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公平调度的分组调度算法设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对无线实时多媒体业务应用,该文在算法Exponential rule(Exp)基础上提出了一种增强调度公平性能的Modified Exponential rule(MExp)分组调度算法。通过理论分析和系统级仿真对算法性能进行了分析和验证。  相似文献   

日益增长的多媒体业务要求下一代移动通信系统支持具有不同QoS要求的业务。针对LTE下行链路资源分配和调度问题,介绍了支持实时多媒体业务QoS调度算法的最新成果与进展,并对未来研究方向进行了分析展望。  相似文献   

为了提高LTE实时业务调度的公平性,在M-LWDF资源调度算法的优先级判断机制中引入了平均传输速率和保证比特速率,将经济学中的效用思想和效用函数引入M-LWDF调度算法,提出了一种基于时延效用函数和速率效用函数的M-LWDF改进算法,更好地体现了调度算法的时延特性和速率特性。仿真结果表明基于时延和速率效用函数的M-LWDF调度算法具有更高的公平性,能够更好地满足对实时业务的调度要求。  相似文献   

文中主要研究了适合TD-SCDMA增强技术HSDPA的分组调度算法,针对QoS要求不高的非实时业务的正比公平调度算法的比例关系,提出了一种适合非实时业务的简单的基于队列线性等待的HSDPA分组调度算法。通过仿真分析可知,该算法具有可行性,且比正比公平算法有着更好一些的性能。  相似文献   

为了改善现有车路通信方式覆盖范围小、交付时延大和传输速率低的现状,将TD-LTE技术引入车路通信接入系统。提出了基于TD-LTE的车路通信接入系统无线资源调度模型;构建了车路通信仿真场景,对比例公平算法、指数比例公平算法和改进的最大权重时延优先算法进行性能分析。仿真结果表明:车辆低速移动场景下,系统负载较低时指数比例公平算法性能较好,系统负载较高时改进的最大权重时延优先算法表现更优,比例公平算法不适合车路通信多媒体业务流调度;车辆高速移动场景下,三者都不适合车路通信多媒体业务流调度。  相似文献   

未来移动通信系统,诸如IEEE802.16旨在能够传送多种具有不同QoS要求的多媒体业务。为了保证业务的QoS,需合理设计调度器的结构和相应的调度算法。针对IEEE802.16宽带无线接入系统中的双层分级带宽分配体系结构,结合总调度器分配算法优点,采用了更适用于分类调度器且不同于参考文献的分配算法,旨在能够针对不同QoS等级的业务提供不同的调度方案,更好地满足用户的QoS要求。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于动态令牌轮询调度算法(DTSA)的无线多址接入控制(MAC)机制,该方案应用于无线ATM系统,为多媒体业务提供了服务质量(QoS)保证的无线接入.基站控制器为每个ATM连接建立令牌模型,根据模型进行时隙分配.为了适应诸如压缩视频流等实时VBR业务的动态特性和严格的QoS要求,定义了移动站用于通知基站其源帧率变化及队列情况的紧急消息.一旦收到紧急消息,基站将分配一定数目的令牌进入紧急令牌队列.根据结合紧急令牌队列的令牌轮询调度机制,基站可以进行灵活的时隙分配.通过仿真计算,我们发现该机制能较大地提高实时VBR业务的时延和丢失性能.本文还就影响该机制性能的设计参数进行了分析.  相似文献   

对宽带无线城域网(WMAN)而言,分组调度算法是保证用户服务质量(QoS)、平衡用户间公平性的关键。在研究比例公平调度算法(PF)算法与修正的最大加权时延优先算法(M-LWDF)的基础上,一种新的适用于宽带无线城域网实时业务的分组调度算法被提出,此算法引入了新的衡量服务队列负载的信息,能够实时地更新状态参数,提高了系统性能。仿真结果表明,此算法在保证系统吞吐量的同时,比M-LWDF算法具有更好的时延特性和公平性。  相似文献   

现今无线网络中的多媒体业务具有很大需求。该文对多业务CDMA通信系统容量进行分析,引入有效带宽概念,提出一种呼叫允许控制资源分配优化算法(CAC-RA)。此算法将多媒体业务分为实时业务和非实时业务,通过对自适应实时业务采用马尔科夫模型,对非实时业务采用排队模型,将两模型合并生成的的利益函数采用非线性规划,使呼叫允许控制、切换策略和资源分配问题同时得到解决。实验数据显示CAC-RA算法实现了合理的资源利用和最大的利益值,能较好地适应多业务CDMA网络。  相似文献   

在下行蜂窝网络中,多点传输计划因可以大幅度提高扇区平均吞吐量和小区边缘用户速率而越来越受到关注。传统的独立调度算法中参与多点传输的扇区分别调度各自的用户,这种独立调度算法限制了系统性能的进一步提高。文章提出了一种针对SF-DCHSDPA系统新的联合调度方案,基站间通过交换信息选择适合的传输方案。可更好地调度用户。通过系统级仿真结果可以看出,新提出的联合调度算法可以获得更好的扇区平均吞吐量和边缘用户体验。  相似文献   

一种优化无线多媒体业务接入允许控制和资源分配算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘莉  荆涛  付立  冯玉珉 《信号处理》2007,23(3):343-347
无线网络中的多媒体业务具有很大吸引力。本文将多媒体业务分为实时业务和非实时业务,提出了一种呼叫接入控制优化算法CAC-RA,此算法通过采用马尔科夫方法,排队论和非线性规划模型,同时解决呼叫允许控制和资源优化分配问题。提出的利益函数考虑了最大利用资源,同时满足无线网络各类用户的QoS要求,同时尽量减少用户的资源重新分配的频率和幅度变化,仿真实验数据显示CAC-RA算法能较好地适应业务变化的网络,同时实现了较为理想的利益值,满足无线网络多媒体用户的QoS要求。  相似文献   

徐晓东  饶云华 《电讯技术》2004,44(2):133-136
首先讨论了自相似网络通信量预测对于网络性能分析和网络资源利用率提高的重要意义,然后利用改进的Wiener-Kolmogorov方法来进行自相似网络通信量的非参数预测,最后研究了该预测方法在多媒体实时传输中的应用。  相似文献   

Next-generation wireless Internet (NGWI) is expected to provide a wide range of services including real-time multimedia to mobile users. However, the real-time multimedia traffic transport requires rate control deployment to protect shared Internet from unfairness and further congestion collapse. The transmission rate control method must also achieve high throughput and satisfy multimedia requirements such as delay or jitter bound. However, the existing solutions are mostly for the wired Internet, and hence, they do not address the challenges in the wireless environments which are characterized by high bit error rates. In this paper, a new analytical rate control (ARC) protocol for real-time multimedia traffic over wireless networks is presented. It is intended to achieve high throughput and multimedia support for real-time traffic flows while preserving fairness to the TCP sources sharing the same wired link resources. Based on the end-to-end path model, the desired behavior of a TCP source over lossy links is captured via renewal theory. The resulting asymptotic throughput equation is designated as the driving equation for the proposed rate control method. Performance evaluation via simulation experiments reveals that ARC achieves high throughput and meets multimedia traffic expectations without violating good citizenship rules for the shared Internet.  相似文献   

移动分布式无线网络中具有QoS保证的UPMA协议   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
该文基于有效竞争预约接入、无冲突轮询传输的思想提出了支持节点移动性、多跳网络结构和服务质量(QoS)的依据用户妥善安排的多址接入(UPMA)协议。它大大提高了信道的使用效率,保证了发送节点能快速接入信道,同时,最大程度地保证所有实时业务的时延和带宽要求。最后,我们考察了它对Internet数据业务的支持性能。  相似文献   

Measurement-Based Admission Control at Edge Routers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is very important to allocate and manage resources for multimedia traffic flows with real-time performance requirements in order to guarantee quality of service (QoS). In this paper, we develop a scalable architecture and an algorithm for admission control of real-time flows. Since individual management of each traffic flow on each transit router can cause a fundamental scalability problem in both data and control planes, we consider that each flow is classified at the ingress router and data traffic is aggregated according to the class inside the core network as in a DiffServ framework. In our approach, admission decision is made for each flow at the edge (ingress) routers, but it is scalable because per-flow states are not maintained and the admission algorithm is simple. In the proposed admission control scheme, an admissible bandwidth, which is defined as the maximum rate of a flow that can be accommodated additionally while satisfying the delay performance requirements for both existing and new flows, is calculated based on the available bandwidth measured by edge routers. The admissible bandwidth is a threshold for admission control, and thus, it is very important to accurately estimate the admissible bandwidth. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by taking a set of simulation experiments using bursty traffic flows.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new protocol, prioritized carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance, for real-time wireless local area networking. Wireless networks increasingly will be called upon to carry mixed traffic, some portion of which will be devoted to real-time control and monitoring. Our protocol, based upon the IEEE 802.11 wireless standard, mixes real-time traffic with standard multimedia data in a way which assures loop stability. Scheduling the real-time traffic is the primary issue considered. Under our framework, we propose and validate several new algorithms for dynamically scheduling the traffic of wireless networked control systems: constant penalty, estimated error order and lag first-order schemes. All algorithms are compared via simulation and the results show that dynamic scheduling algorithms achieve better system performance on average than static scheduling algorithms like fixed-order polling. The results of a real experiment involving two dryer plants and three IEEE 802.11 nodes are reported with static scheduling employed as it lower bounds the closed-loop behavior  相似文献   

Long time evolution (LTE) represents an emerging and promising technology for providing broadband, mobile Internet access. Because of the limitation of available spectrum resource, high spectrum efficiency technologies such as channel-aware scheduling need to be explored. In this work, we evaluate the performance of three scheduling algorithms proposed for LTE downlink transmission. The evaluation takes place in mixed traffic scenarios and aims at exploring strengths and weaknesses of the proposed algorithms. Simulation results illustrate the importance of real-time traffic awareness by schedulers when a specified level of quality of service is required. The research shows that lack of prioritisation of multimedia traffic will lead to severe degradation of video and VoIP services even with a relatively low network load.  相似文献   

随着使用WLAN(无线局域网)接入因特网的日渐普及,IEEE802.11eWLAN中的HCCA(混合控制信道接入)机制由于在处理实时多媒体业务的高效率受到越来越广泛的关注。在WLAN中为达到高带宽利用率和良好的端到端QoS,介绍了一种基于HCCA机制的带宽分配算法,同时对该算法与802.11PCF(点协调功能)两种接入场景下的网络性能进行仿真比较,其结果验证了该算法可以为WLAN提供良好的QoS保证,对在WLAN中传输语音、视频等实时业务具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

When multimedia information including speech, image, data etc. are transmitted, the difference in information rates, required quality, and traffic performance should be taken into account. A wireless spread spectrum system can achieve a flexible balance of these differences because of inherent asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) capability. In order to accomplish wireless multimedia communication, three parameters are investigated: the transmission power, packet length, and time slot. We propose and investigate two methods to accomplish wireless multimedia communication by using these parameters: (1) a method based on control of both transmission power and transmission packet length and (2) a method based on control of both transmission power and adaptive time slot. We derive the optimal transmission packet length and transmission power in (1) and derive optimal adaptive time slot and transmission power in (2) by using traffic of measurement and nonlinear programming. By the comparison, the two proposed methods are compared to the minislotted alternating priority (MSAP). Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed methods, when the priority of each medium is graded, show better performance than other systems in terms of average throughput and delay time of all media  相似文献   

This paper proposes a packetized indoor wireless system using direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) protocol. The indoor radio environment is characterized by slow Rayleigh fading with or without lognormal shadowing. The system supports multimedia services with various transmission rates and quality of service (QoS) requirements and allows for seamless interfacing to asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) broadband networks. All packets are transmitted with forward error correction (FEC) using convolutional code for voice packets and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) code for data packets with an automatic retransmission request (ARQ) protocol and for video packets without ARQ. A queueing model is used for servicing data transmission requests. A power control algorithm is proposed for the system, which combines closed-loop power control with channel estimation to give the best performance. The cell capacity of each traffic type and various multimedia traffic configurations in both single-cell and multiple-cell networks are evaluated theoretically under the assumption of perfect power control. The effect of power control imperfection on the capacity using the proposed power control algorithm is investigated by computer simulation  相似文献   

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