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郑燕  秦会斌  张文超 《电子器件》2009,32(5):966-968
介绍了采用铁氧体薄膜的微带环行器的工作原理、结构以及环行器阻抗匹配网络。对环行器进行了分析以及设计。在Ansoft公司的仿真软件HFSS中建立了环行器的模型进行了仿真,并对各个部分尺寸进行了优化。设计的薄膜环行器铁氧体薄膜厚度为10μm,在X波段(9.67~9.68GHz)可以达到插损低于1dB,隔离度大于20dB的设计要求。  相似文献   

基于二维三角晶格和正方晶格光子晶体分别设计了六端口和八端口光子晶体环行器.环行器由硅介质柱光子晶体波导和铁氧体介质柱缺陷构成.所设计的六端口环行器每个波导连接处只有一个铁氧体材料,能够有效降低损耗;八端口环行器波导连接处添加了多个铁氧体材料可有效提高隔离度.使用有限元法对电磁波在环行器中的传输进行了仿真验证.计算结果表明,六端口环行器各端口的隔离度达到22~38 dB;八端口环行器各端口的隔离度达到21.7~40.5 dB.设计的多端口环行器具有结构简单紧凑、隔离度高、损耗低的优点.  相似文献   

本报告叙述了微带环行器的磁路设计,给出了磁路参数计算的经验公式和曲线。根据这些公式和曲线,当环行器的电路参数确定后便可迅速地算出所需磁路参数和磁路结构尺寸;并讨论了磁路温度稳定性与环行器性能的关系,给出了3.7~4.7GHz环行器与隔离器的设计例子与实验结果。  相似文献   

周雁翎 《现代雷达》1998,20(3):100-104
介绍了一种新颖的槽形传输线微带环行器,利用有限差分法计算了微带线的特性阻抗和等效介电常数,分析了环行器的各设计参量,给出了设计公式以及实验结果。实验表明,该环行器可承受1.2kW的峰值功率和20W的平均功率。  相似文献   

张冰滨  袁靖  高杨 《压电与声光》2021,43(5):595-599
体声波(BAW)环行器是基于角动量偏置的一类新型无磁环行器,为了能准确地预测BAW环行器的性能,该文给出了一种基于耦合模理论(CMT)的设计方法。首先由CMT推导出BAW环行器的解析模型;然后利用Matlab绘制出归一化调制参数与环行器性能指标之间的关系图,并从图中选择环行器综合性能较好的调制参数点;接着以串联谐振频率1.752 GHz、品质因数1 593的体声波谐振器(BAWR)为例,计算出解析模型中的系数,同时确定调制信号频率和调制深度;再利用Matlab编程绘制出BAW环行器的S参数完成设计;最后将基于CMT计算的结果和基于ADS软件谐波平衡(HB)仿真结果进行对比。对比分析结果表明,基于CMT设计的BAW环行器插入损耗、端口隔离度、回波损耗与HB仿真结果基本吻合,验证了CMT设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

本书给出有关环行器设计和保护高功率微波源使之免为反射功率损坏方面的知识。是一本讨论作为微波系统中一个关键器件一环行器的专著。书中对环行器与隔离器下了明确的定义。并对环行器的理论及设计方法作了清晰的阐明。书中包含了有关环行器设计方面的各个环节;如基本理论,环行器指标,铁氧体材料选择和阻抗匹配网络综合。作者从性能优化的角度讨论铁氧体材料的选择,从五种常用的带线技术中精选出三种最适于环行设计和封装的形式。本书将有助于确定最简单的制造方法和性能价格比为最有效的设计方法。  相似文献   

杨宇 《通讯世界》2017,(15):259-260
本文通过LTCC环行器的设计,研究了LTCC工艺参数对产品电性能的影响.通过对环行器的研制,初步掌握了采用LTCC技术制作环行器的方法,为以后制作其它频率的LTCC环行器提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

一种取代环行器的电路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环行器广泛用于功率放大器电路等高频和微波电路中,然而在一些特殊情况下,环行器在体积、额定功率、插损、成本等方面存在不足之处.为了避免这些不足,研究了环行器在功率放大器电路中的作用,提出了一种取代环行器的方案,并设计了实际电路进行验证,结果表明该电路能够取代环行器起到保护功率放大器的作用,并且减小了体积,降低了成本,提高了功率放大器的效率.  相似文献   

本文对波导环行器的工作模式和阻抗匹配进行了理论探讨。论述铁氧体三角腔中应用TM_(1,0,-1)~±模构成环行器的工作机理,对渐变导纳变换器作了计算分析,并且设计出宽频带低损耗的波导环行器。  相似文献   

赖金明 《通讯世界》2014,(10):40-41
随着通信技术不断的发展,要求环行器体积小型化、贴片化,便于集成,传统的块体组装工艺生产的环行器在体积上已很难满足市场新需求,本文介绍了利用LTCC工艺制作新型通讯用表贴环行器,该类产品的特点是体积小,便于集成,外形尺寸小于常规器件的五分之一,同时对涉及的环行器设计和LTCC工艺进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

环行器是移动通信的重要器件之一,应用于基站的发射和接收系统中.根据结环行器经典理论中的两个环行条件,提出适用于TD-SCDMA环行器的设计流程,并据此给出中心导体为非正六角形的环行器仿真,验证了方法的有效性,结果满足小型化和高性能的设计指标.  相似文献   

Standing Wave Solutions of Planar Irregular Hexagonal and Wye Resonators   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Suitable planar resonators for the design of three-port symmetrical junction circulators are the irregular hexagonal resonator and the wye resonator consisting of the junction of three open-circuited stubs. This paper describes the equipotential standing wave solutions and cutoff numbers of some lower order modes in such resonators using a finite element program. Circulator standing wave solutions in magnetized hexagonal and wye resonators are obtained by taking suitable combinations of those of the demagnetized resonators. The paper also includes the solution of planar resonators formed by the junction of four open-circuited stubs.  相似文献   

A planar circulator consists, in general, of three transmission tines, connected through suitable matching networks to a magnetized ferrite resonator having three-fold symmetry. This paper describes a finite element analysis which enables the Z-matrix of a planar circulator using arbitrary shaped resonators to be calculated. This technique allows quite general computer programs to be written which permit tables of circulation solutions to be calculated. Results for junctions using disk, triangular, and irregular hexagonal resonators are included in the text. The frequency response of junction circulators using various configurations whose magnetic variables have been chosen so that they operate over the widely used tracking interval has also been evaluated. The optimum response is in each case associated with a unique coupling angle.  相似文献   

Tire use of resonators or waveguides utilizing higher order modes is often an attractive solution to the design of millimeter microwave networks. This paper investigates the complex gyrator circuit of a planar junction circulator employing higher order solntions in a disk resonator. The first such solution displays many of the features of weakly magnetized junctions using the dominant mode in a disk resonator, but its loaded Q-factor is incompatible with the realization of quarter-wave coupled devices. Although the second one exhibits more useful equivalent circuits, it requires a relatively large magnetization, which is not altogether practical at millimeter frequencies. A circulator configuration that has a frequency response akin to that of a quarter-wave coupled one is one where the in-phase eigennetwork is degenerate with those of the demagnetized counter-rotating eigennetworks. The degeneracy between the in-phase limit, TM/sub 2, 0, -2/ and the second-order counter-rotating limit, TM/sub 1, 1, -2/ modes, in an oversized irregular hexagonal resonator, is used in this paper to construct such a device.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new type of W band circular waveguide Y-junction circulator is presented. The structure of this type of Y-junction is a cylindrical cavity connecting with three circular waveguides. The performances of the type of circulator are analyzed by the edge-based vector finite element method hybridized with the modal expansion. The numerical results show that this type of waveguide Y junction circulator has good circulation performance.  相似文献   

刘力  贾建华 《现代电子技术》2007,30(19):101-103,106
铁氧体环行器是移动通信的重要器件之一,他具有单向传输特性,在基站的发射和接收系统中已经被广泛使用。选取比较典型的中心导体为双Y型带线结环行器作为设计对象,工作频段在GSM的接收频段925~960 MHz,根据设计指标,给出了设计步骤和计算机仿真结果。仿真数据完全满足设计要求和性能指标,这表明经典理论设计与计算机仿真相结合对射频结环行器设计有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

An important class of commercial three-port circulator relies for its operation on a junction resonator consisting of the symmetrical connection of three open-circuited transmission lines. A feature of this resonator is that it may be quarter-wave coupled to form a circulator with a moderate specification (25-percent bandwidth to 25-dB return loss points) and physical dimensions of the order of directly coupled conventional circulators (using a disk resonator). For circulators for which the in-phase eigennetwork may be represented by an ideal short-circuit, the equivalent circuit is a one-port network which may be formed from a characterization of the constituent resonator. This feature is used in this paper to study the equivalent circuit of junction circulators using planar WYE resonators. The derivation of the equivalent circuit parameters is supported with the design of a 4-GHz quarter-wave-coupled stripline circulator.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that for planar two-dimensional problems with symmetry, the dimensions of the matrices, which must be inverted to obtain a solution using the integral equation method, can be substantially reduced. For instance, for a three-fold symmetric hexagonal circulator junction with N segments about the periphery, the dimension of matrices to be inverted is reduced to N/3 from the usual N. It is demonstrated that for six-sided resonators with three-fold symmetry, a very good approximation to the equivalent admittance can be obtained with only 12 segments around the periphery, meaning that only 4 X 4 matrices need be inverted.  相似文献   

陈海晖 《现代雷达》2002,24(4):82-86
利用带线结环行器的相关理论,导出了结环行器的相位特性,并进而分析环行器的常规参数与插入相位变化的关系,通过实验验证了理论结果,对环行器的设计,调试具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

A substrate integrated waveguide degree-2 circulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) circulator is proposed and demonstrated in this work that can facilitate the integration of planar active components with high-Q passive components. Very satisfactory experimental and theoretical results are provided, at 22 GHz, for a degree-2 junction circulator using a post resonator. It also includes experimental results on the classic gyrator circuit of this type of junction.  相似文献   

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