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LeaderRank与PageRank算法比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定复杂网络中节点的影响力对于网络上信息传播及网络营销等具有重要的价值。Page Rank算法和LeaderRank算法是两种著名的对复杂网络中节点进行重要性排序的算法。分别使用这两种算法对斯洛伐克最流行的在线社会网络Pokec中的用户进行了重要性排序。与度中心性指标排序结果进行对比,分析了这种排序结果出现的原因。并使用经典的疾病传播模型SIR模型对这两种算法进行了信息传播的仿真模拟,仿真结果显示LeaderRank算法用于在线社会网络节点重要性排序效果更好。  相似文献   

主要介绍了在基于关键字的图像检索结果上,利用视觉特征对图像进行重排序。由于关键字对图像的描述存在一定的偏差,所以检索结果难免存在偏差。尽管如此,基于关键字的检索结果中依然有一定比例的图片是与用户期望相关的,利用这一相关性可以建立一个由图像视觉特征描述的用户目标概念,以此作为基准采用分段插入排序对基于关键字的图像检索结果进行重排序,此方法既提高了检索准确率,又能满足实时性要求。文中介绍的方法采用了两种视觉特征,颜色直方图和局部二值模式(LBP)。  相似文献   

针对以用户目标为驱动的语义服务,提出了一种个性化的检索框架.采用加权概念网络表示用户模型.以概念图的形式定义需求中概念间的语义关联关系,充分表达用户的真实需求.给出了概念图与加权概念网络的匹配算法,对利用该算法得到的初步检索结果,考虑用户兴趣、职业特征及使用偏好等因素,进行二次排序,使得查询结果更富有个性化.实验结果表明,信息反馈的准确率得到了有效提高.  相似文献   

一种融合图学习与区域显著性分析的图像检索算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冯松鹤  郎丛妍  须德 《电子学报》2011,39(10):2288-2294
 为弥合图像低层视觉特征和高层语义之间的语义鸿沟,改善图像检索的效果,机器学习算法经常被引入到图像检索问题中.通常情况下,机器学习算法是与相关反馈机制相结合,通过用户的交互操作,标定出若干正反例图像,很自然地就可以将图像检索问题转化为模式识别中的分类问题.目前融合区域显著性分析的区域图像检索算法尚没有与机器学习算法相融合.本文结合图像区域显著性分析,并针对用户参与反馈的情况,分别提出了两种图像检索解决方案.其一,在没有用户反馈以及用户只反馈正例图像的情形下,将图像检索问题转化为直推式学习问题(Transductive Learning),改进已有的基于图的半监督学习算法,提出了融合区域显著性分析的层次化图表示(Hierarchical Graph Representation)方式,用以实现标记传播;其二,在用户同时反馈正反例图像的情形下,利用用户反馈得到的正反例图像构建相似性邻接矩阵,通过流形排序算法(Manifold-Ranking)学习出用户感兴趣的查询目标概念并用相应的特征向量集合表示,并据此查询图像库返回用户语义相关的图像集合.实验结果验证了这两种检索策略的有效性.  相似文献   

宫婷 《电信快报》2009,(7):39-41
元搜索引擎综合了多个搜索引擎的搜索结果,提高了搜索的覆盖率,但是它们返回的结果往往数目庞大,并且很多结果与用户查询并不相关。为了提高元搜索引擎的查询精度,文章提出了一种基于用户兴趣的元搜索引擎检索结果合成技术。该技术先对检索结果进行去重、消除死链接.然后根据基于用户兴趣的检索结果优劣比排序算法对结果进行排序,为用户提供贴切的查询结果。该技术能提高用户的检索效率和查询质量。  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的不断发展,每天大量的图像被制造出来,在此情况下,基于内容的图像检索技术发展迅猛。文中提供了一个在基于文本的初始检索结果基础之上,利用伪相关等级信息检索重排序的算法。利用少量的相关性等级计算出其他未标注图像的伪相关性等级,最终根据伪相关等级进行重排序。  相似文献   

刘春玲  田玉琪  张琪珍  冯锦龙 《电讯技术》2023,63(11):1803-1810
针对基站之间距离近、网络数量庞大的超密集网络中切换过程存在干扰以及频繁切换问题,提出了一种基于预判决的模糊逻辑切换算法。算法在计算用户接收信号的信干噪比基础上,预筛选出干扰较小的网络,计算用户在筛选出的候选网络中的停留时间,当停留时间大于门限值时对候选网络使用基于模糊逻辑的逼近理想解排序算法。通过模糊逻辑优化网络属性参数,进而使用逼近理想解排序算法对候选网络进行排序。排序过程中,使用修正后的贴近度计算方式使计算结果更加精确。仿真实验证明,该算法在超密集异构网络切换中可以有效降低切换次数,减少网络阻塞概率,有效提升用户服务质量。  相似文献   

王军选  王蕾 《电子科技》2014,27(11):1-4,7
为解决在异构网络环境选择最佳的接入网络问题,提出一种结合综合赋权的异构网络选择算法。在用户端采用层次分析法判断用户偏好,在网络端采用基于指标相关性的客观赋权法判断网络客观状态,并结合基于离差极小化的综合赋权法得到最终权重,同时运用理想值近似排序法进行网络排序,接入最佳网络。基于Matlab的仿真结果表明,该方法能根据不同业务结合网络性能及用户需求选择最佳的接入网络,减少了频繁切换,提高了网络选择结果的合理性与有效性。  相似文献   

张峰  钟宝江 《电子学报》2018,46(8):1915-1923
当前图像检索算法通常针对整体图像提取特征以完成检索任务.然而,在很多情况下用户只会关注图像的一部分,即他们的兴趣目标.此时,从整体图像提取的特征一部分是有效的,另一部分则是无效的且会对检索过程带来消极影响.为此,本文提出基于兴趣目标的图像检索方案,并借助于现有的显著性检测、图像分割、特征提取等技术实现一款有效的图像检索算法.首先采用HS (Hierarchical Saliency,分层显著性)检测算法分析用户的兴趣目标并应用SC (Saliency-based Image Cut,基于显著性的图像分割)算法将其分割,然后针对兴趣目标提取HSV (Hue、Saturation、Value,色调、饱和度、明度)颜色特征、SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform,尺度不变特征变换)局部特征和CNN (Convolutional Neural Network,卷积神经网络)语义特征,最后计算其与数据库图像的相似度并根据相似度排序返回检索结果.仿真实验结果表明,本文算法在解决"这是什么东西"这类图像检索任务时明显优于现有的图像检索算法.  相似文献   

针对单一特征不能很好地表述图像的问题,提出了一种融合多特征的图像检索算法.首先,提取查询图像和图像库中样本图像的GIST(Generalized Search Tree)特征,用欧氏距离衡量图像间的GIST相似度值,根据查询图像的GIST特征在图像库中进行检索,将结果按相似度进行排序;然后,提取查询图像和返回结果中前k幅图像的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)特征,使用BBF(Best Bin First)算法进行特征匹配;最后,通过特征点匹配点对数排序并返回检索结果.实验在改进的Corel1000数据集上进行,与传统的单特征图像检索算法对比,提出的图像检索算法不仅提高了检索准确率,而且获得了较好的检索效率.  相似文献   

利用遗传编程排序图像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Web image retrieval is a challenging task. One central problem of web image retrieval is to rank a set of images according to how well they meet the user information need. The problem of learning to rank has inspired numerous approaches to resolve it in the text information retrieval, related work for web image retrieval, however, are still limited. We focus on the problem of learning to rank images for web image retrieval, and propose a novel ranking model, which employs a genetic programming architecture to automatically generate an effective ranking function, by combining various types of evidences in web image retrieval, including text information, image visual content features, link structure analysis and temporal information. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are capable of learning effective ranking functions for web image retrieval. Significant improvement in relevancy obtained, in comparison to some other well-known ranking techniques, in terms of MAP, NDCG@n and D@n.  相似文献   

Geometric image re-ranking is a widely adopted phrase to refine the large-scale image retrieval systems built based upon popular paradigms such as Bag-of-Words (BoW) model. Its main idea can be treated as a sort of geometric verification targeting at reordering the initial returning list by previous similarity ranking metrics, e.g. Cosine distance over the BoW vectors between query image and reference ones. In the literature, to guarantee the re-ranking accuracy, most existing schemes requires the initial retrieval to be conducted by using a large vocabulary (codebook), corresponding to a high-dimensional BoW vector. However, in many emerging applications such as mobile visual search and massive-scale retrieval, the retrieval has to be conducted by using a compact BoW vector to accomplish the memory or time requirement. In these scenarios, the traditional re-ranking paradigms are questionable and new algorithms are urgently demanded. In this paper, we propose an accurate yet efficient image re-ranking algorithm specific for small vocabulary in aforementioned scenarios. Our idea is inspired by Hough Voting in the transformation space, where votes come from local feature matches. Most notably, this geometry re-ranking can easily been aggregated to the cutting-edge image based retrieval systems yielding superior performance with a small vocabulary and being able to store in mobile end facilitating mobile visual search systems. We further prove that its time complexity is linear in terms of the re-ranking instance, which is a significant advantage over the existing scheme. In terms of mean Average Precision, we show that its performance is comparable or in some cases better than the state-of-the-art re-ranking schemes.  相似文献   

Graph methods have been widely employed in re-ranking for image retrieval. Although we can effectively find visually similar images through these methods, the ranking lists given by those approaches may contain some candidates which appear to be irrelevant to a query. Most of these candidates fall into two categories: (1) the irrelevant outliers located near to the query images in a graph; and (2) the images from another cluster which close to the query. Therefore, eliminating these two types of images from the ordered retrieval sets is expected to further boost the retrieval precision. In this paper, we build a Three Degree Binary Graph (TDBG) to eliminate the outliers and utilize a set-based greedy algorithm to reduce the influence of adjacent manifolds. Moreover, a multi-feature fusion method is proposed to enhance the retrieval performance further. Experimental results obtained on three public datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Traditional image retrieval methods, make use of color, shape and texture features, are based on local image database. But in the condition of which much more images are available on the internet, so big an image database includes various types of image information. In this paper, we introduce an intellectualized image retrieval method based on internet, which can grasp images on Internet automatically using web crawler and build the feature vector in local host. The method involves three parts: the capture-node, the manage-node, and the calculate-node. The calculate-node has two functions: feature extract and similarity measurement. According to the results of our experiments, we found the proposed method is simple to realization and has higher processing speed and accuracy.  相似文献   

A web-based translation method for Chinese organization name is proposed. After analyzing the structure of Chinese organization name, the methods of bilingual query formulation and maximum entropy based translation re-ranking are suggested to retrieve the English translation from the web via public search engine. The experiments on Chinese university names demonstrate the validness of this approach.  相似文献   

基于教与学优化算法的相关反馈图像检索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
毕晓君  潘铁文 《电子学报》2017,45(7):1668-1676
为提高基于内容的图像检索的检索性能和检索速度,克服低层视觉特征与高层语义概念间的“语义鸿沟”,提出一种基于教与学优化的图像检索相关反馈算法(TLBO-RF).结合图像检索问题的特殊性和粒子群优化算法的优点,对TLBO算法中个体的更新机制进行了改进,通过将相关图像集的中心作为教师以及引入学员最好学习状态Pbest,使之朝用户感兴趣的相关图像区域快速收敛.将该算法与目前效果最好的两种基于进化算法的相关反馈技术在两套标准图像测试集上进行对比,结果表明本文算法相较于另外两种算法具有明显的优势,不仅提高了图像检索性能,同时也加快了图像检索速度,更好地满足了用户的检索要求.  相似文献   

基于网页分块的个性化信息采集的研究与设计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
个性化Web信息采集是信息检索领域内一个将采集技术与过滤方法结合的新兴方向.也是信息处理技术中的一个研究热点。文章分析了个性化Web信息采集的基本问题,提出了难点以及相关的解决方案,并在此基础上设计了基于网页分块的个性化Web信息采集系统。  相似文献   

CLUE: cluster-based retrieval of images by unsupervised learning.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a typical content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system, target images (images in the database) are sorted by feature similarities with respect to the query. Similarities among target images are usually ignored. This paper introduces a new technique, cluster-based retrieval of images by unsupervised learning (CLUE), for improving user interaction with image retrieval systems by fully exploiting the similarity information. CLUE retrieves image clusters by applying a graph-theoretic clustering algorithm to a collection of images in the vicinity of the query. Clustering in CLUE is dynamic. In particular, clusters formed depend on which images are retrieved in response to the query. CLUE can be combined with any real-valued symmetric similarity measure (metric or nonmetric). Thus, it may be embedded in many current CBIR systems, including relevance feedback systems. The performance of an experimental image retrieval system using CLUE is evaluated on a database of around 60,000 images from COREL. Empirical results demonstrate improved performance compared with a CBIR system using the same image similarity measure. In addition, results on images returned by Google's Image Search reveal the potential of applying CLUE to real-world image data and integrating CLUE as a part of the interface for keyword-based image retrieval systems.  相似文献   

遥感影像外包到半可信的云平台进行存储和检索时,可能导致影像数据的泄露和返回不完整的检索结果。加密可以保护影像数据的安全,但无法保证云平台提供真实、完整的存储和检索服务。区块链技术能有效保证存储和检索服务的真实性和完整性,但区块链的计算和存储能力有限,如何实现遥感影像的安全存储和检索仍是一个具有挑战性的问题。该文提出一种结合云平台和区块链的遥感影像安全检索方法,将影像哈希等轻量级数据存储于区块链,云平台存储海量加密影像数据,确保云存储影像的真实性;区块链执行基于遥感影像属性的检索,在此基础上由云平台执行复杂度较高的基于内容的安全检索,保证了检索结果的完整性;利用区块链技术设计遥感影像检索交易机制。实验表明方案可以实现安全、真实、完整和高效的遥感影像检索,并构建一个双方信任的公平交易环境。  相似文献   

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