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Recognizing the value and potential of the next generation mobile networks, major advanced countries, including South Korea, are developing various policies, and competitively considering the transition to secure next-generation mobile networks. This study aims to examine the factors influencing the generational transition of mobile communication networks. In particular, this study focuses on how previously unknown institutional factors, including the competition framework in the ICT market and the legal environment for media contents, affect mobile networks’ transition to 3G and 4G. Through a comparative cross-country analysis using more than 143 countries over 18 years of data, this study showed that a well-established competition framework in the information and communications technology (ICT) market positively affects the generational transition from 2G to 3G and from 3G to 4G mobile networks. Further, the legal environment for media contents also positively affects the generational transition from 3G to 4G mobile networks. The results provide crucial insights for policymakers and industry players to develop and implement policies and strategies for the generational transition of mobile communication networks not only from 3G to 4G and but also from 4G to 5G.  相似文献   

近年来,随着科技的飞速发展,我国5G移动通信技术也显著进步,技术的成熟使5G移动通信技术在许多行业中都得到了广泛应用,而且取得了较好的应用效果。目前,人们在对5G移动通信技术进行应用过程中,对高精度定位技术提出了较高要求,定位技术要在满足室内定位基础上,实现室外无缝覆盖,从而满足用户对于定位的实际需求。鉴于5G技术是在4G技术基础上发展而来的,因此在对4G定位技术进行分析基础上,针对现阶段的5G移动通信中定位技术进行了全面研究,希望可以对整个行业发展以及工作人员开展各项工作都能够有所帮助。  相似文献   

能够提供更高数据率的4G网络已经在全球开始部署。但由于用户数量增长饱和,ARPU值不降反升,难以提高运营商的盈利能力。通过移动通信和传感网的结合,可以开拓一个巨大的移动物联网市场,增加大量的"机器终端",同时实现移动通信技术向社会生活的各个领域渗透,从而保持通信产业的持续快速发展。  相似文献   

5G移动网络绿色通信技术相对于4G技术来说,在网络速度、网络延时和网络容量上进行了不断的提升。随着我国智能化的设备不断发展,5G移动网络绿色通信技术所面向了全社会的网络。由此可以预见,在未来人们的数据传输将变得更加高速率和高性能。本文在研究的过程中,主要结合第5代移动通信系统的具体建设和关键技术,分析当前我国第5代移动通信系统能耗问题,同时对于5G绿色通信技术的关键问题进行必要的分析。  相似文献   

彭飞 《电信科学》2003,19(4):36-40
本系统地介绍了第三代移动通信系统的主要标难之一——UMTS系统的移动定位技术方案,阐述了支持定位功能的网络结构与操作流程,从定位原理、精度、实现方案、对网络和终端设备的影响等方面,对几种主要的标准定位技术进行了综合分析与比较,最后简要概括了最新的发展和应用状况。  相似文献   

At present time it is broadly recognized the existence of three generations of mobile telephone systems. In this work it is analysed the evolution of the three generations systems in terms of the services provided in each generation, focusing in the entity known as CAMEL (Customized Applications for Mobile Networks Enhanced Logics), which is an important platform influencing the evolution of 2G and 3G and beyond mobile telephony systems. This work starts with a general overview of mobile telephone systems, their architectures and services platforms, going further into the evolution of CAMEL that occurs together with the evolution of third generation system UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) and would play an important role when the “all-IP” network and multimedia applications become part of everyday use by million of subscribers part of the mass market. CAMEL evolution is important as it is the evolution of 3G into 4G networks such as Ambient Networks, where CAMEL will be a fundamental element in order to make it easy the creation, control, and establishment of advanced and personalized services to subscribers, wherever they would be, and whenever they require the services, with full mobility and service portability, independently of the radio-access technology, the networks and the operators.  相似文献   

Unlike previous mobile communications technologies that centered on service subscribers, 5G mobile communication (5G) is expected to converge with various industry fields such as transportation, manufacturing, and construction, thereby stimulating innovation and generating significant ripple effects. At a time when 5G commercialization is incipient, it is necessary to understand mobile communication service users who are likely to be important initial users for the creation and diffusion of 5G services. The current study analyzed consumer preference for 5G services based on conjoint survey data and a mixed logit model, and we conducted a market simulation based on the estimation results to determine the impact of 5G technology development on the 5G market, specifically regarding the mobile communication fields. In addition, this study derived consumer purchase delay factors for 5G services using an ordered logit model. The results show that consumers delay the adoption of 5G services mainly because of the cost and lack of need. By considering the consumer purchase delay, it is estimated that the acceptance rate of 5G services by consumers will decrease by more than 50%; this is because it is hard to conclude a purchase delay of more than one year leads to an actual purchase. The results of this study suggest important strategic implications that are likely to reduce the purchase delay of consumers, improve the actual adoption rate, and increase the diffusion of 5G services.  相似文献   

The intense wireless LAN standardization and R&D activities worldwide, combines with the recent successful deployment of WLANs, provide prime evidence that WLAN technology will play a key role in the fourth generation of mobile data networks. In this context, there is a strong need to integrate WLANs with 3G mobile data networks and develop hybrid mobile data networks capable of ubiquitous data services and very high data rates in strategic locations. This article addresses this need by proposing and discussing some novel architectures able to provide internetworking between WLAN and 3G networks, and meet the requirements of the most common internetworking scenarios. These architectures can enable 3G subscribers to benefit from high-throughput IP connectivity in hotspots and also to attain service roaming across several radio access technologies, such as IEEE 802.11, HiperLan/2, ULTRAN, and GERAN.  相似文献   

随着电信业务和用户的不断发展,如何为新业务预留号码资源,3G用户将采用何种编号方式。固定移动号码在结构上容量比例不协调如何处理,这些问题都对我国原有的编号框架提出了挑战。本文结合国外编号现状及长远规划,对我国编号计划面临的问题进行了分析和论证,提出了我国未采编号计划框架的建议,即打开首位为“0”的应用,作为移动号码或将来开展业务使用;移动网仍采用网号、固定网仍采用局号方式的建议。  相似文献   

2G/3G用户"三不"转入LTE网可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内移动运营商建设3G网络时,为现网用户提供不换卡、不换号、不登记使用3G业务的方式,有效地促进了3G网络的发展.随着LTE技术的不断成熟,运营商将布署LTE网络,需考虑现有用户转网使用LTE业务的需求,由于LTE技术标准与3G标准相比有较多变化,是否仍可采用3G阶段的"三不"入网原则,需要探讨和研究.本文即针对这一需...  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a unified approach for the adaptive control of 3G mobile networks in order to improve both quality of service (QoS) for mobile subscribers and to increase revenue for service providers. The introduced approach constantly monitors QoS measures as packet loss probability and the current number of active mobile users during operation of the network. Based on the values of the QoS measures just observed, the system parameters of the admission controller and packet scheduler are controlled by the adaptive performance management entity. Considering UMTS, we present performance curves showing that handover failure probability is improved by more than one order of magnitude. Moreover, the packet loss probability can be effectively regulated to a predefined level and provider revenue is significantly increased for all pricing policies.  相似文献   

One of the key issues for radio resources management is network selection strategy in heterogeneous scenarios.In order to provide ubiquitous service,the paper puts forward a network selection algorithm based on multiple attribute decision making(MADM) and group decision making(GDM).Firstly,the proposed algorithm acquires attribute weights’ vectors of the subjective and objective decision makers based on MADM,and then the two attribute weights’ vectors are synthesized to be a new attribute weights’ vector by using GDM.Considering that the results of GDM should be reasonable and convincible,the criterion of consistency is adopted for judging the compatibility of group judgments.More specifically,the algorithm takes into account not only objective attributes of networks but also the preference of subscribers and traffic class.Hence it guarantees that the subscribers can not select the networks with poor performance depending on their preference.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the handoff number and provide subscribers with satisfactory quality of service(QoS).  相似文献   

Push-to-talk (PTT) technologies date back to the advent of the telegraph and more recently have been the domain of traditional land mobile radio (LMR) networks. The past few years have brought about a resurgence in PTT as a service offered by commercial providers, driven first by private subscribers and, increasingly, by organizations such as law enforcement agencies that traditionally rely on LMRs. This technology, today one of the growth areas in the communications industry, has received little attention in the scientific literature. In this article, we discuss some of the emerging technologies (voice over IP, CDMA used in 2.5G/3G systems) that relate to today's PTT service. We also discuss the market and financial implications of commercial PTT on current LMR deployments.  相似文献   

The fast expansion of the applications and services in the 3G mobile networks and the competition between the operators have increased the need to improve the QoS either for the subscribers or for the service providers. The umts operators’ principal goal is to guarantee their maximal benefit and offer the best QoS to the subscribers. Our work is funded on the optimisation of the network parameters, especially bit-rate. Our proposal’s goal is to offer the best rate distribution between the subscribers (bit-rate balancing) and to guarantee the load balancing between the network cells. It is based on network and radio engineering concepts. We used the genetic algorithm for the optimisation of the bit-rate allocation and we proposed a new process for the bit-rate and load balancing. The differentiation of the services treatment has been done by the definition of a priority based on each service requirements in QoS. To show the contribution of this approach in the practice, we simulated it on a Tunisian operator’s test platform model. The gotten results showed an increase of the connected users, some very weak blocking and call-drop rates and a better load balancing between the cells.  相似文献   

Mobile communications and wireless networks are developing at a fast pace. The increasing number of mobile subscribers and terminals are the real life evidence of the fast growing development in the area of wireless communication. Wireless communication technology is now pursuing 4G (fourth generation) and seeking a scheme to provide quality of service (QoS) to the various applications continuously even moving to another network. In this paper, we proposed a dynamic resource management architecture which considers vertical handoff situation with minimal disruption of service to the users considering seamless provision of QoS. The proposed scheme efficiently manages resources and provides stable services to the mobile terminal. The simulation results show that resource management enabled mobile terminals utilize system resources, CPU and memory, efficiently improved by 40% and 65%, respectively, rather than mobile terminals without resource tuning.  相似文献   

CSFB话音方案作为一种重要的过渡话音解决方案能够满足TD-LTE网络初期部分终端用户话音业务需求,同时解决国际漫游来访。基于试验网测试数据,本文分析了CSFB话音方案回落和返回过程中的关键技术,为CSFB话音方案部署提供建议及参考。  相似文献   

贺宁 《世界电信》2002,15(7):11-14
DSL作为一种大众化的宽带接入技术,已在所有发达国家和大多数发展中国家得到推广应用。到2001年第二季度,亚太的用户数首次超过北美,成为世界上最大的市场。一般来说,住宅用户的比例高于商业用户;在DSL发展较快的地区,住宅用户比例更高些;而在DSL发展较慢的地区,商业用户较多。目前各国普遍采用的推广措施主要包括:建立专门的宽带门户网站、与ISP捆绑接入、为一定服务期限的用户打折、为现有的电话用户打折、免费提供支持DSL的计算机,以及提供家用网络业务等。  相似文献   

3G气象服务平台研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
参考发达国家移动多媒体服务3G技术和3G天气服务产品,分析当前公共气象服务的现状。结合公共气象服务的发展趋势,提出了临沂3G气象服务平台的基本架构,说明建设3G气象服务平台是切实可行的。创新地采用3G移动流媒体产品推送技术,实现无线传送流媒体。  相似文献   

随着移动通信技术的飞速发展和移动数据业务量的爆发性增长,全球多个国家开始了LTE的商用进程。随着LTE的进一步发展,现有2G网络将有部分频率重用于LTE,这必将带来LTE与GSM系统间的共存干扰,为了保证LTE与GSM系统能够正常运行,制定完善的邻频共存保护方案是频率重用技术需要解决的关键问题之一。本文通过对GSM与LTE系统间的邻频干扰问题进行深入研究,提出了不同LTE制式与GSM共存时的保护间隔方式,为频率重用技术的发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

欧洲预付费业务发展动向及技术趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张强 《世界电信》2003,16(9):5-8
预付费是近年来在欧洲移动通信领域增长十分迅速的一种服务收费方式。最终用户为所需的服务提前支付费用的能力为欧洲移动运营商提供了一个规模高达数百亿美元的庞大市场。预付费模式的出现虽然在某些程度上增添了运营商对增值业务进行计费的复杂性,但却在帮助欧洲运营商开发潜在的客户资源,拓展新型增值业务和增强可持续赢利能力方面发挥着积极的作用,可以预见,以3G为代表的下一代服务势必为欧洲运营商预付费业务带来新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

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