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An analytical evaluation which demonstrates that a calibrated 10.6-μm-wavelength lidar can measure the mean radius and the effective radius of the drop size distribution in a water cloud is discussed. The radius parameter observed is a weighted average over the penetration depth of the pulse, with weighting factor decreasing with optical depth. In this method the lidar signal is integrated and boundary conditions on optical depth are applied to obtain the average extinction-to-backscatter ratio. The radius parameter is determined by comparing the measured ratio with that found from Mie scatter calculations for a variety of typical drop size distributions. This extinction-to-backscatter method was originally proposed in the literature for measuring mode radius, but at 10.6-μm wavelength the current results show better accuracy for mean or effective radius. Sources of error are discussed. A lidar probed the sides of fair-weather cumulus clouds in the first application of this method. The resulting values of effective radius were reasonable, and the expected increase of effective radius with height was observed  相似文献   

气溶胶光学厚度不仅是计算气溶胶含量、评价大气环境污染程度、研究大气辐射传输等领域中的一个关键因子,而且在大气辐射传输方程的求解过程中,是透射函数、反射函数等重要参数的基本参数。通过分析气溶胶光学厚度的影响因子,搜集整理典型天气气溶胶粒子复折射率资料和粒子谱分布观测数据,建立典型天气气溶胶粒子复折射率数据库,基于气溶胶粒子谱分布实验数据完善了大连地区典型天气气溶胶粒子谱分布模型,再结合大气能见度等大气参数,利用米散射理论计算了气溶胶消光光学厚度。  相似文献   

利用FY-1C资料反演水云的光学厚度和粒子有效半径   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
利用FY-IC极轨气象卫星扫描辐射计的通道1(0.58—0.68μm)、通道3(3.55—3.95μm)和通道6(1.58—1.64μm)所提供的探测数据进行了水云光学厚度和粒子有效半径的反演试验.在非水汽吸收波段(如通道1),云的反射函数主要是云光学厚度的函数,而在水汽吸收波段(如通道6),云的反射函数主要是云粒子大小的函数.因此当云光学厚度较厚时,可利用通道1和通道6反射率,或通道1反射率和通道3亮度温度同时计算出云的光学厚度和有效粒子半径。  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感地面空气质量是近年来随着空间遥感手段的进步而发展起来的一项新技术,如何利用卫星遥感的大气气溶胶光学厚度产品来定量评估地面空气质量是个难题.利用高分辨率的大气气溶胶光学厚度产品,经过垂直分布的订正和湿度影响的订正,分别得到地面气溶胶消光系数和地面"干"气溶胶消光系数.通过与地面PM10质量浓度的相关分析表明,地面气溶胶消光系数具有比大气气溶胶光学厚度更高的相关系数,而经过湿度订正的"干"气溶胶消光系数具有比前两者更高的相关系数.利用华北地区"干"气溶胶消光系数的分布评估了2008年夏季气溶胶变化情况,与往年同期相比,地面气溶胶消光季节平均下降约17%~20%,而华北平原其他城市和地区则没有显著变化,说明北京地区气溶胶浓度的下降与局地减排有直接关系.  相似文献   

微脉冲激光雷达是探测气溶胶的有效工具。为了验证探测的准确度,对一台微脉冲激光雷达观测数据采用Fernald算法进行反演,得到了南京北郊上空的气溶胶光学厚度,并将反演结果同太阳光度计观测数据、喇曼-瑞利-米雷达观测数据和中分辨率成像光谱仪的标准气溶胶产品进行了比较。结果表明,它们之间具有一定相关性。微脉冲激光雷达是反演气溶胶光学厚度的有效手段,可以用于其它观测手段的地面验证。  相似文献   

采用Mie散射方法计算了小尺度范围内,0.65 m波长大气气溶胶粒子光学特性与折射率、粒子尺度参数的关系,并分析了折射率虚部对气溶胶粒子散射相函数的影响。结果表明:在小尺度范围内,气溶胶粒子散射特性受折射率、尺度参数影响较大,折射率实部和尺度参数对消光效率因子等非散射角散射参量的影响存在一定程度的对称性。同时还发现,在特殊散射角位置,无论对于单粒子还是对于多分散粒子群系统,气溶胶粒子(群)的散射相函数与折射率虚部基本无关,不同折射率虚部的散射相函数在前向散射方向存在交点,交点位置随粒子尺度参数的变化基本为高斯分布。随着粒子尺度参数的增大,交点位置向前向小角方向移动,并逐步趋于离散。这一结论对了解大气气溶胶粒子的散射效应具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

2007年10月份中国海洋大学的东方红2号科考船在北黄海海区进行了为期12天的秋季908航次的数据测量实验,实验中使用了日本PREDE公司生产的POM01-MKII 7波段全自动天空辐射计对该海区上空的大气进行了观测,获取了大量的气溶胶光学数据.对光学数据处理后得到了气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)、单次散射反照率(SSA)、气溶胶粒径体积谱分布.结果表明:在无云晴天的情况下,500 nm处的AOT最大值在0.36以下,870 nm的AOT值在0.15以下,有雾或阴霾情况下AOT值偏大,是无云情况下的5倍左右;从单次散射反照率来看,该海区上空在秋季气溶胶有吸收的情况,离岸近,吸收较强,离岸远,吸收较弱;从粒径体积谱分布来看,陆源聚类粒子含量的高低与气溶胶的吸收有很大的关系.  相似文献   

利用MODIS C6产品分析2006~2015年西北地区气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth, AOD)与Angström波长指数的时空分布特征及相互关系。结果表明:塔克拉玛干沙漠和陕西关中地区为气溶胶光学厚度高值区,青海和甘肃南部为AOD低值区,西北地区东部为Angström波长指数高值区,北疆地区Angström波长指数空间分布差异较大;西北地区年均AOD为0.208±0.011,年均Angström波长指数为1.185±0.025,2010~2015年AOD呈下降趋势,2008~2015年Angström波长指数呈上升趋势。AOD与Angström波长指数存在相反的季节变化关系,AOD春季最大,秋季最小,Angström波长指数与之相反。AOD月均最大值出现在4月,为0.35±0.038,10月份最小,为0.13±0.009,Angström波长指数12月份最大,为1.34±0.035,4月份最小,为0.97±0.054; AOD与Angström波长指数呈负相关,春季的相关性最大,为-0.77,冬季的相关性最小,为-0.28。对不同季节气溶胶光学厚度与Angstrom波长指数的相关性进行分析,结果说明西北地区全年粗、细粒径气溶胶粒子都占有一定比例,主要以小粒径的烟雾粒子为主,沙尘气溶胶粒子也占有一定比例,人为气溶胶排放从春季到冬季不断上升。  相似文献   

Techniques for retrieving cloud optical properties, i.e., the optical depths and particle size distributions, using atmospheric "window" channels in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions are well established. For partially transparent thin cirrus clouds, these "window" channels receive solar radiances scattered by the surface and lower level water clouds. Accurate retrieval of optical properties of thin cirrus clouds requires proper modeling of the effects from the surface and the lower level water clouds. In this paper, we describe a new concept using two strong water vapor absorption channels near 1.38 and 1.88 /spl mu/m, together with one window channel, for remote sensing of cirrus optical properties. Both the 1.38- and 1.88-/spl mu/m channels are highly sensitive in detecting the upper level cirrus clouds. Both channels receive little scattered solar radiances from the surface and lower level water clouds because of the strong water vapor absorption below cirrus. The 1.88-/spl mu/m channel is quite sensitive to changes in ice particle size distributions, while the 1.38-/spl mu/m channel is less sensitive. These properties allow for simultaneous retrievals of optical depths and particle size distributions of cirrus clouds with minimal contaminations from the surface and lower level water clouds. Preliminary tests of this new concept are made using hyperspectral imaging data collected with the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer. The addition of a channel near 1.88 /spl mu/m to future multichannel meteorological satellite sensors would improve our ability in global remote sensing of cirrus optical properties.  相似文献   

本文提出一种使用一维线阵光电传感器作为测量装置的方法,实现气溶胶粒径与浓度的高精度测量。通过流速气溶胶粒径瞬态直接成像计算的手段,进行实时区域尺度范围内气溶胶的浓度检测。其理论模型首次采用了线阵光电传感器与高倍显微物镜的物像共轭放大成像,避免常规误差较大的全散射米氏光学模型,同时克服了面阵成像瞬时采样的弛豫效应,计算量少且测量精度较高。实验结果表明,系统可检测的气溶胶粒子范围在1~10 m区间,测量误差优于8%。  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感的MODIS和MISR数据,对比分析了2014年亚太经合组织(APEC)会议期间(11月3日~12日)及其前后一个月的气溶胶时空分布特征。分析发现APEC会议期间的气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth, AOD)相比APEC会议前期,在京津冀地区有明显减小,MODIS(MISR)数据显示在京津冀地区AOD减小了38.7%(36.4%),在北京地区减小更多,减小了64.6%(39.9%)。Angstrom指数在京津冀地区的廊坊、保定、衡水等大部分城市,APEC会议期间的Angstrom指数相对前期较小,说明其在APEC会议期间气溶胶粒子的有效半径相对较大。APEC会议期间的细模态气溶胶光学厚度相比APEC会议前期也有所减小,且在北京地区细模态气溶胶光学厚度的下降幅度要大于粗模态气溶胶的下降幅度。  相似文献   

A series of nanometer dimension colloids in silica have been fabricated by sequential implantation of Ag and In, and a series by sequential implantation of In and Cu. Energies of implantation were chosen using TRIM 89 to overlay the depth distributions of the sequentially implanted ions. The implanted layers were characterized using Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and optical spectroscopy. Nanometer dimension metal multicomponent colloids were formed. The depth distribution, particle size, and optical response of the composites were found to depend strongly on the ion species implanted and the relative ratio of the ion species. The optical responses are correlated with composition of the multicomponent nanoclusters.  相似文献   

以双波长三通道拉曼激光雷达对2008年北京奥运会期间大气状况进行了测量与分析,给出了奥运主场馆上空气溶胶消光系数、后向散射回波信号及波长消光比垂直分布及时空变化,计算了气溶胶消光散射比、光学厚度及Angstrom波长指数,结合地面监测数据分析了奥运期间典型天气间气溶胶光学特征的变化.结果表明,8~9日两天空气污染相对较重,主要为较大粒径粒子所致,降雨后气溶胶光学厚度有着明显的升高过程,出现较小粒径污染物的堆积.  相似文献   

鲁先洋  李学彬  秦武斌  朱文越  徐青山 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(12):1211002-1211002(6)
为研究海洋大气气溶胶粒子数浓度时空分布和粒径谱分布特征,2014年8月至2016年3月期间,利用光学粒子计数器和自动气象站等设备在广州茂名海边、东海和南海海域、三亚近海海域以及太平洋和印度洋海域对海洋大气气溶胶粒子数密度谱及大气温度、湿度、气压、风速等进行了测量。对不同海域不同气象条件下的谱分布特征进行了统计分析,并对谱分布进行了拟合。结果表明海洋大气气溶胶粒子谱分布是由一个细粒模和一个中间模组成,但近海的粒子数浓度大于远海。远海气溶胶粒子谱型稳定,海面风力是引起粒子数浓度变化的主要原因。东海和南海的粒子谱分为二段,小于0.5 m时用Junge谱的指数分布来描述,0.5~4 m段用对数正态分布来描述。大风天气下海洋气溶胶的消光系数明显增加,且在1~3 m波段的消光特征基本不受波长的影响。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1995,32(10):34-39
Neutral Switzerland is being invaded-by armies of cars and trucks from its neighbors. So to preserve its great natural environment, while doing its best by the increased traffic, its citizenry plans to divert some of the freight to rail. The author describes how a 15-year program for modernizing the Swiss railway system has been drawn up, of which one element is the world's longest tunnel, the 57-km Gotthard Tunnel under the Alps. The 15-year US $26 billion rail program comprises two large projects, Bahn 2000 and the New Alpine Transversal. Bahn (or Rail) 2000 will renew the main-line network, rebuilding the East-West intercity links in the Alpine foothills for faster transit among Geneva, Zurich, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Interlaken, and Chur. To handle Europe's North-South transit, the New Alpine Transversal (NEAT) will augment existing mountain lines through the Alps with new tunnels. Tourism as well as trade should benefit  相似文献   

王元祖  孙东松  韩於利  郑俊  赵一鸣 《红外与激光工程》2023,52(1):20220262-1-20220262-13
气溶胶对全球生态系统、物质循环具有重要影响,研究气溶胶光学参量等基础数据反演的准确性意义重大。利用来自欧洲气溶胶研究激光雷达网的4个观测站点(波坦察、莱比锡、里尔、埃武拉)在两次集中观测任务中的数据,对使用不同大气模式的温度、压强数据在反演气溶胶光学参量(消光和后向散射系数)及气溶胶分类中所产生的影响进行研究。结果表明:选用不同的大气模式对气溶胶光学参量进行反演会导致计算结果出现偏差,其中对于Raman法获取气溶胶消光系数的影响较大,在355 nm和532 nm处的最大偏差均可达到~20%。大气气溶胶浓度也会对不同模式的气溶胶光学参量反演结果产生影响,并且随观测波长的不同而有所差异。此外,不同大气模式会使气溶胶激光雷达比以及?ngstr?m指数等与气溶胶类型相关的参量反演结果产生偏差,并最终影响气溶胶的分类。文中研究结果对于揭示大气模式的选取在反演气溶胶光学参量中的重要性以及对于气溶胶分类乃至大气科学的相关研究都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) spaceborne lidar, expected to be launched in 2004, will collect profiles of the lidar attenuated backscattering coefficients of aerosol and clouds at 0.53 and 1.06 /spl mu/m. The measurements are sensitive to the vertical distribution of aerosols. However, the information is insufficient to be mapped into unique aerosol physical properties and vertical distribution. Spectral radiances measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) on the Aqua spacecraft, acquired simultaneously with the CALIPSO observations, can constrain the solutions. The combination of the MODIS and CALIPSO data can be used to derive extinction profiles of the fine and coarse modes of the aerosol size distribution for aerosol optical thickness of 0.1 and larger. Here we describe a new inversion method developed to invert simultaneously MODIS and CALIPSO data over glint-free ocean. The method is applied to aircraft lidar and MODIS data collected over a dust storm off the coast of West Africa during the Saharan Dust Experiment (SHADE). The backscattering-to-extinction ratio (BER) (BER=/spl omega//sub o/P(180)/4/spl pi/) can be retrieved from the synergism between measurements avoiding a priori hypotheses required for inverting lidar measurements alone. For dust, the resultant value of BER =0.016 sr/sup -1/ is over 50% smaller than what is expected using Mie theory, but in good agreement with recent results obtained from Raman lidar observations of dust episodes. The inversion is robust in the presence of 10% and 20% noise in the lidar signal at 0.53 and 1.06 /spl mu/m, respectively. Calibration errors of the lidar of 5% to 10% can cause an error in optical thickness of 20% to 40%, respectively, in the tested cases.  相似文献   

为了研究中国东部典型地区气溶胶粒子谱分布特征,建立东部典型地区的气溶胶粒子谱分布模式,1998年11月~2010年6月期间,使用光学粒子计数器对合肥、岳西、厦门和北京等地区的大气气溶胶进行了长期测量.使用对数正态分布对谱分布进行拟合,对不同地区不同月份的气溶胶谱分布进行了统计和对比分析,初步建立中国东部典型地区气溶胶谱...  相似文献   

The authors present a preliminary study of some optical properties of atmospheric aerosols over the area of Valencia, Spain, a coastal Mediterranean city. Measurements of spectral direct irradiance in the 300-1100 nm range were taken simultaneously at three sites: rural-continental, rural-coastal, and urban-coastal, all located within a 50 km radius of the city of Valencia. The irradiance measurements were obtained using three Li-cor 1800 spectroradiometers provided with radiance limiting tubes with field of views (FOVs) of 4.7°. The measurements were made under clear sky conditions during a field campaign carried out in the summer of 1998. In order to avoid the uncertainties associated with the determination of the water vapor content and the other atmospheric constituents, the analysis of the spectral aerosol optical thickness (AOT) values was limited to the 400-670 mm spectral band. From the values of the spectral AOT, both the Angstrom coefficients and the aerosol size distributions were obtained. The results show the great dependence of the optical aerosol characteristic on the direction of the prevailing winds (maritime or continental) in this area  相似文献   

气溶胶光学性质对于气候、环境以及卫星遥感具有重要意义。利用CE317太阳光度计定点观测了天津近岸2014年3~5月气溶胶光学数据,分析了渤海湾近岸地区春季气溶胶光学特性。结果表明:气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth , AOD)光谱基本满足Angstrom关系;AOD日变化基本有三种变化趋势:上升型、平稳型、下降型;春季440 nm波段AOD均值为0.776,Angstrom指数α均值为1.011,浑浊度系数β均值为0.344。将该结果与黄海近岸的青岛地区进行了比较分析,表明了气溶胶光学性质的区域性。  相似文献   

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