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基于六阳极结反向串联型GaAs平面肖特基二极管,设计并实现了0.2 THz大功率二倍频器。肖特基二极管倒装焊接在50m石英电路上。采用电磁场和电路联合设计仿真获得了二倍频器的倍频效率。当入射功率在100 mW时,输出频率在190~225 GHz带内效率大于5%。在小功率(Pin100 mW)和大功率(Pin300 mW)注入条件下,测试了倍频电路的输出功率和倍频效率。在100 mW驱动功率下采用自偏压测试,最大输出功率为14.5 mW@193 GHz,对应倍频效率为14%;在300 mW驱动功率下采用自偏压测试,在188~195 GHz,输出功率大于10 mW,最大输出功率为35 mW@192.8 GHz,对应倍频效率为11%。  相似文献   

大功率宽条分布反馈激光器研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
大功率半导体激光器一般用作抽运源,但其抽运的离子吸收峰带宽一般都比较小。为提高大功率半导体激光器对固体或光纤激光器等的抽运效率,就要降低半导体激光器的输出波长随注入电流和热沉温度的漂移系数。分析了光栅深度和光栅填充因子对激光器输出波长锁定效果的影响,实验验证确定出合适的光栅参数,依据优化条件得出合适的激光器腔长,制备出锁定效果良好的宽条分布反馈激光器。该激光器的单管腔长2.4mm,发光条宽100μm,连续最大输出功率400mW,热沉温度为15℃时的输出波长为954nm,输出波长随注入电流的漂移系数为0.67nm/A,输出波长的温漂系数为0.046nm/K。  相似文献   

为提高毫米波段倍频器在低功耗下的工作带宽,采用IHP130 nm SiGe BiCMOS 工艺,设计了一种采用双端注入技术的毫米波宽锁定范围注入(DEI)锁定倍频器。该注入锁定倍频器主要由谐波发生器和带有尾电流源的振荡器构成,由巴伦产生差分信号双端注入振荡器的形式提高三次谐波注入强度,使其在E、W 等波段输出宽锁定范围和良好相位噪声性能的三倍频信号。仿真结果表明,注入锁定倍频器在工作电压为1.2 V,输入信号功率为0 dBm时,其锁定范围在57~105 GHz 内。在相同工作电压和输入信号功率下,输入频率为32 GHz 时,一次、二次和四次谐波抑制大于20 dBc,功耗为9.1 mW。  相似文献   

一种新颖的自反馈光注入单频窄线宽光纤激光器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道一种基于自反馈光注入的单频窄线宽光纤激光器。激光器采用线形腔结构,用高掺杂Er3+光纤作为增益介质,利用输出信号光分束反馈与腔内振荡激光干涉,形成折射率光栅与增益光栅共同作用选择纵模,获得稳定的1 549.85 nm单频窄线宽激光输出。在975 nm单模激光二极管(LD)抽运下,激光器的抽运阈值光功率为13 mW。当抽运光功率为112 mW时,最大输出信号光功率为30.6 mW,对应的光-光转换效率为27.3%,斜率效率为30.2%,信噪比大于50 dB。采用延时自外差方法测量线宽,当使用30 km单模光纤延迟线时,测量得到激光器的3 dB线宽为4.0 kHz。  相似文献   

采用量子阱方法集成半导体光放大器的取样光栅可调谐激光器,这在国内尚属首次.该器件波长调谐范围可达33nm,在放大器注入50mA电流时,输出光功率可达10mW,同时边模抑制比可达35dB以上.  相似文献   

采用变脊宽设计并制作了4通道DFB激光器阵列与多模干涉耦合器(MMI)的单片集成器件。在25摄氏度的测试温度下,阵列中各激光器的阈值电流为30-35mA,注入电流100mA 时的平均出光功率为1.5mW.器件总长度为1900um ,出射波长处于1550nm波段,边模抑制比大于40dB,4通道可实现单独或同时工作.  相似文献   

基于InGaSb/AlGaAsSb材料体系,制备出了一款高性能的镀膜激光器。为了性能对比,同时制备了未镀膜激光器。未镀膜的器件在注入电流为3.0A时,室温连续模式下的输出功率达到300mW,最大插头效率为8.3%。镀膜器件在注入电流为2.6A时,室温连续模式下的输出功率达到380mW,最大插头效率为15.6%;另外,在0.3~2.4A的注入电流范围内,镀膜器件的插头效率均大于10.0%,激射波长均在2.0μm附近。  相似文献   

基于四阳极结反向串联型GaAs平面肖特基二极管,设计并实现了0.2 THz宽带非平衡式二次倍频电路。肖特基二极管倒装焊接在75 m石英电路上。在小功率和大功率注入条件下,测试了倍频电路的输出功率和倍频效率。输入功率在10~15 mW时,通过加载正向偏置电压,在210~224 GHz,倍频效率大于3%,在212 GHz处有最高点倍频效率为7.8%。输入功率在48~88 mW时,在自偏压条件下,210~224 GHz带内倍频效率大于3.6%,在214 GHz处测得最大倍频效率为5.7%。固定输出频率为212 GHz,在132 mW功率注入时,自偏压输出功率最大为5.7 mW,加载反向偏置电压为-0.8 V时,输出功率为7.5 mW。  相似文献   

高功率和宽调谐范围的单片集成倾斜SOA的宽可调谐取样光栅分布布拉格反射激光器被成功制备。倾斜的SOA结构和端面增透膜有效的降低了端面的反射率。器件调谐范围大于38nm,波长覆盖较好,调谐范围内波长输出功率均大于9mW。  相似文献   

DFB激光器阵列与MMI耦合器、SOA的单片集成   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
采用变脊宽原理和对接生长技术,设计并制作了4通道分布反馈(DFB)激光器阵列与多模干涉(MMI)耦合器、半导体光放 大器(SOA)的单片集成器件。在25℃的测试温度下,激光器的阈值电 流约55~60mA;当激光器注入150mA、SOA 注入50mA电流时,各通道的出光功率保持在2mW以上,出射波长 处于1550nm波段,边模抑制比(SMSR)大于33 d B,4通道可实现单独或同时工作。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于套嵌光纤光栅的光纤电流传感器,该传感器使用了二次曝光法制作的长周期光栅结构和布拉格光栅结构套嵌的光纤光栅作为传感元件,通过直接在光栅表面制作镍铁合金作为加热电极层,当电流通过时对光栅区域加热引起光栅光谱中心波长漂移,实现了高灵敏度的电流测量。实验结果表明,这种光纤电流传感器的电流响应灵敏度达到7.2×10-2nm/mA,且具有结构简单、体积小等优点,在高灵敏度的光纤电流检测领域具有广泛应用价值。  相似文献   

A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) current sensor with temperature compensation has been proposed. The fiber Bragg grating is glued on the surface of an isosceles triangle cantilever beam, which has a step thickness along the beam axis. Due to the electromagnetic force created by a solenoid and a permanent magnet mounted on the top of the beam, a step strain is applied on the fiber Bragg grating. The change of the electric current in the solenoid makes the spectrum of the fiber Bragg grating split. By monitoring the shift difference of the two split center wavelengths, which is related to the electric current in the solenoid, a current sensor with temperature compensation is obtained. The test range of 0-400 mA is achieved. The experimental results also show that the relationship between the shift difference of the two split center wavelengths of the FBG and the electric current has a linearity of 0.9937, and the sensitivity is about 2.64 nm/A; the test results are independent of the temoerature, so the cross sensitive problem is solved.  相似文献   

A complex-coupled DFB Laser with sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The key concepts of the approach are to utilize the +1st order reflection of the sampled grating for laser single mode operation, and use a conventional holographic exposure combined with the usual photolithography to fabricate the sampled grating. The typical threshold current of the sampled grating based DFB laser is 25mA, and the optical output is about 10mW at the injected current of 100mA. The lasing wavelength of the device is 1.5385μm, which is the +1st order wavelength of the sampled grating.  相似文献   

周期可变光栅的研制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计制作了一种用形状记忆合金驱动的周期可变光栅。用硅微细加工技术制作一种类似弹簧结构的光栅,将光栅与形状记忆合金相连。通上电流,合金温度改变引起形变,因此可以拉伸光栅,并改变光栅周期。对合金的形变特性及光栅的衍射特性都作了测试。实验表明,光栅最大可被拉伸10%,衍射角变化为0.32mrad。  相似文献   

A complex-coupled DFB laser with sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The method uses the + 1 st order reflection of the sampled grating for laser single-mode operation. The typical threshold current of the sampled grating based DFB laser is 25 mA, and the optical output is about 10 mW at the injected current of 100 mA. The lasing wavelength of the device is 1.5385μm, which is the +1 st order wavelength of the sampled grating.  相似文献   

The relative intensity noise in DBR lasers has been measured as a function of the grating current in both the low frequency and high frequency regimes. With increasing grating current, large increases were only observed in the low frequency intensity noise (<700 MHz). The high frequency intensity noise (>2 GHz) was observed to be independent of the grating current.<>  相似文献   

We report on the design and fabrication of a wavelength-tunable grating coupled surface-emitting laser. A curved second-order grating is used at the end of a tapered gain section to provide feedback as well as collimated surface out-coupling. Wavelength tuning is achieved by current injection into the grating section through a film of indium-tin oxide deposited on the grating surface. Low divergence single-frequency surface emission with ~1-nm wavelength tuning is demonstrated  相似文献   

The radiation characteristics of the omnidirectional periodic circular dielectric rod leaky-wave antenna with arbitrary grating profile are investigated by the network method combining with staircase approximation. In the analysis, the arbitrary grating profiles are transformed to a multilayer rectangular periodic structure, which is represented by a radial transmission line with a series current source. As a result, the calculations are greatly simplified and the effects of grating profile on the performance of the grating antenna are systematically studied in a very efficient way. Some useftil guidelines for the design and fabrication of the omnidirectional dielectric grating antenna are thereby suggested.  相似文献   

电流是电力设备进行计量、监控和保护的重要参量,对其准确测量是电力系统安全、稳定、可靠和经济运行的保证。研制了一种Rogowski线圈、叠堆压电陶瓷和光纤Bragg光栅组合成的测量大电流的电流传感器。利用Rogowski线圈把高压侧大电流线性地转换为低电压,输出电压加在叠堆压电陶瓷上,由逆压电效应,叠堆压电陶瓷伸缩带动光纤Bragg光栅伸缩,将叠堆压电陶瓷的应变线性转换为光纤Bragg光栅的中心反射波长的移位,增加温补光栅消除环境温度的影响,通过测量光纤Bragg光栅中心反射波长的移位来测量电流的大小。测试结果表明,该电流传感器的灵敏度为0.071 8pm/A,非线性误差为3.47%FS,滞后误差为4.17%FS,重复性误差为4.17%FS。  相似文献   

为了提高单晶硅薄膜太阳能电池短路电流密度和转换效率, 采用在单晶硅薄膜太阳能电池正背面分别集成硅介质光栅和铝金属光栅的方法, 并利用有限时域差分法软件仿真研究了两种光栅的周期、厚度、占空比对单晶硅薄膜太阳能电池短路电流密度和光转换效率的影响。结果表明, 通过优化可得当正背面光栅都处于最优值时(介质光栅占空比F=0.8、介质光栅周期P=0.632μm、介质光栅厚度hg=0.42μm; 金属光栅占空比F1=0.9、金属光栅周期P=0.632μm、金属光栅厚度hm=0.005μm), 短路电流密度可达35.15mA/cm2, 转换效率为43.35%;将最优光栅单晶硅薄膜太阳能电池与传统单晶硅薄膜太阳能电池对比, 无论是光程路径还是吸收效率, 光栅单晶硅薄膜太阳能电池都有显著的提高。这为以后制备高性能薄膜太阳能电池提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

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