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高效的H.264并行编码算法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
孙书为  陈书明 《电子学报》2009,37(2):357-361
 CABAC是H.264/AVC视频压缩标准主要档次中采用的熵编码机制,结合RDO模式选择技术,可以降低20%的编码码率,但是编码器计算复杂度却同时大大增加.对算法进行并行化是有效加快编码速度的方法,但是,由于CABAC具有自适应编码的特点和RDO模式选择对熵编码的使用,使得顺序编码的宏块之间存在着严格的数据相关性,限制了并行编码算法的开发.本文结合基于宏块区域划分的数据级并行编码机制MBRP和码率估计技术,为采用CABAC熵编码机制的H.264编码算法提供了一种高效的并行编码方案:将H.264编码算法划分为模式选择和码流生成两个部分,使之构成典型的生产者-消费者关系;将RDO模式选择中的CABAC替换为码率估计,去除模式选择过程中因CABAC导致的严格数据相关性;对模式选择部分采用MBRP并行机制;码流生成部分由单独的处理器完成,并和模式选择部分实现流水化并行处理.通过4处理器系统模拟器进行实验,发现在保持视频压缩性能几乎不变的情况下,该并行算法的加速比可以达到4.7.  相似文献   

针对H.264传统帧间模式选择算法的高复杂度,提出了一种适合各种视频分辨率格式的快速帧间模式选择算法。该算法基于局部残差复杂度(local residual complexity,LRC),通过给局部残差复杂度设定阈值来决定宏块的活跃度,再根据宏块的活跃度选出候选的帧间模式,由此进行率失真优化(Rate-distortion Optimization,RDO)计算,从而减少了不必要帧间模式的RDO计算,取得了较高的编码效率。实验结果表明,与JM18.4默认的帧间模式选择算法相比,该算法在峰值信噪比和码率基本不变的前提下,可以平均减少大约60%的运动估计时间。  相似文献   

H.264中CABAC算法与CAVLC算法比较和改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CABAC和CAVLC是H.264中的两种熵编码算法。通过序列foreman和coastguard对CABAC和CAVLC的压缩性能进行了比较,在给定的实验条件下得出CABAC的比特率比CAVLC节省5%~14%,并且随量化步长的增大,比特率节省增多。但是CABAC计算复杂度高,耗时比CAVLC长,所以提出一种改进算法,通过码率控制动态调整QP,将QP和所设定的阈值进行比较,选择不同的熵编码方式,来适应信道传输特性,并实现在压缩效率和计算复杂度之间的折中。  相似文献   

谢晓燕  王欢 《电视技术》2015,39(22):1-5
针对高效率视频编码(HEVC)帧内预测中增加的预测模式引起的的粗选择模式(RMD)与率失真优化(RDO)算法计算复杂度高的问题。本文充分利用候选模式集中排列第一的预测模式与最优预测模式之间的强相关性,提出了一种基于模式分组的帧内预测模式快速选择算法,有效的降低了HEVC帧内预测算法的计算复杂度。实验表明本文所提出的算法与HEVC的测试模型HM10.0相比,在保证视频质量和码率基本不变的前提下(码率仅增加了0.78%,Y-PSNR只降低了0.12dB),减少了41.8%的编码时间,提高了编码效率。  相似文献   

快速帧内预测模式选择新方法   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
李世平  蒋刚毅  郁梅 《电子学报》2006,34(1):141-146
为了提高编码性能,H.264采用了RDO(率失真优化),但与此同时带来的是计算复杂度的增加.本文着重分析了H.264中快速帧内预测模式选择的问题.为了降低帧内预测模式选择的计算复杂度,提出了一种高效的快速帧内预测模式选择算法.首先,对Pan的基于边缘方向直方图的快速算法进行了改进,同时提出了基于参考象素特征的4×4快速帧内预测模式选择算法,并将两者进行了结合.实验结果表明,本文算法和H.264校验模型JM61相比,I帧编码时间降低61%~69%,而PSNR基本保持不变,输出码率仅略有增加;与Pan的基于边缘方向直方图快速算法相比,本文算法的I帧编码时间降低12%~33%,PSNR和输出码率均基本保持不变.  相似文献   

一种基于H.264 CABAC的视频加密方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于块的数字视频编码一般包括运动估计、残差块变换和熵编码三个阶段。针对传统的视频加密方案是对第二阶段中的残差变换系数进行的加密,提出了一种基于H.264CABAC熵编码的视频加密方案。该方案充分利用了流密码加密简单、运算快的优点,将加密过程置于视频编码的第三个阶段。并利用可灵活配置的加密模块和密文反馈模式,增强加密的安全性。理论分析和实验结果表明,提出的算法具有计算简单、安全高效、易于实现、不改变视频格式和压缩效率的优点。  相似文献   

H.264中定义了7种不同大小的帧间宏块模式,为了提高编码效率,编码时对每一种宏块模式都进行运动搜索,并利用率失真优化(RDO)分别计算编码代价,选择编码代价最小的模式作为帧间编码模式,但是计算量非常大,导致运动估计速度缓慢,很难实现实时编码。本文提出一种选择宏块模式的快速算法,通过宏块模式编码代价的比较,提前确定宏块模式,从而逐步减少不必要的宏块搜索和RDO计算。实验结果表明,此方法与全宏块模式搜索相比较,图像质量和码流只有少量变化,而编码速度有显著提高。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于量化系数均方误差匹配准则的DCT域运动估计视频编码算法.算法中采用了一种新的运动估计匹配准则,该准则在DCT域内计算逆量化的残差均方误差值.由于该准则已考虑到量化噪声对运动残差能量的影响,因此与传统编码算法相比较,在图像质量基本不变的前提下码率更低.仿真结果显示,基于量化系数均方误差准则的DCT域运动估计算法具有较高的编码效率.  相似文献   

H.264的帧间宏块模式选择算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H.264中定义了7种不同大小的帧间宏块模式,为了提高编码效率,编码时对每一种宏块模式都进行运动搜索,并利用率失真优化(RDO)分别计算编码代价,选择编码代价最小的模式作为帧间编码模式,但是计算量非常大,导致运动估计速度缓慢,很难实现实时编码。本文提出一种选择宏块模式的快速算法,通过宏块模式编码代价的比较,提前确定宏块模式,从而逐步减少不必要的宏块搜索和RDO计算。实验结果表明,此方法与全宏块模式搜索相比较,图像质量和码流只有少量变化,而编码速度显著提高。  相似文献   

帧内预测作为H.264中提高编码效率的重要部分,其采用了率失真优化技术(RDO)进行预测模式的选择,但同时编码复杂度和计算量也明显增加.为此,提出一种快速判定算法.该算法利用区域图像的质心坐标对区域图像的平坦性和方向性进行判断,算法通过判断宏块的平坦性提前选定块大小,根据4×4块的纹理方向,确定预测模式集,降低算法复杂度.实验结果表明,与H.264标准参考编解码器JM8.6相比,所提算法编码时间节省50%以上,峰值信噪比和码率变化不大.  相似文献   

In H.264/AVC, the concept of rate-distortion optimization (RDO) mode decision has proven to be an important coding tool. However, this mode decision method makes the encoding process extremely complex, especially in the computation of the rate-distortion cost function, which includes the computations of the sum of squared difference (SSD) between the original and reconstructed image blocks and context-based entropy coding of the block. In this paper, we propose an enhanced low-complexity cost function for H.264/AVC intra 4 × 4 and 8 × 8 mode selections. The enhanced cost function uses sum of absolute Hadamard-transformed differences (SATD) and mean absolute deviation of the residual block to estimate distortion part of the cost function. A threshold-based large coefficients count is also used for estimating the bit-rate part. The proposed method improves the rate-distortion performance of conventional fast cost functions while maintaining low complexity requirement. As a result, the encoding process can be significantly accelerated with the use of the proposed cost function. Simulation results confirm that the proposed method reduces about 83.74 % computation of intra encoding of JM 12.4 encoder with negligible rate-distortion performance degradation.  相似文献   

In this paper, an accurate rate model is proposed for inter-frame coding of high-efficiency video coding, which is useful for rate control. The proposed model considers the effect of entropy coding where the inter-symbol dependency is exploited in context- adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) for saving coded bits. The mutual information is first predicted to measure the reduction of uncertain information in CABAC, and then the conditional entropy is calculated to estimate the output bit-rate of inter-frame residues. Since the source characteristic also significantly impacts on the building of rate model, a joint Laplacian distribution source at the transform unit levels is employed in the proposed rate model. The experimental results show that the proposed model achieves a better rate-distortion performance in rate control. The proposed approach can be also extended to other video codecs using CABAC for the design of rate models.  相似文献   

H.264在主要档次中采用了基于上下文的自适应二进制算术编码CABAC。CABAC是一种高效的熵编码方法,它在计算的复杂度和编码效率之间作了折衷,建立了基于查表的概率模型,对乘法运算也作了优化。阐述了CABAC的编解码过程,对归一化操作和ModelNumber的选取进行了分析,并将其与CAVLC在编码性能上做出比较。  相似文献   

In this work, we propose a novel entropy coding mode decision algorithm to balance the tradeoff between the rate-distortion (R-D) performance and the entropy decoding complexity for the H.264/AVC video coding standard. Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC), context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC), and universal variable length coding (UVLC) are three entropy coding tools adopted by H.264/AVC. CABAC can be used to encode the texture and the header data while CAVLC and UVLC are employed to encode the texture and the header data, respectively. Although CABAC can provide better R-D performance than CAVLC/UVLC, its decoding complexity is higher. Thus, by taking the entropy decoding complexity into account, CABAC may not be the best tool, which motivates us to examine the entropy coding mode decision problem in depth. It will be shown experimentally that the proposed mode decision algorithm can help the encoder generate the bit streams that can be decoded at much lower complexity with little R-D performance loss.  相似文献   

袁夫全  韩军 《中国有线电视》2006,(23):2298-2303
在H.264视频压缩标准中采用了高效的算术编码CABAC方案,CABAC提高了编码效率,但同时增加了编码复杂度。分析CABAC的复杂度,指出CABAC优化方向,提出其低复杂度实现算法。主要从上下文模型、重要图和宏块类型的CABAC编码3个方面对CABAC软件算法进行了优化,并在JM参考软件中进行了验证,实验结果表明CABAC的编码复杂度降低了40%。  相似文献   

Since context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) as the entropy coding method in H.264/AVC was originally designed for lossy video compression, it is inappropriate for lossless video compression. Based on the fact that there are statistical differences of residual data between lossy and lossless video compression, we propose an efficient differential pixel value coding method in CABAC for H.264/AVC lossless video compression. Considering the observed statistical properties of the differential pixel value in lossless coding, we modified the CABAC encoding mechanism with the newly designed binarization table and the context-modeling method. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves an approximately 12% bit saving, compared to the original CABAC method in the H.264/AVC standard.  相似文献   

Context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) and context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) are entropy coding methods employed in the H.264/AVC standard. Since these entropy coders are originally designed for encoding residual data, which are zigzag scanned and quantized transform coefficients, they cannot provide adequate coding performance for lossless video coding where residual data are not quantized transform coefficients, but the differential pixel values between the original and predicted pixel values. Therefore, considering the statistical characteristics of residual data in lossless video coding, we newly design each entropy coding method based on the conventional entropy coders in H.264/AVC. From the experimental result, we have verified that the proposed method provides not only positive bit-saving of 8% but also reduced computational complexity compared to the current H.264/AVC lossless coding mode.  相似文献   

H.264标准采用率失真优化(RDO)技术提高了编码效率,但这是以较高的计算复杂度为代价的.提出一种快速模式判决算法,利用早期的SKIP模式判决以及运动代价来减少待选的模式.实验表明,该算法比起H.264标准显著提高了编码效率,而视频质量并没有太大的损失.  相似文献   

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