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3无线传感器网络 3.1 传感器与无线传感器网络 传感器是能感知预定的被测指标并按照一定的规律转换成可用信号的器件或装置,通常由敏感元件和转换元件组成.传感器的类型多样,可以按照用途、材料、输出信号类型、制造工艺等方式进行分类.常见的传感器有速度传感器、热敏传感器、压力敏和力敏传感器、位置传感器、液面传感器、能耗传感器、加速度传感器、射线辐射传感器、振动传感器、湿敏传感器、磁敏传感器、气敏传感器等.传感器是感知物质世界的"感觉器官",为网络系统的处理、传输、分析和反馈提供最原始的信息.  相似文献   

中实 《电子世界》1999,(11):45-47
<正> ZZ-995x系列传感器包括接触传感器ZZ-9951、振动传感器ZZ-9952、心率传感器ZZ-9953、微量压力传感器ZZ-9954、感应传感器ZZ-9955、玻璃传感器ZZ-9956、智能传感器ZZ-9957和安全保护传感器ZZ-9958、ZZ-9958B等。本文详细介绍这些传感器的特性和应用电路。 接触传感器ZZ-9951 该传感器内含高阻抗输入变换、信号放大、功率放大输出等电路,图1是它的外形图,引脚功能如表1所示。该传感器体积小,灵敏  相似文献   

《传感技术学报》是由中国微米纳米技术学会和东南大学联合主办,东南大学《传感技术学报》编辑部出版发行的学术性刊物,是我国在介绍传感器理论和应用领域方面较为全面的惟一的学术性刊物,1988年创刊,属大16开月刊。主要刊登传感器、执行器和MEMS等材料、设计、工艺、器件、系统及其应用。《传感技术学报》按栏目分为生物化学类传感器、物理类传感器、传感器信号处理、无线传感器网络和传感器应用等。  相似文献   

概述了料位传感器、温度传感器、磁致位移传感器、电磁流量计、声热传感器等多种传感器在火电、水电及核电发电站中的应用。对电厂设计运营、新型传感器的研发具有参考意义。  相似文献   

《传感技术学报》是由中国微米纳米技术学会和东南大学联合主办,东南大学《传感技术学报》编辑部出版发行的学术性刊物,是我国在介绍传感器理论和应用领域方面较为全面的惟一的学术性刊物,1988年创刊,属大16开月刊。主要刊登传感器、执行器和MEMS等材料、设计、工艺、器件、系统及其应用。《传感技术学报》按栏目分为生物化学类传感器、物理类传感器、传感器信号处理、无线传感器网络和传感器应用等。  相似文献   

本文主要从传感器的发展现状、传感器课程的普遍开设对象、传感器课程应如何走入中职课堂、传感器课程走入中职课堂的意义等几个方面进行分析。  相似文献   

本文概述了力敏传感器的分类。着重介绍了压力传感器、应变片、转矩传感器、声传感器、旋转传感器、振动加速度传感器、以及位置和位移传感器等各种典型结构、工作原理、性能特点和主要用途。  相似文献   

采用市场上容易获得的称重传感器、位移传感器、热电偶、霍尔传感器等传感器构成测控实验系统,对重量、位移、温度和转速等物理量进行测试、监控和显示。硬件部分包括各传感器信号调理电路模块以及由AD574A,89C52,8255A等构成的主板模块。由于采用模块化设计,使用灵活,且很容易增加测量传感器的种类。系统稳定,操作简便,能有效地培养学生的实践动手能力和工程应用能力。  相似文献   

《传感技术学报》是由中国微米纳米技术学会和东南大学联合主办,东南大学《传感技术学报》编辑部出版发行的学术性刊物,是我国在介绍传感器理论和应用领域方面较为全面的惟一的学术性刊物,1988年创刊,属大16开月刊。主要刊登传感器、执行器和MEMS等材料、设计、工艺、器件、系统及其应用。《传感技术学报》按栏目分为生物化学类传感器、物理类传感器、传感器信号处理、无线传感器网络和传感器应用等。  相似文献   

氧传感器与现代生活   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前实用化氧传感器中,各种传感器各具特色,但极限式氧传感器由于具有选择好、灵敏度高、无须参考气体等优点,已成为氧传感器的主要发展方向。极限式氧传感器本身也朝着小型化、平面化、集成化等方向发展。  相似文献   

基于光子晶体光纤环镜的光纤传感器的研究及进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
对国内外已报道的基于光子晶体光纤环镜的光纤传感器进行了综述。总结了多种基于光子晶体光纤环镜的光纤传感器,包括应力、温度、微弯、扭曲和气压传感器。介绍了各种传感器的原理和优势,并对基于光子晶体光纤环镜的光纤传感器的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

激光威胁告警中传感器技术的应用与分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
潘慧  艾勇  蒋海丽 《红外与激光工程》2005,34(2):132-135,145
随着激光武器的发展,激光告警系统变得极其重要,而在激光告警系统中最关键的部件是传感器。按激光告警中传感器组成形式进行了分类并介绍了其组成结构。对于激光告警中的复合传感器技术、CCD型离轴传感器技术、干涉型光纤传感器、集成传感器、多传感器进行了深入的探讨。最后简要分析了传感器的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the work carried out in the recent years on sensors which exploit optical fibre nanotapers (OFN). After a brief introduction on the morphology, fabrication and properties of OFN, this paper will review the various OFN sensors. This type of sensors are extremely compact and relatively robust, are usually unperturbed by electromagnetic interference and can be interrogated remotely. In this review sensors will be grouped in three categories according to their morphology: linear sensors, resonant sensors and tip sensors. While linear and resonant sensors exploit the fraction of power propagating in the evanescent field (outside the nanotaper physical boundary), tip sensors exploit light confined within the nanotaper to excite/detect variations within a very limited area.  相似文献   

与传统的硅阻型压力传感器、陶瓷型压力传感器相比,石墨烯压力传感器具有测量灵敏度更高、测量范围更广的优点。对几种石墨烯压力传感器的研究进展进行综述。根据制作工艺的不同,将石墨烯压力传感器分为单层型和多层型。根据两大类型,列举最近六种石墨烯压力传感器的基本制作过程和测量范围、检测灵敏度等特性。根据六种石墨烯压力传感器的对比结果,得到单层型与多层型石墨烯压力传感器的不同工作特性及应用环境。针对单层型和多层型石墨烯传感器,分别提出提高性能的可行方案,对此类传感器的实际应用与推广具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

A large class of sensors has nonlinear input-output characteristics; the task of addressing their dynamic behavior is very interesting. These sensors include magnetic field sensors (fluxgate sensors), SQUID devices, ferroelectric sensors, and mechanical sensors made of piezoelectric materials. Over the past few years there has been increasing interest in the sensing properties of ferroelectric devices based on piezoelectric, dielectric, and conduction phenomena. The principal types of sensors are infrared sensors, pressure sensors, force and motion sensors, flow sensors, hydrophones, ultrasonic transducers for medical imaging, and material testing and temperature sensors. Several application fields are automotive, aerospace, communications, and environmental monitoring. Nonvolatile random access memories are another field of application. A conceptual understanding of switching dynamics for these devices is of scientific and technological interest and requires experiments to observe their static and dynamic behavior and to develop suitable models. In the field of measurement devices, for example, the design of sensors and actuators requires the use of efficient models. This emphasizes the need for both models and user friendly experimental setup allowing for the characterization of such classes of devices. Following sections describe the behavior of a ferroelectric device and an innovative analytical model aimed to predict its dynamics.  相似文献   

Recently developed micro- and nano-structured optical fiber sensors, with particular reference to surface plasmon resonance (SPR) fiber sensors and photonic crystal fiber (PCF) sensors are reviewed. SPR fiber sensors can have diverse structures such as D-shape, cladding-off, fiber tip or tapered fiber structures. Some of the recently developed novel structures include the use of various types of fiber gratings in SPR fiber sensors. PCF sensors cover diverse recent developments on photonic-bandgap fiber, holey fiber, hole-assisted fiber and Bragg fiber sensors. Major applications of these include gas sensors and bio-sensors. These micro- and nano-structured fiber sensors have attracted considerable research and development interest, because of their distinct advantages, which include high sensitivity, small sensor head footprint and the flexibility of the optical fibers. They are also of academic interest, and many novel ideas are continuously developed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a hybrid sensor calibration scheme for mobile crowdsensing applications. As the number of newly produced mobile devices containing embedded sensors continues to rise, the potential to use mobile devices as a sensor data source increases. However, because mobile device sensors are generally of a lower performance and cost than dedicated sensors, sensor calibration is crucial. To enable more accurate measurements of natural phenomena through the use of mobile device sensors, we propose a hybrid sensor calibration scheme for such sensors; the scheme makes use of mobile device sensors and existing sensing infrastructure, such as weather stations, to obtain dense data. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme supports low mean square errors. As a practical application of our proposed scheme, we built a temperature map of a city using six mobile phone sensors and six reference sensors. Thanks to the mobility of the sensors and the proposed scheme, our map presents more detailed information than infrastructure‐based measurements.  相似文献   

简述了传感器在臭氧技术产品中的应用。对臭氧技术产品中使用最多的温度传感器、光传感器和红外遥控技术的工作原理进行了详述。进一步对应用于臭氧技术产品中的传感器进行了分类,并对压力式温度传感器、热敏传感器、双金属热保护器、热聚合开关、光敏二极管和红外遥控技术的工作原理、使用场所进行了逐一介绍。设计了几个使用这些传感器来对臭氧产品进行控制的控制电路。  相似文献   

Tactile sensing technology is crucial for soft grippers. Soft grippers equipped with intelligent tactile sensing systems based on various sensors can interact safely with the unstructured environments and obtain precise properties of objects (e.g., size and shape). It is essential to develop state-of-the-art sensing technologies for soft grippers to handle different grasping tasks. In this review, the development of tactile sensing techniques for robotic hands is first introduced. Then, the principles and structures of different types of sensors normally adopted in soft grippers, including capacitive tactile sensors, piezoresistive tactile sensors, piezoelectric tactile sensors, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, vision-based tactile sensors, triboelectric tactile sensors, and other advanced sensors developed recently are briefly presented. Furthermore, sensing modalities and methodologies for soft grippers are also described in aspects of force measurement, perception of object properties, slip detection, and fusion of perception. The application scenarios of soft grippers are also summarized based on these advanced sensing technologies. Finally, the challenges of tactile sensing technologies for soft grippers that need to be tackled are discussed and perspectives in addressing these challenges are pointed out.  相似文献   

光纤光栅电磁量传感器的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细介绍了光纤光栅电磁量传感器在测量电压、电流以及磁场中的应用,并探讨了在光纤光栅电磁量传感器应用中存在的问题以及解决办法。鉴于它对温度的敏感,给出了减弱或消除温度敏感的方法。综述了近几年国内外在该领域实现温度补偿的相关技术。  相似文献   

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