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Layer decomposition is a promising method for obtaining accurate densitometric profiles of diseased coronary artery segments. This method decomposes coronary angiographic image sequences into moving densitometric layers undergoing translation, rotation, and scaling. In order to evaluate the accuracy of this technique, we have developed a technique for embedding realistic simulated moving stenotic arteries in real clinical coronary angiograms. We evaluate the accuracy of layer decomposition in two ways. First, we compute tracking errors as the distance between the true and estimated motion of a reference point in the arterial lesion. We find that noise-weighted phase correlation and layered background subtraction are superior to cross correlation and fixed mask subtraction, respectively. Second, we compute the correlation coefficient between the true vessel profile and the raw and processed images in the region of the stenosis. We find that layer decomposition significantly improves the correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a noise reduction algorithm for digital color images using a nonlinear image decomposition approach. Most existing noise reduction methods do not adequately consider spatial correlation of color noise in digital color images. Color noise components in color images captured by digital cameras are observed as irregular grains with various sizes and shapes, which are spatially randomly distributed. We use a modified multiscale bilateral decomposition to effectively separate signal and mixed-type noise components, in which a noisy input image is decomposed into a base layer and several detail layers. A base layer contains strong edges, and most of noise components are contained in detail layers. Noise components in detail layers are reduced by an adaptive thresholding function. We obtain a denoised image by combining a base layer and noise-reduced detail layers. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, in terms of both the peak signal-to-noise ratio and visual quality.  相似文献   

We have reviewed the estimation of 2D motion from time-varying images, paying particular attention to the underlying models, estimation criteria, and optimization strategies. Several parametric and nonparametric models for the representation of motion vector fields and motion trajectory fields have been discussed. For a given region of support, these models determine the dimensionality of the estimation problem as well as the amount of data that has to be interpreted or transmitted thereafter. Also, the interdependence of motion and image data has been addressed. We have shown that even ideal constraints may not provide a well-defined estimation criterion. Therefore, the data term of an estimation criterion is usually supplemented with a smoothness term that can be expressed explicitly or implicitly via a constraining motion model. We have paid particular attention to the statistical criteria based on Markov random fields. Because the optimization of an estimation criterion typically involves a large number of unknowns, we have presented several fast search strategies  相似文献   

Differential signaling has become a popular choice for multigigabit digital applications in favor of its low-noise generation and high common-mode noise immunity. Recalling from the full-wave solution of S-parameters, this paper presented a design methodology of analysis scheme to extract the equivalent circuits of discontinuities observed on the strongly coupled differential lines. Signal integrity effects of the bent differential transmission lines in a high-speed digital circuit were then simulated in the time domain. A dual back-to-back routing topology of bent differential lines to reduce the common-mode noise was further investigated. To alleviate the common-mode noise at the receiver, a novel compensation scheme in use of the shunt capacitance was also proposed. Furthermore, the comparison between the simulation and measured results validated the equivalent circuit model, coupled bends with compensation capacitance patch, and analysis approach.  相似文献   

Translational motion compensation for coronary angiogram sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method of compensating for the lag of the video cameras typically used in angiographic systems is presented for use in sequences of digitized X-ray images. The lag effect is reduced by a straightforward weighted subtraction, which has the undesirable side effect of increasing noise. By superimposing several lag-corrected and appropriately shifted images, however, the signal-to-noise ratio can be restored. The algorithm uses the phase-correlation method to measure the two-dimensional shift of a mobile coronary arterial structure. Processing is confined to a rectangular area of interest (AOI), which encloses a feature of clinical significance. The differences of the phases of the Fourier transforms of two frames is computed, combined with an appropriate filter, and inverse Fourier-transformed to produce a phase-correlation image. The vector separation from the origin of image space of the peak of the phase-correlation image is the estimate of the shift of the artery's position in the second frame as compared to the first. The isolation of the AOI from the surrounding image is achieved by the application of a window and correction for any linear trend in the background intensity.  相似文献   

像移补偿技术综述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
航相机照相时不可避免的会产生像移,像移补偿是提高成像质量和相机分辨力必不可少的环节。首先通过分析像移的产生原因及对图像造成的影响阐述了像移补偿的必要性,然后介绍了目前国内外较多采用的像移补偿法原理及其应用范围,最后给出了一个应用多种像移补偿法相机的实例及像移补偿技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Translational motion compensation in ISAR image processing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging, the target rotational motion with respect to the radar line of sight contributes to the imaging ability, whereas the translational motion must be compensated out. This paper presents a novel two-step approach to translational motion compensation using an adaptive range tracking method for range bin alignment and a recursive multiple-scatterer algorithm (RMSA) for signal phase compensation. The initial step of RMSA is equivalent to the dominant-scatterer algorithm (DSA). An error-compensating point source is then recursively synthesized from the selected range bins, where each contains a prominent scatterer. Since the clutter-induced phase errors are reduced by phase averaging, the image speckle noise can be reduced significantly. Experimental data processing for a commercial aircraft and computer simulations confirm the validity of the approach.  相似文献   

The authors present an algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding that combines new ideas in motion estimation, wavelet filter design, and wavelet-based coding techniques. A new motion compensation technique using image warping and overlapped block motion compensation is proposed to reduce temporal redundancies in a given image sequence. This combined motion model has the advantage of representing more complex motion than simple block matching schemes. To further improve the quality of the temporal prediction, an adaptive grid with variable density according to the varying motion activity of a given scene is generated. An adaptively switched high-quality texture interpolation is employed to cope with the problem of fractional displacements in such a way that both objective and subjective reconstruction quality is improved. Spatial decorrelation of the motion compensated residual images is performed using an one-parametric family of biorthogonal infinite impulse response (IIR) wavelet filters coupled with the highly efficient pre-coding scheme of `partitioning, aggregation and conditional coding' (PACC). Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in objective quality of 1.0-2.3 dB PSNR in comparison to the H.263+ test model TMN10 using advanced coding options. In addition, the authors' intracoding method provides a performance gain of 0.5 dB PSNR on the average for a test suite of various still images when compared to the emerging still image coding standard JPEG-2000  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to simultaneously estimate multiple-frame motions and filter image sequences. The relative motion d(k)(x) between the reference frame s(x) and the kth frame s(x-d(k)(x)) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is estimated using the maximum-likelihood (ML) principle. The reference frame is also filtered in the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) sense during the process of motion estimation. Simulation experiments are performed using the affine motion model to illustrate the performance of this method.  相似文献   

We have investigated an original motion estimation method that exploits several frequency subbands of wavelet pyramids using a multigrid-multiconstraint strategy. A recursive and iterative solution based on the Wiener approach allows to take into account the reconstruction quality criterion that is crucial to image coding. Experiments show its performances in terms of compression ratio, reconstruction quality, and reduction of implementation complexity compared to a monoresolution case.  相似文献   

利用CCD光注入方程对基于时间延迟积分(TDI)方式的传统CCD电子像移补偿方法进行了分析,得出该方法中曝光期间电荷包以行为步长进行转移所造成的非连续性使补偿图像达不到图像清晰度要求的结论.提出了一种利用CCD自身多电极结构进行电子像移补偿的方法,通过修改CCD驱动时序使曝光期间电荷包以CCD电极宽度为步长进行移动,使电荷包移动的非连续性达到最小值,从而最大限度地减小电荷包移动和像移之间的非同步效应,使补偿图像的清晰度显著提高.仿真和实拍结果表明该方法能对前向像移进行很好的补偿.  相似文献   

The commonly used technique for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR)/synthetic aperture radar signal analysis is a two-dimensional Fourier transform (FT), which results in an image of the target's reflectivity mapped onto a range and cross-range plane. However, in cases where the line-of-sight projections of the target's point velocities change or there is uncompensated movement within the coherent integration time, the FT produces blurred images. For target recognition applications, mainly those in military surveillance and reconnaissance operations, a blurred ISAR image has to be refocused quickly so that it can be used for real-time target identification. Two standard techniques used for improvement of blurred ISAR images are motion compensation and the use of quadratic time-frequency representations. Both are computationally intensive. The authors present an effective quadratic time-frequency representation, the S-method. This approach performs better than the Fourier transform method by drastically improving images of fast manoeuvring targets and by increasing the SNR in both low and high noise environments. These advantages are a result of the S-method's ability to automatically compensate for quadratic and all even higher-order phase terms. Thus, targets with constant acceleration will undergo full motion compensation and their point scatterers will each be localised. It should be noted that the source of the quadratic term can come not only from acceleration, but also from non-uniform rotational motion and the cosine term in wide-angle imaging. The method is also computationally simple, requiring only slight modifications to the existing FT-based algorithm. The effectiveness of the S-method is demonstrated through application to simulated and experimental data sets.  相似文献   

This work describes sequences of extended morphological transformations for filtering and classification of high-dimensional remotely sensed hyperspectral datasets. The proposed approaches are based on the generalization of concepts from mathematical morphology theory to multichannel imagery. A new vector organization scheme is described, and fundamental morphological vector operations are defined by extension. Extended morphological transformations, characterized by simultaneously considering the spatial and spectral information contained in hyperspectral datasets, are applied to agricultural and urban classification problems where efficacy in discriminating between subtly different ground covers is required. The methods are tested using real hyperspectral imagery collected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer and the German Aerospace Agency Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (DAIS 7915). Experimental results reveal that, by designing morphological filtering methods that take into account the complementary nature of spatial and spectral information in a simultaneous manner, it is possible to alleviate the problems related to each of them when taken separately.  相似文献   

It is shown that the noise level in EPI (echo planar imaging) can increase very significantly if the final image is deconvolved to remove the ghost artifacts. This noise amplification is caused by divisions of small numbers, which scale the noise variance up. The scaling factor is a function of the frequency variable in the uniform sampling direction, and is small for low-frequency components and large for high-frequency components. A window function to provide an inverse scaling of data so that the noise scaling factor is canceled exactly is proposed. Since the signal energy is concentrated in the low-frequency range, it is not reduced significantly when windowing is applied. The window function is compared to the commonly used Hamming window and is shown to have good frequency response. The algorithm has been tested with computer simulations and has been verified to be able to raise the signal-to-noise ratio by 50% in the final image.  相似文献   

A content-based approach to the design of a triangular mesh is presented, and its application to affine motion compensation is investigated. An image is first segmented into moving objects, which are then approximated with polygons. Then, a triangular mesh is generated within each polygon, thus ensuring that no triangle straddles multiple regions. Translation and affine motion parameters are determined for each triangle, using bidirectional motion estimation. Results for three test sequences demonstrate the advantages offered by the proposed mesh design method, and by the use of affine motion compensation.  相似文献   

提出一种基于小波域的自适应运动补偿图像压缩算法。该算法利用小波变换的多分辨率特性,对经小波分解后的每个子带图像信号进行多分辨率运动估值(MRME)和多分辨率运动补偿(MRMC)处理,有效消除图像的冗余,增加可扩展能力,从而获得较高的图像压缩比。  相似文献   

为解决画幅式扫描红外成像技术中翼展摆扫引起的严重像移问题,提出了一种基于实时视轴跟踪的像移补偿技术,对于瞬时视场为100μrad的成像系统,像移补偿精度可达±0.005°(±87.3μrad),补偿效果优于1个像元。该技术能够实现翼展摆扫像移的高频补偿,研究成果对推动机载红外成像技术向宽视场、高空间分辨率方向进一步发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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