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吴雪刚 《信息通信》2010,(2):54-55,74
本文介绍了应急油机智能管理系统结构原理及实现的功能,通过对该系统在移动基站实际应用案例比较分析,得出应急油机智能管理系统在移动基站通信保障、节能降耗方面应用效果明显,具有较好的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

随着5G、F5G和边缘计算等新一代通信技术快速规模商用,汇聚层机房和接入层机房开始承担起各类新型应用和业务的接入承载需求,应急发电保障乃是重中之重。目前各运营商通信机房基本按照固定比例配置应急油机,且比例无相关标准,可能导致应急油机配置过多、日常维护利用效率不高、应急油机配置不足引起安全隐患或应急油机保障区域过大导致部分区域无法及时发电等问题。为解决上述问题,本文提出和应用了“应急油机复用网格模型”和“基于安全概率评估的应急油机资源调度配置方法”,获得合理、高效、安全的通信机房应急发电机配置方案。同时将方法用于某运营商通信机房应急油机配置,有效解决当前行业中通信机房应急油机规划部署问题。  相似文献   

针对应急通信保障中的应急动力保障建设,文章分析了通信网络中停电基站的应急动力供需关系,并提出基于爱尔兰时延排队模型的移动油机配置规划和保障效果评估方法。应用案例表明,该方法具有实用价值。  相似文献   

随着移动网络规模及油机数量不断增大,夏季雷雨大风天气、市电停电、供电改造和业主拉电等原因导致发电需求随之增多。现有的油机发电监控调度等闭环管控手段无法保证发电的真实及有效性,如何实现发电的闭环管控,有效降低运营成本成为文章需要研究的重要课题。其中,芜湖城市规模、基站规模较合肥稍小,和安庆、蚌埠等城市相当,但通过数据分析比较,油机发电的油料费用及发电次数持续较高,为此芜湖分公司结合现存实际问题,破解短板,建立了一套"基站发电油料费闭环管控的方法"。其主要特点为:(1)自主研发交流引入上端子改造技术解决市电恢复后无法监控的瓶颈问题。(2)多方面测试,确保油耗数科学发电调度模式,减少了发电时长。(3)完善发电现场各环节过程管控。(4)双系统的数据审核及常态化抽查,确保了发电数据的真实有效。《应急发电精细化调度系统》已于6月份完成全区82台油机的安装工作,同时对全区发电持续偏多站点60个全部实施了交流引入上端子改造技术,通过实施,芜湖分公司2014年6-9月份同2013年相比在基站大幅增长的情况下,发电油料费用下降了44.5%,尤其是2014年8月份同比2013年8月份油料费用下降44.96%,有效提高了基站抢修发电的及时性、有效性和真实性。  相似文献   

本文分析了基站油机发电管理的现状,找出了基站油机管理工作中无法对发电次数进行自动核算统计的问题,提出了依托现有动环监控系统,结合GIS、GPS、和市电和油机发电自动判断技术,实现了基站油机的发电次数的精确统计。  相似文献   

在配有油机做备用电源的基站中,对油机发电、基站供电的切换需安全、高效的管理。节能型自动电源切换系统通过将智能切换控制器与动力环境监控系统相结合,完成了对市电、蓄电池、油机的统筹控制,实现了基站供电切换的远程监控,可很大程度地保证基站供电的持续性和油机运行的安全性,降低油机能耗,减少运维工作量。  相似文献   

重点介绍了当前我国应急通信技术发展中的几个热点技术,如超级基站、高空基站、自组织应急通信网络等,并对这些技术在应急通信保障中的作用进行了分析,对这些技术的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

同频同播通信系统是由常规无线通信系统演变而来的,该系统由最早的单基站通信系统扩大到多基站通信系统,大大的扩大了覆盖区域,同时也解决了应急保障的通信要求,一方面要求移动台能够快速响应,同时要求提高频率的使用效率,降低使用的复杂性.但是多基站通信系统的站址毕竟是固定的,还难以满足移动的应急通信要求.本文就根据PDT数字同播系统的有线和无线的结合,同时结合实战的需求,分析PDT数字同播系统如何实现有线和无线的结合,达到应急通信中的实战快速组网和通信的要求.  相似文献   

随着社会公共应急保障体系的建设越来越健全,"超级基站"的应急保障能力将会发挥重要的作用。"超级基站"电源设备的配置与设计,必需充分考虑各电源系统设备的容量应满足正常和灾难两种不同环境下通信设备的用电需求。文中探讨了超级基站的电源系统配置和设计,具体包括超级基站的用电量分析、供配电系统组成、设备选择配置、供电智能化、设计建设过程中考虑的因素等。  相似文献   

黄吉 《移动通信》2012,(Z2):145-147,151
自然灾害兼有时间的突发性和地点的不确定性,而应急通信系统作为突发自然灾害指挥平台的重要组成部分,比一般通信系统在灾害时刻起到了更为重要的作用。文章主要介绍应急通信中的抗洪型超级基站,并从基站建筑等级、无线通信、传输、卫星通信建设等多方面进行了综合的论述。  相似文献   

介绍防音型机组和移动式机组等特殊用途柴油发电机组的技术现状和发展展望,以及这一类型机组在挂车电站及汽车电站上的应用。  相似文献   

Reducing the power consumption of base stations in mobile networks is an important issue. We investigate the power saving evaluation in two-tier heterogeneous mobile networks which consist of femtocells overlaid by macrocells. In the heterogeneous mobile networks, base stations without traffic load are allowed to enter the sleep mode to save power. The power saving probability that a base station enters the sleep mode and the average total power consumption of this network are complex joint-effects of various factors. Successful modelling of these complex joint-effects is critical to mobile network operators when they pursue the design of green mobile networks. In this paper we propose an analytical framework to facilitate systematic analysis. Based on the proposed analytical framework, we investigate the power saving probabilities and the average total power consumption in terms of several parameters, including the new traffic arrival rate per user, the maximum transmission power of a femtocell, the number of femtocells within a macrocell, and the number of users in the network. Numerical results show that the proposed analytical framework provides a useful and efficient method to facilitate systematic analysis and design of green mobile networks. Simulation results validate the accuracy of the proposed analytical framework.  相似文献   

随着移动通信的发展,人们对移动网络的要求持续增高,基站建设的密度越来越大,尤其对于一些面积广阔的大型广场,就需要建设更多的基站满足其无线覆盖的要求。分布式基站的普及,部分解决了基站密度大带来的选址难、建站难问题,但对拉远站的供电却提出了更高的要求。本文通过建设实例,提出了资源受限条件下的大型广场拉远站点的供电方案,并提供了一些可作为参考的具体建设方法。  相似文献   

分布式无线通信系统中的主从协同功控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布式无线通信系统通过多个基站与移动台协作通信有效地提高了系统的容量和覆盖范围。然而传统的功率控制算法并不适用于移动台同时接收多个基站信号的情况。本文提出了一种基于适用多小区结构的主从协同功控算法。该算法把为移动台服务的基站分为主基站和从基站,各从基站以主基站分配的功率为参考值分配功率,可使整个覆盖区域内的所有移动台达到平衡的信干比,且可适用于任意拓扑结构的,使用全向天线或定向天线的分布式无线通信系统,并可以采用低复杂度和开销的分布式算法实现。仿真结果表明,在不同环境中,与现有的分布式系统中功控算法相比,新算法可以显著地提高整个系统的容量。  相似文献   

通信电源作为通信系统的"心脏",在移动通信基站中具有无可比拟的重要地位,因此精细化配置通信电源显得尤为重要。本文以理论论证并结合工程建设实例分析探讨了精细化核算基站电源配置的思路,并给出相应的结论。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of a simple and easy‐to‐implement distributed power control strategy applicable to direct sequence code division multiple access (DS‐CDMA) networks. The scheme makes use of the received power measurements made on the forward link at individual mobile units to control the transmit powers on their reverse links. The algorithm, which effectively compensates for the slowly varying distance and shadow losses (due to their high correlation on both forward and reverse links), attempts to minimize the effect of fast multipath fading by averaging it out. We adopt a quasi‐analytic approach to estimate the reverse link capacity performance of an open‐loop power control scheme in both a single cell and a multi‐cell environment, and we do this for both a fixed base station and a moving base station scenario. Non‐stationary base stations are typical in tactical and emergency communications scenarios where the base stations could be mounted on moving platforms (e.g., tanks, jeeps, unmanned airborne vehicles). We estimate the capacity degradation, when base stations move relative to other cells, as a function of the amount of cell overlap and the standard deviation of the power control error. We also provide a comparison of the performance of the open‐loop power control strategy with that of a closed‐loop power control strategy.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种用于CDMA网络规划的的上行功率迭代算法。在迭代的过程中,移动台根据各个基站的负载情况,动态地选择所连接的基站,使发射功率最小,最终使移动台的发射功率和基站处的干扰功率收敛。对算法的收敛性给出了理论分析,仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性。该算法便于计算机实现,可用于实际的网络规划。  相似文献   

独立小容量电力系统的电能质量与负载的功率特性密切相关。在柴油发电机组带脉冲负载孤岛运行的系统中,柴油发电机组的输出电压发生畸变,当负载作用强烈时,电压频率波动较大,难以确定其基波频率并有效分离出各次谐波含量,此时传统的电压总谐波畸变率(THDv)已不能应用。文中提出一种在脉冲负载作用下衡量交流电压畸变程度的方法, 即电压畸变率(DRV)。通过对柴油发电机组带脉冲负载运行的试验系统进行测试,对比分析了系统不同运行模式下的THDv与DRV,验证了所提方法的优越性和合理性。在此基础上,得到脉冲负载工作模式及发电机组输出功率的变化对交流侧DRV的影响规律。  相似文献   

Each transmission from a base station in a mobile cellular direct-sequence CDMA network is a source of interference for the receivers in the mobile handsets that are operating in adjacent cells. This interference can limit the capacity of the forward traffic channels. The effect of adjacent-cell interference on the performance of the handset receivers is evaluated for a mobile cellular CDMA network that employs quadriphase-shift-key spreading, convolutional coding, and soft-decision decoding. It is demonstrated that acceptable performance may not be possible for a fully loaded cellular network. Of particular interest in this paper are cellular networks in which the base stations are mobile and must be interconnected by wireless communication links. Such networks are important for military applications and certain civilian emergency communications services.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of a simple and easy‐to‐implement distributed power control strategy applicable to direct sequence code division multiple access (DS‐CDMA) networks. The scheme makes use of the received power measurements made on the forward link at individual mobile units to control the transmit powers on their reverse links. The algorithm, which effectively compensates for the slowly varying distance and shadow losses (due to their high correlation on both forward and reverse links), attempts to minimize the effect of fast multipath fading by averaging it out. We adopt a quasi‐analytic approach to estimate the reverse link capacity performance of an open‐loop power control scheme in both a single cell and a multi‐cell environment, and we do this for both a fixed base station and a moving base station scenario. Non‐stationary base stations are typical in tactical and emergency communications scenarios where the base stations could be mounted on moving platforms (e.g., tanks, jeeps, unmanned airborne vehicles). We estimate the capacity degradation, when base stations move relative to other cells, as a function of the amount of cell overlap and the standard deviation of the power control error. We also provide a comparison of the performance of the open‐loop power control strategy with that of a closed‐loop power control strategy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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