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基于BPEL的Web服务组合仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了Web服务组合实际应用中存在的问题,提出了基于工作流引擎的Web服务组合仿真思想.在分析BPEL的Web服务组合机制的基础上,利用开源的Active BPEL Designer工具建立BPEL流程, 实现了对智能卡注册过程业务中服务组合的仿真.  相似文献   

针对实现资源共享和协同工作的网格技术应用研究与发展现状,文章给出网格应用总体结构;根据Petri网系统特点,提出基于Petri网的服务流网SF—net模型,设计了基于UML的网格工作流程序的一般性开发方法。并在此基础上定义了基于Petri网的网格作业描述语言;讨论了当前工业界Web服务业务过程执行语言BPEL4WS及进程代数CSP与文中所提服务流网的结合,引入服务代数概念,表明了服务流网SF-net的灵活性。  相似文献   

一种WS-BPEL流程的运行时监控方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
WS-BPEL作为一种web service组合语言,如今在企业解决方案中已经得到了广泛的应用.但是,由于WS-BPEL所依赖的外部服务的自治性以及流程本身的动态性和灵活性,其执行行为在运行前是不可预知的,流程的执行进行监控.本文提出了一种对WS-BPEL流程执行期进行动态监控的方法.该方法基于Past Linear Temporal Language (PLTL)描述监控规则,采用Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)技术作为对BPEL引擎扩展监控功能的机制,从而实现对WS-BPEL流程实例的灵活有效监控.该方法在中国科学院软件研究所自主研发的OnceBPEL引擎上已经实现,能够满足灵活有效的监控需求.  相似文献   

随着SOA(面向服务的架构)、SaaS(软件即服务)、云计算等概念的提出、发展和逐步成熟,软件服务化成为未来软件发展的一个重要方向。与此同时,传统的工作流管理系统又被赋予了支持服务编排和编制的新功能需求。BPEL(业务流程执行语言)具有服务编排和编制的功能,因此,研究基于SaaS模式和BPEL实现的工作流引擎具有一定的必要性。文章着重分析SaaS模式下流程引擎所具有的特点和优势,提出一种基于SaaS模式的流程引擎服务模型。  相似文献   

陈义松  汪芸 《微电子学与计算机》2012,29(11):138-140,144
工作流是计算机化的业务流程.工作流引擎为工作流流程提供运行环境,在流程的执行过程中起着关键性作用.传统的工作流技术在处理复杂多变的流程时,缺乏良好的建模以及适应机制.本文提出一种基于数据驱动的工作流运行方式,实现了活动与活动之间的松散耦合,并以此为基础设计并实现支持这种数据驱动方式的工作流引擎.该引擎在应对复杂多变的业务流程时具有较强的处理能力,并能够实现流程的自动建模.  相似文献   

业务流程管理系统BPMS能够协助移动运营商设计和实施流程,提升管理效率,为用户带来更优质的服务.本文引入了面向服务的体系架构(SoA)和Web服务(Web Services),并分析了业务流程执行语言(BPEL)在实现业务流程管理系统BPMS的重要性.在此基础上,提出了一种基于SOA架构和BPEL语言、结合了工作流技术的移动业务流程管理系统的建模与控制方案.结合一个具体的业务流程实例,介绍了通过Web服务描述语言WSDL实现业务流程与Web服务之间的通信,最后介绍了该系统目前的运营应用情况.  相似文献   

为了使BPEL描述的组合服务能够根据动态的网络环境和多变的用户需求而动态演化,在我们已有工作的基础上,提出一种基于运行时体系结构的BPEL支撑环境.其核心在于引入一个运行时体系结构对象来刻画组合服务的体系结构,并用其解耦组合服务与其成员之间的引用关系,从而通过对该对象的修改引起组合服务与其成员之间交互行为的重解释,实现组合服务的动态演化.在此支撑环境上开发了一个简单的应用实例以展示动态调整的效果.  相似文献   

王赏玉 《无线互联科技》2012,(12):128-128,137
根据可视化BPEL流程编制工具实际应用中存在的问题,提出了把可视化BPEL流程用pi演算进行描述的方法。明确了可视化BPEL流程与pi演算之间的对应关系,并用实例说明了怎样把一个利用Eclipse BPEL插件建立起来的BPEL流程用pi演算进行描述的过程。  相似文献   

吉顺慧  李必信  邱栋 《电子学报》2013,41(7):1365-1370
 BPEL组合服务实现了Web服务的复用和增值,但其复杂性带来了一定的挑战.例如,BPEL流程中正确的数据流对确保服务组合的正确性是十分重要的,然而现有的研究很少关注这类问题.本文提出一种基于扩展控制流图(XCFG)的BPEL流程数据流属性验证方法,利用XCFG对BPEL流程进行形式建模,设计相应的算法来分析和验证典型的数据流属性,如定义-使用一致性,无死锁和可达性.理论分析和实验均表明该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

基于工作流的构件和Web Services混合组装   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据微软和IBM公司提出的BPELWeb服务合成规范,文中加入相关的构件元素,提出构件与Web服务的混合组装规范,形成经过改进的企业流程执行语言(EFEL),并且创建合理的企业应用工作流程,设计流程执行引擎,实现了构件与Web服务快捷、规范的混合组装.  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous studies have identified and explored issues related to web‐service‐oriented business process specifications, such as business process execution language (BPEL). In particular, business rules are an important cross‐cutting concern that should be distinguished from business process instances. In this paper, we present a rule‐based aspect oriented programming (AOP) framework where business rule aspects contained in business processes can be effectively separated and executed. This is achieved by using a mechanism of the business rule itself at the business rule engine instead of using existing programming language‐based AOP technologies. Through some illustrative examples, this work also introduces a method by which business rule aspects, separated through an external rule engine, can be represented and evaluated. We also demonstrate how they can be dynamically woven and executed by providing an implementation example which uses two open‐source‐based products, the Mandarax rules engine and Bexee BPEL engine.  相似文献   

现代企业的应用程序和信息已成为公司相当重要的资产,大多数企业都希望此应用能够提供业务流程全面的支持.这就意味着应用程序和业务流程应该紧密结合,然而,应用程序的每次修改都会减少其结构对其未来变化的鲁棒性.基于对业务流程通信便捷性的目的,本文采用实例验证的方法,结合Drools优化车间调度问题,用Web Sevices 和BPEL加以实现,并以机械加工流程为例加以验证,得出了BPEL和Drools结合能够较好实现加工流程的多服务调用和交互和通信的结论.  相似文献   

针对分布式BPEL引擎在云中的放置问题开展研究,提出了一种基于K-means的分布式BPEL引擎放置机制,该机制将BPEL引擎放置问题模型化为相关最优化数学模型,并且将该模型映射到K-means算法进行求解。该机制还讨论了算法在不同网络拓扑随机图、树形网络拓扑的应用。最后利用统计软件R进行了相关实验仿真,仿真结果显示该放置机制可优化服务调用所占用的带宽资源。  相似文献   

The operational continuity of a business process is an important performance indicator that contributes to the perceived quality of service delivery, hence it is important to understand and monitor the underlying issues that can affect the performance of the process. These issues might have been foreseen at the beginning of the process design and deployment phase, or might have emerged during the execution of the process, and must be viewed as risk threats to the business process. In most cases risk is only considered from the project management angle or from financial, market, insurance and other general business perspective. Operational risk at service provision level receives little attention and thus there is a need to develop methodologies and tools to identify and analyse business operational risks. The authors concentrate on operational risk for business process management by introducing a novel way for applying risk assessment frameworks at the process activity level. The paper briefly reviews existing risk frameworks and selects the COSO framework as the most appropriate for business processes. This framework is modified in order to address and evaluate the main elements of business processes. It defines a statistical approach towards operational risk assessment by quantifying risk factors in each activity within a business process for service provision. A risk forecast is produced for each activity, and for the whole process, to model associated uncertainties and to contribute in identifying the risk factors that affect the business process objectives. To demonstrate the framework, it is applied to a hypothetical process involving setting up a network service. These results help to advise on which risk factors need higher attention in order to achieve successful process fulfilment.  相似文献   

针对目前以面向对象的方法描述的网络管理机制仅仅关注管理操作细节的局限性,该文提出以服务的概念建模网络管理机制,扩展了对操作机制的商务过程特性、流程和策略等方面内容的描述能力。首先,通过建立网络管理功能、商务过程元素以及网络管理服务三者间的对应关系,使网络管理服务兼具操作细节和商务过程两方面的内容。然后,提出了包括服务接口、信息、语义、流程和策略的网络管理服务描述内容以及一种自顶向下和自底向上相结合的网络管理服务分析过程,并进行了举例说明。以面向服务的方法描述网络管理操作机制,符合面向客户和商务过程的电信运营策略,支持自动和灵活的运营过程,并可以有效指导网络管理及运营支撑系统的分析、设计、实施和集成。  相似文献   

Workflow technologies are becoming pervasive in that they enable the execution of business processes in distributed and ubiquitous computing environments. As long-running transactions, the execution of workflows in environments without dedicated infrastructures raises transactional requirements due to the dynamicity of resources available to run a workflow instance and the integration of relaxed atomicity constraints at both design and instantiation time. In this paper, we propose an adaptive transactional protocol for the pervasive workflow model developed in a previous work to support the execution of business processes in the pervasive setting. The execution of this protocol takes place in two phases. First, candidate business partners are assigned to tasks using an algorithm wherein the selection process is based on both functional and transactional requirements. The workflow execution further proceeds through a hierarchical coordination protocol managed by the workflow initiator and controlled based on a decision table computed as an outcome of the business partner assignment procedure. The resulting workflow execution is compliant with the defined consistency requirements, and the coordination decisions depend on the transactional characteristics offered by the partners assigned to each task. An implementation of our theoretical results relying on ontology Web Language for Series and Business Process Execution Language technologies is further detailed as a proof of concept.  相似文献   

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