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The paper presents a novel resource and service discovery mechanism for MANETs using Routing Intelligent Mobile Agents(RIMAs). RIMAs periodically collect routing, resource and service availability information and index the same in appropriate RIMA nodes. Every mobile node is close to atleast one RIMA node. The mobile node running an application in need of a resource or a service dispatches a Discovery agent to its nearest RIMA node. The index available at the RIMA node will guide the Discoverer agent to the resource or service node. Analysis of the method reveals the computational complexity to be of the order of square of number of RIMA nodes. Communication overheads are the product of number of generated agents, agent size and number of hops travelled by an agent. The method has been simulated and tested on MANETs of varying sizes from 50 to 800 nodes. Simulation snapshots and results show the proper working and success of the algorithm. Basavaraj Talwar is a Research Assistant at the Protocol Engineering & Technology Unit in Electrical Communication and Engineering department in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He is research interests include Applications of mobile agents in MANETs and mobile commerce security. Prof. Pallapa Venkataram is the Chief Programming Executive of Protocol Engineering & Technology Unit, Electrical Communication and Engineering department in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He has over 160 publications at various levels. His research interests include Protocol Engineering, Mobile Agents, Mobile Commerce, Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Artificial Intelligence. He is a senior member of IEEE and has received numerous awards and other fellowships for his contributions. Prof. Lalit M. Patnaik is currently associated with Computer Science and Automation department in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He has currently over 400 publications at various levels. His research interests include Computer Architecture, Parallel & Distributed Computing, CAD of VLSI Systems, Real-Time Systems, Soft Computing, Engineering Applications of Information Technology, Mobile Computing, Computational Neuroscience. He is a fellow of IEEE and has received numerous awards and other fellowships for his contributions.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the quantitative analysis issue of the routing metrics tradeoff problem, and presents a Quantified Cost-Balanced overlay multicast routing scheme (QCost-Balanced) to the metric tradeoff problem between overlay path delay and access bandwidth at Multicast Server Nodes (MSN) for real-time applications over Internet. Besides implementing a dynamic priority to MSNs by weighing the size of its service clients for better efficiency, QCost-Balanced tradeoffs these two metrics by a unified tradeoff metric based on quantitative analysis. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the scheme achieves a better tradeoff gain in both two metrics, and effective performance in metric quantitative control.  相似文献   

Overlay multicast for MANETs using dynamic virtual mesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Overlay multicast protocol builds a virtual mesh spanning all member nodes of a multicast group. It employs standard unicast routing and forwarding to fulfill multicast functionality. The advantages of this approach are robustness and low overhead. However, efficiency is an issue since the generated multicast trees are normally not optimized in terms of total link cost and data delivery delay. In this paper, we propose an efficient overlay multicast protocol to tackle this problem in MANET environment. The virtual topology gradually adapts to the changes in underlying network topology in a fully distributed manner. To save control overhead, the participating nodes only keep a fisheye view of the dynamic mesh. The multicast tree is progressively adjusted according to the latest local topology information. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the tree quality. The results show that our approach solves the efficiency problem effectively. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under the grants CCR-0296070 and ANI-0296034. The preliminary results of this work is presented in “Efficient Overlay Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Proc. IEEE WCNC 2003. Chao Gui is a Technical Research Staff at Kiyon Inc (www.kiyon.com). His research interests include wireless networking and mobile computing. His current efforts are on industrial implementation of wireless mesh networks and embedded systems. Dr. Gui has received Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California at Davis in 2005. Prasant Mohapatra is currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Davis. He has also held various positions at Iowa State University, Michigan State University, Intel Corporation, Panasonic Technologies, Institute of Infocomm Research, Singapore, and the National ICT, Australia. Dr. Mohapatra received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in 1993. He was/is on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on computers, ACM/Springer WINET, and Ad hoc Networks Journal. He has served on numerous technical program committees for international conferences, and served on several panels. He was the Program Vice-Chair of INFOCOM 2004, and the Program Co-Chair of the First IEEE International Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, (SECON-2004). Dr. Mohapatra’s research interests are in the areas of wireless networks, sensor networks, Internet protocols and QoS.  相似文献   

In location-aided routing of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET), nodes mobility and the inaccuracy of location information may result in constant flooding, which will reduce the network performance. In this paper, a Distance-Based Location-Aided Routing (DBLAR) for MANET has been proposed. By tracing the location information of destination nodes and referring to distance change between nodes to adjust route discovery dynamically, the proposed routing algorithm can avoid flooding in the whole networks. Besides, Distance Update Threshold (DUT) is set up to reach the balance between real-time ability and update overhead of location information of nodes, meanwhile, the detection of relative distance vector can achieve the goal of adjusting forwarding condition. Simulation results reveal that DBLAR performs better than LAR1 in terms of packet successful delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay and routing-load, and the set of DUT and relative distance vector has a significant impact on this algorithm.  相似文献   

Overlay multicast has become one of the most promising multicast solutions for IP network, and Neutral Network(NN) has been a good candidate for searching optimal solutions to the constrained shortest routing path in virtue of its powerful capacity for parallel computation. Though traditional Hopfield NN can tackle the optimization problem, it is incapable of dealing with large scale networks due to the large number of neurons. In this paper, a neural network for overlay multicast tree computation is presented to reliably implement routing algorithm in real time. The neural network is constructed as a two-layer recurrent architecture, which is comprised of Independent Variable Neurons (IDVN) and Dependent Variable Neurons (DVN), according to the independence of the decision variables associated with the edges in directed graph. Compared with the heuristic routing algorithms, it is characterized as shorter computational time, fewer neurons, and better precision.  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2014,20(4):341-352
This paper proposes an efficient overlay multicast provisioning (OMP) mechanism for dynamic multicast traffic grooming in overlay IP/MPLS over WDM networks. To facilitate request provisioning, OMP jointly utilizes a data learning (DL) scheme on the IP/MPLS layer for logical link cost estimation, and a lightpath fragmentation (LPF) based method on the WDM layer for improving resource sharing in grooming process. Extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of OMP mechanism under different traffic loads, with either limited or unlimited port resources. Simulation results demonstrate that OMP significantly outperforms the existing methods. To evaluate the respective influences of the DL scheme and the LPF method on OMP performance, provisioning mechanisms only utilizing either the IP/MPLS layer DL scheme or the WDM layer LPF method are also devised. Comparison results show that both DL and LPF methods help improve OMP blocking performance, and contribution from the DL scheme is more significant when the fixed routing and first-fit wavelength assignment (RWA) strategy is adopted on the WDM layer. Effects of a few other factors, including definition of connection cost to be reported by the WDM layer to the IP/MPLS layer and WDM-layer routing method, on OMP performance are also evaluated.  相似文献   

Hongbo  Lionel M.  Matt W.   《Ad hoc Networks》2003,1(4):423-434
A mobile device in a MANET must be assigned a free IP address before it may participate in unicast communication. This is a fundamental and difficult problem in the practical use of any MANET. Several solutions have been proposed. However, these approaches have different drawbacks. A new IP address allocation algorithm, namely prophet address allocation, is proposed in the paper. The proposed scheme may be applied to large scale MANETs with low complexity, low communication overhead, even address distribution, and low latency. Both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over other known algorithms. Moreover, the proposed prophet allocation is able to solve the problem of network partition and merger efficiently.  相似文献   

李志远 《通信技术》2008,41(5):94-96
服务通告和发现在MANET(Mobile Ad hoc Networks)网络中,是一个十分重要的组成部分.现有的服务通告和发现协议不是为MANET网络设计的.文章提出了一个适合MANET、基于ZRP(Zone Routing Protocol)的服务通告及发现协议.服务的通告与发现存在于ZRP路由控制分组中,避免了周期性的通告给MANET网络带来的负载,节约了有限的带宽和设备的能耗.  相似文献   

Nodes in mobile ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are characterized by their limited resources. Hence, the concept of clustering was introduced to allow spacial reuse of bandwidth and to minimize routing overhead. However, node mobility perturbs the stability of the network and affects the performance of other protocols such as scheduling, routing, and resource allocation, which makes re‐clustering the network to maintain up‐to‐date information at each node unavoidable. Consequently, clustering models for MANETS should be carefully designed while taking into consideration the fact that mobile nodes are energy constrained. In this paper, we propose a dynamic energy‐efficient clustering algorithm that prolongs the network lifetime by electing cluster‐heads taking into consideration, in addition to other parameters such as mobility, their residual energies and making them dynamically monitor their energy consumption to either diminish the number of their cluster‐members or relinquish their roles. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed clustering model and compared it with other related clustering approaches found in the literature. Obtained results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Roberto   《Ad hoc Networks》2008,6(1):79-91
In this paper we present a novel probabilistic protocol for path discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). The protocol implements what we call a polarized gossiping algorithm. While in the classical gossip algorithm each node forwards a message with the same probability, our proposal is characterized by a variable gossiping probability, which is high enough only for sustaining the spreading process towards the destination. The gossiping probability of a node is determined by the difference between its proximity to the destination and the proximity to the destination of the node from which the message was received. Differently from other proposals no external location service support, e.g., via GPS, is required. Rather, the proximity is estimated from the “inside” of the network using periodic beacons for determining the time elapsed since a node met the destination and the dwell time of a node with the destination. These information are then exploited by nodes to modulate their gossiping probability. The paper reports a mathematical model for the analysis of the algorithm along with an extensive simulation study of its implementation, which shows the suitability of the proposed solution.  相似文献   

The growing number of web services advocates distributed discovery infrastructures which are semantics-enabled. We introduce a novel approach for semantic discovery of web services in structured P2P-based (Peer-to-Peer) registries. We partition concepts into different CGs (Concept groups) and index these ordered concept sets in a two-phase semantic routing mechanism. Each node and query has one concept set as its unique ID. For each concept in the query, current node first route the query to a node with nodeID that shares a prefix as long as with the query, but a longer CG. Second, the query will be routed to a node sharing a longer prefix than that of the current node. Combining with semantic similarity calculation, our proposal guarantees that most existing services matching a query will be found with bounded costs in terms of number of nodes involved. The scalability and reliability of our approach are also confirmed through emulation tests.  相似文献   

王堃  吴蒙 《中国通信》2011,8(3):154-162
In view of the security weakness in resisting the active attacks by malicious nodes in mobile ad hoc networks, the trust metric is introduced to defend those attacks by loading a trust model on the previously proposed Distance Based LAR. The improved Secure Trust based Location Aided Routing algorithm utilizes direct trust and recommendation trust to prevent malicious nodes with low trust values from joining the forwarding. Simulation results reveal that ST LAR can resist attacks by malicious nodes effectively; furthermore, it also achieves better performance than DBLAR in terms of average end to end delay, packet delivery success ratio and throughput.  相似文献   

Capturing the comprehensive information of various sizes and shapes of images in the same convolution layer is typically a challenging task in computer vision. There are two main kinds of methods for capturing those features. The first uses the inception structure and its variants. The second utilizes larger convolution kernels on specific layers or stacks with more convolution blocks. However, these methods can result in computationally intensive or vanishing gradients. In this paper, to accommodate feature distributions with different sizes, shapes and reduce computational cost, we propose a width- and depth-aware module named the WD-module to match feature distributions. Moreover, the proposed WD-module consumes less computational cost and parameters compared with traditional residual convolution layers. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed method, a size- and shape-aware backbone network named S2A-Net was built, which was obtained by stacking the WD-modules. By visualizing heat maps and features, the proposed S2A-Net can adapt to objects with different sizes and shapes in visual recognition tasks and learn more comprehensive characteristics. Experimental results show that the proposed method has higher accuracy in image recognition and outperforms other state-of-the-art networks with the same numbers of layers.  相似文献   

As a low-cost and high-efficiency alternative to conventional photolithography, imprint lithography has been paid serious attention for it can realize the pattern transfer easily and repeatedly. Even so, there is still a long way to go before this technique can be used to manufacture ICs since the layer-to-layer alignment is a main obstacle. In this paper, the pattern distortion and position shift induced by loading force and friction force are investigated and an optimized process is proposed to realize high precision overlay, in which an optimal loading force and a load release and an alignment error pre-compensation (LRAEPC) method are adopted. The optimal loading force is acquired by comparing the variety trends of the residual layer and position shift with the loading force. Using the optimal loading force, transferred patterns with proper resist thickness and the minimal distortion are achieved. In LRAEPC method, load release is used to correct the pattern distortion and to alleviate the position shift. To avoid subsequent position adjustment in the fluid after load release, the pre-compensation alignment is performed before the mold is in contact with the wafer. This process does not locate correct alignment position and there is an alignment compensation value determined by the statistical data of alignment position shift after load release. Using this pre-compensation alignment method, the correct alignment can be obtained after load release.  相似文献   

The mismatch between the structured peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay network, which is based on Hashing, and the actual physical network, leads to query repeatedly passing through some nodes in the actual route when it is applied in Ad-hoc networks. An approach of getting an appropriate node identifier (ID) bearing its local physical information is proposed, in which the traditional theory of getting node ID through Hashing the node's Internet protocol (IP) address is abandoned, and a topology-aware overlay network suiting Ad-hoc networks is constructed. The simulation results show that the overlay network constructed in the proposed method can avoid the route being iteratively accessed. Meanwhile, it can effectively minimize the latency and improve the load balance.  相似文献   

In the last years, Service Overlay Networks (SONs) have emerged as a promising means to address some of the issues (e.g. end‐to‐end QoS) affecting the current Internet and to favor the development and deployment of new value‐added Internet services. The deployment of an SON is a capital‐intensive investment, since bandwidth with certain QoS guarantees must be purchased from the individual network domains through bilateral Service Level Agreements. Thus, minimizing the economic cost of the logical end‐to‐end service delivery infrastructure is one of the key objectives for the SON provider. When a SON is aimed at end‐to‐end QoS provisioning, its topology must be designed so as to also satisfy the specific requirements of QoS‐sensitive applications. This paper deals with the problem of planning the SON topology in order to take into account both cost and QoS constraints. More specifically, the paper proposes a set of new algorithms for the design of an optimized SON topology, which minimizes the economic cost while simultaneously meeting bandwidth and delay constraints. A performance comparison among such algorithms is finally carried out. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bluetooth is a most promising technology designed for the wireless personal area networks for the cable replacement. In this paper, a location aware mobility based routing scheme for the Bluetooth scatternet is proposed that constructs the links dynamically. Our proposed routing protocol requires location information of the nodes and constructs the route between any source and destination and reduces the number of hops. Besides, the network routing problems are analyzed and role switch operations are proposed to mitigate the problems. Moreover, the roles switch and route optimization operations are also proposed to improve route performance. Rigorous simulation works are done to evaluate the performance of our protocol in terms of mobility speed and number of mobile nodes and to compare our results with similar Bluetooth routing protocols. It is observed that our protocol outperforms in terms of energy consumption and transmission packet overheads as compared to similar Bluetooth routing protocols.
Chih-Yung ChangEmail:

为了有效解决移动自组网节点在自觉提供服务方面的自私行为问题,该文提出了一种基于信誉的区分服务激励机制。该机制通过建立一种分簇全局信誉模型,并结合节点能力将服务与信誉进行等级关联,提供差异化服务;信誉级别越高的节点可以使用级别越高的服务,使用服务或者故意不提供服务会减少节点的信誉,节点需要积极提供可靠服务提高信誉才能保障服务的使用。仿真结果表明所提机制能有效抵制节点的自私行为,激励节点积极提供可靠服务。  相似文献   

高振国  王玲  赵蕴龙  蔡绍滨  李香 《电子学报》2006,34(11):2030-2037
服务发现是在网络中寻找所需服务的技术,它是无线自组网的一项基本技术.本文提出了一个高效的无线自组网服务发现协议:MDFNSSDP.MDFNSSDP在转发服务需求包时能充分利用各项信息最大限度减少需要覆盖的2跳邻居节点数量,并选用最少的转发节点来覆盖这些2跳邻居,从而大大节约了信息包开销,提高了协议效率.MDFNSSDP能在一次服务发现会话中完成多个服务发现任务,并能保证服务发现会话的覆盖范围,这一点已经通过理论分析得到了证明.计算机仿真结果表明了MDFNSSDP的显著优越性.  相似文献   

W.  J.   《Ad hoc Networks》2004,2(3):319
In this paper, a path discovery scheme which supports QoS routing in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) in the presence of imprecise information is investigated. The aim is to increase the probability of success in finding feasible paths and reduce average path cost of a previously proposed ticket based probing (TBP) path discovery scheme. The proposed scheme integrates the original TBP scheme with a reinforcement learning method called the on-policy first-visit Monte Carlo (ONMC) method. We investigate the performance of the ONMC method in the presence of imprecise information. Our numerical study shows that, in respect to a flooding based algorithm, message overhead reduction can be achieved with marginal difference in the path search ability and additional computational and storage requirements. When the average message overhead of the ONMC method is reduced to the same order of magnitude of the original TBP, the ONMC method gains an improvement of 28% in success ratio and 7% reduction in the average path cost over the original TBP.  相似文献   

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