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AES算法的密码分析与快速实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高级加密标准(AES)确定分组密码Rijndael为其算法,取代厂泛使用了20多年的数据加密标准(DES),该算法将在各行业各部门获得广泛的应用.文章以DES为参照对象,阐述了Rijndael算法的设计特色,介绍了AES在密码分析方面国内外已有的一些理论分析成果,描述了AES算法采用软件和硬件的快速实现方案.  相似文献   

随着密码分析技术的进一步发展,高级加密标准(AES)逐渐取代了以往的数据加密标准(DES),成为新一代数据加密标准。现阶段,在应用AES算法的过程中,还存在一些问题,主要表现为吞吐率低、资源消耗大、无法分别实现加密和解密等。文章主要针对在消耗较少资源的条件下获取较高吞吐率的AES加密/解密算法进行研究。  相似文献   

本文在分析高级密码算法(AES)的基础上,将AES算法与目前国际上应用最广泛的公开密码算法(RSA)相结合,针对数据库数据提出一个基于AES和RSA的XML加密方案,并给出了其实现过程。  相似文献   

本文从公钥密码和私钥密码两方面分析了现有的数据加密体制,并提出一种将AES(高级数据加密标准)与ECC(椭圆曲线密码体制)相结合的数据加密方案。这一方案有效解决了私钥密码体制中密钥的分配和管理的问题,从而为在网络中高速、安全地传输数据提供了保障。  相似文献   

针对当前视频数据易复制、易篡改等特征,为了保护视频数据的安全,提出了一种基于H.264/AVC视频编码标准的视频加密方案.利用流密码加密简单、运算速度快等优点,采用高级加密标准(AES)的密码反馈模式(CFB)对H.264/AVC标准的序列参数集(SPS)、图像参数集(PPS)中能加密的语法元素和Ⅰ帧的码流进行加密.针对不同视频应用所需求的安全级别不同,在宏块级别选取一定数量的宏块进行选择性加密,得到安全级别可分的加密方案.最后,从算法的安全性、实时性、压缩率等方面进行分析.实验结果表明,该算法达到了视频内容安全的要求,满足实时性,并且减少了加密数据量.  相似文献   

分组算法模块的VHDL和VERILOG实现及其比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分组密码算法是一种常用的密码技术.其加密速度非常快,在数据加密领域仍广泛使用.目前,分组密码的重点研究方向包括新型分组密码的研究,分组密码的实现研究,分组密码的各个组件的研究等等.本文从AES的5个候选算法中提炼出7大分组算法模块,分别用VHDL和Verilog实现,并对资源占用情况加以分析比较.然后选取分组算法的典型代表AES,用两种语言实现并对资源占用情况和实现速率加以比较.结果表明:对于小型分组算法模块,VHDL和Verilog的实现在占用逻辑单元方面基本上没有什么差别;对较为复杂的模块和AES算法,Verilog的实现会比VHDL的实现占用较少的资源,但速度要慢些.  相似文献   

基于FPGA的AES算法芯片设计实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高级加密标准(AES)集安全性、高效性、灵活性于一身,研究其硬件实现具有很重要的应用价值.本文针对AES分组密码算法的结构特点,讨论了AES算法FPGA实现的优势,重点分析了加/脱密模块的实现方案,最后给出在Quartus Ⅱ下的仿真实验结果.  相似文献   

轰轰烈烈的DES(数据加密标准)代替算法的竞争终于埃落地,比利时提供的Rijndael赢得了最后的胜利,成为21世纪的AES(高级加密标准)算法。比利时Proton World International公司的密码学家Joan Daemen和Leuven大学的密码学家Vincent Rjimen是世界顶尖级的密码专家,他们创造的密码技术已成为美国正式的高级加密标准。  相似文献   

旁路攻击技术是对密码安全的严重威胁,其作用过程在于利用了密码软硬件实现上的特性而降低了密码分析的复杂性。AES作为目前与未来加密的主要标准,其安全性具有特殊重要的意义。然而,近期的研究表明,主流计算平台上的AES加密程序,很可能会遭受基于Cache所泄漏的运行信息而导致的攻击。本文依据相关的研究,介绍了基于Cache的AES攻击的原理,描述了其现状与发展,分析了这种攻击的现实可行性,并且,说明了反制攻击的措施建议。  相似文献   

针对现有视频监控的信息安全问题,采用ARM Cortex-A8,USB摄像头,AES加密模块,以及可信计算芯片(TPM)设计了视频监控安全模块。用AES对视频采集端采集的视频数据进行加密,通过网络将密文传输到服务端。对于AES密钥的传输安全问题,以可信计算为基础,通过TPM的绑定功能进行非对称加密,采用对称密码和非对称密码配合使用的混合加密方案,实现对称密钥加密数据,非对称密钥加密对称密钥的加密功能。简要介绍了安全视频监控的组成,对AES加密算法和TPM加密做了阐述,最后通过实验验证加密解密。  相似文献   

Conventional cryptographic algorithms are not sufficient to protect secret keys and data in white‐box environments, where an attacker has full visibility and control over an executing software code. For this reason, cryptographic algorithms have been redesigned to be resistant to white‐box attacks. The first white‐box AES (WB‐AES) implementation was thought to provide reliable security in that all brute force attacks are infeasible even in white‐box environments; however, this proved not to be the case. In particular, Billet and others presented a cryptanalysis of WB‐AES with 230 time complexity, and Michiels and others generalized it for all substitution‐linear transformation ciphers. Recently, a collision‐based cryptanalysis was also reported. In this paper, we revisit Chow and others’ first WB‐AES implementation and present a conditional re‐encoding method for cryptanalysis protection. The experimental results show that there is approximately a 57% increase in the memory requirement and a 20% increase in execution speed.  相似文献   

ARIA is a 128‐bit block cipher that has been selected as a Korean encryption standard. Similar to AES, it is robust against differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis. In this study, we analyze the security of ARIA against differential‐linear cryptanalysis. We present five rounds of differential‐linear distinguishers for ARIA, which can distinguish five rounds of ARIA from random permutations using only 284.8 chosen plaintexts. Moreover, we develop differential‐linear attacks based on six rounds of ARIA‐128 and seven rounds of ARIA‐256. This is the first multidimensional differential‐linear cryptanalysis of ARIA and it has lower data complexity than all previous results. This is a preliminary study and further research may obtain better results in the future.  相似文献   

AES算法Rijndael的原理、实现和攻击   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分组密码Rijndael算法是美国21世纪高级加密标准AES,用于保护联邦政府敏感非机密信息,任何组织、机构和个人可自愿使用。这里详细介绍了它的设计原理、实现方法和目前存在的攻击方法,并指出破译分析的方法原则。  相似文献   

Decorrelated Fast Cipher(DFC) is a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). It is shown that the cryptographic properties of the confusion permutation of DFC are weak in this paper. With the same F-function of DFC, a Feistel cipher VDFC which has no resistance against differential cryptanalysis is constructed. This demonstrates the importance of the key addition into DFC sufficiently. As a result, DFC may not be qualified candidate for the AES.  相似文献   

旁路攻击是目前信息安全技术领域一个备受瞩目的热点,绕过传统的密码分析方法,利用加密解密设备在进行数据处理时泄露出来的信息比,如运行时间、功耗等对密码系统进行分析和攻击.而DPA(differential power analysis)攻击是较为常见的一种旁路攻击.文中对DPA攻击和AES加密算法进行简单介绍,并在此基础上进行标准DPA攻击的仿真,为能量攻击分析提供一定的理论依据和实验数据.  相似文献   

详细叙述了新一代的数据加密标准AES算法中的S-盒,其由有限域GF(28)上元素的乘法求逆运算及GF(2)下的仿射变换构成,经过S-盒的非线性变换,密文的差分均匀性和线性偏差都达到比较理想的状态,提高AES算法的抗击差分密码分析和线性密码分析的能力.然后从程序设计的角度,使用MATLAB语言实现S-盒的程序代码,提出了在代码实现过程中所遇到困难的解题思路,证明MATLAB语言可以实现最新的加密技术.  相似文献   

In this paper we combine two powerful methods of symmetric cryptanalysis: rotational cryptanalysis and the rebound attack. Rotational cryptanalysis was designed for the analysis of bit-oriented designs like ARX (Addition-Rotation-XOR) schemes. It has been applied to several hash functions and block ciphers, including the new standard SHA-3 (Keccak). The rebound attack is a start-from-the-middle approach for finding differential paths and conforming pairs in byte-oriented designs like Substitution-Permutation networks and AES. We apply our new compositional attack to the reduced version of the hash function Skein, a finalist of the SHA-3 competition. Our attack penetrates more than two thirds of the Skein core—the cipher Threefish, and made the designers to change the submission in order to prevent it. The rebound part of our attack has been significantly enhanced to deliver results on the largest number of rounds. We also use neutral bits and message modification methods from the practice of collision search in MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions. These methods push the rotational property through more rounds than previous analysis suggested, and eventually establish a distinguishing property for the reduced Threefish cipher. We formally prove that such a property cannot be found for an ideal cipher within the complexity limits of our attack. The complexity estimates are supported by extensive experiments.  相似文献   

本文在简要介绍差分攻击的基本原理的基础上,提出了一些抗击差分攻击的有效措施。  相似文献   

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