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近年来,高压直流技术一直处于稳步发展的状态,主要体现在三方面。一是产业标准的持续完善,直流供电相关的服务器接口标准,产品和工程设计标准已基本具备。下一步需要完善相关的服务器电源标准以及系统应用评价方法等规范。二是解决方案日趋成熟,目前高压直流供电及配电解决方案已基本成熟,直流专用服务器也即将完成研发推向市场,整个产业链日趋完善。三是应用逐渐深入,主要体现在系统和机房容量的增大,针对不同机房要求解决方案趋于多样化,应用的区域和领域越来越丰富。总体看,高压直流技术在2013年仍处于稳步发展的阶段。  相似文献   

为降低数据中心电源系统建设维护成本,在数据中心建设中引入新的市电直供供电系统,该供电结构中主用供电分路使用市电直接供电至服务器端,热备供电分路使用高压直流系统作为保障供电电源。市电正常时,市电不经转换为服务器设备供电,高压直流系统不负担负载;市电故障后,分别由后备电池组和发电机组依次为服务器供电。通过现网设备实验对该供电系统进行了效果验证,该系统对降低数据中心初期建设成本及运行能耗有明显效果。  相似文献   

我国互联网数据业务服务需要的不断扩张,以及网络大数据、云计算、物联网等新网络技术的不断革新发展前进,IDC业务应用日益多元化,保证IDC机房设备平稳运转和降低运行总体成本成为IDC机房电源系统应用的首要任务。对比分析高压直流供电系统与传统UPS供电系统供电特性,将高压直流供电系统应用于IDC机房为服务器设备供电,提出了四种高压直流供电系统模式,并对应用在IDC机房的高压直流供电系统开展了效益分析与性能评估。  相似文献   

高压直流供电技术及其应用前景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高压直流供电相比UPS电源具有巨大的优势,但现阶段高压直流供电存在一些制约因素,在解决了后端设备的高压供电标准化后,高压直流供电技术将会大规模商用。  相似文献   

数据通信机房采用高压直流技术对IT设备供电,可以解决传统交流UPS(不间断电源)供电所产生的许多问题,提高了供电系统的可靠性,节约了能量损耗,减少了建设投资,降低了维护成本。文章介绍高压直流供电的发展现状及技术特点,结合现阶段的研究和试验,对高压直流技术应用推广的可行性和必然性进行分析。  相似文献   

通过分析网络服务器设备供电原理,重点研究了网络设备直流输入的可行性,结合当前高压直流电源供电实验情况,提出了数据中心机房高压直流供电系统供电方案。  相似文献   

ADI公司日前推出一款全数字架构的电源控制器ADPl043,电源设计工程师可将其用于高可靠性服务器、存储器与通信基础设施设备中的交流-直流,以及隔离的直流-直流电源设计。  相似文献   

着重讨论如何解决当某大功率装置的大电流开关动作时,灯丝电源装置抗30kV的高压反馈脉冲的冲击问题,通过抗高压和强电流冲击的设计,以低压电源为大电流开关的灯丝提供高稳定度的电源输出;以高压隔离变压器来隔离高压触发反馈脉冲通过电源对周围仪器的影响;用扼流圈来阻遏反馈高压峰电流的流入,有效地减少了大功率装置放电后的瞬时强电流对灯丝加热电源的损害;在高压强流环境中,为大电流开关灯丝的加热提供了可靠的抗高压强流的直流加热电源。  相似文献   

由于脉冲电源有断续供电的特性,在很多领域都获得了广泛的应用,其中高压脉冲电源是系统的核心组成部分。为了获取高重复频率、陡前沿高压脉冲电源,文中提出了一种基于IGBT的高压脉冲电源,系统主要由高压直流充电电源和脉冲形成电路两部分组成,由DSP作为主控制芯片,控制IGBT的触发和实现软开关技术,并用仿真软件PSIM对高压脉冲电源进行仿真分析。验证了设计思想的正确性。  相似文献   

相对于IPS电源而言,高压直流供电的优势非常大。然而高压直流供电在现阶段受到了一些因素的限制,如果能够实现标准化的后端设备高压供电,那么未来的高压直流供电技术将会在商业应用当中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

李子青 《通信电源技术》2010,27(6):39-40,43
超高压直流输电是一项新的输电技术,而故障诊断是该技术的核心。目前国内对超高压直流输电系统故障诊断的研究较少,针对这一现状,文章在分析超高压直流输电系统故障类型的基础上,提出了一种故障诊断的新方法。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1996,33(4):63-72
Thyristor-based HVDC converter technology is used for highly reliable power transfer across natural or national boundaries or between AC systems designed for different frequencies or incompatible frequency controls. The author discusses the benefits of HVDC transmission and describes HVDC transmission system configurations. The author then describes the use of thyristors in HVDC converters  相似文献   

针对高压换流器类器件的电特性参数,设计了一种适合辐射效应在线测试的自动测试系统,适用于剂量率、总剂量与中子注量辐照试验中的参数测试。本文简述了系统测试功能和软硬件组成,并利用高压换流器SWM012RH完成了辐照试验测试验证。测试结果表明,检测系统能够完成主要参数的测试,高压测试精确度满足1%的要求,为开展高压换流器相关类型器件的辐照试验验证和抗辐射性能评估能力奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了中国移动通信机房楼及数据中心光伏资源应用情况,并针对目前光伏资源在通信机房及数据中心的应用方案进行了对比与分析,得出了一种新型的能够高效利用通信机房光伏资源的高压直流系统与光伏混合供电的方案,通过对目前通信机房楼及数据中心光伏资源的统计与分析,得出了光伏资源在中国移动大型数据中心有很大的应用价值的结论。另外通过对比目前几种不同的光伏并网及混合供电方案,得出了高压直流系统与光伏混合供电的最优方案。  相似文献   

In order to effectively imitate the dynamic operation characteristics of the HVDC (high voltage direct current) power transmission system at a real 500 kV HVDC transmission project, the electro-mechanical-electromagnetic transient hybrid simulation was carried out based on advanced digital power system simulator (ADPSS). In the simulation analysis, the built hybrid model's dynamic response outputs under three different fault conditions are considered, and by comparing with the selected fault recording waveforms, the validities of the simulation waveforms are estimated qualitatively. It can be ascertained that the hybrid simulation model has the ability to describe the HVDC system's dynamic change trends well under some special fault conditions.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种应用于速调管热测的高压电源,高压电源采用高可靠、高转换效率的零电流串联谐振技术;为拓展输出功率,电源采用“集中控制”的模块化设计,多台电源模块同步工作,模块之间通过输出整流桥串联强制均流;电源高频变压器采用低分布电容设计,以减少高频变压器漏感对充电时间的影响。仿真和实验结果表明,该高压电源作为高压脉冲电容器充电电源,应用在速调管热测系统能可靠工作,稳定度和精度均满足设计要求。  相似文献   

With the construction of ultra-high-voltage direct current (UHVDC) transmission lines, the complex electromagnetic environment around the lines has been a widespread concern. The ZigBee-based field measurement system is widely used in ground space charge density measurements of HVDC transmission projects. In actual use, the power consumption of the space charge density measurement system is a key limitation of the device performance.Research on low-power and energy-management strategies of this measurement system can improve the device lifetimes. This capability is very important for improving monitoring efficiency of the surrounding electromagnetic environment of HVDC transmission projects.  相似文献   

Use of HVDC and FACTS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fast development of power electronics based on new and powerful semiconductor devices has led to innovative technologies, such as high voltage DC transmission (HVDC) and flexible AC transmission system (FACTS), which can be applied in transmission and distribution systems. The technical and economical benefits of these technologies represent an alternative to the application in AC systems. Deregulation in the power industry and opening of the market for delivery of cheaper energy to the customers is creating additional requirements for the operation of power systems. HVDC and FACTS offer major advantages in meeting these requirements  相似文献   

A fuzzy self-tuning PI controller for HVDC links   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper introduces a fuzzy logic-based tuning of the controller parameters for the rectifier side current regulator and inverter side gamma controller in a high voltage direct current (HVDC) power system. A typical point-to-point system has been taken with the detailed representation of converters, transmission links transformers and filters. The current error (and its derivative) and the gamma error (and its derivative) are used as the principal signals to adjust the proportional and integral gains of the rectifier pole controller and the inverter gamma controller, respectively, for optimum HVDC power system performance under various normal and abnormal conditions. Finally, a comparative study has been performed with and without tuning, to prove the superiority of the proposed control scheme  相似文献   

《IEE Review》2000,46(2):33-39
The authors review the advantages of high-voltage DC transmission, and discuss the benefits that the use of voltage-sourced converters could bring. They start by giving a simple representation of an HVDC interconnection and then discuss the use and benefits of HVDC for bulk power transmission, power transmission via cables, termination between unsynchronised AC systems, parallel AC/DC transmission, and minimising short circuit capacity increases. New power semiconductor devices for HVDC are discussed, in particular, the voltage source converter and its applications in HVDC for rotating machines and reactive power control  相似文献   

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