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爱达·莫泽尔(Edda Moser)可能是世界上最全面的女高音,她的女高音包括所有的女高音类型,抒情的、戏剧的、花腔的、Spinto的;她的演唱能量包括所有的声乐体裁,歌剧的、轻歌剧的、歌唱剧的、神剧的、Lieder的,是一位不可多得的全能女高音歌唱家.  相似文献   

当前我国对内河船舶的航行安全越来越重视,我国的内河航道成为了世界上最大的内河航运大国之一。内河船舶的安全航行对我国的经济发展起到了重要的作用,船舶交通事故的发生会对我国的经济造成巨大的损失,成为了我国内河航运发展的关键。因此为了能够提高我国内河船舶的航行安全,在船舶的电气及无线电方面进行了探讨,有效的建立内河船舶航行的安全保障系统,不断的为我国的内河航运的发展提供先进的船舶的航行安全保障,提高我国的内河船舶监管的科学性,提高内河船舶航行安全管理水平和事故应急处理能力。本文将针对我国内河船舶航行中存在的安全性问题进行简单的研究探讨,并提出几点可行性的建议和措施,促进我国内河船舶航行安全的能力的不断的提高,为我国的航运事业的发展贡献力量。  相似文献   

伴随计算机日渐普及,网络通讯已成为人们的办公、生活主要的组成部分,然而,网络的通讯固然是方便的,但却仍旧存在着很多的问题,计算机的网络通讯的问题主要是表现在技术的故障以及通讯的安全问题等方面。网络的故障问题基本都是硬件的连接与软件的设置等问题,而网络的通讯安全的问题,主要是表现在信息的泄露、信息的篡改以及非法信息的渗透、非法的使用网络的资源或者假冒等方面。该文就现今的计算机网络的通讯所存在的主要问题,提出可行性的改进策略,并旨在对网络的发展提供出有益的帮助。  相似文献   

智慧校园的核心是应用科学和服务的智慧,信息技术的运行的平台为智慧校园的基础。有线、无线、vpn全覆盖的网络环境,基础信息和资源和业务数据库、数据的仓库构建的数据的情况下,服务、公共汽车为核心的服务支撑环境共同构成运行的平台建设的内容。存储器虚拟化平台令人满意的弹性增长的内存需求和大规模并行的计算的需求在学校为了建立私有云的实践问题,即使想智慧校园的重要组成。  相似文献   

日益增大的数据传输和高造价的网络系统,使得基于IP的TETRA系统的研究具有非常高的实用价值。在传统的TETRA网络交换中,底层的网络传输和上层的控制是融合在一起的,而在基于IP的TETRA系统中,底层的网络传输和上层的控制是分离的。网络采用的是  相似文献   

郭朋杰 《通讯世界》2017,(20):119-120
在众多的新能源应用开发过程中,风力发电作为重要的能源来源被当今众多的国家开发和利用,风力发电具有重要的再生性、清洁性.只要风力发电的技术不断地发展,就会使风力发电的效能逐渐的开发和高效的利用.在能源利用逐年增加的当今世界,风力发电越来越被世界各国重视,对风力发电需求正逐年的增加,在风力发电技术上相应的也需要技术能力的同步发展,以适应风力发电发展的技术支持.我国风力发电具备风力发电的环境,近年来,我国的风力发电得到了快速的发展,同时风力发电的技术研发也取得了重大的进步.本文针对我国风力发电发展的现状,对风力发电的技术环节进行了详细的阐述.在技术环节主要指出,风力发电的地点选址的技术分析;风力发电后的电力储存的研究;风力发电后与现有电网的并往技术的研究;以及风力发电设备的技术开发和制造等的技术研究.为我国的风力发电的发展在技术上提供了详实的技术支持.  相似文献   

近几年来电子科学技术发展是飞速的,并且一步一步的更符合当下人们生活的需要了,给人们的生活带来了非常大的方便,使一切变的更加简单,新的生产那生活的方式,也相应的推动和见证着科学技术的再一次的进步和更好的发展,电子科学技术也会在以后的领域应用的更加的广泛,对于现在的新型社会而言,电子科学技术和传统产业已经可以做到真正的无缝连接了,也在一定程度上加速经济的快速的发展,所以说,分析电子科学技术的发展以及在未来的走向有着很大的意义,也为社会进一步的发展带来了更加广阔的前景。  相似文献   

评述创造各种极端条件极高的温度、极低的温度、极短的脉冲、极窄的线宽、极大的存储容量、极大的传输容量、极高的重复率、极高的准确度、极高的灵敏度和极高的分辨率的光子学.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术和通用互联网协议(即IP协议)的发展,大量的基于局域网的视频系统出现,用于特殊的应用。但是,因为这些系统使用私人拥有的协议,数据的共享和其它局域网的应用会出现从很困难到不可能的各种情况。对于跨平台的协同工作性的不断增长的需求只是一种称为网络视频计算(NVC)的广阔得多的信息技术革命的一个很小的一部分。NVC带来了网络中心计算和多媒体计算,并且为计算和娱乐的最终的数字集合打下了基础。本描述了NVC的好处以及一些基本技术,这些技术可以使大量的新应用成为可能。同时还谈到了实现NVC的信息价值计算的途径,它是工业界的第一完整的、开放的、完全集成化的可以传递送视频的NT网络的解决方案。  相似文献   

随着我们国家的社会的不断发展,在经济领域和相关的科学技术研究的方面的都在飞速的进步,这样使得我们国家目前的网络技术逐渐的渗透到我们的日常生活和工作学习的各个方面.并且将它应用到不同的企业运营的过程中,因此,我们本文主要讲述的是对于电力系统方向的的物资管理工作对于网络技术的具体应用,并对它作出了具体的讨论.  相似文献   

This paper reviews our recent development of the use of the large-scale pseudopotential method to calculate the electronic structure of semiconductor nanocrystals, such as quantum dots and wires, which often contain tens of thousands of atoms. The calculated size-dependent exciton energies and absorption spectra of quantum dots and wires are in good agreement with experiments. We show that the electronic structure of a nanocrystal can be tuned not only by its size,but also by its shape. Finally,we show that defect properties in quantum dots can be significantly different from those in bulk semiconductors.  相似文献   

胆小管超微细胞酶学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以电镜细胞化学的方法,观察了小鼠胆小管酶的分布。观察的12种酶中,NDPase和G6Pase三种酶分布于胆小管微绒毛;AlPase、Na~+-K~+ATPase、Mg~(++)-ATPase、Ca~(++)-ATPase、CMPase、ACase和5'-Nase等7种酶分布于胆小管微绒毛,也分布于肝细胞邻接面细胞膜和Disse间隙微绒毛;ACPase、细胞色素氧化酶以及线粒体ATPase不分布胆小管微绒毛,也不分布Disse间隙微绒毛和肝细胞膜。据信,胆小管微绒毛上的酶参与胆汁成份的转运,提供转运所需能量以及还可能与某些代谢过程有关。本实验中磷酸水解酶类使用的铈基法及亚铁氰化钾半还原的锇酸后固定法,效果优于铅法。  相似文献   

在通信系统中,伪随机码应用十分广泛,其优点是抗干扰能力强,保密性好。在比较两种伪随机码产生方法的基础上,分析了应用伪随机码的EAS(Electronic Article Surveillance)系统的优点:抗干扰能力强和多系统协调工作性能好。同时,提出一种以伪随机特征码为纽带的多个EAS系统一起工作的协调方式。然后,通过对现有EAS系统不足点的分析,提出了新的检测信号有效性的判断依据,即信号的测量值与平均值的偏差是符合高斯分布的,以及相应的评判方法,即计算信号测量值与平均值的偏差,如果测量偏差大于某个城值,则触发一个报警。由此,进一步详细阐述了将伪随机码技术应用于EAS系统的具体方法及其抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

大掺量矿渣复合胶凝材料的硬化浆体形貌特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过扫描电镜观察了大掺量矿渣复合胶凝材料在不同水化龄期的硬化浆体形貌,并与水泥硬化浆体形貌进行对比,研究了矿渣在复合胶凝材料中的水化性能与硬化浆体形貌特征的关系.结果显示:大掺量矿渣复合胶凝材料水化早期的浆体结构比水泥浆体结构疏松,28天的浆体结构比水泥浆体结构致密.水化早期,矿渣颗粒被水泥水化产物包裹,与水泥浆体界面薄弱;水化后期,矿渣颗粒的水化产物与水泥水化产物紧密结合,颗粒与水泥浆体的界面牢固.  相似文献   

米酵菌酸对小鼠肝和心肌细胞毒性作用的超微结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:观察米酵菌酸对小鼠肝、心肌细胞毒性作用的超微结构改变,探讨米酵菌酸中毒的机理,方法:小鼠腹腔注射不同剂量的米酵菌酸,2h后取其肝和心肌组织,通过电镜观察其细胞超微结构的改变,结果:电镜下可见肝细胞和心肌细胞的线粒肿胀,内嵴断裂,模糊或消失,基质局部或全部空亮,呈囊泡样变,偶见其中含髓样小体,上述线粒体内嵴和膜结构的病变随米酵菌酸剂量的增加而加重,结论:米酵菌酸对小鼠肝、心肌细胞毒性作用以线粒体的损伤较为突出,因此我们认为,线粒体内膜的破坏造成线粒体的功能障碍,影响细胞呼吸,使细胞缺氧导致小鼠中毒死亡。  相似文献   

显示器件的现况与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文评述了各类显示器件的现况、技术趋势,对各类显示器件的主要参数进行比较并对今后的发展作了预测。  相似文献   

信息安全关系到一个国家政治、经济和文化各个层面的发展。漏洞往往是引起信息安全事件的重要因素。利用数据挖掘技术,可以从大量的数据中提取出潜在的有用信息和知识。先简要介绍信息安全漏洞库和数据挖掘的相关概念,并针对Secunia漏洞库研究建立关联分析的数据挖掘过程,分析出漏洞和软件间的关联规则,为信息安全漏洞分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that packet reordering is common, especially in networks where there is high degree of parallelism and different link speeds. Reordering of packets decrease the TCP performance of a network, mainly because it leads to overestimation of the congestion in the network. In this paper, we analyse the performance of networks when reordering of packets occur. We propose a proactive solution that could significantly improve the performance of the network when reordering of packets occurs. We report results of our simulation experiments, which support this claim. Our solution is based on enabling the senders to distinguish between dropped packets and reordered packets. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pickle漏洞是由于没有安全使用Python模块Pickle漏洞而产生的。由于Python语言的跨平台性,shellcode制作的简易性,使得漏洞的危害性很大。整篇文章细致阐述了Pickle漏洞的利用环境、利用方式以及shellcode的编写过程,向读者剖析了漏洞的产生原因,然后总结了各种有效针对Pickle漏洞的防御策略。最后通过软件调查结果,表明了该漏洞的广泛性和安全使用Pickle模块的必要性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a hybrid intelligent surveillance system that consists of an embedded system and a personal computer (PC)-based system. The embedded system performs some of the image processing tasks and sends the processed data to the PC. The PC tracks persons and recognizes two-person interactions by using a grayscale side view image sequence captured by a stationary camera. Based on our previous research, we explored the optimum division of tasks between the embedded system and the PC, simulated the embedded system using dataflow models in Ptolemy, and prototyped the embedded system in real-time hardware and software using a 16-bit CISC microprocessor. This embedded system processes one 320 × 240 frame in 89 ms, which yields one-third of the rate of 30 Hz video system. In addition, the real-time embedded system prototype uses 5.7 K bytes of program memory, 854 K bytes of internal data memory and 2 M bytes external DRAM. Koichi Sato is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned his B.S. in University of Tokyo, Japan in 1993. He worked for Automotive Development Center in Mitsubishi Electric Corporation where he was involved in lane and automobile recognition in vehicle video processing products such as automatic cruise control and drowsiness detection systems. He enrolled in the current University at 1998 and received an M.S in 2000. In his Master's thesis he worked on human tracking and human interaction recognition. His current work includes velocity extraction using the TSV transform, object tracking, and 3D object reconstruction. Brian L. Evans is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. His research and teaching efforts are in embedded real-time signal and image processing systems. In signal processing, his research group is focused on the design and real-time software implementation of ADSL and VDSL transceivers, for high-speed Internet access. In image processing, his group is focused on the design and real-time software implementation of high-quality halftoning for desktop printers, smart image acquisition for digital still cameras, and 3-D sonar imaging systems. In signal and image processing, Dr. Evans has published over 100 refereed conference and journal papers. Dr. Evans is the primary architect of the Signals and Systems Pack for Mathematica, which has been on the market since October 1995. He was a key contributor to UC Berkeley's Ptolemy Classic electronic design automation environment for embedded systems, which has been successfully commercialized by Agilent and Cadence. His BSEECS (1987) degree is from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and his MSEE (1988) and PhDEE (1993) degrees are from the Georgia Institute of Technology. From 1993 to 1996, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Ptolemy project at UC Berkeley. He is a member of the Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is the recipient of a 1997 National Science Foundation CAREER Award. J.K. Aggarwal has served on the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin College of Engineering since 1964 and is currently Cullen Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Computer and Vision Research Center. His research interests include computer vision and pattern recognition focusing on human motion. A Fellow of IEEE since 1976 and IAPR since 1998, he received the Senior Research Award of the American Society of Engineering Education in 1992, the 1996 Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Computer Society and the graduate teaching award at The University of Texas at Austin in 1992. He has served as Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1987--1989); Director of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multisensor Fusion for Computer Vision, Grenoble, France (1989); Chairman of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1993), and President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (1992--1994). He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and Golden Core member of IEEE Computer Society. He has authored and edited a number of books, chapters, proceedings of conferences, and papers.  相似文献   

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