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压缩感知自适应观测矩阵设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵玉娟  郑宝玉  陈守宁 《信号处理》2012,28(12):1635-1641
稀疏表示、不相关观测和重构是影响压缩感知性能的三大要素,本文设计的自适应观测矩阵以高斯随机观测阵为初始矩阵,利用信号稀疏域系数的部分先验信息进行自适应变换,形成新的观测阵,当压缩感知矩阵对信号的稀疏系数进行投影时,可使得稀疏系数中的小系数更接近于零;同时,通过减少观测阵行向量的方式来减少观测值,从而应用自适应观测阵后的数据传输量与用高斯随机矩阵的数据传输量相差不大。自适应观测矩阵对压缩感知的性能改进体现在重构精度上,用迭代硬阈值算法作为重构算法,我们从理论和实验仿真两方面验证了自适应观测阵的性能要优于高斯随机矩阵。  相似文献   

基于优化贝叶斯压缩感知算法的频谱检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王臣昊  杨震  肖小潮 《信号处理》2012,28(5):750-756
近年来,压缩感知理论依旧是信号处理领域的研究热点之一。将压缩感知应用于频谱检测技术可以突破传统的奈奎斯特采样定理,降低检测时采样率,因此可以减轻硬件处理的压力。因此适合用在频谱检测技术中,特别是宽带信号的频谱检测。本文对贝叶斯压缩感知理论(BCS,Bayesian Compressed Sensing)进行研究,并将其引入频谱检测技术中。在BCS算法的基础上,通过进一步减小高斯随机观测矩阵列向量的相关度,实现对观测矩阵的优化,得到一种优化的贝叶斯压缩感知算法(称其为OBCS算法,即Optimized BCS)。在MATLAB仿真中,本文提出将数零法作为频谱检测判决规则,并使用BCS和OMP算法作为对照,验证了OBCS算法无论在重构误差、检测概率还是虚警概率等指标上都具有最佳的效果。   相似文献   

基于压缩感知重构信号的说话人识别系统抗噪方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶蕾  郭海燕  杨震 《信号处理》2010,26(3):321-326
基于语音信号在离散余弦基下的近似稀疏性,本文对语音信号采用压缩感知(Compressed Sensing)技术进行压缩和重构,即将语音信号投影到随机高斯观测矩阵,并采用线性规划(Linear Program)方法进行重构,研究了重构误差与观测矢量点数的关系,分析了噪声环境下重构信号的频谱变化情况。针对噪声环境下压缩感知重构信号比原始信号频谱变化小的特性,提出了一种基于压缩感知重构信号的说话人识别系统抗噪方法,给出了不同信噪比下获得最高识别率时压缩感知观测矢量的最佳点数。   相似文献   

叶蕾  杨震  王天荆  孙林慧 《电子学报》2012,40(3):429-434
基于语音信号在离散余弦域上的近似稀疏性,针对采用随机高斯观测矩阵及线性规划方法进行语音压缩感知与重构时,重构零(近似零)系数定位能力差而导致重构效果不好的缺点,本文提出一种新的行阶梯矩阵做观测矩阵,用对偶仿射尺度内点重构算法对语音进行压缩感知与重构,并对该算法下的重构性能进行理论分析.语音压缩感知仿真结果表明,在离散余弦基下,压缩比(观测序列与原始序列样值数之比)为1∶4时,行阶梯观测矩阵下的平均重构信噪比比随机高斯观测矩阵下提高9.73dB,平均MOS分比随机高斯观测矩阵下提高1.22分.  相似文献   

直接序列扩频信号因具有良好的隐蔽性和抗干扰性能被广泛应用,压缩感知能有效降低直扩信号的采样速率。当通过冗余字典稀疏分解直扩信号时,观测矩阵和稀疏基一般有强相关性,该文提出正交预处理(Orthogonal Pretreatment:OPT)方法对观测矩阵和稀疏基进行预处理,降低观测矩阵与稀疏基之间的相关性,从而提高信息恢复的精度与稳定性,仿真结果表明提出的方法有效。  相似文献   

针对认知无线传感器网络中传感器节点侧的模拟信息转换器对本地感知数据进行稀疏表示与压缩测量,该文提出一种基于能量有效性观测的梯度投影稀疏重构(GPSR)方法。该方法根据事件区域内认知节点对实际感知到的非平稳信号空时相关性结构,映射到小波正交基级联字典进行稀疏变换,通过加权能量子集函数进行自适应观测,以能量有效的方式获取合适的观测值,同时对所选观测向量进行正交化构造测量矩阵。汇聚节点采用GPSR算法进行自适应压缩重构。仿真比较了GPSR自适应重构与正交匹配追踪(OMP)重构算法。仿真结果表明,在压缩比小于0.2的区域内,基于能量有效性观测的GPSR自适应重构效果优于传统随机高斯测量信号重构。在相同节点数情况下,GPSR自适应压缩重构方法在低信噪比区域内具有较小的重构均方误差,且该方法所需观测数明显低于随机高斯观测,同时有效保障了感知节点的能耗均衡。  相似文献   

针对如何大幅压缩SAR海量数据并获得有效的重构结果以完成SAR场景目标的高分辨成像问题,本文提出利用压缩感知(Compressed Sensing, CS)和Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG)算法共同完成。对于SAR所接收到的回波信号,首先依据CS理论构造随机高斯噪声观测矩阵对回波信号进行降维处理,然后,利用LBG算法对CS压缩后的数据再进行压缩编码以达到进一步大幅压缩的目的。对于数据重构问题,同样分为两步:一是利用LBG算法编码的逆过程进行解码恢复,二是依据CS理论利用平滑L0(smooth L0, SL0)算法重构原始回波信号。在此基础上,再利用传统频率变标(Frequency Scaling, FS)SAR成像算法进行高分辨成像。仿真结果证明了本文方法的有效性。   相似文献   

叶蕾  杨震  孙林慧  郭海燕 《信号处理》2013,29(7):816-822
针对压缩感知理论下,语音信号经随机高斯矩阵投影后得到的观测序列随机性太强,难以建模的问题,提出了一种基于行阶梯观测矩阵的语音压缩感知观测序列的Volterra模型,利用该模型实现对语音压缩感知观测序列的预测,研究了Volterra滤波器输入维数与阶数对预测效果的影响,并利用维纳滤波器进一步降低预测误差。在相同的已知数据量下,基于部分压缩感知观测序列、Volterra模型、Wiener滤波器的重构,获得了优于高斯随机观测序列的重构性能。模型的研究为压缩感知与语音技术的结合提供一定的参考价值。   相似文献   

王桂良  陆路希  乐波  郑辉 《电子学报》2016,44(12):2939-2945
研究压缩感知用于信号采样的工程化问题,给出了MWC(Modulated Wideband Converter)结构压缩感知宽带接收机的具体设计方案,提出了字典基自环测量获取方法和字典基的时延估计补偿算法,有效解决了工程化中因观测电路存在传输时延、通带波纹等与理论观测矩阵不一致,导致压缩感知处理数字调制信号时存在重构畸变的问题.实验测量了接收机的频率覆盖范围,验证了压缩感知的有效性,并以QPSK(Quadrature Phase Shift keying)信号解调误码率为标准量化评估了压缩采样造成的信号质量损失.  相似文献   

构造确定性测量矩阵对压缩感知理论的推广与应用具有重要的意义。该文源于代数编码理论,提出一种基于二进制序列族的确定性测量矩阵构造算法。相关性是描述矩阵性质的重要准则,减小相关性可使重建性能提高。该文推导出所构造测量矩阵的相关性小于同条件下的高斯随机矩阵和伯努利随机矩阵。理论分析和仿真实验表明,该方式构造的测量矩阵的重建性能优于同条件下的高斯随机矩阵和伯努利随机矩阵;所构造矩阵可由线性反馈移位寄存器结构实现,易于硬件实现,有利于压缩感知理论的实用化。  相似文献   

Compressive sensing theory states that signals can be sampled at a much smaller rate than that required by the Nyquist sampling theorem, because the sampling of a signal in the former is performed as a relatively small number of its linear measurements. Thus, the design of a measurement matrix is important in compressive sensing framework. A random measurement matrix optimization method is proposed in this study based on the incoherence principle of compressive sensing, which requires the mutual coherence of information operator to be small. The columns with mutual coherence are orthogonalized iteratively to decrease the mutual coherence of the information operator. The orthogonalization is realized by replacing the columns with the orthogonal matrix \(\mathbf {Q}\) of their QR factorization. An information operator with smaller mutual coherence is acquired after the optimization, leading to an improved measurement matrix in terms of its relationship with the information operator. Results of several experiments show that the improved measurement matrix can reduce its mutual coherence with dictionaries compared with the random measurement matrix. The signal reconstruction error also decreases when the optimized measurement matrix is utilized.  相似文献   

An Adaptive Measurement Scheme (AMS) is investigated with Compressed Sensing (CS) theory in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network (C-WSN). Local sensing information is collected via energy detection with Analog-to-Information Converter (AIC) at massive cognitive sensors, and sparse representation is considered with the exploration of spatial temporal correlation structure of detected signals. Adaptive measurement matrix is designed in AMS, which is based on maximum energy subset selection. Energy subset is calculated with sparse transformation of sensing information, and maximum energy subset is selected as the row vector of adaptive measurement matrix. In addition, the measurement matrix is constructed by orthogonalization of those selected row vectors, which also satisfies the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) in CS theory. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) reconstruction algorithm is implemented at sink node to recover original information. Simulation results are performed with the comparison of Random Measurement Scheme (RMS). It is revealed that, signal reconstruction effect based on AMS is superior to conventional RMS Gaussian measurement. Moreover, AMS has better detection performance than RMS at lower compression rate region, and it is suitable for large-scale C-WSN wideband spectrum sensing.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of measurement matrix optimization for compressed sensing (CS) in which the dictionary is assumed to be given, such that it leads to an effective sensing matrix. Due to important properties of equiangular tight frames (ETFs) to achieve Welch bound equality, the measurement matrix optimization based on ETF has received considerable attention and many algorithms have been proposed for this aim. These methods produce sensing matrix with low mutual coherence based on initializing the measurement matrix with random Gaussian ensembles. This paper, use incoherent unit norm tight frame (UNTF) as an important frame with the aim of low mutual coherence and proposes a new method to construction a measurement matrix of any dimension while measurement matrix initialized by partial Fourier matrix. Simulation results show that the obtained measurement matrix effectively reduces the mutual coherence of sensing matrix and has a fast convergence to Welch bound compared with other methods.  相似文献   

考虑到投影矩阵对压缩感知(CS)算法性能的影响,该文提出一种优化投影矩阵的算法。该方法提出可导的阈值函数,通过收缩Gram矩阵非对角元的方法压缩投影矩阵和稀疏字典的相关系数,引入基于沃尔夫条件(Wolfes conditions)的梯度下降法求解最佳投影矩阵,达到提高投影矩阵优化算法稳定度和重构信号精度的目的。通过基追踪(BP)算法和正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法求解l0优化问题,用压缩感知方法实现随机稀疏向量、小波测试信号和图像信号的感知和重构。仿真实验表明,该文提出的投影矩阵优化算法能较大地提高重构信号的精度。  相似文献   

为压缩复数合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像,基于压缩感知理论,设计了基于训练字典优化测量矩阵。该方法可增强测量矩阵的列之间的不相关性,有效地降低测量矩阵列向量间的互相干性,提高重构结果的精确度。基于优化后的测量矩阵,可以获取更好的复数SAR图像压缩结果。通过真实场景的复数SAR图像实验,验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

半张量积低存储压缩感知方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
由于随机观测矩阵的随机性,存在数据存储量大、内存占用率高、数据计算量大以及难以面向大规模实际应用等问题.为此,提出了一种可有效降低随机观测矩阵所占存储空间的半张量积压缩感知(STP-CS)方法.利用该方法,构建低维随机观测矩阵,经奇异值分解(SVD)优化后对原始信号进行采样,并利用拟合0-范数的迭代重加权方法进行重构.实验利用2维灰度图像进行测试,并对重构图像的峰值信噪比,结构相似度等指标进行了统计和比较.实验结果表明,本文所述的STP-CS方法在不改变随机观测矩阵数据类型的前提下,可将观测矩阵减小至传统CS模型中观测矩阵所占内存空间的1/256(甚至更低),同时仍保持很高的重构质量.  相似文献   

Compressed sensing (CS) is applied to capture signals at sub-Nyquist rate when the sensing matrix satisfies the restricted isometry property (RIP). When in a dimension-restricted system which has small row dimension and not so good coherence, the RIP and measurement bound will not be satisfied, and compressed sensing can not be applied directly. In this letter, we propose the dimension spread CS to the dimension-restricted system by directed dimension spread and diversity dimension spread, which make the compressed sensing applicable. The spread dimension bounds for the proposed algorithms are deduced to guarantee exact recovery which are also proved by simulations. Meanwhile, the experimental comparisons for the directed dimension spread CS and diversity dimension spread CS are given and different CS recovery algorithms are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in the dimension-restricted system. The diversity dimension spread CS outperforms the directed dimension spread CS for its effective dimension spread and diversity. The proposed algorithms can be directly applied in channel estimation and multiuser detection in overload system.  相似文献   

Compressive sensing (CS) is a new paradigm for signal acquisition and reconstruction, which can reconstruct the signal at less than the Nyquist sampling rate. The sampling of the signal occurs through a measurement matrix (MM); thus, MM generation is significant in the context of the CS framework. In this paper, an optimization algorithm is introduced for the generation of the MM of CS based on Restricted Isometric Property (RIP) mandates that eigenvalues of the sensing matrix fall within an interval also minimizes the mutual coherence of the sensing matrix (i.e. the product of the MM and sparsifying matrix). A novel gradient-based iterative optimization method is used to reduce the eigenvalues of the sensing matrix by SVD decomposition. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm can also reduce the operational complexity. Experimental results and analysis prove that the optimized MM reduces the maximum mutual and average mutual coherence between the MM and the sparsifying basis, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm over some state-of-art works.  相似文献   

Compressed sensing (CS) based channel estimation is greatly bound by the measurement matrix according to CS theory. We design pilot patterns by minimizing the mutual coherence of the measurement matrix with the generalized shift invariance property (GSIP). GSIP and a corollary are firstly proposed. Then two pilot pattern design schemes termed pilot design with GSIP (PDGSIP) and tradeoff pilot design with GSIP (TPDGSIP) are put forward to design orthogonal pilot patterns based on GSIP for a multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system. In PDGSIP, a collection of pilot patterns are firstly obtained and then pilot patterns having large mutual coherence are replaced with new ones generated with optimal pilot patterns. TPDGSIP directly produces new pilot patterns based on GSIP to fully exploit the pilot distance of the obtained pilot pattern as soon as one pilot pattern is obtained. Simulation results have shown that, the proposed pilot pattern design schemes are able to obtain the best pilot patterns in comparison to existing methods from the perspective of mutual coherence. Channel estimation performance using pilot patterns designed by proposed schemes precedes that using pilot patterns designed by existing schemes in terms of normalized mean square error and bit error rate.  相似文献   

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