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采用真空蒸镀的方法,在真空度为5.0×10-4 Pa条件下,分别以传统的材料CBP、TCTA为主体材料,绿色磷光染 色材料(Ir(ppy)3)为客体材料,制备了相应的有机电致发光 器件,研究发现采用CBP做主体材料的器件比采用TCTA做主体材料的器件能量传递更充 分。之后制备了结构为ITO/NPB(y1nm)/ CBP:Ir(ppy)3(x%,y nm)/TPBi(y2nm)/LiF(0.5nm)/Al 的有机电致发光器件,进一步探究了器件磷光染色材料的掺杂比、器件总厚度对器件性能的 影响。实验结果表明,以CBP为掺杂主体材料,y=20nm,y2=40nm,x%=8%,当y1=65nm, 器件亮度达到最高,为67760cd/m2。当y1=40nm时 ,器件功率效率最高,为41.2lm/W。与此同时,OLED器件的色坐标 均为(0.30,0.61)。  相似文献   

有机电致发光的效率   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
李文连 《液晶与显示》2001,16(2):120-123
描述了评价有机电致发光性能的重要指标--发光效率问题,从发光机制考虑,一般常用外量子效率和内量子效率来评价。外量子效率是有机电致发光器件输出光子数与注入电子数之比;内量子效率是产生在器件内部的光子数与液入电子数之比,对于光子能否输出到器件外部无关紧要。评价器件性能还有一些其他效率评价方法,如能量效率,功率效率等,特别是外功率效率(1m/W),电流效率(cd/A)也常常用于表征有机电致发光性能,但它们与发光光谱的视觉灵敏度有关,对紫外外辐射器件不适用,另外,利用三重态激子发射可以提高EL器件效率,理论上可达100%,器件结构及材料对器件外量子效率影响至关重要。  相似文献   

王振  汪静静  甘林  柳菲  郑新  王婷  王培  王巍 《半导体光电》2016,37(2):170-174
研究了基于FIrpic的超薄非掺杂有机电致蓝色磷光器件的光电特性.改变超薄非掺杂FIrpic发光层以及其隔离层的厚度,可以调控FIrpic分子的聚集及激子相互作用强度对器件性能的影响.研究结果表明,具有TCTA 5 nm/FIrpic 1 nm/TCTA 5 nm/FIrpic 1 nm/TPBI 5 nm/FIrpic 1 nm多发光层结构的器件性能较优,最大发光效率为9.9 cd/A,超薄非掺杂发光层结构避免了掺杂方法中共沉积磷光材料浓度的精确控制,有利于简化器件制备工艺.  相似文献   

使用绿色磷光材料GIr1和红色磷光材料R-4B作 为掺杂剂,制备了一种黄色磷光有机电致发光 器件(OLED),其结构为ITO/MoO3(60nm)/NPB(40nm)/TCTA(x nm,x=0、5、10和15)/CPB:GIr1:R -4B(30nm,14%,2%) /BCP(10nm) /Alq3(40nm)/LiF(1nm)/Al( 100nm)。其中x=0,5,10,5nm。通过在发光层与空穴传输层之间增 加电子阻挡层TCTA,使器件的效率得到提高。当TCTA厚为10nm时, 起亮电压为4V左右,器 件的最大发光效率为20.2cd/A,最高亮度可以达到21840cd/m2,器件的色坐标 为(0.42,0.53)。器件的EL主峰位于524nm 和604nm。并且当电流 密度为2.49mA/cm2时,10nm厚的TCTA 电子阻挡层的器件发光效率是不加入TCTA的器件发光效率的2倍。发光效率的提高是由于电 子阻挡层的加入限制了空穴传输层NPB的发光,从而使更多的激子在发光层中复合。  相似文献   

从经验公式出发,基于T-T湮灭过程,建立了有机磷光电致发光器件中复合宽度和外量子效率的理论模型.结果表明:(1)随外加电压升高,器件的复合宽度减小,外量子效率增加;(2)随器件厚度的增加,复合宽度相应增加,但外量子效率在不同的电压下呈现不同的变化趋势;(3)外量子效率随复合电流密度的增大而显著降低.讨论了外加电压和器件厚度对复合宽度的影响,分析了外量子效率随外加电压、器件厚度及复合电流密度变化的原因.  相似文献   

从经验公式出发,基于T-T湮灭过程,建立了有机磷光电致发光器件中复合宽度和外量子效率的理论模型.结果表明:(1)随外加电压升高,器件的复合宽度减小,外量子效率增加;(2)随器件厚度的增加,复合宽度相应增加,但外量子效率在不同的电压下呈现不同的变化趋势;(3)外量子效率随复合电流密度的增大而显著降低.讨论了外加电压和器件厚度对复合宽度的影响,分析了外量子效率随外加电压、器件厚度及复合电流密度变化的原因.  相似文献   

蓝光磷光微腔有机电致发光器件特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
使用典型蓝色磷光材料Firpic作为磷光金属微腔 有机电致发光器件(OLED)的发光层, 以高反射的Al膜作为阴极顶电极和半透明的Al膜作为阳极底电极,其结构为 Glass/Al(15nm)/MoO3(30nm)/NPB(40nm)/mCP:Firpic(30nm,x%)/BCP(10nm)/Alq(20nm)/LiF (1nm)/Al(100nm),x%为Firpic的掺杂 质量分数,分别为4%、6%、10%、12%和14%。实验 制备了不同的OLED,比较了测量角度和不同掺杂浓度对OLED发光特性的影响。结 果显示,对发光面积为0.8cm2的器件,测量角度的不同导致蓝光 辐射波长蓝移,色坐标发 生变化,器件的510nm和472nm两个峰值变化 不相同,随着角度的增大, 较大的峰值不断衰减,而较小的峰值不断增强;并且,当掺杂浓度为12%时,OLED得 到最好的发光性能,12V电压驱动下有最大亮度18870cd/m2,说明此时的主客体间能量转移最充分。  相似文献   

基于四取代铜酞菁的有机近红外电致磷光器件   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
制备了结构为ITO/NPB/TPBI:(4-tert)CuPc/BCP/Alq3/Al的近红外(NIR)有机电致发光器件(OLED),器件在室温下的发射峰位于1110nm附近,来源于(4-tert)CuPc分子的磷光发射,器件的最佳掺杂浓度为14wt%。制备了结构为ITO/NPB/TPBI:(4-tert)CuPc/DCJTB/BCP/Alq3/Al的器件,结果表明,DCJTB层的加入没有改变器件的NIR电致发光(EL)峰位置,而器件的NIR发光强度与没有DCJTB层的器件相比,提高了50%左右,这是由于DCJTB向(4-tert)CuPc进行了有效的能量传输。  相似文献   

我们研制成功了两种磷光白光有机发光器件。在1000cd/m^2的亮度下,一种器件的外部量子效率为20%。色座标CIE为(0.38,0.39),另一种器件的光效为251m/W.色座标为(O.39,0.44),在100cd/m^2的亮度下,借助于光外耦合增强技术,前者的EQE达到了37%,而后者的光效则提高到511m/W。  相似文献   

以CBP作为母体材料,绿色磷光染料Ir(ppy)3作为敏化剂,以荧光染料rubrene作为受主,制备了结构为ITO/2T-NATA(25 nm)/ NPBX (25-d nm)/ CBP:5%Ir(ppy)3:0.5%Rubrene(8 nm)/NPBX(d nm)/DPVBi(30 nm)/TPBi(20 nm)/Alq(10 nm)/LiF(1 nm)/Al的白光器件.在器件中,敏化剂Ir(ppy)3、荧光染料rubrene的浓度分别为5.0 wt%和0.5 wt%,发光层的厚度选择8 nm,通过调整两层NPBX的厚度来改善器件的性能,得到了比较理想的白光发射.当d的厚度为10 nm 时,器件在7 V的电压下最大电流效率达到11.2 cd/A,在17 V的电压下其最大亮度达到28 170 cd/m2,色坐标为(0.37,0.42),处于白光区.  相似文献   

有机磷光电致发光可以同时利用单重态和三重态的激子。理论上可使器件的内量子效率达到100%而在近几年倍受关注。文章从发光机理、基质材料、掺杂剂材料和载流子阻挡材料的特征以及发白光的磷光电致发光器件几个方面扼要阐述了该领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

Highly efficient blue electrophosphorescent organic light‐emitting diodes incorporating a bipolar host, 2,7‐bis(diphenylphosphoryl)‐9‐[4‐(N,N‐diphenylamino)phenyl]‐9‐phenylfluorene (POAPF), doped with a conventional blue triplet emitter, iridium(III) bis[(4,6‐difluoro‐phenyl)pyridinato‐N,C]picolinate (FIrpic) are fabricated. The molecular architecture of POAPF features an electron‐donating (p‐type) triphenylamine group and an electron‐accepting (n‐type) 2,7‐bis(diphenyl‐phosphoryl)fluorene segment linked through the sp3‐hybridized C9 position of the fluorene unit. The lack of conjugation between these p‐ and n‐type groups endows POAPF with a triplet energy gap (ET) of 2.75 eV, which is sufficiently high to confine the triplet excitons on the blue‐emitting guest. In addition, the built‐in bipolar functionality facilitates both electron and hole injection. As a result, a POAPF‐based device doped with 7 wt% FIrpic exhibits a very low turn‐on voltage (2.5 V) and high electroluminescence efficiencies (20.6% and 36.7 lm W?1). Even at the practical brightnesses of 100 and 1000 cd m?2, the efficiencies remain high (20.2%/33.8 lm W?1 and 18.8%/24.3 lm W?1, respectively), making POAPF a promising material for use in low‐power‐consumption devices for next‐generation flat‐panel displays and light sources.  相似文献   

有机EL与无机EL和LCD的比较及其未来前景   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
通过比较有机EL与无机EL、LCD在平板显示应用方面的差异,展示了OELD的美好应用前景。由于无机薄膜EL缺乏高亮度蓝基色成分以及驱动电压是100V左右的交流,难于制成低压彩色超薄显示器;无机分散型EL屏采用的是十几微米厚的粉末材料,也难于制成高分辩率超薄显示器,因此它们都无法与OELD相比。OELD显示器体积可以是LCD的1/2,功耗也大低于LCD,所以OELD将有望取代LCD。评述了当前OELD的最新发展趋势:采用荧光染料掺杂式的模糊界面结构的电致荧光器件和采用荧光染料掺杂式的电致磷光器件是当前OELD发展的主要潮流。文中还评述了采用低折射率材料提高外量子效率的情况。  相似文献   

A new class of charge neutral, strongly luminescent cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes supported by dianionic tetradentate ligand are synthesized. One of these platinum(II) complexes, Y‐Pt , displays a high photoluminescence quantum yield of 86% and electroluminescence efficacy (ηpower) of up to 52 lm W?1, and is utilized as a yellow phosphorescent dopant in the fabrication of white organic light‐emitting devices (WOLEDs). WOLEDs based on conventional structures with yellow emission from Y‐Pt in combination with blue emission from bis(4,6‐difluorophenyl‐pyridinato‐N,C2′) (picolinate) iridium(III) (FIrpic) show a total ηpower of up to 31 lm W?1. A two‐fold increase in ηpower by utilizing a modified WOLED structure comprising of a composite blue host is realized. With this modified device structure, the total ηpower and driving voltage at a luminance of 1000 cd m?2 can be improved to 61 lm W?1 and 7.5 V (i.e., 10 V for control devices). The performance improvement is attributed to an effectively broaden exciton formation‐recombination zone and alleviation of localized exciton accumulation within the FIrpic‐doped composite host for reduced triplet‐triplet annihilation, yielding blue light‐emission with enhanced intensity. The modified device structure can also adopt a higher concentration of Y‐Pt towards its optimal value, leading to WOLEDs with high efficiency.  相似文献   

载流子传输材料对双层器件电致发光特性影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以新的稀土红色荧光络合物--Eu(TTA)m复合体系作为发光层,用不同载流子传输材料充当电子传输层做成双层器件,研究了双层器件的电致发光特性。对于空穴传输材料,高场下器件的电流表现为体内电阻限制;而对于电子传输材料,咖啡 件的电流表现为电极限制。从光谱的变化,可明显看出电场对复合区域的影响。  相似文献   

A series of tetraarylsilane compounds, namely p‐BISiTPA ( 1 ), m‐BISiTPA ( 2 ), p‐OXDSiTPA ( 3 ), m‐OXDSiTPA ( 4 ), are designed and synthesized by incorporating electron‐donating arylamine and electron‐accepting benzimidazole or oxadiazole into one molecule via a silicon‐bridge linkage mode. Their thermal, photophysical and electrochemical properties can be finely tuned through the different groups and linking topologies. The para‐disposition compounds 1 and 3 display higher glass transition temperatures, slightly lower HOMO levels and triplet energies than their meta‐disposition isomers 2 and 4 , respectively. The silicon‐interrupted conjugation of the electron‐donating and electron‐accepting segments gives these materials the following advantages: i) relative high triplet energies in the range of 2.69–2.73 eV; ii) HOMO/LUMO levels of the compounds mainly depend on the electron‐donating and electron‐accepting groups, respectively; iii) bipolar transporting feature as indicated by hole‐only and electron‐only devices. These advantages make these materials ideal universal hosts for multicolor phosphorescent OLEDs. 1 and 3 have been demonstrated as universal hosts for blue, green, orange and white electrophosphorescence, exhibiting high efficiencies and low efficiency roll‐off. For example, the devices hosted by 1 achieve maximum external quantum efficiencies of 16.1% for blue, 22.7% for green, 20.5% for orange, and 19.1% for white electrophosphorescence. Furthermore, the external quantum efficiencies are still as high as 14.2% for blue, 22.4% for green, 18.9% for orange, and 17.4% for white electrophosphorescence at a high luminance of 1000 cd m?2. The two‐color, all‐phosphor white device hosted by 3 acquires a maximum current efficiency of 51.4 cd A?1, and a maximum power efficiency of 51.9 lm W?1. These values are among the highest for single emitting layer white PhOLEDs reported till now.  相似文献   

Long‐lived triplet excitons on organic molecules easily deactivate at room temperature because of the presence of thermally activated nonradiative pathways. This study demonstrates long‐lived phosphorescence at room temperature resulting from suppression of the nonradiative deactivation of triplet excitons in conventional organic semiconducting host–guest systems. The nonradiative deactivation pathway strongly depends on the triplet energy gap between the guest emitting molecules and the host matrices. The triplet energy gap required to confine the long‐lived triplet excitons (≈0.5 eV) is much larger than that of conventional host–guest systems for phosphorescent emitters. By effectively confining the triplet excitons, this study demonstrates long‐lived room‐temperature phosphorescence under optical and electrical excitation.  相似文献   

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