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第十一届ILOPE展会于2006年12月5-7日在北京召开,此次展会包含了一个光电展览,四个技术/产业论坛和一个中外贸易交流会.吸引了来自14个国家近400家参展商,展出面积达1万多平米.国内主流的激光、光学和红外厂商悉数到场,同时国外FLIR、光谱物理、相干、镭宝、贰陆、HGH、Senko、美国Photonics、尼康等国际知名企业也携新产品、新技术参与.  相似文献   

In this paper,we focus on inferring graph Laplacian matrix from the spatiotemporal signal which is defined as“time-vertex signal”.To realize this,we first represent the signals on a joint graph which is the Cartesian product graph of the time-and vertex-graphs.By assuming the signals follow a Gaussian prior distribution on the joint graph,a meaningful representation that promotes the smoothness property of the joint graph signal is derived.Furthermore,by decoupling the joint graph,the graph learning framework is formulated as a joint optimization problem which includes signal denoising,timeand vertex-graphs learning together.Specifically,two algorithms are proposed to solve the optimization problem,where the discrete second-order difference operator with reversed sign(DSODO)in the time domain is used as the time-graph Laplacian operator to recover the signal and infer a vertex-graph in the first algorithm,and the time-graph,as well as the vertex-graph,is estimated by the other algorithm.Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can effectively infer meaningful time-and vertex-graphs from noisy and incomplete data.  相似文献   

人不可能两次迈进同一条河流,而8848却似乎可以。近段时间,因为速达的“收购传闻”,8848再一次成为业界关注的焦点。因为如今的8848内部风雨飘摇,外部官司缠身,它有何被收购的价值?公司总裁吕春维为何早早投怀送抱、急于为收购造势?谁是这一出“收购闹剧”的幕后主使?在诸多疑问背后,很少有人能看清事情本质。老8848的创始人王峻涛知道,但他不说,因为此8848已非当年之彼8848。几年前,盛极一时的老8848就是这样被幕后资本强行拉入分拆和兼并的资本游戏,被胜利冲昏头脑的大股东妄图运用资本力量主导企业发展,对他们来说,更重要的是上市圈钱。但因为牵扯的利益太多,诱惑太多,8848的发展最终陷入极度迷茫中,在资本疯狂追逐最大利益的时候,企业却错过了发展的最佳时机,并从此一步步走向衰微。6年来,8848经历了最辉煌的巅峰时期,同样也经历了无数是是非非。即使当时剩下的钱仍可使8848运营数十年,但是,商人们已经对8848的未来失去了耐心与信心,老8848最终难逃遭清算厄运。后来,所谓“王者归来”的新8848更是虚有其表,连核心业务也惹上纠纷,最后股东终于按捺不住……现在经常有人问王峻涛,如果当时不要上市,如果当时不分拆,如果……但王说:假设没有意义,我懂得了一点:创业者要坚持、坚持、再坚持。张朝阳也说:做自己的,不要听华尔街的。或许这就是本文要寻找的答案。  相似文献   

兰天  黄霞 《IT时代周刊》2005,(12):67-69
3G谈判受阻的主要原因是在谈判中,电信研究院作为一家研究机构实力太弱,如果能聘请外国在专利谈判上有丰富经验的律师或律师行主谈,加上中国政府的免费授权政策和运营商有关采购3G设备政策的出台,专利谈判可能是另外一个结果。  相似文献   

Passive detection of moving target is an important part of intelligent surveillance. Satellite has the potential to play a key role in many applications of space-air-ground integrated networks(SAGIN). In this paper, we propose a novel intelligent passive detection method for aerial target based on reservoir computing networks. Specifically, delayed feedback networks are utilized to refine the direct signals from the satellite in the reference channels. In addition, the satellite direct wave interference in the monitoring channels adopts adaptive interference suppression using the minimum mean square error filter. Furthermore, we employ decoupling echo state networks to predict the clutter interference in the monitoring channels and construct the detection statistics accordingly. Finally, a multilayer perceptron is adopted to detect the echo signal after interference suppression. Extensive simulations is conducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed method. Results show that the detection probability is almost 100% when the signal-to-interference ratio of echo signal is-36 dB, which demonstrates that our proposed method achieves efficient passive detection for aerial targets in typical SAGIN scenarios.  相似文献   

2007年11月17日22点35分.我站值班人员接到中国联通梅州分公司的电话投诉.称其在梅州城区的多个CDMA基站收到不明信号的干扰.严重影响CDMA用户的正常使用。接到投诉后.我站迅速组织技术力量查找干扰  相似文献   

湛艳 《中国新通信》2008,10(8):21-23
有人说史玉柱是个超然独处的商业奇才,有人说史玉柱是抓住人性弱点赚钱的无良商人。无论是褒是贬,谁都无法否定史玉柱在中国市场上所造就的那些营销神话。20年前,计算机汉字处理行业正处于红红火火的时候,刚从深圳大学研究生院获得软科学管理系硕士学位的史玉柱,  相似文献   

2007年是支付卡产业安全标准委员会(PCISSC:Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council)在世界范围内推行PCI数据安全标准(DSS:Data Security Standard)的第一个年头。我们希望通过本文的讨论,使得支付卡产业链的各个角色在未来更加重视信息安全工作,从而更为有效、全面、标准化地保护持卡人的机密信息。  相似文献   

2月4日,信息产业部苟仲文副部长深入省内通信运营企业现场查看了机房、通信基站和野外倒塌的电线杆,并召开座谈会,详细了解全省通信行业的受灾情况,指导江西通信业抗灾保通信畅通工作。苟仲文高度评价了江西省通信行业抗灾保通信畅通工作,对全省通信行业广大干部员工在抗雪灾行动中的无私奉献表示感谢,并勉励全省通信行业要继续战斗,做好后期的抗灾工作。  相似文献   

Boston-Power公司(Boston-Power,Inc.)是创新便携式电源解决方案的供应商,其解决方案可满足当今市场对更安全、更持久锂离子电池的需求.日前,该公司宣布募集了4500万美元的新资金.C系列融资是由Oak Investment Partners主导,并包括现有的蓝筹投资者Venrock Associates、Granite Global Ventures及Gabriel Venture Partners.  相似文献   

Dan Liao  Lemin Li 《ETRI Journal》2007,29(1):120-123
In this letter, we address the problem of resource allocation with efficiency and quality of service (QoS) support in uplink for a wireless CDMA network supporting real‐time (RT) and non‐realtime (NRT) communication services. For RT and NRT users, there are different QoS requirements. We introduce and describe a new scheme, namely, traffic aided uplink opportunistic scheduling (TAUOS). While guaranteeing the different QoS requirements, TAUOS exploits the channel condition to improve system throughput. In TAUOS, the cross‐layer information, file size information, is used to improve fairness for NRT users. Extensive simulation results show that our scheme can achieve high system throughput in uplink wireless CDMA systems, while guaranteeing QoS requirements.  相似文献   

一种自适应的OFDMA系统下行分组调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种适合于OFDMA(正交频分多址接入)系统的资源分配与调度算法,该算法利用物理层的信道信息和MAC层的队列状态信息,并综合考虑了数据分组传输的时延要求和业务的优先级,采取资源块与子载波分配相结合的资源分配方式。仿真结果表明,该算法在吞吐量和公平性方面都得到了较好的改善。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a packet scheduling discipline called packet loss fair scheduling, in which the packet loss of each user from different real‐time traffic is fairly distributed according to the quality of service requirements. We consider an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system. The basic frame structure of the system is for the downlink in a cellular packet network, where the time axis is divided into a finite number of slots within a frame, and the frequency axis is segmented into subchannels that consist of multiple subcarriers. In addition, to compensate for fast and slow channel variation, we employ a link adaptation technique such as adaptive modulation and coding. From the simulation results, our proposed packet scheduling scheme can support QoS differentiations while guaranteeing short‐term fairness as well as long‐term fairness for various real‐time traffic.  相似文献   

自适应OFDMA系统无线资源分配和分组数据调度算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对无线资源分配和下行链路分组数据调度算法研究的基础上,提出了一种适应于自适应OFDMA系统的联合算法,即K&H/MPF算法。理论分析和仿真结果表明:该算法在满足不同用户QoS要求的前提下,不但能够提供比多载波正比公平调度器更高的容量增益,而且以极大的灵活性实现了用户数据的公平发送。  相似文献   

Cross-layer strategies for resource allocation in wireless networks are essential to guaranty an efficient utilization of the scarce resource. In this paper, we present an efficient radio resource allocation scheme based on PHY/MAC cross layer design and QoS-guaranteed scheduling for multi-user (MU), multi-service (MS), multi-input multi-output (MIMO) concept, orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. It is about a downlink multimedia transmission chain in which the available resources as power and bandwidth, are dynamically allocated according to the system parameters. Among these parameters, we can mention the physical link elements such as channel state information, spectral efficiency and error code corrector rate, and MAC link variables, which correspond to the users QoS requirements and the queue status. Primarily, we use a jointly method which parametrizes these system parameters, according to the total power, and the bit error rate constraints. Secondly, we propose a QoS-guaranteed scheduling that shares the sub-carriers to the users. These users request several type of traffic under throughput threshold constraints. The main objective in this work is to adjust the average throughput per service of each user, according to their needs and likewise to satisfy a great number of connexions. Subsequently, we consider a model of moderated compartmentalization between various classes of services by partitioning the total bandwidth into several parts. Each class of service will occupy a part of the bandwidth and will be transmitted over a maximum number of sub-carriers. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy provides a more interesting performance improvement (in terms of average data rate and user satisfaction) than other existing resource allocation schemes, such as nonadaptive resource allocation strategy. The performances are also analyzed and compared for the two multi-service multi-user MIMO–OFDMA systems; with sub-carriers partitioning and without sub-carriers partitioning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a low-complexity beamforming-based scheduling scheme utilizing a semi-orthogonal user selection (SUS) algorithm in downlink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)/space division multiple access (SDMA) systems to support multimedia traffic. One of the challenges in the multi-dimensional (space, time, and frequency) radio resource allocation problem for OFDMA/SDMA systems is its high complexity, especially to simultaneously satisfy the quality of services (QoS) requirements for various traffic classes. In the literature, the SUS algorithm is usually applied to the single-class traffic environment, but extending the SUS algorithm to the multimedia environment is not straightforward because of the need to prioritize the real-time (RT) users and the non-real-time (NRT) users. To solve this problem, we propose the concept of urgency value to guarantee the fairness of the NRT as well as the best effort (BE) users while satisfying the delay requirement for the RT users. Simulation results show that, when traffic load is greater than 0.5, the proposed scheduling algorithm can improve the fairness performance by more than 100% over the most recently proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new multiuser scheduling algorithm that can simultaneously support a variety of different quality‐of‐service (QoS) user groups while satisfying fairness among users in the same QoS group in MIMO broadcast channels. Toward this goal, the proposed algorithm consists of two parts: a QoS‐aware fair (QF) scheduling within a QoS group and an antenna trade‐off scheme between different QoS groups. The proposed QF scheduling algorithm finds a user set from a certain QoS group which can satisfy the fairness among users in terms of throughput or delay. The antenna trade‐off scheme can minimize the QoS violations of a higher priority user group by trading off the number of transmit antennas allocated to different QoS groups. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed QF scheduling method satisfies different types of fairness among users and can adjust the degree of fairness among them. The antenna trade‐off scheme combined with QF scheduling can improve the probability of QoS‐guaranteed transmission when supporting different QoS groups.  相似文献   

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) is an efficient multiple access method for the future wireless systems. This paper studies the adaptive subcarrier and bit allocation problem in OFDMA systems to support heterogeneous services. The goal of the considered resource optimization technique is to maximize the total system throughput under the overall transmit power constraint while guaranteeing the QoS requirement of realtime users and supporting proportional fairness among non-realtime users. First, we introduce a Rate Adaptive (RA) resource allocation algorithm for non-realtime users and a Margin Adaptive (MA) algorithm for realtime users. Then, based on the previous algorithms, a novel algorithm is proposed to allocate the resource to both classes of users, which makes an efficient tradeoff between the resource usage of realtime users and non-realtime users. The algorithm is locally optimal solution provided that the MA and RA algorithms are utilized. Also, to reduce the computational complexity, a suboptimal method based on the balancing of the average power per subcarrier is also introduced. Monte Carlo simulation results show that all the proposed algorithms outperform the existing counterparts. The results also show that the suboptimal method for heterogeneous services can efficiently reduce the computational complexity at the cost of very little performance degradation. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 60472079, 60572115), and by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. Z104252), China.  相似文献   

Quality-driven cross-layer optimized video delivery over LTE   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
3GPP Long Term Evolution is one of the major steps in mobile communication to enhance the user experience for next-generation mobile broadband networks. In LTE, orthogonal frequency- division multiple access is adopted in the downlink of its E-UTRA air interface. Although cross-layer techniques have been widely adopted in literature for dynamic resource allocation to maximize data rate in OFDMA wireless networks, application-oriented quality of service for video delivery, such as delay constraint and video distortion, have been largely ignored. However, for wireless video delivery in LTE, especially delay-bounded real-time video streaming, higher data rate could lead to higher packet loss rate, thus degrading the user-perceived video quality. In this article we present a new QoS-aware LTE OFDMA scheduling algorithm for wireless real-time video delivery over the downlink of LTE cellular networks to achieve the best user-perceived video quality under the given application delay constraint. In the proposed approach, system throughput, application QoS constraints, and scheduling fairness are jointly integrated into a cross-layer design framework to dynamically perform radio resource allocation for multiple users, and to effectively choose the optimal system parameters such as modulation and coding scheme and video encoding parameters to adapt to the varying channel quality of each resource block. Experimental results have shown significant performance enhancement of the proposed system.  相似文献   

在IEEE802.16e标准中,保证QoS的调度算法一直是人们研究的热点,它涉及到从单一业务到多级别业务的调度服务.对多级别业务调度的支持是保证系统性能的重要技术之一.本文针对多级别业务常用的分层调度和联合调度策略,从系统吞吐量、QoS性能和公平性等方面对之进行的仿真分析和性能比较.仿真结果表明联合调度策略综合性能较好.  相似文献   

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