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南京移动客户流失分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用户是移动通信运营商激烈竞争的焦点,而如何有效地控制客户流失,降低离网率、改变用户数负增长已成为各运营商亟待解决的难题。针对以上问题,根据数据挖掘原理,着重从业务理解、数据准备、建立模型、模型评估和应用等环节,对南京移动抽样用户的消费行为进行详细研究,建立客户流失概率的预测模型,挖掘流失客户的消费特征。所建立的离网预测模型覆盖率较高,具有较强的适用性,能较科学地发掘出离网客户,有助于公司针对性地开展客户挽留工作,从而降低离网率,降低挽留成本。  相似文献   

大客户业务是目前各运营商激烈争夺的领域,如何提供质优价好的大客户数据专网的解决方案,是提高运营商竞争力的关键因素,本文重点讨论了新一代MSTP技术和传统的PDH加E1转换器解决方案在组建大客户数据专网方面的优劣,并结合UT斯达康新一代多业务平台NetRing系列对大客户数据网络规划进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大客户业务是日前各运营商激烈争夺的领域,如何提供质优价好的大客户数据专网的解决方案,是提高运营商竞争力的关键因素,本文重点讨论了新一代MSTP技术和传统的PDH加E1转换器解决方案在组建大客户数据专网方面的优劣,并结合UT斯达康新一代多业务平台NetRing系列对大客户数据网络规划进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为减少用户流失,提高用户保有率,文章介绍一种基于智慧运营平台,将大数据技术和数据挖掘技术相结合,对电信客户流失进行预测的模型。该模型利用大数据技术处理用户离网前的海量数据信息,分析流失用户特征,建立用户流失预测,提前锁定流失风险较高的用户,有针对性地制定维挽策略,精准开展维系挽留活动,能够有效降低用户离网率。  相似文献   

1前言随着各运营商的业务相互渗透,电信分拆的实施,南北补网进程的加快,市场竞争日趋激烈。新运营商因基础薄弱,网络覆盖范围较小,往往将竞争的重点放在能带来高收入、高利润的大客户上,使得吸引大客户成为各运营商竞争的焦点。吸引大客户的重中之重就是在满足基本语音业务需求的基础上,提供完善的数据业务、增值业务等,实现一整套完整的大客户解决方案。大客户普遍要求运营商提供统一的接口,处理新业务的申请、受理故障的报修,提供统一的账单,提供高质量的QoS保证等。因此需要建立以客户为中心的综合业务接入平台,实现统一营…  相似文献   

随着有线电视的一元化收视格局被打破,用户离网问题变得日益严重,如何通过大数据技术和数据挖掘技术来降低用户流失率、提高用户的净推荐值已经成为影响广电运营商发展的首要因素,从有线电视用户收视行为的演变出发,分析了解决有线电视用户离网问题的路径和方法.第一部分介绍了有线电视用户离网现状与原因,从视频收视格局的变化出发,剖析了有线电视用户离网的现状和原因.第二部分介绍了建设有线电视用户离网预警系统的必要性和系统构成,分析了以往离网研究存在的问题,并介绍了格兰研究最新研发的大数据用户离网预警管理系统和online在线服务系统.第三部分介绍了大数据离网预警管理系统的关键技术和物理架构.第四部分介绍了离网预警管理系统的应用,分别阐述了离网用户挽留方案的制定和部门间的无障碍数据应用.  相似文献   

陈晶 《中国新通信》2007,9(1):83-85
当前,全球各主流电信运营商都在建设基于MPLS和IP技术,面向下一代的多业务承载网络。该网络不同于传统主要承载互联网业务的分组网,该多业务承载网承载的业务类型丰富,除了传统的Internet业务外,还要承载语音、数据、视频、大客户等对网络服务质量(QoS)有不同要求的业务。本文从技术角度对几种关键的可靠性技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着通信运营商之间的竞争日趋激烈,如何精确预测、定位用户离网倾向显得越来越重要。因此,文章提出了一种基于数据挖掘技术的用户离网预警的方法。首先设计了预离网识别模型总体框架,并提出了用户特征的提取方法。然后利用BP神经网络对用户是否有离网倾向进行快速识别。实验结果表明文章提出的方法能有效预测用户的预离网倾向,为企业提前开展预警挽留流程和提前启动关怀流程提供了有力支撑,从而提升了4G用户的保有率。  相似文献   

基于数据挖掘技术,建立了一个针对通信行业的客户挽留系统。首先运用数据挖掘的C5.0分类技术建立了客户流失预测模型,接着运用K—means聚类技术分析离网客户的离网特征,聚类产生了4个离网客户群,分别分析每个客户群离网的主要原因,然后参照无线通信行业客户分割矩阵分别为每个聚类制定了客户挽留建议。  相似文献   

田宇 《现代通信》2006,(11):33-34
NGN是业务驱动的网络,通过将业务和呼叫分离、控制和承载分离,可以高效快速地提供新业务。NGN技术在全国已经成功商用,是运营商实施网络转型的首选技术。对高价值大客户的争夺已成为各大运营商关注的焦点,因此,采用NGN技术建设大客户业务实验网,为他们提供增值业务是非常必要的,可以提升运营商的竞争力。NGN长途骨干网和大客户实验网混合设置的可能性通常,固网运营商建设一张或两张长途软交换网,形成单平面或双平面(A平面与B平面),与现有长途网一起负荷分担长途语音业务,随着网络的发展,逐渐替换现有TDM长途网络。在网络结构上,长途…  相似文献   

Customers should be at the heart of most businesses, and in particular service providers such as BT. In order to serve our customers better, we regularly introduce reliable processes and procedures to improve interaction with our customers, which is known as customer relationship management. Typically, organisations collect and keep large volumes of customer data as part of their processes. Analysis of this data by business users often leads to discovery of valuable patterns and trends that otherwise would go unnoticed and that can lead to prioritisation of decisions on future investments. Current tools available to business users are limited to visualisation and reporting of data. What is needed is modelling customer behaviours to be able to build future scenarios. More advanced tools and techniques have been available for a number of years but have not been developed for the business community due to the level of expertise required to use them. In this paper we present a number of tools and techniques developed for business users to perform advanced analysis on customer data. The tools can be used to perform sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis and impact analysis, all of which are aimed at prediction and simulation of future customer actions. The paper also covers application of the tools to real customer data and reports on some of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Dorai  C. Kienzle  M. 《Multimedia, IEEE》2004,11(4):18-21
The full integration of digital media as a commonly available data type for business applications causes a major transition in computing infrastructure and solution architectures. While many corporate uses of digital media can be handled with the current infrastructure, as the amount and file size of the digital media grows, more than simple capacity improvements need to be implemented. The business needs for media are concrete; the problems we need to address are real. Our community needs to find real solutions too, for high-level semantic analysis, provisioning and management of mixed-media information, and distribution and delivery of media data to satisfy requirements dictated by business scenarios. The paper describe a few scenarios that show how corporations are using digital media to enhance their employee and customer communications, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes, and create new business and revenue opportunities.  相似文献   

Faced with growing fierce competitive pressure on all fronts and market saturation, traditional telecommunication operators are now struggling to find the breakthrough approach by which they may successfully reshape their role from network service providers to multimedia service providers. They are re-examining their voice-centric business models and deploying next-generation networks (NGN) for QoS-guaranteed delivery of multimedia quadruple play services (QPSs). To cost effectively realize these paradigm shifts, the existing ";stability-oriented"; network operations and management infrastructure and processes should be migrated into ";service-oriented"; and ";business-driven"; network operations and management within the context of today's multimedia and converged business environments. In this article, I'd like to introduce Network Operations and Management 2.0 (NOM 2.0), which is an innovative next generation operations and management paradigm for telephone company business agility and customer value creation. KT recently proposed Telco 2.0 [1], a new role and business model in the IP world to create customer value. NOM 2.0 is a key component needed to realize the Telco 2.0 goals. Telcos need to transform their operations and management framework into a human-centric and highly intelligent and automated one, and become the market leader by providing an agile operation and management framework within ever-changing operations and business environments. I will describe what NOM 2.0 is and how it is being realized in my company, KT.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,客户需求逐渐向多样化、高层次、融合化方向发展,为全业务信息化产品经营提供了极其广阔的发展空间。全业务竞争下如何进行融合性信息产品的填充和发展,从而增强客户粘性,提高客户ARPU值,对运营商提升差异化竞争力来说尤为重要。旨在基于分析客户需求和相应的信息化产品体系,并提出全业务下信息化产品经营建改。  相似文献   

As of November 2005, there were 6.2 million broadband customers in the UK and this figure is still growing. North and South America had approximately 49 million broadband users, Asia-Pacific 74 million and Europe 53 million. In the last two years, broadband has turned from a niche product into a truly mass-market product. This success story brings with it huge challenges for service providers who wish to give their broadband customers the support they need while at the same time running a profitable business in what is a highly competitive and price-sensitive market. This paper first discusses the issues that exist with supporting broadband customers. It then shows how taking an end-toend view of the complete customer experience, from when the problem first occurs right through to when the customer is happy that a permanent resolution has been achieved, enables service providers to identify the key support capabilities that are required in order to deliver an excellent customer experience. Finally, some innovative ways in which those capabilities can be realised, in a cost effective way, are identified.  相似文献   

梁宝俊 《电信科学》2013,29(12):113-116
摘在对定位技术深入分析的基础上,基于混合定位能力平台,研究了用户综合定位管理平台的实现方案,通过提供定位客户管理、定位鉴权、用户定位业务统计、定位模式及成功率分析、定位计费信息等,为用户和运营商提供定位管理信息,便于推广基于定位业务的应用、发展行业信息化应用和促进客户价值的提升。  相似文献   

随着3G市场的深入以及4G商用的开始,移动通信行业面临着激烈的竞争,企业的发展型态已由过去以产品为中心的经营方式转变成为以客户为中心的消费型态。企业的发展必须以对客户的需求和消费行为的了解为重心,否则将会流失重大的商机。对于移动通信行业来说,如何通过数据挖掘技术去找优质客户群及可能流失的客户群具有十分重要的意义。利用数据挖掘技术,通过建立模型,预测电信企业的客户流失情况,为企业提高效益提供参考。  相似文献   

BT has a well-established managed network solutions business. Increasingly, corporate customers are looking for end-to-end solutions that deliver complete business processes. However, the managed network will remain a key component of business transformation.This paper investigates the design of very large IP networks. It establishes that there are many issues that need to be considered if an efficient, future-proof design is to be produced. The design of medium-sized networks is well understood and is a candidate for automation. However, larger networks require a good understanding of the customer needs for the network and any existing systems that need to be included, and a comprehensive understanding of current and emerging IP and data technologies that are available.  相似文献   

A recurring theme for modern business is adaptability. The ability to exploit resources, skills and market position in new ways to increase returns on investment is paramount. Large companies in particular need to understand their internal and external supply chains to identify and evaluate new opportunities. BT has a history of developing and supplying all the services required by its end customers; but the world is changing rapidly, new types of player are emerging and BT now supplies its many services to many different types of customer — service providers, resellers and peers as well as end customers. There needs to be a way of understanding the implications of the different forms of customer/supplier relationship on the design and implementation of BT's systems.This paper presents a new set of patterns for businesses and their supply relationship. These patterns can be used to examine supply chains and the paper illustrates how these different supply relationships place different requirements on the operational support systems. Such patterns will be core to a flexible strategy within high performing, adaptable businesses.  相似文献   

冀前 《电子质量》2007,(6):62-65
目前,ISO9000质量管理体系认证在中国十分盛行。但是否实施ISO9000认证可以改善企业的经营绩效?目前国内对这一领域的实证研究较少。为了从实证角度认识ISO9000质量管理体系认证与企业经营绩效的关系,在文献研究和与企业质量管理部门人员访谈的基础上,本文提出了一个以顾客满意为中间变量分析ISO9000质量管理体系认证与企业经营绩效关系的结构模型,并通过对112家认证过的制造型企业的问卷调查检验了该模型。对所得的数据进行因果关系分析的结果表明:ISO9000质量管理体系认证对顾客满意有显著的正向影响作用;顾客满意对企业经营绩效并没有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

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