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本文提出一种改进的基于相对容量损失(RCL)最小的波长分配和路由选择算法-DPRCL算法.该算法通过发送探测报文得到光路容量损失率,从而选择具有最小光路容量损失率的波长和路由建立连接.在不牺牲阻塞性能的情况下,DPRCL大大减小了实现复杂度以及网络开销,并适用于采用分布式控制的自适应路由的网络环境,而不限于RCL的固定路由方式.  相似文献   

张丽  贾维嘉  严伟  李晓明 《电子学报》2004,32(12):2046-2050
提出一个目标为保证服务数据流QoS的选播路由算法.算法利用路径逆向带宽、跳数和服务器负载生成能够满足选播数据报所要请求服务数据的QoS要求的路径,并在该路径上路由选播数据报,同时为服务数据预留资源,以此保证选播数据报到达的服务器以及相应网络路径能够为服务数据提供足够的支持.算法免去服务数据资源预留对单播QoS路由算法的依赖;能够提高服务数据资源预留的成功率,并在一定程度上平衡服务器负载;同时还可降低资源预留的消息开销,减少资源预留的建立时间。  相似文献   

在可重构网络多态路由模型中,通常存在多条满足业务需求的服务路径。针对最优服务路径选择问题,该文设计了一种集中调控的分布式服务路径选择算法,各节点根据服务请求中的第1个元能力和目的节点生成路由表,控制器实时监控网络,调控代价过高路径并平衡网络的带宽和负载。性能分析和仿真结果表明,分布式路由表能够生成有效的服务路径,表项规模、收敛时间与元能力个数成正比,在30%的集中调控比例下,路径代价和负载均衡度性能良好,与其他算法相比,对服务请求的响应时延降低约50%。  相似文献   

介绍了RapidIo总线的特点,以及RapidIo总线初始化过程中面临的系统网络结构探测和最短路径路由选择问题。针对该问题,本文研究了深度优先(DFS)网络拓扑探测方法在RapidIo总线枚举过程中的实现,并采用Dijkstrad算法解决了RapidIo总线枚举过程中的最短路径选择问题。在某高速信号处理系统中对本文设计的RapidIo网络枚举算法进行了分析验证,结果表明该方法能正确的完成RapidIo网络的建立和最短路径的选择。该方法对基于Ra-pidIo总线的系统设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

张娜 《光通信技术》2013,37(1):9-11
将面向服务体系架构技术(SOA)应用于分布式光网络,提出一种面向服务的路由分配策略,实现不同域的资源共享.介绍了基于SOA的分布式光网络的体系结构,设计了路由的功能模型,给出了分布式路由的分配算法和实现算法的并行信令机制.通过仿真实验,将路由分配策略与传统的先路由后信令(FRLS)的路由分配策略进行了对比.  相似文献   

光突发交换技术是最具发展潜力的光交换技术之一,而减少突发丢失是其首要问题。传统的静态路由机制不能随着网络负载的变化而更改路由,不能有效应对动态业务。为此,在研究现有动态负载平衡路由机制的基础上,提出了一种基于蚁群探测的路由机制。蚁群根据节点出度链路上的负载变化选择下一跳节点,当转发到目的节点时收集蚁群探测到的所有备选路径,然后根据备选路径中记录的链路负载选择可使丢包最小的路径,通过选择更加合理的路由,达到减少突发丢失率的目的。仿真结果表明,与其他算法相比,所提出的机制表现出比较好的性能,有效降低至少15%突发丢失率。  相似文献   

一类基于网络服务品质要求的单播路由算法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
赵键  吴介一  顾冠群 《通信学报》2001,22(11):30-41
本文提出了一类基于网络服务品质QoS(quality of service)要求的单播路由算法。首先,我们给出了基于网络分组调度机制WFQ的延迟和带宽相耦合的分析模型,从而推导出了最佳端到端通信延迟的上界。基于该模型,我们改造了传统最小跳数和最短延迟的两类路由算法以支持实时通信的服务品质要求。此外,我们还给出了两种新的服务品质路由算法,它们是多路径第k条最短延迟路由算法以及组合带宽和跳数(hop counts)的最大能量路由算法。仿真实验结果表明,四种算法尤其是后两种算法在满足用户带宽、延迟服务要求以及增加网络资源使用效率和网络吞吐率等方面各有特色。  相似文献   

新一代网络主动路由选择机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分组交换网是当今全球通信基础设施的重要部分,IP网络终将与其他网络相互融合,演化成为新一代网络技术。现有路由协议的实现是单一的,并且将数据库、最优路径计算和网络状态分发机制捆绑在一起。主动路由选择是一个把上述困难作为目标的新路由选择策略。本文提出一个新一代网络主动路由选择机制,能够克服传统路由选择机制的局限性,支持多种网络技术。  相似文献   

苗春浇  苏伟  张宏科  周华春 《电子学报》2015,43(10):1881-1887
多路径路由技术采用多条路径同时传输,作为优化资源配置和负载均衡的重要技术,在路由可靠性、QoS路由、传输效率等多方面比单路径传输具有优势.现有互联网网络资源配置和路由机制相对静态和僵化,导致多路径技术的发展存在发展的局限性.现有多路径技术考虑在路由层面不利于多路径路由选择和计算,难以保证传输性能,降低网络传输效率.智慧协同网络能够动态感知网络需求,灵活适配网络资源,更好的支持路由可扩展性.本文在智慧协同网络架构下提出了一种智慧协同网络多参数的多路径路由算法.该算法制定了智慧协同网络多参数的多路径路由协议,对网络性能参数CPU占用率、往返时延(RTT)、带宽进行加权计算得到路径权重值,根据权重值进行流量分配.采用图论理论对网络流量分配及模型进行了分析.并在Mini-Net平台上进行了开发和实验,结果表明,该算法能够优化网络配置,减小往返时延,提高网络吞吐量,从而提高网络性能,实现负载均衡.  相似文献   

功率控制下基于能耗最小的Ad hoc网络路由选择算法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在节点MAC层发射功率可控情况下,提出了一种基于路径能量消耗最小的路由路径选择算法。该算法根据链路的能量消耗情况来进行路由路径选择,达到节约网络能量的目的。仿真表明.该算法可以动态调整网络路由路径,从而使所选路径的能量消耗达到最小。  相似文献   

Various services of internet of things (IoT) require flexible network deployment to guarantee different quality of service (QoS).Aiming at the problem of IoT service function chain deployment,network function virtualization (NFV) and software defined networking (SDN) were combined to optimize resources.Considering forwarding cost and traffic load balance,a joint optimization model of virtual network function placement and service function chain routing was given and was proved to be NP-Hard.In order to solve this model,two heuristic algorithms were proposed.One was the service chain deployment algorithm of first routing then placing (FRTP) and the other was the placing followed by routing (PFBR) based on node priority.Simulation results demonstrate that FRTP and PFBR algorithm can significantly balance network traffic load while alleviating congestion and improving the acceptance ratio of the chain requests compared with other algorithms.  相似文献   

分布式服务质量路由预计算算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔勇  吴建平 《电子学报》2005,33(12):2165-2169
服务质量路由作为下一代IP互联网提供服务质量(QoS)控制的一种重要方案,如何提高其可扩展性和路由性能是有待解决的难题.本文提出了基于聚类的分布式预计算算法,以具有多种QoS参数的路由表预计算为目标,引入了支持QoS参数的扩展距离向量,通过网络中各个节点的分布式协同计算,大大降低了单个路由器的计算复杂度.文章分析了优势路径及其选取策略,给出了路由计算中优势路径聚集的聚类方法,实现了QoS路由表的高效聚集压缩.实验结果进一步验证了该算法具有计算量小和QoS路由性能高的优点,在QoS度量维数和网络规模方面均具有良好的可扩展性,并对域间算法研究提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

日益增长的数据量对数据处理的要求越来越高,于是出现了数据密集型服务。在解决复杂问题时,多个数据密集型服务通常会形成一个服务组合。由于服务组件之间存在大量的数据传输,巨大的传输时延会对系统的整体性能造成影响。在边缘计算环境中,基于否定选择算法,为降低服务组合中的数据传输时间提出了一种优化部署策略。首先,给出了此类数据密集型服务组件部署问题的定义,并为该部署问题构建优化模型;然后,设计了一种否定选择算法来获取最佳的部署方案;为了评估该算法的适用性和收敛性,使用遗传算法和模拟退火算法与其对比,结果显示,提出的算法在这种数据密集型服务组件的部署问题中表现得更为出色。  相似文献   

光突发交换网络中支持业务区分的多路由机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对光突发交换(OBS)网络的多路由机制多是考虑一种业务而对多业务区分的多路由机制研究偏少这种现状,提出了一种支持业务区分的多路由(MRSD)机制。在发送各个服务等级的业务之前,首先在没有共享风险链路的多条路由上发送请求包获得各条路由上的多种优先级业务的负载情况,然后根据爱尔兰固定点近似分析法计算各种优先级业务在不同路由上的丢包率,并为每种优先级业务选择一条使本业务丢包率最小的路由;在一个核心节点内,则采用基于额外偏置时间的业务区分方法实现不同优先级业务的区分,将各种业务根据链路状态信息分配到没有共享风险链路的多条路由上去传输,从而在减少突发丢失率(BLP)的同时实现了多种优先级业务在路由上的区分。仿真结果表明,这种多路由机制能够有效降低网络的BLP,实现区分服务。  相似文献   

A location service is an essential prerequisite for geographic routing protocols for MANETs. We present VHLS, a new distributed location service protocol, that features a dynamic location server selection mechanism and adapts to network traffic workload, minimizing the overall location service overhead. We demonstrate that the ratio of location queries to updates is an important performance parameter in such protocols. Our analysis and simulations show that VHLS provides better query success rates, location service quality, and geographic routing performance than the GLS and GHLS protocols. VHLS also scales well as the network size and traffic workload increases.  相似文献   


Enhancing the network lifetime of wireless sensor networks is an essential task. It involves sensor deployment, cluster formation, routing, and effective utilization of battery units. Clustering and routing are important techniques for adequate enhancement of the network lifetime. Since the existing clustering and routing approaches have high message overhead due to forwarding collected data to sinks or the base station, it creates premature death of sensors and hot-spot issues. The objective of this study is to design a dynamic clustering and optimal routing mechanism for data collection in order to enhance the network lifetime. A new dynamic clustering approach is proposed to prevent premature sensor death and avoid the hot spot problem. In addition, an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique is adopted for effective path selection of mobile sinks. The proposed algorithm is compared with existing routing methodologies, such as LEACH, GA, and PSO. The simulation results show that the proposed cluster head selection algorithm with ACO-based MDC enhances the sensor network lifetime significantly.


Node energy-limited and mobility,indeed,requirement of customized service,made Ad Hoc press for customization Routing.Based on the core principle of software defined networking (SDN),the control framework and the design of routing creation bran-new approach about Ad Hoc based SDN was analyzed firstly.Secondly,the hierarchical routing model was established,and the problem of routing key nodes and key link centralized selection based on service path was proposed and its algorithm was designed,which could embed customize service into physical networks via nodes mapping based network performance maximization.Finally,it corroborate the advantage of routing implement via SDN in function,performance and the whole networks utilization.Experiments show that the energy consumption of network nodes is more balanced and the overall utilization of the network is nearly 14% higher than the traditional method.  相似文献   

Path selection has long been one of the most important issues in the network design and management, which is also referred to as routing and wavelength assignment in the optical network domain. In this article we investigate the RWA problem for dynamic wavelength-routed mesh networks in a fully distributed controlled environment. We present a novel routing and signaling protocol called Asynchronous Criticality Avoidance (ACA), which is devised to reduce the mutual interference between lightpaths launched by different source-destination pairs to improve network performance in terms of blocking probability. With the fixed alternate routing architecture, the ACA protocol dynamically marks a set of wavelength channels as critical if the occupancy of the channels causes a bottleneck between an S-D pair with a width equal to or narrower than a predefined threshold. To support a distributed control environment, a suite of signaling processes is devised to realize the criticality avoidance mechanism, with which a two-stage routing and wavelength assignment (or criticality avoidance routing) is performed. The ACA protocol has been shown by simulations to be capable of better performance than existing schemes.  相似文献   

Routing is the cornerstone of network architecture, and a new routing mechanism is a requisite for constructing new network architecture. The current routing mechanism of the Internet layer is basically the single next-hop routing mechanism, which is the root of transmission congestion in the network. To solve this congestion problem, a fundamental measure is to change the route selection mode of current routing mechanism to allow parallel transmission over multiple routes. Currently, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the only inter-domain routing protocol used in the Internet, but the routing system using BGP suffers scalability problem. To solve the scalability issue of the current inter-domain routing system, a new hierarchical routing system, i.e. Scalable Inter-Domain Routing Architecture (s-idra), is suggested. In addition to scalability, the current routing system is facing other challenges including security, Quality of Service (QoS), multicasting, mobility and dynamic network topology. Therefore, the research on routing protocols, especially the protocol for the new network architecture, is still a tough task and has a long way to go.  相似文献   

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