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主动网络提出了一种允许配置更为高级的网络服务的新型通信体系结构,在主动网络中,经过其路由结点的分组可以在这些结点上运行由用户定制的服务代码,改变了传统网络只能在端系统执行服务运算的特点。利用主动网络提供的编程环境,我们更易于优化和扩展现有的协议,开发新的协议。本文描述了主动网络的体系结构框架以及两种主要实现方式,回顾并比较了现今已提出的几种主动网络的实验性设计实现。  相似文献   

主动网络技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主动网络提出了一种允许配置更为高级的网络服务的新型通信体系结构,在主动网络中,经过其路由结点上运行由用户定制的服务代码,改变了传统网络只能在端系统执行服务运算的特点。利用主动网络提供的编程环境,我们更易于优化和扩展现有的协议,开发新的协议。本描述了主动网络的体系结构框架以及两种主要实现方式,回顾并比较了现今巳提出的几种主动网络的实验性设计实现。  相似文献   

主动网络是一种新型的网络体系结构,他可以根据网络应用和服务的要求,对网络进行编程,因而大大加快了网络新应用和新服务的实施,适应了网络快速发展的需要。文章系统剖析了主动网络中主动节点的体系结构,并阐述了主动网络的几个主要项目。  相似文献   

刘旭勇 《信息技术》2012,(7):29-30,35
主动网络为网络节点和在网络中传输的分组增加了可编程能力,使得网络成为了一个动态的自适应网络。简述了VPN协议和方案所面临的挑战,提出了基于主动网络的自适应的VPN体系结构,该结构能够提供灵活的便携式服务,并且能在动态环境下提供符合要求的安全通道的专用VPN机制。  相似文献   

主动网络是一种新型的可计算网络体系结构,在国内外已作为下一代网络可能模型的研究热点。首先介绍主动网络及虚拟主动网络,利用虚拟主动网络,能够有效地加快网络服务的开发和部署,与此同时,用户需要灵活地管理自己提供的服务。因此,提出一种使用Script MIB对虚拟主动网络的服务进行有效的、灵活的管理模型,能够动态地实现对主动网络服务的管理。  相似文献   

主动网络技术下分布应用的性能优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文独立地提出了基于插件技术的主动网络的体系结构,通过插件技术使业务的引入以及业务功能的扩展更加快速、灵活,在此基础上建立了一种新的网上定票业务模型,仿真表明,主动网络在网络中加入计算的能力可以大大优化网络的性能,网络在对用户的平均响应时间、服务器负载等方面都明显有所改善。  相似文献   

光纤传输技术和高性能工作站的不断进步极大地促进了新一代分布式多媒体应用的出现和发展,同时这些新型的网络应用也对现有的网络服务和协议提出了需求,本文的目的就是在确认这些需求的基础之上定义在高速互联网络环境下支持多媒体应用的通信服务和协议的体系结构,满足多媒体应用需求的通信服务包括多点投递,资源管理,端端通信,质量控制以及同步相关的内容;对应的协议结构划分成网络,运输下层,运输层和运输上层,这个结构引  相似文献   

主动网技术模型及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主动网技术是近几年发展起来的新型网络技术,它已经开始应用于因特网和电信网领域。本文首先对主动网的发展、原理、体系结构、封装协议等方面进行概述,然后分析了其在网络和服务管理方面的两个成功应用实例,探讨了面向应用的主动网技术的特征并提出我们对主动网研究 的结论:应该从应用角度拓展主动网研究的范围,通过应用体现主动网技术的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文根据主动网络支持的协议和服务动态变化的特点,提出了一种建立在管理小应用(MALet)和管理代理(MA)基础上的主动网络管理体系结构(M2BMA)。该体系结构由主动网络管理服务器、本地节点管理器、主动网络管理代理执行环境和消息系统几大部分组成。  相似文献   

王辉 《电子世界》2014,(4):132-132
在网络管理中,网络技术的应用是十分重要的,能够为网络服务质量控制提供有力的支持。基于TCP/IP协议的网络管理技术是一种基于客户/服务器的集中管理体系结构,随着网络规模的扩大,出现了通信瓶颈、带宽浪费、缺乏实现性和主动性的缺点。本文主要介绍了网络管理中新的主动网络技术。  相似文献   

针对现有网络设备在支持可重构和多网络体制并存方面存在的不足,提出了一种面向多网络体制并存的开放式可重构路由器体系结构。通过在控制、转发和交换体系结构设计上,采用虚拟化和硬件分区配置技术,能够对控制、转发和交换进行资源划分与隔离,将路由器中同一个硬件资源虚拟化为多个功能上独立、资源上隔绝的逻辑路由器实例,提高了核心路由器设备的开放性和安全性。  相似文献   

Active networks for efficient distributed network management   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The emerging next generation of routers exhibit both high performance and rich functionality, such as support for virtual private networks and QoS. To achieve this, per-flow queuing and fast IP filtering are incorporated into the router hardware. The management of a network comprising such devices and efficient use of the new functionality introduce new challenges. A truly distributed network management system is an attractive candidate to address these challenges. We describe how active network techniques can be used to allow fast and easy deployment of distributed network management applications in IP networks. We describe a prototype system where legacy routers are enhanced with an adjunct active engine, which enables the safe execution and rapid deployment of new distributed management applications in the network layer. This system can gradually be integrated in today's IP network, and allows smooth migration from IP to programmable networks. This is done with an emphasis on efficient use of network resources, which is somewhat obscure by many of today's high-level solutions  相似文献   

A new architecture for transmission of MPEG-4 video on MPLS networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to insufficient network bandwidth on the Internet, multimedia-oriented applications are still not popular. Traffic on the Internet often causes congestion in routers. Therefore, the Internet must overcome these challenges and bottlenecks to provide more multimedia-oriented applications. We study the transmission of MPEG-4-based video traffic in MPLS networks, and propose a better architecture, called actively reserved bandwidth architecture, for improving CR-LDP in MPLS networks. The architecture is designed to overcome the bottleneck of router in MPLS networks. This approach is beneficial to the transmission of MPEG-4-based video traffic.  相似文献   

Active networks must balance the flexibility of a programmable network infrastructure against the safety and security requirements inherent in sharing that infrastructure. Furthermore, this balance must be achieved while maintaining the usability of the network. The SwitchWare active network architecture is a novel approach to achieving this balance using three layers: active packets, which contain mobile programs that replace traditional packets; active extensions, which provide services on the network elements and can be dynamically loaded; and a secure active router infrastructure, which forms a high-integrity base on which the security of the other layers depends. In addition to integrity checking and cryptography-based authentication, security in our architecture depends heavily on verification techniques from programming languages, such as strong type checking  相似文献   

主动网络体系结构分析和设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由于当前Internet是不可编程的,难以提供各种新的网络服务,并且新协议配置困难。业界对可编程网络体系结构进行了广泛深入的研究,提出了主动网络模型来解决当前基于IP模型的各种问题。文中先回顾了主动网络的发展历史,综述当前的发展动态,然后比较了两种目前成功的两种主动网络体系结构,并分析了它们的性能。最后,我们综合了两种体系结构的优点,提出了自己的主动网络体系结构以及下一步的研究重点。  相似文献   

Kwok  T. 《IEEE network》1995,9(5):14-28
The arrival of asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks has enabled a wide range of new interactive multimedia applications for the residential market. The article presents a vision for supporting universal residential broadband services based on an ATM-to-the-home (ATTH) network architecture. This network architecture applies to the various residential access network (RAN) architectures being deployed today, such as hybrid fiber/coax (HFC), fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC), fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), and asymmetric digital subscriber loop (ADSL) technologies. The article addresses today's residential networks and applications, to understand why a switched broadband residential network is required to support residential broadband services. After exploring residential broadband application requirements, a new class of service is proposed to support a very important class of residential broadband applications that has been not addressed. Then, the technical and strategic motivations for using the ATTH architecture are discussed in detail. A universal model for residential broadband network architecture based on ATTH is described, which is shown to apply to various RAN architectures. Finally, it discusses the signaling requirements of residential broadband services and explain why the ATM multiconnection per-call model is much more efficient than the digital stored media command and control (DSM-CC) session control protocol approach for the ATTH architecture  相似文献   

Introducing new Internet services: why and how   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active networks permit applications to inject programs into the nodes of local and, more important, wide area networks. This supports faster service innovation by making it easier to deploy new network services. In this article, we discuss both the potential impact of active network services on applications and how such services can be built and deployed. We explore the impact by suggesting sample uses and arguing how such uses would improve application performance. We explore the design of active networks by presenting a novel architecture, ANTS (active network transport system), that adds extensibility at the network layer and allows for incremental deployment of active nodes within the Internet. In doing so, ANTS tackles the challenges of ensuring that the flexibility offered by active networks does not adversely impact performance or security. Finally, we demonstrate how a new network service may be expressed in ANTS  相似文献   

基于网络处理器的DiffServ边界路由器研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
DiffServ体系由于其良好的可扩展性在QoS中得到了广泛的应用。但基于GPP和ASIC的传统网络解决方案由于不能兼顾效率和灵活性,已经不能满足需求;为了解决这个问题,一种并行可编程的网络处理器被应用到路由器的设计中来。以IXP1200为例,介绍了其体系结构,分析了DifsServ机制原理,对基于网络处理器的:DiffServ体系中边界路由器设计进行了研究,并给出了其实现方法。  相似文献   

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