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利用水下自主航行器(AUVs)协同编队可以在未知水域中实现对目标的定位。针对AUV导航误差导致定位精度降低问题,该文提出一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)的多AUV编队融合观测协同目标定位算法。AUV编队由一个装备有高精度惯性导航系统(INS)的领航AUV以及多个装配有低精度INS的跟随AUV组成。从跟随AUV中选取参考AUV和待测AUV,通过设置定位周期和观测间隔来分别对其进行不同的观测。参考AUV作为中转,接收来自高精度AUV位置参数后,向待测AUV传递自身位置参数,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波器完成对AUV集群的协同位置修正。仿真结果表明,该方法AUV集群自身定位精度高且误差随时间积累小,对领航AUV数量需求少,能够实现水下目标低功耗、远距离定位。  相似文献   

张海鹏 《电子科技》2014,27(8):97-100
传统的无源定位方法定位时间长、定位精度较低。文中针对该问题,提出了一种基于相位差变化率的三维定位方法,该方法通过三单元天线阵获取相位差变化率,实现了辐射源定位,其定位精度高、定位速度快。同时分析了定位误差与测量误差的关系,给出了定位误差表达式。通过仿真分析了相位差测量误差以及相位差变化率测量误差对于定位精度的影响,仿真结果表明,相位差变化率误差对定位精度的影响最大,是制约精度提高的主要因素。  相似文献   

叶思熔  江万寿  李金龙  刘晓波 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(4):420005-0420005(6)
为了分析大视场高空间分辨率红外多光谱扫描仪系统误差的影响,为检校方案的确定提供依据,通过利用严格成像模型对机载摆扫红外扫描仪进行成像仿真分析。针对红外扫描仪摆扫系统中相机投影中心与稳定平台回转中心不重合的设计特点,重点研究相机安置误差与POS系统安置误差的相关关系。仿真实验表明:相机安置误差与POS系统安置误差对定位精度影响规律基本一致,两者存在较强相关性但随着摆扫角度增大而减小;在摆扫幅度小于20 时,相机安置误差可合并到POS系统安置误差。该结论可为后期的检校方案设计提供参考。  相似文献   

SRUKF能够解决UKF在滤波过程中由于噪声和计算误差导致的误差协方差阵负定的问题,但也付出了增加运算量的代价。以多机编队对地面辐射源进行无源定位跟踪为应用背景,提出了一种改进的SRUKF算法。该算法采用比例修正的最小偏度单形采样策略,减少采样点的同时又能基本保持算法精度;借鉴简化UKF的思想,针对此应用背景下的线性化状态方程,对状态和状态误差协方差平方根的一步预测采用KF进行递推,从而进一步降低运算量。仿真结果表明,相对于采用比例对称采样的标准SRUKF算法,文中所提算法不但能够保持计算精度,而且减小了运算量,具有一定的工程实用意义。  相似文献   

计算机视觉导航技术具有精度高、不受电子干扰,成本低等特点,被誉为未来无人机自主定位的必备手段之一.作为新的定位手段,我们需要在实验室搭建仿真平台来进行大量的模拟训练.将虚拟现实、可视化技术与计算视觉导航算法紧密结合起来,开发了一种基于虚拟仿真环境的无人机视觉自主定位仿真验证系统.在场景中构建虚拟摄像机、棋盘格以及合作二维码标签,在虚拟场景中进行相机标定,并用标定得到的内参解算得到基于标签定位的位置参数,实时计算和输出位置参数.实验结果表明:该仿真系统可以对场景中虚拟相机进行准确标定得到虚拟摄像机的内参,解算定位参数误差在0.2m以内,满足无人机自主飞行以及降落的精度要求,并具备良好的用户显控界面,验证了基于视觉无人机自主定位算法的可行性.  相似文献   

To determine the three-dimensional (3-D) shape of a live embryo is a technically challenging task. The authors show that reconstructions of live embryos can be done by collecting images from different viewing angles using a robotic macroscope, establishing point correspondences between these views by block matching, and using a new 3-D reconstruction algorithm that accommodates camera positioning errors. The algorithm assumes that the images are orthographic projections of the object and that the camera scaling factors are known. Point positions and camera errors are found simultaneously. Reconstructions of test objects and embryos show that meaningful reconstructions are possible only when camera positioning and alignment errors are accommodated since these errors can be substantial. Reconstructions of early-stage axolotl embryos were made from sets of 33 images. In a typical reconstruction, 781 points, each visible in at least three different views, were used to form 1511 triangles to represent the embryo surface. The resulting reconstruction had a mean radius of error of 0.27 pixels (1.1 μm). Mathematical properties of the reconstruction algorithm are identified and discussed  相似文献   

This paper deals with range-based localization in ultra wideband sensor networks, allowing for the possibility of large range measurement errors because of a failure to detect the direct paths between some nodes. A novel algorithm is proposed that uses only partial knowledge of the service area topology, particularly of the positions of objects which are capable of causing undetected direct path (UDP) propagation conditions. Although the spirit of the proposed approach, because of the lack of information on the range error statistics, is to remove measurements performed under UDP conditions from the computation of the location estimate, these measurements are used implicitly by the algorithm to contribute to the erroneous trial locations being discarded. A cooperative stage is included that allows the probability of localization of a target with an insufficient initial number of accurate range measurements to increase. The proposed algorithm outperforms a variety of alternative positioning techniques, and thus illustrates the capability of this topology knowledge to mitigate the UDP problem, even in the absence of any knowledge about the range error statistics.  相似文献   

为提高红外零位走动量测量精度,针对测量过程中相机姿态变化误差引起的图像定位精度不高问题,提出了一种CCD相机姿态小角度变化自适应补偿方法。通过理论分析,推导出相机姿态解算公式,建立了CCD相机姿态解算数学模型,然后基于某型红外瞄具零位走动量测量系统,分别针对三种相机姿态,对瞄具分划线在参考坐标系中的坐标进行了对比实验。结果表明,测量精度优于0.01 mil,能减小相机倾斜对红外瞄具零位走动量测量带来的误差,为提高零位走动量测量精度提供了一种相机姿态自适应补偿的新方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new resynchronization marker (RM) positioning technique to effectively block the error propagation caused by channel errors. The optimal technique can be defined as the one minimizing the information loss under an error condition. For realization of the optimal technique, the amount of the information lost by errors needs to be measured. Thus, we introduce a novel measure that is successful in reflecting the actual importance of the lost data, which is measured by using error concealment techniques. That is, the amount of information lost by an error at a certain location is numerically specified by the difference between the image recovered by the error concealment and the image normally decoded without any error. Since such a measurement method is appropriate for reflecting the actual damage by errors, it is very useful for determining the RM positions. With the new measure, the optimal RM positioning technique is proposed and verified by experiments.  相似文献   

温倩雯  苏毅辉  李庚 《电视技术》2021,45(3):100-105,125
昂贵的定位传感器限制了室内服务机器人相关技术在实际生活中的发展。室内服务机器人定位技术的发展趋势之一是使用价格低廉的传感器。因此,基于单目相机与轮式里程计两种价格低廉的传感器,提出一种适用于室内动态环境的机器人定位解决方案。该方案将相机朝向天花板,以减少室内动态环境下信息多变带来的误差,改变特征匹配策略以提升重复纹理场景下的匹配精度,并结合轮式里程计固定场景尺度。在典型室内场景进行验证的结果表明,在仅使用天花板信息进行定位时,该方案具有较高的定位精度。  相似文献   

李家琨  冯其波  包传辰  杨婧  赵斌陶 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(2):217001-0217001(6)
提出了一种基于光纤激光自准直转轴转角定位误差测量的方法,建立了包含转轴运动误差以及安装误差的误差模型,仿真分析了23项误差对转角定位误差测量的影响,结果表明仅有参考转轴与待测转轴之间的4项安装误差的影响量与转轴旋转角度相关,且只需精细调整其中两项角度安装误差即可保证影响量小于0.2。利用所搭建的测量装置对某分度盘的转角定位误差进行了测量,三次测量重复性偏差约为0.9,与光电自准直仪对比的最大偏差约为0.6。结果表明:利用该测量方法和测量装置可以实现转轴转角定位误差的全周范围高精度测量,验证了所提出模型的有效性。  相似文献   

平面近场测量中取样位置误差修正方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
曲晓云  邵江达 《微波学报》2000,16(4):428-433
本文提出一种修正近场天线测量中探头集团误差的方法-非线性迭代法。探头的集团误差为可知值,同激光定位系统获得。运用泰载级数展开,可将天线理想波谱表示为误差算子和近场测量数据的形式。通过计算机械模拟,得到迭代修正后精确的近场值。本文在理想值、有误差的值和修正误差后的值之间作了些比较,相应的模拟数据有助于证实此结合。  相似文献   

郁涛 《无线电工程》2009,39(5):34-35
基于最小二乘和误差估计理论,应用数值计算的方法具体分析了一个按形布站、且将时差和径向距离测量信息相融合的四站定位系统,通过与仅基于时差测量技术的定位系统相比较证明,多站混合定位测量系统具有测量误差低、无空间观测盲区等优点。所给出的结果不仅能应用于对非合作目标探测的有源/无源综合定位系统,而且还能应用于对可合作目标定位的多站定位系统的设计。  相似文献   

直线导轨四自由度同时测量方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
匡萃方  冯其波  张斌  陈士谦 《中国激光》2005,32(9):266-1270
提出了一种基于半导体激光单模光纤组件同时测量直线导轨四自由度误差的新方法。以单一准直的激光束作为测量基准,用角锥棱镜和分光器分别作为直线度误差、角度误差测量的敏感器件,实现了水平和竖直方向直线度及俯仰角、偏摆角四个自由度误差的同时测量。分析了系统的测量原理,进行了稳定性、重复性以及与美国API 5D测量系统比对实验,理论分析和实验结果表明,系统测量直线度的分辨率小于0.1μm,角度的分辨率小于0.5″,在测量距离为2 m的条件下,直线度、角度测量精度分别为±1.0μm/m,±0.5″。测量方法具有结构简单、移动部分不带电缆和现场测量方便等优点。  相似文献   

RGB calibration for color image analysis in machine vision   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A color calibration method for correcting the variations in RGB color values caused by vision system components was developed and tested in this study. The calibration scheme concentrated on comprehensively estimating and removing the RGB errors without specifying error sources and their effects. The algorithm for color calibration was based upon the use of a standardized color chart and developed as a preprocessing tool for color image analysis. According to the theory of image formation, RGB errors in color images were categorized into multiplicative and additive errors. Multiplicative and additive errors contained various error sources-gray-level shift, a variation in amplification and quantization in camera electronics or frame grabber, the change of color temperature of illumination with time, and related factors. The RGB errors of arbitrary colors in an image were estimated from the RGB errors of standard colors contained in the image. The color calibration method also contained an algorithm for correcting the nonuniformity of illumination in the scene. The algorithm was tested under two different conditions-uniform and nonuniform illumination in the scene. The RGB errors of arbitrary colors in test images were almost completely removed after color calibration. The maximum residual error was seven gray levels under uniform illumination and 12 gray levels under nonuniform illumination. Most residual RGB errors were caused by residual nonuniformity of illumination in images, The test results showed that the developed method was effective in correcting the variations in RGB color values caused by vision system components.  相似文献   

陈佳夷  王海超  李斌  刘涌  姜彦辉  姚立强 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(5):20210604-1-20210604-6
双脚架结构具有静定支撑的特点,可以隔离机械附加载荷,因此成为大口径空间相机反射镜组件的常用支撑形式之一。在地面装调时,采用双脚架支撑的反射镜的面形因重力作用而下降。空间相机入轨后,随着重力变形的释放,反射镜面形会再次发生改变。有限元分析方法评估反射镜组件的重力误差,其精度难以达到高质量高分辨率成像的要求。同时,反射镜加工过程中使用的重力卸载方案也难以沿用至组件阶段。针对重力误差测试过程中装配误差与三叶像差混叠以及检测光路对球差测试精度不足的问题,提出了翻转与卸载相结合的测试方案。基于不同像差的正交性,可以进行分别测试来逐项获取各像差。通过反射镜组建的翻转测试,分离装配误差与重力误差中的三叶像差。设计一定精度的卸载装置,通过卸载前后的对比测试,得到重力造成的球差等旋转对称像差。采取上述方案可以实现对全部重力误差的实测。利用1.3 m口径高轻量化反射镜组件进行了测试验证,其重力误差面形rms和在轨面形rms分别为0.192λ (λ=0.6328 μm)和0.023λ。  相似文献   

于涛 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(3):318002-0318002(6)
为了保证月基极紫外相机能够准确地对地指向,实现对地球周围等离子体层产生的30.4 nm辐射进行全方位、长期的观测研究,设计并研制了指向机构控制系统。首先介绍了指向机构控制系统的构成及工作原理;其次对系统的关键模块进行详细设计;然后提出了一种基于霍尔传感器定位的控制算法;最后对系统的误差源进行详细分析。误差计算和月球表面工作的结果表明:基于霍尔传感器定位的控制算法正确、有效,指向机构控制系统对地指向的控制误差 0.1,满足极紫外相机技术指标要求。  相似文献   

基于全球导航定位系统(GNSS)的无源雷达是当前研究的热点。在基于距离和的定位方法中,GNSS自身的时间同步误差和定位误差会降低定位精确度,考虑这些误差并结合全球四大GNSS的信号特性和参数测量能力,推导了三维空间多发多收距离和定位精确度表达式以及克拉美罗下界(CRLB)。选取不同卫星和接收站数量进行了仿真分析,揭示了卫星数量、接收站数量与定位精度之间的关系。当忽略卫星位置误差时,接收站数量增长带来的定位精确度增长百分比对于任意辐射源数量为定值;若卫星位置误差增大,增加接收站数量对于定位精确度的改善程度会降低。所得结论可以为基于GNSS的无源雷达辐射源选取与接收站布站提供理论参考。  相似文献   

为了直观反映双目视觉系统各参数标定误差对系统定位精度的影响,基于针孔摄像机成像模型和概率统计理论,运用蒙特卡罗法对轴线平行结构的系统定位误差进行仿真分析.针对视觉定位模型求解空间点表达式复杂的问题,为便于仿真,根据成像模型参数的相互独立性,提出了一种单参数分析定位误差的方法.利用该方法进行的仿真结果及其实验验证表明:内参数中,主点(u0,v0)的标定误差对系统X、Y方向定位精度影响大,焦距fu的标定误差对系统Z方向定位精度影响大;外参数中,旋转角β和基线t1对X、Y、Z3个方向定位精度的影响都较大.该结论对双目视觉系统设计及参数标定具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

The transmission antennas of cooperative systems are spatially distributed on multiple nodes, so the received signal can be asynchronous due to propagation delays. A receiving scheme for cooperative relay networks is proposed, multiple asynchronous signals are reconstructed at the receiver by forward and backward interference cancellation, which can obtain gains of cooperative transmission diversity with obvious delay and with no requiring timing synchronization or orthogonal channelization between relays. Analysis and simulation show that the bit error rate(BER) of the proposed scheme is similar to Alamouti code, and the scheme has the diversity order of orthogonal transmission scheme accompanied by minimal BER losses. It is demonstrated that the performance can be further improved by adding an error correcting code(ECC).  相似文献   

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