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李建平  刘莺 《世界电信》2007,20(4):69-71
前言关于移动数据业务,近来一些研究认为,开放、合作的商务模式能带来业务的多样性和业务平台的广泛接受,而且经常提到北欧的短信和彩信的内容提供商模式。  相似文献   

驱动因素研究一直是顾客感知价值理论研究的重点和难点,目前主流的观点是"质量-价格"二维论。然而,由于质量和价格价值均来自顾客的主观感知,因而其个体心理差异会对感知价值的大小发生影响。本文选取个性这一决定顾客个体差异性的关键变量,以大五模型为基础,采用实证方法深入研究和验证了个性的五个维度即经验开放性、外向性、宜人性、严谨性和神经质对顾客感知价值的影响作用,并基于研究结论提出了针对顾客个性差异提高其感知价值的营销建议。  相似文献   

基于客户感知的移动数据业务分析平台建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章蕾  陈婷 《移动通信》2011,35(9):71-74
文章分析本地移动网的数据业务及优化需求,提出了构建基于客户感知的移动数据业务分析平台的思路,并对数据业务分析平台的建设方案和系统架构进行了探讨。  相似文献   

音频媒介具有伴随和知识属性,在为用户带来良好收听体验的同时更加注重知识的传递,满足用户自我提升需求,进而提升用户付费意愿。本研究通过问卷调查法,选取401名有试听或收听线上音频付费产品经验的成年用户为研究对象,探究网络音频知识付费的影响因素和在影响过程中感知价值发挥的作用。研究表明,听觉体验、感知内容质量和感知有用性与用户的付费意愿成正比,且感知价值在听觉体验、感知内容质量、感知有用性与付费意愿之间起中介效用。  相似文献   

梁鹏  李兵 《电信科学》2005,21(5):52-56
移动数据业务在未来的移动通信中将扮演越来越重要的角色.本文基于现网采集的移动数据业务的数据,运用数学方法进行数据拟合及分析,提出了新的WAP业务横型.并与前人提出的模型进行了对比,对实际网络的业务规划、配置系统设备、预测业务发展都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为了宏观把握网络的状态,以流量数据为网络态势感知的主要参考指标,运用流量特性构建网络态势感知模型,得出了基于流量的网络态势感知评价体系,据此制定态势感知系统,通过验证,证明其可行性。  相似文献   

引入Xgboost机器学习算法对移动互联网业务感知进行建模、分析.分析结果表明,在网络侧特征数据指标变量中,TCP无线成功率对移动互联网业务感知影响最大,在业务应用类别中,VOIP业务对感知最敏感.  相似文献   

移动群智感知应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认为无线通信和智能移动设备的发展为群智感知在移动环境下的应用奠定了基础,而廉价多样的传感器使移动群智感知应用与人类社会的联系更加紧密。移动群智感知用户采集数据时的协作方式分为参与式感知、机会感知两种,各有优缺点和局限性。移动群智感知需要考虑用户成本、网络压力、云计算服务器架设、用户隐私保护等方面的问题,要面对情境隐私、匿名任务、匿名数据汇报、可靠数据读取、数据真实性等安全方面的挑战。  相似文献   

基于信息可视化的协同感知模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘晓平  石慧  毛峥强 《通信学报》2006,27(11):24-30
为了提高协同感知的直观性与交互性,提出了一种基于信息可视化的协同感知模型,在感知粒度和感知范围的支持下将感知对象与感知呈现模式相映射,引入了进程线、任务前趋图、思维导图等图形化的信息可视化方式以支持感知信息的通信,描述了不同设计端对感知信息的处理流程。在协同模板建模平台中实现并验证了该模型,有效提高了协同设计中交互的启发性,促进了设计过程中的通信与协作。  相似文献   

王羽莹  孙礼 《通信技术》2010,43(11):126-128,133
移动学习足了信息化时代人们随时随地进行学习的需求,是泛在学习的重要组成。然而用户个体的差异性、学习环境的复杂性、终端设备的局限性等因素阻碍了移动学习的个性化发展。在对比了现有移动学习实现模式的基础上,构建了一个基于上下文感知的移动学习系统,利用泛在计算中的上下文感知技术应对复杂的学习环境,提升人与移动设备之间的交互,实现系统的个性化及智能化。  相似文献   

Given Hong Kong's special circumstances of small physical size, advanced infrastructure, and low shopping cost, a survey is designed under which supply-side problems in Internet business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce are indirectly revealed by responses on the demand side. Difficulties arising from the reluctance to answer questionnaires on the part of e-firms wary about trade and innovation secrets and their small number at the outset are thereby overcome. Survey data on demand-side obstacle factors in the form of perceived low e-shopping comparability, e-shopping inconvenience, e-transaction insecurity, and poor Internet privacy, together with orientation toward social interaction and low awareness on the part of consumers, translate into information on notionally matching supply-side hurdles. Regression analysis and hypothesis testing indicate statistical significance for the above hurdle factors in terms of impact on individual unwillingness to shop online. These results add to the inductive basis for future research into a general demand-supply theory of Internet B2C e-commerce and offer an empirically-grounded position against which the effects of later supply-side changes can be evaluated. Useful information also follows for engineer-managers seeking to compare marginal improvements in supply-side problems, particularly in the form of estimated substitution ratios.  相似文献   

In many developing countries such as Saudi Arabia the adoption of cloud computing is still at an early stage. This research aims to investigate the influencing factors in the decision to adopt cloud computing in the private sector. An integrated model is proposed incorporating critical factors derived from a literature review, along with other factors (such as physical location) that have not been examined in previous studies as main factors in the organisation’s decision to adopt cloud services. Data were collected from 300 IT staff in different organisations in the private sector in Saudi Arabia, in order to test the cloud adoption model and explore factors that were positively or negatively associated with cloud adoption. The most influential determinants of cloud adoption were found to be quality of service and trust. However, security and privacy concerns still prevent cloud adoption in this country. This study also showed that the effect of these variables differed according to organisation size and in adopter and non-adopter companies. Overall, these research findings provide valuable guidelines to cloud providers, managers, and government policy makers on ways of encouraging the spread of cloud computing in Middle Eastern countries and increasing its implementation, particularly in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Social influence is an important research topic in the technology acceptance literature, in particular for social media. Prior empirical studies have for the most part employed social influence theory to investigate user intentions to continue with social media, while culture driven theories have been neglected. Rather than using social influence theory, we introduced guanxi theory to explore how guanxi social mechanisms (or processes) influence Chinese users’ continuance intentions in WeChat. Specifically, we developed a model that examines the role of guanxi as manifested by renqing, mianzi and ganqing in perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and continuance intention in WeChat. A survey research method was adopted to test the proposed hypotheses. This study found that ganqing has a positive impact on perceived usefulness and continuance intention. Mianzi exerts a negative effect on continuance intention but exhibits a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Renqing was found to have no significant impact on perceived usefulness and continuance intention. Our study advances the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by introducing guanxi-based constructs in a Chinese mobile social-messaging application context. Our study also offers alternative insights on guanxi-based social influence processes in the Chinese technology acceptance literature.  相似文献   

It is shown how the concerns of the managers of firms with flexible manufacturing system projects (FMS) differ from those of manufacturing firms without FMS projects. An economic model is developed from which two hypotheses are obtained. The first hypothesis is that firms were investing in FMS to deal with the variance in their inputs. The second proposition is that firms wished to use FMS to deal with the variance in their outputs. Through an analysis of manufacturing survey data it was found that firms planning to implement FMS were statistically more concerned about vendor quality and vendor lead times than non-FMS implementors. The FMS implementors also thought of their outputs as being too variable. Thus, it appears that the two hypotheses are empirically validated. However, it is also found that FMS implementors are planning on narrowing or standardizing their product lines. The inference drawn from these observations is that manufacturers in North America and Europe are using FMS for its ability to adapt to the variations in the system's inputs and not for product design changes  相似文献   

Various disciplines have extensively studied deception in human communication. With the increasing use of instant messaging (IM) for both informal communication and task performance in the work place, deception in IM is emerging as an important issue. In this study, we explored the behavioral indicators of deception in a group IM setting. The empirical results showed that three types of nonverbal behaviors and three types of verbal behaviors that were investigated could significantly differentiate deceivers from truth tellers. The findings potentially can broaden our knowledge of deception behavior in human communication and improve deception awareness and deception detection in the cyberspace.  相似文献   

In order to stay competitive, semiconductor fabrication plants (fabs) must increase throughput and lower costs. At the same time, processes are becoming more complex with shorter life cycles. In this environment, some fabs are turning to their workforce for the added capacity, flexibility, and speed. This paper examines the effect of participative management techniques on manufacturing performance. Analyzing an international sample of 15 fabrication plants, the authors show that participative management has a statistically significant and positive correlation with manufacturing quality and a positive, but not statistically significant, correlation with quantity. The analysis also shows that the fabs in their sample tend to drive the individual components of participative management-power, information, rewards and knowledge-to the lowest level of the organization in a congruent fashion. This suggests that those fabs that utilize participative techniques do so efficiently  相似文献   

This study employed Rogers’ model to compare the diffusion of digital terrestrial television with the diffusion of digital cable in Taiwan. A telephone survey, which yielded 753 valid questionnaires, was conducted to collect data. The results of this study show that the factors affecting the intention to adopt digital terrestrial television differed widely from those affecting the intention to adopt digital cable. The diffusion of digital cable was discovered to be generally congruent with the prediction of Rogers’ model, while the diffusion of digital terrestrial television was not. This second finding reveals a limitation in Rogers’ model, namely, its alleged pro-innovation bias. It may be that the respondents in this study looked favorably on digital cable because they considered it, and not digital terrestrial television, to be an inevitable technology. Furthermore, this study found that awareness played an important role in respondents’ adoption of digital television. This study therefore suggests that, to accelerate digital conversion, Taiwan’s government should establish policies to educate people about digital television.  相似文献   

In this study, analysis and modeling of arrival and service processes are presented in a comprehensive fashion in order to determine statistical properties of voice traffic from end‐user perspective in accordance with the queueing theory. For the first time in the literature, we introduce a user centric approach and examine these services considering both flow directions of voice traffic, the uplink and the downlink as opposed to existing studies with the network centric approach. In our study, we use experimental data composed of actual phone calls collected from 2G/3G networks. To achieve this, we designed and implemented a data collection system for mobile users and compared the results by using data from an operational cellular network. In order to determine the time correlation of voice calls, Hurst parameter estimation methods are used. On the basis of the outcomes, independency of call arrivals is shown. Additionally, it is shown that calls acquired from user and network centric approaches are both Poisson distributed. Next, looking at the problem from service process perspective, thorough analyses are performed to determine mathematical models that can best characterize call holding times. Maximum likelihood estimation and expectation maximization algorithm are used, and it is shown that the optimum mathematical model for the characterization of call holding times is the lognormal distribution family. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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