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基于载流子注入的SOI 4×4MMI-MZ光开关阵列   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用0.8μm CMOS工艺线制作了一种基于载流子注入的SOI 4×4马赫-曾德(MZ)光开关阵列,其由4个2×2基于多模干涉(MMI)耦合器的MZ(MMI-MZ)光开关单元组成。通过对调制臂施加电压,利用Si的载流子色散效应引起调制区的折射率变化实现开关功能。测试结果表明,当输入光为1 510~1 580nm的宽带光源时,光开关阵列的不同路径间的串扰低于-8.02dB,支持的公共带宽为35nm(1 530~1 565nm),开关阵列的上升和下降时间分别为17.4ns和21ns。  相似文献   

利用多模干涉效应和自由载流子等离子体色散效应设计和模拟了基于1.55μm波长的2×3 SiGe光开关.该光开关由两个单模输入端口、一个多模干涉区和三个单模输出端口构成.在多模干涉区,设有两个折射率调制区,可以利用来把从两个输入端口输入的光信号分别从三个输出端口输出.束传播法分析结果表明,该光开关的传输损耗小于1.43dB,串扰在-18~-32.8dB之间.  相似文献   

利用多模干涉效应和自由载流子等离子体色散效应设计和模拟了基于1.55μm波长的2×3 SiGe光开关.该光开关由两个单模输入端口、一个多模干涉区和三个单模输出端口构成.在多模干涉区,设有两个折射率调制区,可以利用来把从两个输入端口输入的光信号分别从三个输出端口输出.束传播法分析结果表明,该光开关的传输损耗小于1.43dB,串扰在-18~-32.8dB之间.  相似文献   

分析低噪声放大器的设计原理,采用两级电流复用负反馈结构,基于砷化镓(Gallium Arsenide,GaAs)工艺,利用先进设计系统(Advanced Design System,ADS)软件仿真设计了一款低功耗宽带低噪声放大器芯片,该芯片尺寸仅为1.5 mm×0.9 mm×0.1 mm。通过对芯片性能进行测试,在频带6~12 GHz内,其增益约为23 dB,噪声系数≤1.1 dB,端口回波损耗≥12 dB,输出功率1 dB压缩点P-1≥10 dBm,+5 V电源端口工作电流为17 mA。  相似文献   

设计了一种改进型电流注入混频器.通过在吉尔伯特混频器电路的本振开关管源极引入电感形成谐振电路,消除了开关管源极寄生电容的影响,降低了混频器电路的闪烁噪声,增大了混频器电路的增益.混频器电路的设计采用SMIC 0.35 μm CMOS 工艺库,本振功率为-3 dBm.仿真结果表明,与改进前的混频器电路相比,当本振功率为-3 dBm时,改进型电流注入混频器电路的增益提高了1.76 dB,IIP3提高2.1 dBm,噪声系数降低了0.5 dB.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于全内反射原理和光生载流子注入效应的X结全内反射(TIR)全光开关。通过对传统X结的改进提高了器件的性能。模拟结果表明.改进后的X结的消光比可以达到30dB左右。串音小于-30dB。同时分析了该全光开关所具有的速度优势,其开关速度可达10^0~10^2ns。  相似文献   

以多模干涉耦合器为主体,通过载流子注入效应所引起的折射率改变来调整二重像之间的相位差,当折射率下降所引起的相位改变达到π相位时完成开关功能。在AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs外延材料上,利用两步湿法腐蚀工艺,实际制作了2×2光开关并进行了测试。测试结果表明,工作在1.55μm波段,当注入电流达到160mA时,完成了开关功能。  相似文献   

针对射频多端口器件微波测试需求,基于SOLT校准原理设计了一种工作频率在DC~12 GHz范围内、基于RF MEMS开关的四端口电子校准件。数值仿真结果表明,在短路状态下,器件的回波损耗小于0.15 dB;在直通状态下,器件的插入损耗小于0.5 dB,端口之间的隔离度大于20 dB;在开路状态下,器件的回波损耗小于0.3 dB,端口之间的隔离度大于25 dB;同时采用微表面加工工艺,利用磁控溅射工艺对负载电阻进行了制备,其测试结果约为50 Ω,符合设计要求。设计的基于RF MEMS开关的四端口校准件,具有射频性能好、体积小、易于集成等优点,能够满足X波段微波多端口器件在片测试的应用需求。  相似文献   

一种新型超高频射频识别射频前端电路设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种低功耗高线性度的新型超高频射频识别射频前端电路.在LNA的设计中,通过在输入端采用二阶交调电流注入结构以提高线性度,在输出端采用开关电容结构以实现工作频率可调;在混频器的设计中,在输入端采用同LNA相同的方法以提高线性度,而在输出端采用动态电流注入结构以降低噪声.该电路采用0.18μmCMOS工艺,供电电压为1.2V,仿真结果如下:输入阻抗S11为-23.98dB,IIP3为5.05dBm,整个射频前端电路的增益为10dB.  相似文献   

通过短路-开路-负载-直通(SOLT)校准原理与MEMS开关结合,设计了一种小型化多功能电子校准件。仿真结果表明,在0.1~20 GHz频段内,该电子校准件的双端口校准仅需2步;直通状态插入损耗≤0.9 dB,开路状态回波损耗≤0.48 dB,短路状态回波损耗≤0.39 dB。整体尺寸为2.5 mm×1.2 mm×0.8 mm。该MEMS电子校准件体积小,损耗低,成本低,校准准确度高,效率高,适用于毫米波测量和小型智能化校准领域。  相似文献   

主要研究基于多模干涉耦合器(MMI)的2×2 InP/InGaAsP马赫曾德型(MMI-MZI)光开关.开关的特性采用BPM(光束传输法)进行器件建模、参数分析与性能优化.开关的结构按照传输波导保证单模传输、低偏振敏感要求进行了设计.光开关通过载流子电注入产生的载流子吸收和带填充效应改变移相臂传输光相位.实验测得光开关在控制电压为6.4 V时可实现交叉态到直通态的倒换,开关和关态串扰分别为-20.49 dB、-19.19 dB.这种开关具有结构紧凑、制作容差大和偏振无敏感等优点,它可以很方便地和其它半导体有源器件集成,在未来DWDM系统中有着非常广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

研究了一款光敏电阻型开关,用以实现光控有源频率选择表面(Optically Controlled Active Frequency Selective Surface, OCAFSS)。该开关在LED等光源激励下亮态阻值可小于20Ω,暗态值接近0.2 MΩ,并随着光源强度的变化阻值可调。通过对光敏电阻内部结构的分析以及借鉴硅片型光控微波开关的建模经验,使用CST等电磁仿真软件对该开关进行了建模与仿真。经实物加工和测试,所得测试结果与仿真结果一致,显示出该光敏电阻在频段0.1~1 GHz可切换亮/暗状态,其S21参数分别为-3 dB以上和-10 dB以下,对应的传输信号可以通过或被阻挡;但随着频率的升高,开关效果不再明显,当频率大于2 GHz以后,亮暗态S21均在-7 dB以上,不再具备开关性能。对该光敏电阻的开关特性研究表明,可将其使用于特定频段OCAFSS。为验证这一结论的正确性,我们制作了一款该使用频段的吸波型OCAFSS,最终测试结果与预期值符合。  相似文献   

A novel high power CMOS RF switch using the substrate body switching technique in a multistack structure is designed, implemented, and characterized in a standard 0.18- triple-well CMOS process. One of the stacked devices in the receive side has a body switch at the bulk port in order to provide high power handling capability to the transmit switch side without compromising insertion loss to the receiver switch. The body switch connected to the bulk port at one of the receiver switches turns on in mode to minimize leakage current into path. In the meanwhile, that switch turns off in mode so that the bulk port can have body floating to reduce leakage current to substrates. Experimental data show that the switch using the body-switching technique has 1 dB of 31.5 dBm that is 2.5 dB higher than the one using the body floating technique. Insertion loss is 1.5 dB at 1.9 GHz in the transmit switch and 1.8 dB in the receiver switch. Isolation is less than 30 dB for switch and 20 dB for switch at 1.9 GHz.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a new optical 2×2 switch for single-mode fibers. The switching principle is based on a vertical micro-mirror which can be moved into the optical path to switch light between two pairs of fibers. The micromirror switch is designed for by-pass applications. When power is turned off the mirror spring back into its rest position and brings the switch into its bar state. This operation is very reliable, since the moving parts do not get into contact. Fabrication is based on the silicon micromachining technology, which allows to integrate the switching mirror, its electrostatic actuator and the alignment grooves for the fibers on the same chip. The mechanical switching principle brings with it a number of optical advantages such as a high crosstalk attenuation above 50 dB and wavelength and polarization insensitivity. At a wavelength of 1310 nm a minimum insertion loss of 0.6 dB was measured in the bar state, i.e. when the mirror is out of the optical path. In the cross state the light is reflected on the gold coated micro-mirror which has a reflectivity of about 80%. The insertion loss of the bar state was thus higher and a minimum value of 1.6 dB could be obtained. The switching time was well below 1 ms  相似文献   

Novel two-dimensional (2-D) spatial light modulator (SLM)-based optical time delay units (OTDU's) using freespace/solid optics and fiber delays are introduced for phased array antenna and wideband signal processing applications. In particular, the mature nematic liquid crystal (NLC) SLM technology is considered for the proposed architectures. A 1×2 optical switch is demonstrated using a parallel-rub birefringent-mode NLC cell, a bulk optics cube polarizing beamsplitter, and a sheet polarizer. Switch measurements taken at 633 nm show a >3400:1 or >35 dB output port optical isolation. The 1×2 NLC switch is used to build a 1-bit, 3.33-ns-duration, free-space OTDU using mirrors and total internal reflection corner prisms. The unit demonstrated a >30 dB optical (or >60 dB electrical) signal-to-noise ratio for both delay and no-delay positions. A 1500 pixel NLC SLM is built, and a 128:1 or 21 dB on/off isolation is demonstrated limited by the digital drive electronics of thin-film transistor (TFT)-based pixel control  相似文献   

A photonic microwave (MW) channel selective filter was demonstrated incorporating a 1times2 switch based on two tunable polymeric resonators with different free-spectral ranges (FSRs). Each resonator plays a role as an ON-OFF switch through the thermooptic effect, consisting of two cascaded rings with an electrode formed on one of them. The optical signal carrying the MW signal is routed to either port of the switch and detected to exhibit the filtered output at the frequency determined by the FSR of the corresponding resonator. When the channel centered at 10 GHz was chosen, the extinction ratio was ~30 dB, the bandwidth 1 GHz, and the electrical power consumption 4.1 mW. And for the other channel located at 20 GHz, we have achieved the extinction ratio of ~30 dB, the bandwidth of 2 GHz, and the required power of 8.0 mW. Finally, the crosstalk between the selected and blocked channels was higher than 24 dB.  相似文献   


In this paper, a 1?×?2 optical switch based on two TE/TM polarization converters, one 1?×?2-polarization beam splitter and a hybrid 2?×?2-polarization beam splitter/combiner is designed and discussed. The novelty of this work resides in the design of a 2?×?2-hybrid polarization beam combiner/splitter, operating as a 2?×?2 polarization optical switch through the combining and the splitting of polarized signals issued from two TE/TM polarization controllers. The novel hybrid splitter/combiner can route an optical signal either to a bar or a cross port with an extinction ratio higher than 90 dB, thanks to the feature of polarization splitting used in this device to suppress undesired polarization states and minimize the polarization-dependent loss. We have used polarization beam converters to switch between two orthogonal modes in order to facilitate the routing of these signals through the 2?×?2-hybrid polarization splitter/combiner. We changed the polarization states of signals, in our simulation via OptiSystem, through polarization controllers, by modifying only their phase shifts between 0 rad and π rad. The proposed 1?×?2 optical switch presents an average insertion loss of 3.5 dB.


A low-loss single-pole six-throw switch based on compact RF MEMS switches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A low-loss single-pole six-throw (SP6T) switch using very compact metal-contact RF microelectromechanical system (MEMS) series switches is presented. The metal-contact MEMS switch has an extremely compact active area of 0.4 mm /spl times/ 0.3 mm, thus permitting the formation of an SP6T MEMS switch into the RF switch with a total area of 1 mm/sup 2/. The MEMS switch shows an effective spring constant of 746 N/m and an actuation time of 8.0 /spl mu/s. It has an isolation loss from -64.4 to -30.6dB and an insertion loss of 0.08-0.19 dB at 0.5-20 GHz. Furthermore, in order to evaluate RF performances of the SP6T MEMS switch, as well as those of the single-pole single-throw RF MEMS series switch, we have performed small-signal modeling based on a parameter-extraction method. Accurate agreement between the measured and modeled RF performances demonstrates the validity of the small-signal model. The SP6T switch performed well with an isolation loss from -62.4 to -39.1dB and an insertion loss of 0.19-0.70 dB from dc to 6 GHz between the input port and each output port.  相似文献   

对模数转换器中的传统开关电路的导通电阻进行了详细的理论分析,提出了一种互补型栅压自举开关电路.该电路结构相比于传统开关,通过少量的功耗代价换取了更优的频域性能,在不同工艺角下具有更好的鲁棒性,适用于先进工艺下的低电压工作环境.互补型栅压自举开关电路采用28 nm工艺设计,在1V的电源电压下,对800fF的负载电容进行速率为800 MS/s的采样,在低频输入下(181.25 MHz)实现的无杂散动态范围(SFDR)为89 dB,四倍奈奎斯特输入频率下(1 556 MHz)实现的SFDR为65 dB,开关电路面积为80 μm×20 μm.  相似文献   

有限脉冲响应理论在交错滤波器设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨小伟  张娟 《中国激光》2008,35(s2):224-228
利用数字信号处理理论,设计不等带宽晶体型交错滤波器。运用琼斯矩阵理论计算晶体型交错滤波器的光谱透射率表达式, 在此基础上利用数字信号处理中的Z变换方法对其进行简化, 使其满足有限脉冲响应(FIR)表达式, 继而利用数字信号处理中的FIR理论设计不等带宽型交错滤波器。其中晶体和检偏器的偏角根据系统光谱透射率的表达式反向推解求出。设计了窄口和宽口输出谱3 dB处带宽比为1∶2的50 GHz不等带宽交错滤波器, 并给出了宽口和窄口输出光谱在0.5 dB处带宽宽度、隔离度和陡度的各组参数; 比较了在同种阶数下运用不同FIR设计所得的结果, 分析了不同方法对于输出透射光谱波形特性的优缺点。  相似文献   

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