures. We note the main non-idealities that limit CMOS image sensor performance, and specify several key performance measures. One of the most important advantages of CMOS image sensors over CCDs is the ability to integrate sensing with analog and digital processing down to the pixel level. Finally, we focus on recent developments and future research directions that are enabled by pixel-level processing, the applications of which promise to further improve CMOS image sensor performance and broaden their applicability beyond current markets.  相似文献   

Integrated automotive sensors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Focuses on automotive applications and discusses the development of a suite of integrated radar and IR sensors that can be used to surround a vehicle (car, truck, boat, etc.). The primary function is to provide information to the vehicle systems and operator as enhancements to passenger and vehicle safety. It may also provide vehicle information (speed, location, destination, etc.) and integrate information (weather, road/traffic conditions, service/rest-area location, route details, etc.) from an intelligent vehicle highway system  相似文献   

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