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针对无线mesh网络中各信道间的干扰情况及流量负载均衡问题,定义了负载均衡的目标优化函数,设计一种基于最大流的负载均衡信道分配算法。该算法优先考虑为负载量比较大的链路分配更多的带宽,使得一些关键链路能够承受较大的流量负载,实现各信道的负载均衡,减少网络拥塞,降低分组丢失率和延迟。实验结果表明,该算法较好地平衡了网络负载,在网络业务较重的情况下还能获得较好的网络性能。  相似文献   

提出了一种在光网络中实现流量工程的负载均衡动态路由算法(LBDRO).该算法通过新定义的链路关键度函数和链路当前可用带宽确定链路动态成本,并依据该动态成本运用最短路径优先算法为到达的LSP请求建立动态成本优化路径.该算法的计算复杂度低,仿真实验表明,与MHA、WSP、MIRA算法相比,在光传输网络中,该算法在降低LSP建立请求服务拒绝率、均衡网络负载以及链路失效后重路由等方面有很好的性能.  相似文献   

对无波长变换能力的波分复用(WDM)疏导网络中的组播路由和波长分配(MRWA)问题进行了研究,提出了动态组播流量疏导算法(DMTGA)。这种算法根据当前网络资源使用情况,结合流量疏导和负载均衡,对链路权重进行动态配置,构建满足组播业务请求带宽需求的组播树。在不同的网络负载下对算法进行仿真,对比分析了DMTGA对业务请求接入率、平均网络资源利用率和全网负载分布的影响。  相似文献   

随着雷达网络传输技术的发展,雷达网络中的数据拥塞和流量分配不均衡问题亟待解决.文中针对多个被覆线与无线AP所组成的雷达传输网络中的流量分配不均衡问题,对多链路负载均衡算法(CIAP)中的任务调度算法进行改进.算法依据网络传输链路本身的固有特性,在进行链路碎片调度时,采用模糊聚类的思想对任务调度算法进行改进,该算法根据网络中各链路的剩余带宽和链路时延对负载较大的链路的路由碎片进行实时调度.实验结果表明,与传统的基于循环招标任务调度的多链路负载均衡算法比较,改进的算法能够迅速高效地均衡雷达网络中的链路负载.  相似文献   

单纯 《电信技术》2017,(12):44-47
分析数据中心网络动态价格调整拥塞控制和流量工程传输优化方法的研究现状,提出结合拥塞控制、流量调度和负载均衡的网络传输优化方法,设计一种新型数据中心网络资源动态价格调整策略框架,构建一种两层结构的数据中心网络拥塞控制价格设置算法,平衡和调节各发送端的购买力和链路带宽收益之间的关系,根据各价格指标设计具有QoS路由技术与调度算法实现资源优化利用的流量工程方法,扩展OpenFlow协议算法,整合SDN、FAST协议、ECN三种技术,从运行机制方面找到提高数据中心网络传输性能的方法.  相似文献   

在移动自组织网络中,相对于单路径路由算法而言,多路径路由算法可以均衡网络负载、提高路由的可靠性。通过对AOMDV路由协议进行改进,提出了基于能量感知和链路稳定度的多径MANET路由协议ELMRP。ELMRP协议综合考虑了节点的剩余能量和链路稳定度,根据路径的剩余能量和稳定度计算代价值,按照代价值在多条节点不相交路径上分配数据流量。仿真结果表明,和AOMDV路由协议相比,ELMRP协议延长了网络的生存时间,提高了数据分组递送率,降低了路由发现频度。  相似文献   

提出了多业务MPLS网络中基于赌盘的一种新的动态流量均衡方法.该方法将负荷均衡分为静态资源配置和动态选路2个阶段,前者得出流量中继在各LSP上的最优分布,后者则综合考虑LSP的剩余可用带宽和平均时延,采用赌盘机制从多条平行LSP中为呼叫请求选定其中的一条.给出了该方法的功能模型和算法的实现细节,并进行了实验仿真,仿真结果表明,所提出的方法能在确保多业务QoS要求的前提下,动态地均衡网络负荷.  相似文献   

李刚  孟田  杨新亮 《通讯世界》2017,(13):42-43
随着计算机网络技术的发展,数据化的进步,链路聚合技术逐渐的在IP承载网中应用广泛.他可以通过聚合多个类型的端口来将链路的贷款进行提高.并将负载均衡的功能以及凵余容错的两种功能都实现了.为了满足人们对数据量的不断地需求增长,本文在链路聚合技术上针对网络边缘进行保护,对负载分担以及聚合模式进行了研究选择,对现在已有的协议链路聚合的基础上进行保护机制的研究,对这种有协议的链路聚合提供毫秒级的保护效果.本文结合网络上层路由协议实现业务自动切换保护的解决方案,将宽带网络的链路检测有效地提升,将链路聚合在IP承载网中的应用以及优化路径进行探析.  相似文献   

在星地网络的背景下,为了降低由于地面网络链路负载过高导致的传播时延,提出了一种适用于星地网络的负载均衡算法。算法基于网络的链路容量设置一个链路资源利用率作为阈值,当发现路径出现过载的时候分成两步进行路径的预规划:第一步,运用蚁群算法为链路过载的数据流选择其他的路径,以满足地面网内部的负载均衡;第二步,如果仍出现链路超阈值的情况,通过卸载延迟容忍数据流来执行地面与卫星网络之间的负载均衡。仿真结果表明,设定自适应的过载阈值可以有效降低链路的拥塞,与现有算法相比该算法不仅可以更加均匀地分配地面网络中的流量,而且借助卫星网络使地面网络的平均时延降低了18.3%,提高了网络的服务质量。  相似文献   

 光网络中的路由和波长分配 (RWA)算法是NP难问题. 目前的解决方案大多是基于启发式算法或图论的,其计算复杂度往往随着网络规模的增加呈指数增长,而且链路阻塞概率建模也十分困难. 本文提出了一种基于“关键链路”预测机制的RWA算法,并综合考虑跳数和空闲波长数的因素,不仅通过链路层面,而且也从网络层面来解决RWA问题. 实验结果表明我们的算法可以实现很好的流量负载均衡和低的阻塞率,具有较小的计算复杂度.  相似文献   

In low earth orbit(LEO) satellite networks,in view of the unbalanced link resource,it's difficult to meet differentiated quality of service(QoS) requirements and easily lead to reduce the efficiency of the whole network.A routing algorithm based on multi-objective decision making was proposed which defined LEO satellite network transmission service as the delay sensitive,sensitive bandwidth and reliability sensitive three categories.It used the eigenvector method to calculate service weights,and used the consistency ratio to determine whether it can be accepted.Based on the multi-objective decision making theory,it combined with the actual state of satellite network nodes and links and the specific requirements of the business,calculating the path that meets the QoS requirements of the service,so as to realize the LEO satellite network multi objective dynamic routing optimization.Established simulation platform based on the iridium network system simulated network delay,the uncertain characteristics like the residual bandwidth and packet error rate,route planning for the randomly generated three classes of business.The simulation results show that,the algorithm not only satisfies the QoS constrain while balancing the traffic load of the satellite link effectively,but also improves the performance on the throughput.  相似文献   

马枢清  唐宏  李艺  雷援杰 《电讯技术》2021,61(7):865-871
为解决当前数据中心网络存在链路负载不均衡及带宽资源浪费问题,提出了一种基于粒子群优化算法的流量调度策略.该策略结合软件定义网络控制器可获取全局网络拓扑信息的特性,依据当前链路带宽资源状况及网络流量的带宽需求建立目标函数.首先,根据流的源地址和目的地址找出最短路径集,通过定义粒子聚合度判断算法是否有陷入局部最优的趋势;然后,结合约束条件与目标函数,利用优化的粒子群算法从最短路径集中找出网络流量的最佳调度路径.实验结果表明,相比于其他算法,该算法有效地提高了网络平均吞吐量,获取了较低的丢包率,从而减轻了带宽资源的浪费,更好地实现了网络的负载均衡.  相似文献   

A multilink concept, called string mode, that can be used in an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network to balance the load and thereby increase the efficiency of the network is introduced. The principle of the concept is to chop bursts into smaller subbursts, called strings, and distribute them onto a number of parallel links. Performance evaluation shows an efficiency improvement of more than 50% when the concept is used with bursty sources with a relatively high peak bit rate. The traffic shaping property and balancing of the load obtained in using the string mode protocol allow a simpler load control mechanism. The dissociation between service bit rate and link bit rate makes it possible to provide a high-bit-rate service using less advanced technology, and it will lower the blocking probability, as the total bandwidth does not have to be found on the same link  相似文献   

Optimized routing for providing ethernet LAN services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ethernet's-move into metropolitan and wide area networks is driving a rapidly growing market opportunity. Current Ethernet services come in two basic flavors, Ethernet line and LAN, providing point-to-point and multipoint connectivity, respectively. The LAN services, although more cost effective, are lagging behind in deployments due to associated QoS and bandwidth provisioning issues. The Ethernet service provider needs to provision the network to meet current and future traffic demands, where the traffic is unpredictable and bursty. The goal is to minimize. overprovisioning and complexity. To add to the challenge, Ethernet routing is based on simple self-learning and relies on spanning tree routing. In this article we propose an Ethernet-specific load balanced routing mechanism, which is robust to dynamic traffic demand. It significantly reduces overprovisioning, is simple and static, and requires only bandwidth profiles associated with service level agreements at the ingress and egress links. Our simulation results show that our scheme provides performance improvements over a recently proposed approach for switched Ethernet as well as a related load balancing approach for Ethernet over MPLS networks.  相似文献   

Ethernet link aggregation, which provides an easy and cost-effective way to increase both bandwidth and link availability between a pair of devices, is well suited for data center networks. However, all the traffic splitting algorithms used in existing Ethernet link aggregation are flow-level which do not work well owing to the traffic characteristics of data centers. Though frame-level traffic splitting can achieve optimal load balance and the maximum benefits from aggregated capacity, it is generally deprecated in most cases because of frame disordering which can disrupt the operation of many Internet protocols, most notably transmission control protocol (TCP). To address this issue, we first investigate the causes of frame disordering in link aggregation and find that all of them either are no longer true or can be prevented in data centers. Then we present a byte-counter frame-level traffic splitting algorithm which achieves optimal performance while causes no frame disordering. The only requirement is that frames in a flow are the same size which can be easily met in data centers. Simulation results show that the proposed frame-level traffic splitting method could achieve higher throughput and optimal load balance. The average completion time of different sized flows is reduced by 24% on average and by up to 46%.  相似文献   

The advances in the size, cost of deployment, and user‐friendly interface of wireless sensor devices have given rise to many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. WSNs need to use protocols for transmitting data samples from event regions to sink through minimum cost links. Clustering is a commonly used method of data aggregation in which nodes are organized into groups to reduce energy consumption. Nonetheless, cluster head (CH) has to bear an additional load in clustering protocols to organize different activities within the cluster. Proper CH selection and load balancing using efficient routing protocol is therefore a critical aspect for WSN's long‐term operation. In this paper, a threshold‐sensitive energy‐efficient cluster‐based routing protocol based on flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is proposed to extend the network's stability period. Using FPA, multihop communication between CHs and base station is used to achieve optimal link costs for load balancing distant CHs and energy minimization. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms competitive clustering algorithms in terms of energy consumption, stability period, and system lifetime.  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2013,19(5):392-399
To maximize the resource utilization of optical networks, the dynamic traffic grooming, which could efficiently multiplex many low-speed services arriving dynamically onto high-capacity optical channels, has been studied extensively and used widely. However, the link weights in the existing research works can be improved since they do not adapt to the network status and load well. By exploiting the information on the holding times of the preexisting and new lightpaths, and the requested bandwidth of a user service, this paper proposes a grooming algorithm using Adaptively Weighted Links for Holding-Time-Aware (HTA) (abbreviated as AWL-HTA) traffic, especially in the setup process of new lightpath(s). Therefore, the proposed algorithm can not only establish a lightpath that uses network resource efficiently, but also achieve load balancing. In this paper, the key issues on the link weight assignment and procedure within the AWL-HTA are addressed in detail. Comprehensive simulation and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a much lower blocking ratio and latency than other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

为了解决当前移动无线传感网数据传输中存在的同步寻址困难以及节点间功率交互难以均衡化的问题,提出了一种新的移动无线传感网数据传输算法。首先,采取广播机制实现同步控制分组传输,降低同步流量对寻址过程造成的压力;随后使用区域节点流量阀控制机制,且通过侦听方式记录并获取sink节点—区域节点链路间的数据流量,进一步采取流量—链路均衡方式促进流量均衡化;最后,通过基于轮数—sink 链路周期抖动筛选方式确认受限带宽,减少带宽受限导致的传输故障。仿真实验表明,与BLT-NB2R算法、NLSC算法和HT2C算法相比,所提出的算法可改善数据传输带宽,降低数据分组丢失频率,能够较好地满足实践需求。  相似文献   

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