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这款EGG概念手机由Roman Tubl设计,椭圆形弧线外形、全触摸屏、边缘的红色更衬托出它的时尚感。EGG机身带有一定弧度,能很好地贴合手心,带来舒适的手感。该机采用真正意义的全触摸操控,机身表面没有设置任何按键。除了独特的外形和时下流行的操控方式外,  相似文献   

互余关系是基础数论中一个重要的理论概念。文中介绍了互余关系在典型椭圆曲线密码(EGG)方程中的简单应用,并根据互余关系和相关性质,进一步给出了互余关系中孙子互余定理一些等价转换定理的若干推论,以及模mi非互素情形的解法和相互关系。这些结果扩充了互余关系的基本理论,而且在密码学中有着实际的应用。  相似文献   

时域有限差分电磁建模系统的研究与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于时域有限差分(FDTD)算法并利用计算机可视化技术,对目标系统进行电磁建模研究,并设计出一套具有丰富内建图形处理功能的网格生成软件。在本系统中通过对目标系统进行3D建模和电磁学问题描述,将生成的电磁建模文件输入FDTD仿真模块即可进行模拟分析计算,直观形象地观察到电磁场的分布状态、电磁波传播、透射、散射等现象。U型天线的建模实例表明该电磁建模系统准确、高效。  相似文献   

软件通信体系结构(SCA)提供了一种标准、开放、可互操作无线电通信软件平台,是联合战术无线电系统(JTRS)的顶层设计规范。SCA核心框架中的XML描述文件描述了SCA系统域中的硬件设备和软件组件的属性,在SCA的波形开发中占有非常重要的位置。“SCA配置文件自动生成工具”能够方便高效地自动生成和维护配置文件,提高开发效率,缩短开发时间。以软件组合描述符文件为例,说明了SCA配置文件自动生成工具的设计思想和实现过程。  相似文献   

VTS雷达信号处理器的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙鹏  赵保军 《现代雷达》2002,24(1):54-56,59
主要研究VTS(船舶交通管理)系统中的雷达信号处理系统。该系统采用基于DSP+CPLD机制的实时信号处理板,两片C6X系列的高性能DSP和一大片大规模逻辑器件,实现对原始的雷达视频信号的各种处理:电子地图屏蔽、双极点滤波、匹配滤波、STC(Sensitivity Time Control)、恒虚警以及雨杂波处理。充分发挥DSP处理的优越性,在各种噪声和杂波中快速而准确地提取出船舶的各种信息,实现港口船舶的实时探测、定位和显示,并生成各种信息的统计报告。该处理器实际使用效果良好。  相似文献   

王锦玲  陈忠宝  王娟 《通信技术》2007,40(12):262-263,266
文章基于GF(2)上一条m-序列,给出一类新型的伪随机序列生成器——振荡生成器。并进一步给出了简化模型,且生成序列具有大周期和高线性复杂度.其简化模型生成序列周期和线性复杂度分别达到(2^m-1)^2和m(2^m-1),稳定性良好,适于在密码系统中使用。  相似文献   

虚拟重放系统(Virtual Replay)是ORAD公司为提高足球节目的可视性和可分析性而研制的足球比赛片断三维视景生成系统。该系统主要应用了计算机虚拟现实技术,可迅速将一帧二维视频图像转换为三维动画,并可从任意角度和位置观察赛场情况,甚至可深入赛场中,使观众产生身临其境的感觉。从本次世界杯转播的实际应用来看,该系统较好地发挥了计算机虚拟现实技术的特长,  相似文献   

为了有效地在规格说明层面对软件系统进行测试,A.J.Offutt[1]针对系统的状态规格说明定义了一系列覆盖准则,并阐述了如何基于系统的状态表示生成满足覆盖准则的基本方法。本文引入了一种应用于大型集成电路设计的数据结构OBDD(有序二叉决策图)作为生成测试用例的基本结构,创新地提出了一种新的生成测试用例方法。  相似文献   

本文阐述了智能网在电信领域中的应用,并结合我省的客服系统说明了业务生成环境(SCE)在智能网中的地位。  相似文献   

首先介绍了智能网的概念和业务生成环境(SCE)的原理,然后描述了智能网的体系结构和业务生成环境的业务生成流程,接着提出了业务生成环境系统的主要设计思想,并详细论述了业务生成环境的软件实现方法,最后指出了该系统的优势所在。  相似文献   

Precise glottal closure instant detector for voiced speech   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An algorithm which can extract precise glottal closure instant (GCI) information directly from speech is described. By utilising the average pitch and the area informations, accurate GCI positions are obtained. The result compared with the manually classified GCI information using EGG signals only shows 0.2 ms average error  相似文献   

In this work, the symbol error rate (SER) performance of a relay-assisted underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system has been investigated over the composite exponential-generalized gamma (EGG) distribution with the beam spread function (BSF) under two hard decision schemes of fixed decision threshold (FDT) and dynamic decision threshold (DDT). Specifically, the oceanic turbulence is assumed to follow the EGG distribution, and the impacts of absorption, scattering and misalignment loss are characterized by BSF. The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of this UWOC system is derived with the max-min criterion as the best path selection scheme. And with the help of Gauss-Laguerre quadrature function, the analytical SER expressions for these two threshold schemes are then achieved and validated by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Moreover, the SER performance is further studied under different temperature gradients, bubble levels (BLs) and water salinity over three water types, as well as the system structure parameters. Results show that the UWOC system with DDT scheme can efficiently overcome the error floor induced by FDT scheme and demonstrates better SER performance. Furthermore, the SER performance would be improved with lower BL, temperature gradients and water salinity as well as the concentration of dissolved particles. This work will benefit the design and research of relay-assisted UWOC system.  相似文献   

Real-time multichannel computerized electrogastrograph   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study was to develop a real-time multichannel computerized electrogastrograph (EGG) to measure and analyze electrical signals from the human abdominal surface. A soft-contact matrix composed of 25 cutaneous electrodes is embedded evenly in a latex mat. The mat can be firmly attached to the abdominal surface by drawing a vacuum between the matrix and the stomach. Twenty-five high-amplification filter/amplifiers provide a high signal-to-noise ratio and flat amplitude response for a signal between 0.02 and 0.12 Hz (1.2-7.2 cpm). The computer program provides waveform and frequency analysis for any chosen channel and mapping analyses for all 25 channels. A two-dimensional propagation exploration program was also developed. Using four different mapping analysis program subroutines, the optimal points for analyzing the EGG signals can be reliably found and variability of these locations can be observed easily. Results show differences in the EGG mappings of normal and abnormal subjects  相似文献   

Adaptive noise compensation is a popular method for improving signal-to-noise ratio in a variety of biomedical applications with its major disadvantage being the requirement for a reference channel containing noise strongly correlated to the noise in the primary channel. In many biomedical applications the utilization of a channel containing such noise without any representation of the information signal is difficult if not impossible. In this study we investigated the possibility of applying adaptive compensation in nonideal noise environments containing substantial presence of information signal in the reference channel. The signal in the reference channel was subjected to nonlinear manipulations for reducing the signal-to-noise ratio, thus diminishing the representation of information signal. The methodology was tested on canine electrogastrographic (EGG) signals of four unconscious dogs which underwent laparotomy and implantation of six pairs internal stainless steel electrodes in addition to the eight-channel abdominal EGG. Fourteen-channel (six internal and eight cutaneous) were obtained from each dog for 1/2 h. The signals were digitized and processed by computer. All internal signals showed regular and coupled gastric electrical activity with frequency of repetition in the normogastric range [3-9 cycles-per-minute (cpm)]. A single pair of primary and reference channels was selected from each cutaneous recording and exponential manipulators in the reference channels were introduced. The manipulators were tuned to maximize the percent distribution of spectral components in the canine normogastric range of each frequency spectrum calculated from the signal at the output of the adaptive compensator. Significant increment in the percent distributions in the normogastric range (p < 0.01) was noted after tuning the exponential manipulator, and in many frequency spectra the recovery of the genuine dominant frequency peak of gastric electrical activity as determined by the internal recordings was noted. This study indicated that low percent distributions registered by some EGG channels are related to external nonlinear factors, the impact of which can be partially compensated.  相似文献   

一种基于距离补偿的分布式小卫星双基SAR成像方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在一定条件下,分布式小卫星双基SAR可近似认为是一种信号发射器与接收器平行运动的双基SAR系统。针对其结构特点,该文提出一种基于距离补偿的成像方法。通过该方法可把双基SAR的相位信息以单基SAR 的形式表示,这样就可利用单基SAR的成像算法对双基SAR进行研究。本文结合波数域算法对这一方法进行了阐述,并给出了仿真结果。仿真结果表明,该方法可有效应用于分布式小卫星双基SAR的成像中。  相似文献   

本文设计了一套提取胃电和胃阻抗信号的胃动力信息采集与分析系统,该系统由采集系统和分析系统两部分构成。前者以单片机(ADuC834)为核心部件,实现了胃电和生物阻抗信号的同步采集和数据传输。后者对提取的阻抗信号和胃电信号运用小波多分辨分析处理,利用小波变换将胃阻抗信号从呼吸和血流信号中分离。系统可以应用于分析功能性消化不良患者胃动力的电过程和机械过程。  相似文献   

Radioscintigraphy is currently the gold standard for gastric emptying test which involves radiation exposure and is considerably expensive. We present a feature-based detection approach using neural networks for the noninvasive diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying from the cutaneous electrogastrogram (EGG). Simultaneous recordings of the EGG and scintigraphic gastric emptying test were made in 152 patients with symptoms suggestive of delayed gastric emptying. Spectral analyses were performed to derive EGG parameters which were used as the input of the neural network. The result of scintigraphic gastric emptying was used as the gold standard for the training and testing of the neural network. A correct classification of 85% (a specificity of 89% and a sensitivity of 82%) was achieved using the proposed method.  相似文献   

The authors examined the applicability of the exponential distribution for the time-frequency representation of the electrogastrogram (EGG). The EGG is a noninvasive measurement of the electrical activity of the stomach by placing electrodes on the abdominal skin. Quantitative analysis of the EGG has relied on spectral methods. The normal frequency of the EGG in humans is 3 cycles/min. Electrical dysrhythmia observed in the EGG is associated with motor disorders of the stomach. The exponential distribution was applied here for the estimation of EGG frequency and for the detection of dysrhythmia in the EGG. A series of computer simulations was conducted, demonstrating the reliability of the exponential distribution in the analysis of nonstationary electrical signals of the stomach. Applications of the exponential distribution in the spectral analysis of typical EGGs are presented. The results show that there is a great potential for the use of the exponential distribution in EGG analysis  相似文献   

The cutaneous recording of gastric electrical activity is called the electrogastrogram (EGG). Gastric electrical dysrhythmic events associated with abnormal conditions of the stomach may be detected from the EGG. An adaptive spectral analysis method based on autoregressive moving average (ARMA) modeling has previously been developed. The ability of the previous method to detect gastric dysrhythmic events from the EGG is studied. A series of bench tests simulating typical problems with the analysis of nonstationary electric potentials was conducted. The application of the adaptive spectral analysis method to dysrhythmic events and rhythmic variations of the gastric slow wave is presented. The adaptive spectral analysis approach provides several advantages: narrow frequency peaks permitting more precise frequency identification, determination of changes in frequency components at any time point, and enhanced interpretation of cutaneous EGG recordings  相似文献   

The design and prototypal realization of a visual tracking system is presented. The approach to target identification is nonconventional, in that it relies on an architecture composed of multiple standard neural networks (multilayer perceptrons) and exploits the information contained in simple features extracted from images, performing a small number of operations. Therefore, the tracking functions are learned by examples, rather than implemented directly. The system demonstrates that a quite complex task such as visual target tracking can be easily obtained by a suitable neural architecture. The fast tracking algorithm and the parallel structure allow a true real-time operation. The system exploits a two-level neural-network hierarchy with a number of parallel networks and an “arbiter”. The training set consists of various geometrical shapes, preprocessed to yield the data vectors. The experimental hardware implementation is based on multiple processing units, implementing the neural architecture, and serves as a prototype for the analysis of the system in practice. A small-sized realization can also be obtained  相似文献   

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