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Nanoparticles (NPs) have been studied for several decades, and outstanding advancements have been made involving fabrication methods and various properties for many different applications. NP assemblies exhibit collective properties that are superior to the properties of individual NPs, and their assembly behavior is significantly affected by interparticle interactions and surrounding layers. The temporal/spatial regulation of NPs and the active species present in NP systems are crucial for achieving desirable performances. Here, the interparticle interactions, surrounding materials (especially ligands), and temporal and spatial regulation are the main topics discussed. The principles and classical examples of these regulation strategies are provided, and the resulting NPs regulated by these strategies exhibit remarkable properties and have great potential for various applications. Finally, the future prospects of the NPs are outlined with respect to the surface modification, temporal and spatial regulation, as well as the binary cooperative complementary principle.  相似文献   

低待机功耗、高效率的绿色电源已成为未来电源技术发展的方向,国际上已经正式提出六级能效标准。提出了一种采用常规工艺实现的原边反馈AC/DC转换器电路,解决了传统原边反馈AC/DC转换器元器件多、待机功耗大以及用高压特殊工艺实现低待机功耗的成本昂贵等问题。该原边反馈AC/DC转换器能够满足六级能效标准。  相似文献   

过去垄断环境下的管制方法已经不能适用于眼下多运营商的竞争环境。近年来,从欧洲到拉美,再到亚太地区,世界各国都尝试进行电信体制改革,以寻求适应竞争的管制模式。全球监管体制呈现出以下发展趋势:监管机构进一步独立;管理经费市场化;竞争管制与行业管制并重;技术融合引发管制融合;行业自律机构积极参与到管制行为中来;专家咨询委员会在监管中发挥作用。  相似文献   

交流变频调速技术在输油设备中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了辽中油田-采油站采用变频调速技术控制输油设备,获得了显著的节能效果。文中对系统组成及工作原理作了详细说明。  相似文献   

建立适合我国电信市场发展的非对称管制体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 中国电信业实施新一轮重组后,亟须制定和实施有效的非对称管制政策以在较短时期内形成有效竞争的市场格局,本文在分析国外电信业非对称管制政策及实践的基础上,结合中国电信业当前的市场状况,提出了建立适合中国电信市场发展的非对称管制体系的原则和相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

After the new round of restructuring of Chinese telecom sector,it's pressing to formulate and implement asymmetric regulation policies so as to shape an effectively competitive market structure in a relatively short term.This paper reviewed the asymmetric regulation policies and practices carried out in foreign telecom market,and then according to the specific situations of Chinese telecom market,proposed the principles and corresponding policies for establishing an asymmetric regulation system fit for Chin...  相似文献   

朱华  李丽 《变频器世界》2011,(4):109-111
本文基于电力系统调频方式,阐述了一次调频和二次调频关系的三种策略,并以贵州构皮滩水电厂为例,证实一次调频和二次调频叠加策略的可行性和实际效果,并指出叠加策略和闭锁策略的适用范围。  相似文献   

吕军 《中兴通讯技术》2006,12(5):4-6,14
下一代网络作为以业务驱动为特征的新的网络,使得电信业务的经营者在关注网络用户数量和网络质量的同时开始关注网络信息的附加值,关注从单一业务模式向全业务模式转变。由于电信业务的经营门槛降低、经营主体增加,对现有监管方式产生了影响。为了适应下一代网的发展需要,中国的监管政策需要在业务运营商的管理、用户的管理、服务质量的保障、业务的监控、业务的计费和结算等方面进行改进。同日寸,中国的监管部门应尽快成立适应NGN融合趋势的管制机构,考虑运营商获得全业务许可后的监管问题,并对新业务的经营主体实行有效管理以确保用户利益。  相似文献   

王映 《世界电信》2003,16(9):35-37
纵观全球,目前互联互通的管制有三点发展趋势:采用基于前瞻性成本的接入定价法,公开互联互通协议以及实行非对称管制,前瞻性长期增量成本(LRIC)是当前管制改革中一个占主导地位的模式,它消除了基于成本的追溯式接入定价中“成本相加”的特性,具体包括自上而下和自下而上两种模式,为保障互联互通的透明性,一种普遍的做法就是要求公开互联互通协议或者主导运营商互联互通协议邀约文件,在移动通信领域的互联互通中,一些发达国家如英国都引入了非对称管制制度。  相似文献   

宽范围亮度调节显示系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以89C51系列单片机为基础,通过成熟、稳定的硬件电路设计,结合模块化的软件编程设计,实现可靠的宽范围亮度调节显示系统控制,可以满足从阳光直射至深夜黑暗的环境下的全天候亮度调节的要求,并从硬件和软件两方面详细阐述了设计和调试过程所需注意的问题以及解决的方法。  相似文献   

浅议电信监管问责制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立  王学人 《世界电信》2005,18(1):3-5,34
“谁来监管监管者”一直是我国监管体制改革中的难点问题,对此,结合电信监管的实际,提出了引入问责制以加强对管制部门进行管制的基本设想。并认为,一个完事的电信监管框架,应该包括问责主体、对象、范围、责任、机制等六个方面。同时,在实施中还需考虑其它政策的配套,在试点中逐步推开。  相似文献   

近年来,云计算已经取得无可争议的商业成功,将会在ICT领域占领重要的位置.为使其商业价值得到充分的开发和利用,不仅需要解决和完善技术层面的问题,也需要在商业和市场等非技术层面投入充分的研究和保障.作为对云计算技术研究的扩充,本文试图从更广的层面思考云计算的发展,探讨云计算的生态环境、商业角色、产业链等问题,以及如何设立...  相似文献   

Human skin shows self‐adaptive temperature regulation through both enhanced heat dissipation in high temperature environments and depressed heat dissipation in cold environments. Inspired by such thermal regulation processes, an interfacial material system with self‐adaptive temperature regulation in the solar‐driven interfacial evaporation system, which can exhibit automatic temperature oscillation to enable pyroelectricity generation while producing water vapor, is reported. The bioinspired interface system is designed with the combination of a thermochromism‐based temperature regulator consisting of tungsten‐doped vanadium dioxide nanoparticles and a polymeric pyroelectric thin film of polyvinylidene fluoride. Under the simulated solar illumination with power density of 1.1 kW m?2, the bioinspired interfacial evaporation system achieves a self‐adaptive temperature oscillation with the maximum temperature difference of ≈7 °C and this system can simultaneously generate water vapor as well as electricity with an evaporation efficiency of 71.43% and a maximum output electrical power density of 104 µW m?2, respectively. The study demonstrates a design of thermal management at the interface of solar‐driven evaporation system to exhibit a self‐adaptive temperature oscillation and offers an alternative approach for the multifunctional harvesting of solar energy.  相似文献   

侯广吉  马慧  梁雄健 《电信科学》2006,22(10):46-50
伴随着中国电信行业,特别是移动电话用户数量的高速发展和有效市场竞争格局的初步建立,移动电话资费的调整、改革与管制等问题成为近几年社会各界关注的焦点.本文从电信管制理论出发,分析和介绍了电信资费管制理论的演进过程,进而对中国电信市场特别是移动电话资费的管制实践进行了系统研究,深入地分析了中国建立的新的移动电话资费管制体系,并对未来移动电话资费管制的发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

电信普遍服务管制中几个关键性问题的探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丹  吴祖宏 《世界电信》2004,17(12):3-6
电信普遍服务管制是电信管制的一项重要内容。放松管制、引入竞争、产权私有和经济全球一体化深刻地影响着电信普遍服务管制。力图从理论和实践上分析和探讨电信普遍服务管制中的几个关键性问题:普遍服务政策的目标定位、普遍服务应与竞争相兼容、激励性管制在电信普遍服务中的运用以及电信普遍服务的立法。  相似文献   

罗明伟 《中国通信》2008,5(3):25-27
 本文参考国际电信业非对称管制案例和经验,结合我国法律环境和电信市场竞争实际情况,分析了非对称管制对于电信市场竞争和发展的特殊作用,并提出了当前在我国可能采取非对称管制的可行措施。  相似文献   

李晓飞 《世界电信》1999,12(6):35-37,44
IP电话的出现不仅给传统电信市场带来了冲击,同时也产生了一系列政策和法规方面的问题。此外,IP电话管制问题的复杂性使各国管制机构陷入进退两难的矛盾境地:或者将其纳入正常的电信管制范围,使其不堪重负而放慢发展速度甚至过早夭亡;或者让其不受约束地自由发展,从而由于不正当地避开国际结算和普遍服务等费用支出,而损害电信市场竞争的公正性。尽管目前各国的态度和做法存在许多差异,但有一点大家的认识基本上达到了一  相似文献   

Asymmetric regulation as applied to mobile termination rates refers to regulatory arrangements in which different mobile operators charge different termination rates, even though the services provided are essentially identical. The asymmetric regulation has been frequently used as a regulatory tool to support new entrants to a mobile market. This paper examines the economic effects of asymmetric regulation of mobile termination rates using a theoretical model and its simulation. The result shows that when there is no noticeable difference in brand loyalty between mobile operators with the high degree of substitutability between services provided by mobile operators, and the costs of new entrants are low, a reduction in the asymmetry of mobile access prices results in an enhancement of consumer welfare. These findings provide positive evidence for the argument that in certain situations asymmetric pricing of mobile access services may be counterproductive for consumer welfare.  相似文献   

互联网管制模式的分析和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘兵  唐守廉 《电信科学》2007,23(5):72-76
针对我国互联网内容管制模式的缺陷,分析国际上互联网内容管制现状及管制模式特点,结合我国目前互联网内容管制现状,提出我国未来可能采用的管制模式;然后运用经济博弈论中的讨价还价模型进行论证,得出我国未来互联网内容管制应采用“自上而下+第三方机构”的模式。  相似文献   

Reference to the international cases and experiences of asymmetric regulation in telecommunications industry,based on China's legal environment and telecommunications competition in the market,give analysis to the role of asymmetric regulation for the development of china telecommunications market,put forward feasible measures to asymmetric regulation in China.  相似文献   

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