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以某型发动机为平台,结合起动供油规律和试验数据,得出了压力传感器的精度要求。针对原压力传感器精度不满足要求的问题,在改动量最小的前提下,设计了一种以信号调理芯片MAX1452为核心的补偿电路。经试验验证,改进后的传感器精度优于±0.3%。发动机采用改进后的传感器,在地面起动时,未出现因压力测量误差导致的起动失败;在高原起动时,不经过传感器校准,起动成功率也得到大幅度提升。该方案提高了发动机起动成功率,有效减少了因大气温度或海拔高度变化对传感器校准工作的影响。  相似文献   

针对单片集成压力传感器输出幅度较小、温度漂移会引起压力精度变化等难题,提出了一种新型的信号调理电路。该电路通过两个差分放大电路和四个D/A转换器来解决单片集成压力传感器的小输出和温度漂移问题。仿真结果表明,在5 V电源电压下,在0 ℃~85 ℃温度范围内,信号调理电路的最大误差可以减少到满量程输出的1.8 %。  相似文献   

针对单片集成压力传感器输出幅度较小、温度漂移会引起压力精度变化等难题,提出了一种新型的信号调理电路。该电路通过两个差分放大电路和四个D/A转换器来解决单片集成压力传感器的小输出和温度漂移问题。仿真结果表明,在5V电源电压下,在0℃~85℃温度范围内,信号调理电路的最大误差可以减少到满量程输出的1.8%。  相似文献   

刘海军 《电子产品世界》2021,28(2):97-99,101
本文介绍一款国产传感器信号调理芯片JHM1203,该芯片应用于压力传感器,可直接输出校准和温补后的压力数据,不再需要MCU具备复杂的校准算法.搭配数字校准板及上位机软件,可以实现单路及批量的温度补偿和校准.基于JHM1203的压力传感器以及仪表已经广泛应用于白色家电、医疗电子、消费类电子,汽车电子和工控等领域,并取得了...  相似文献   

采用市场上容易获得的称重传感器、位移传感器、热电偶、霍尔传感器等传感器构成测控实验系统,对重量、位移、温度和转速等物理量进行测试、监控和显示。硬件部分包括各传感器信号调理电路模块以及由AD574A,89C52,8255A等构成的主板模块。由于采用模块化设计,使用灵活,且很容易增加测量传感器的种类。系统稳定,操作简便,能有效地培养学生的实践动手能力和工程应用能力。  相似文献   

LEM传感器可广泛用于电力电子行业的电量控制和测量,以保证系统的高效、可靠性和安全.介绍了LEM闭环电流、电压传感器的性能、基本工作原理以及应用注意事项,给出了该传感器在直流电压、交流电流及电源电压同步信号采样中的应用电路,同时给出了采样电路中采样电阻的选择方法.  相似文献   

丁玮  施衍吉 《电子科技》1998,(1):59-62,64
基于许多压力传感器的灵敏度随压力增加而下降的事实,提出对线性拟合的残留一次多项式近似,并进而实现硬件补偿的非线性修正新方法。构造了简单、稳定的补偿电路,该电路利用对三角波进行导通角调制来二次多项式函数。这个方法已在工程上得到了应用并取得发良好的效果。  相似文献   

差动变压器式传感器的接口芯片AD2S93   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍的低功率差动传感器数字输出接口芯片AD2S93是一种完整的传感器接口电路,它不仅可以完成差动变压器式传感器等的信号调理工作,而且还可以完成A/D变换并将数字信号以串行方式输出。可广泛用于工业自动化、过程控制和精密测量等领域。本文介绍了该芯片的内部结构和工作原理,并给出了实用电路。  相似文献   

三余度智能压力传感器是采取了三路冗余设计的压力传感器,与传统压力传感器相比,该传感器具有更高的可靠性和智能性.本文给出了一种基于STM32 MCU的三余度智能压力传感器设计方案,并列举了完整的软硬件设计细节.  相似文献   

Integrated automotive sensors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Focuses on automotive applications and discusses the development of a suite of integrated radar and IR sensors that can be used to surround a vehicle (car, truck, boat, etc.). The primary function is to provide information to the vehicle systems and operator as enhancements to passenger and vehicle safety. It may also provide vehicle information (speed, location, destination, etc.) and integrate information (weather, road/traffic conditions, service/rest-area location, route details, etc.) from an intelligent vehicle highway system  相似文献   

Application of MEMS technology in automotive sensors and actuators   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sensors and actuators are the critical system components that collect and act on information in the analog environment and link it to the world of digital electronics. The functional groups of sensors, software, controller hardware, and actuators from the backbone of present and future automotive systems. Unit volumes for sensors and actuators in the automotive industry are measured in millions per year and at a unit cost of a few dollars. The design of sensors and actuators has increasingly made use of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. This technology is well suited to producing a class of micromachined sensors and actuators that combines signal processing and communications on a single silicon chip or contained within the same package. This paper contains a discussion of the issues in producing MEMS sensors and actuators from the concept selection stage to the manufacturing platform. Examples of commercial and emerging automotive sensors and actuators are given, which illustrate the various aspects of device development. Future trends in MEMS technology as applied to automotive components are also discussed  相似文献   

今天的轿车装满了传感器,用以提供性能和安全的关键数据.一开始,传感器是信号路径中的第一条链路,用来监视引擎和传动系统的各项参数,比如氧气、流体、温度、电压和电流,但它们的用途很快扩大到了来自各种致动器和电动机的反馈回路,其中包括防抱死系统和电动窗电动机.当然,传感器对于气囊部署系统的碰撞传感是至关重要的.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the fabrication and testing of two low-voltage force-balanced pressure sensors. In these devices the force acting on a diaphragm under external pressure and its corresponding deflection are counterbalanced with the force and deflection generated in a parallel plate electrostatic actuator mechanically coupled to the diaphragm. The low balancing voltage is attained using a force multiplication scheme. The first device is implemented using an open gap actuator constructed on top of a vacuum sealed sense diaphragm. The open gap design is exposed to the measurement environment hence susceptible to contamination. The second device eliminates this problem by enclosing the actuator in an hermetically-sealed cavity. Both devices have a full scale pressure range of 1 atmosphere (1.013 bar). The open actuator device has a nominal capacitance of 0.34 pF and a full scale range of 70 fF. The sealed actuator device a nominal capacitance of 2.12 pF and a full scale range of 100 fF. The pressure is balanced by voltages in the range of 12-25 V demonstrating the feasibility of force balanced pressure sensor compatible with low-voltage electronics  相似文献   

Vacuum-sealed silicon micromachined pressure sensors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Considerable progress in silicon pressure sensors has been made in recent years. This paper discusses three types of vacuum-sealed silicon micromachined pressure sensors that represent the present state of the art in this important area. The devices are a capacitive vacuum sensor, a surface-micromachined microdiaphragm pressure sensor, and a resonant pressure sensor. Vacuum sealing for these devices is accomplished using anodic bonding, films deposited using low-pressure chemical vapor deposition, and thermal out-diffusion of hydrogen, respectively. These sensors emphasize high sensitivity, small size, and excellent stability, respectively. The silicon-diaphragm vacuum sensor uses electrostatic force balancing to achieve a wide pressure measurement range  相似文献   

A novel structure of pressure sensors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A structure for discrete and integrated pressure sensors is proposed. A piezoresistive bridge pressure sensor and a pressure-sensitive MOS oscillator on this structure were fabricated and tested. The fully MOS-compatible technology, high-grade performance, intrinsically low temperature coefficient, and feasibility of fabrication are described to show the advantages of the new structure for production of discrete and, in particular, integrated pressure sensors and large-area sensor arrays  相似文献   

用压力传感器测量血压实验仪器的改装   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于原有用压力传感器测量血压的实验装置陈旧、性能不足,因此对实验仪器进行了改装。介绍了原有实验仪器的原理以及改装后的实验仪器原理。采用MPX50GP半导体应变集成型压力传感器放大电路与电表组装在一起,当电表开关指向mV档时,电表为毫伏表,用来测传感器的输出电压,当开关指向kPa档时,电表为一具电子血压计。改装后的实验仪器具有体积小,重量轻,灵敏度高等特点,既提高了医学学生对物理实验的兴趣,同时又对电子血压计有了一定的理论了解。  相似文献   

文章推导出PCF压力传感器检测基本原理,设计出PCF压力传感器典型系统结构,分析了PCF压力传感器对光源的特殊性能要求,选择半导体激光器(LD)作为传感器系统光源。提出LD工作稳定性整体控制设计方案,采用路分析方法给出LD中噪声控制模块、功率控制模块、温度控制制模块和波长控制系统。在LD中通过噪声、功率和温度控制等能够有效保障LD工作稳定性,保障PCF压力传感器系统对压力测量的精确性。  相似文献   

Li  H. Rein  H.-M. Schwerd  M. 《Electronics letters》2003,39(18):1326-1327
VCOs fully integrated in an SiGe preproduction technology are presented. By cutting interconnection lines a wide frequency range can be covered, up to 88.4 GHz. Special effort has been made to meet the demands for 77 GHz automotive radar. In the corresponding tuning range from 75.3 to 79.6 GHz, an output power of about 11 dBm (with -2.2 dBm potential measurement uncertainty) was achieved for each of the two complementary outputs, i.e. in total 14 dBm. The phase noise is about -94 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency.  相似文献   

Scaling limits in batch-fabricated silicon pressure sensors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The scaling properties of silicon capacitive and piezoresistive pressure sensors are described. An evaluation of the various noise mechanisms and pressure offsets in the scaled devices is presented, including Brownian noise, electrical noise, electrostatic pressure variations and pressure offset due to resistor mismatch. The analysis of diaphragm deflection includes the effects of intrinsic stress and the transition from plate theory to membrane theory. Both ultraminiature and ultrasensitive sensors are considered. Ultraminiature piezoresistive sensors with diaphragms measuring 100 µm in length and resolving 1 mmHg should be possible using present technology as well as ultrasensitive capacitive sensors that resolve 1 µmHg.  相似文献   

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