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首先对GSM本地移动网几种组网方案的判进行了分析,然后提出了武汉市GSM本地移动网组网方案。  相似文献   

个绍了泰州移动本地传输网的建设方案,分析了本地传输网建设的经验和教训。  相似文献   

1现状目前 ,山东移动全省被划分为东部和中西部两个汇接区 ,其中东部的汇接局设在青岛 ,负责青岛、烟台、威海、潍坊和日照5个本地网的省内长途话务的汇接 ;中西部的汇接局设在济南 ,负责济南、泰安、菏泽、莱芜、聊城、济宁、临沂、枣庄、滨州、德州、东营和淄博12个本地网的省内长途话务的汇接。山东移动各B局 (由原来的汇接局一分为二的新局 )的配置情况见表1。表1TMSC2配置情况汇接区汇接点 设备容量 (可提供2Mbit/s端口的个数 )已用端口数 (可提供2Mbit/s端口的个数 )济南 TMSC21440251TMSC2…  相似文献   

关凯钰 《电信技术》2002,(11):64-65
随着通信技术的飞速发展,电信的用户群越来越庞大,通信网络也越来越复杂。为了简化网络,各运营商纷纷兴建专门负责话务汇接的纯汇接局。广西南宁局原来的网络结构是采用5个汇接局的模式,5个汇接局之间是两两相连的网状结构,每个汇接局各自负责汇接3~4个端局。这样的网络汇接关系错综复杂,网络运行的效率不高,也不利于整个网络的运行分析,因此网络优化势在必行,以两个纯汇接局形成双平面全覆盖的网络结构来代替原来的几个汇接局汇接不同端局的网络结构。1标准双平面汇接网络结构的优点通过新建两个纯汇接局,将原来的汇接局降级为…  相似文献   

本文介绍秦皇岛本地电话网的调整原则,包括局所建设原则,交换网组网原则;提出本地电话网的调整方案和过渡措施,以的建局交换机的选型要求。  相似文献   

本文介绍秦皇岛本地电话网的调整原则,包括局所建设原则,交换网组网原则;提出本地电话网的调整方案和过渡措施,以及新建局交换机的选型要求。  相似文献   

介绍了徐州本地网现状以及在丰县、沛县电话网改造与建设中采取的具体方案和措施,并进一步探讨了在本地网组网、建设中应注意的一些问题.  相似文献   

组网结构对电话网的可用性和安全性产生直接影响。介绍了电话网的组网方式和广州本地网的组网。随着业务的发展,广州本地网应改变原有的组网结构,提高网络性能和有效利用率,最大限度地增加网络的可用性。  相似文献   

首先介绍了移动网网关局的功能及设置的必要性,并针对不同的网络规模,对网关局的几种典型组网方案分别进行了探讨,最后讨论了GMSC与PSTN的2种组网连接方式和特点。  相似文献   

主要分析了本地电信网的现状,简要介绍了软交换网络的特点,并对软交换本地组网进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

通过对珠海市移动通信网的现状和业务预测与分析,对珠海市本地移动传输网的建设方案进行了探讨,提出了珠海移动公司传输本地网的初步规划方案,包括指导思想、组网原则、骨干传输点的确定以及设备配置和支撑系统等等,并指出了建设中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the application of mobile agents in the management of mobile telephone (cellular) networks. We propose the use of mobile agents for collecting subscriber information, such as location area identifier and cell identifier. By using a subscriber profile containing these data the signaling messages caused by location update could be reduced. We also propose a method to improve the quality of network coverage by collecting measurements data by a mobile agent in the mobile station (mobile phone) or at the mobile switching center. By analyzing these data the network provider would be able to discover areas without proper radio signal coverage (black holes), thereby avoiding expensive and time-consuming measurements done by specially equipped vehicles. In addition, we discuss the basic infrastructure requirements for deployment of the mobile agent technology in cellular networks.  相似文献   

在电话网中实施电话名的方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢小良 《电信技术》2002,(11):27-30
介绍了电话名方案在固定电话网和移动电话网上的具体实施,同时讨论了PNS的组建以及与DNS的区别。  相似文献   

季文敏 《世界电信》1994,7(4):15-18
本文介绍了用于县本地电话网交换设备的主要技术要求,给出了邮电部批准入网的此类设备的主要机型,并指出其发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper presents the concept of dividing a local office service area under the present telephone network into blocks of switching areas to make up a local network with small, distributed switching nodes because switching costs will become much cheaper relative to cable laying costs due to LSI technology progress. In this paper, cable laying cost and switching cost are taken as the two main factors in determining future local network configurations. First, the cable laying cost is formulated using cable duct and circuit length. Next, the switching system cost is formulated based on the relation between capability and cost of components such as gates and memories. Finally, local telephone network cost is calculated, using the cost formulas obtained and data available at present. The conclusion is that from the cost-effective point of view, conventional local network office service areas should be divided into 9 to 16 blocks.  相似文献   

Bush  C.A.  Kennet  D.M.  Prisbrey  J.  Sharkey  W.W.  Gupta  Vaikunth 《Telecommunication Systems》2001,18(4):359-383
In this paper, we describe the structure and operation of an innovative computer-based model of the local exchange telephone network known as the HCPM. This model can be used in a variety of regulatory arenas, since it provides a regulatory agency with an independent source of information about the forward-looking costs of providing local telephone service. The model can also be used more broadly by governmental agencies in planning for infrastructure development, expanding telephone service to currently unserved areas, or, as in the case of the U.S., designing an efficient universal service program. The HCPM represents an advance over previous models in its ability to build plant to precise customer locations if data are available, while retaining the flexibility of being able to produce good results even with more highly aggregate location data such as those available from the U.S. Census.  相似文献   

张旭平 《电信科学》1999,15(5):23-24
本文从本地移动用户的性质及其运营商特点出发,结合移动主技术的应用现状和发展趋势,分析 得出本地移动业务的经营方式和最佳应用技术。  相似文献   

对于中国而言,基于GSM技术的2G网络已经相当完善,无论是无线网络的覆盖、核心网络的建设还是传输网络的配套,经历这么多年的发展,已经基本上能满足用户对网络资源的需求.国家基于战略考虑,选择中国移动建设我国拥有自主知识产权的3G网络,对中国移动而言是一个挑战,也是一个考验.以下仅从本地网角度简要探讨一下TD传输网络的建设问题.  相似文献   

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