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王磊  蔡跃明  杨炜伟  屠佳 《通信学报》2011,32(6):116-123
针对两跳多中继放大转发协同通信系统,分析了信道估计误差对系统性能的影响。考虑机会中继和全参与中继两种中继策略,分别推导了系统误码率的闭式表达式,并分析了不同信道估计质量阶数下的系统分集增益。平均信噪比损失率分析表明机会中继较全参与中继对信道估计误差更为敏感。仿真结果验证了理论分析。  相似文献   

为了优化译码转发(DF)协同通信系统的网络生存时间,提出一种基于信道状态信息(CSI)和剩余能量信息(REI)的动态多中继选择算法,该算法根据信道-能量函数和信道容量增益门限选择协同中继节点。仿真结果表明,对中继功率进行动态分配时,该算法选择四个中继可使系统性能达到最优。当中继节点数为4时,与仅基于CSI的中继选择算法相比,该算法能延长网络生存时间最高达75%。  相似文献   

协同通信系统中基于遍历容量的近似最优功率分配   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
传统半双工放大转发(AF)协同通信无论信道状态如何,总是采用协同通信模式,在一定程度上降低了系统自由度的利用率.基于此研究了"何时协同"与最优发送功率分配的问题.首先给出了AF系统的遍历容量表达式及其上界;然后以遍历容量上界为代价函数,提出一种适用于AF系统的近似最优功率分配方案(AOPA),通过比较源-目的端与中继-目的端的统计信道增益来判定是否需要采用协同通信模式;最后,还分析了在中继端按随机方向模型移动时AOPA方案的性能.理论分析和仿真结果表明,AOPA方案在系统容量和误码差错性能上均要优于等功率EPA方案.  相似文献   

论文研究了存在信道估计误差及天线相关条件下,上行多用户MIMO中继系统的预编码问题,目标是提升系统的误比特率性能。针对基于放大转发中继技术的上行多用户MIMO中继系统,考虑源-中继和中继-目的端信道中存在的信道估计误差及天线相关,提出一种基于不完全信道状态信息(Channel State Information, CSI)的预编码设计方案。首先根据最小均方误差(Minimum Mean-Squared Error, MMSE)准则设计代价函数,以发射端和中继端最大功率为约束条件,通过理论推导求得中继端和发射端的线性预编码矩阵,最后采用迭代下降法得到接收端处理矩阵的闭式解。数值仿真结果表明,在存在信道估计误差和天线相关的条件下,与现有算法相比,所提算法能有效降低系统的误比特率。  相似文献   

霍龙 《电讯技术》2015,55(4):424-429
针对存在有信道估计误差的正交频分多址( OFDMA)中继系统,在考虑用户传输中断概率的同时,提出了满足不同用户最小服务质量( QoS)需求和比例公平性约束条件下的中继选择、子载波分配和功率分配的联合优化问题,建立了以最大化系统总容量为目标的优化模型。在此基础上以速率最大化为目标进行最佳中继选择,并通过动态子载波分配来满足用户的最小QoS需求和比例公平性,最后采用拉格朗日乘子法来得到最优功率分配方案。仿真结果表明,此算法在降低用户中断概率的同时,提高了系统吞吐量并保证了用户速率的比例公平性。  相似文献   

赵睿 《通信技术》2011,(10):33-35
在基于中继的双向无线通信系统中,分析了两时隙、三时隙和四时隙的中继传输模式的系统和速率性能。考虑到实际通信场景中,信道估计误差的存在使得两时隙和三时隙传输系统的自干扰无法完全消除,研究了信道估计误差对系统和速率性能的影响。仿真结果表明,在公平的发送总功率和信息交换的前提下,两时隙和三时隙传输的和速率在无信道估计误差时在任何信噪比情况下均优于四时隙传输,随着信道估计误差的增加,其和速率显著下降。  相似文献   

丁长文  杨霖  李高祥 《电子学报》2017,45(5):1124-1129
为了实现双向中继系统在满足传输速率要求时的最小功率消耗,基于功率分割中继协议,在完美和非完美的信道估计两种不同的情况下,提出了能量收集双向中继网络的高能效联合中继选择和功率分配算法,得到了两个信源的最优功率分配和中继节点最优的能量收集比例.仿真结果表明,信道估计误差会增加系统的功率消耗;与传统双向中继比较发现,能量收集双向中继能够实现更少的系统功率消耗.  相似文献   

为了对抗无线通信网络中无线信道多径衰落的影响,提高系统的性能,采用了叠加调制方式的协同分集技术,并根据信道的时变特性,提出了功率/带宽的联合优化的自适应算法.分析了叠加调制(superposition modulation)协同方式的实现方法,将该协同方式与传统协同通信方式行了比较.推导出了叠加调制方式下的信道容量,以最大化信道容量为目标计算出节点发送信号的功率以及带宽.仿真结果表明,对叠加调制的协同方式下的资源分配的自适应算法可以有效地提高系统容量.  相似文献   

该文针对基于译码转发协议的分布式Alamouti空时码(DF-DASTC)系统的信道容量以及最优资源分配策略问题。利用退化中继信道模型,推导得到了DF-DASTC系统在衰落信道下的信道容量闭式解。以DF-DASTC信道容量最大化为目标,对该系统在固定带宽分配时,中继及信源节点的最优功率分配方案进行了研究,推导得到了DF-DASTC系统的最优功率分配方案的闭式解。利用凸优化理论,将以DF-DASTC信道容量最大化为目标函数的多目标优化问题转换为非线性不等式约束的单目标凸优化问题,进一步得到了可变带宽分配时的DF-DASTC系统的最优带宽和功率分配策略。理论分析和系统仿真表明,该文所提出的资源分配策略,比平均分配的资源方案具有更大的信道容量。另外,该文的最优资源分配策略适用于具有多个中继节点的无线中继网络,具有普适性。  相似文献   

史寅科  邱玲 《电子与信息学报》2012,34(10):2293-2298
该文在双向多中继选择系统中,分析了采用自适应调制的基于三时隙时分广播(TDBC)中继传输协议的系统性能,给出了存在信道估计误差时,系统的端到端信干噪比表达式,然后通过不等式缩放将表达式转化为多个服从指数分布变量和的形式,求出了其上界的分布,并利用该分布推导出了系统平均频谱效率的上界闭式表达式。通过仿真可以看出,理论分析结果与蒙特卡洛仿真结果相吻合,随着信道估计误差的增加,系统的平均频谱效率降低,并会由于自干扰不能完全被消除而出现平台。为了降低信道估计误差对系统性能的影响,该文进一步提出了一种中继端最优的功率分配策略。  相似文献   

The authors consider a communication scheme based on continuous phase modulated (CPM) signals used in conjunction with trellis-coded modulation (TCM) for transmission over a channel affected by Gaussian noise and fading. This scheme provides a power saving due to the coding gain of TCM and a reduced bandwidth occupancy due to the features of CPM signals. Moreover, CPM provides constant-envelope signals. To keep the complexity of the receiver manageable and to be able to use interleaving/deinterleaving techniques to spread the fade bursts, suboptimal detection schemes must be used. Two such schemes, based on coherent and noncoherent detection of CPM, are considered. Their performance is evaluated by computing the computational cutoff rate of the discrete channel generated by CPM  相似文献   

Space-time coding has shown great promise for digital transmission in wireless communication links, especially when the channel response is known at the receiver. Space time coding combined with continuous phase modulation (CPM) can offer better tradeoffs in bandwidth and power efficiency. Because of the memory inherent in CPM, channel estimation is often harder than for linear modulations. We present an adaptive soft algorithm that performs joint channel estimation and data detection for space-time CPM systems. Properly designed pilot symbols are inserted at the very beginning to give good initial estimates of the channels. This soft receiver is further applied to the interleaved space-time CPM system to yield better performance with moderate complexity through iterative processing. Simulation results show that the receiver can often achieve near-coherent performance in quasistatic fading as well as in time-varying fading.  相似文献   

连续相位调制(CPM)是一种带宽效率很高的调制技术,适用于卫星非线性信道。在将正交相移键控(QPSK)表示成CPM的基础上,提出了一种基于离散傅里叶变换(DFT)的谱密度计算公式。利用MATLAB的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)运算仿真了连续相位QPSK(CPQPSK)的功率谱,结果表明CPQPSK较QPSK具有更高的带宽效率。  相似文献   

椭圆球面波信号(PSWF)是时频域最佳能量聚集性信号,探索性地将PSWF信号应用于连续相位调制(CPM)技术,对基于椭圆球面波信号的CPM调制信号产生过程进行了描述;给出了采用自相关函数法对基于PSWF的CPM调制信号功率谱密度计算方法;结合数值计算、分析对比了最小频移键控、正弦频移键控、高斯最小频移键控以及基于高斯函数的CPM调制信号功率谱密度及其信号占用带宽等特性。数值计算结果表明椭圆球面波信号相比矩形脉冲、升余弦脉冲、高斯脉冲及(类)高斯脉冲作为CPM的基带调频信号,可以获得频谱性能、能量聚集性较好的CPM信号。  相似文献   

We present a coherent detection technique for continuous phase modulation (CPM) operating in the Rayleigh flat fading channel. The technique is based on the idea of inserting periodically data dependent pilot symbols that force the CPM signal to pass through known phase states. This transmission format enables the receiver to extract from the received signal the channel fading gains at regularly spaced instants. When coupled with proper channel estimation filters, very accurate channel state information (CSI) can be estimated at the receiver for fading compensation. Moreover, the accuracy of the CSI can be further refined by adopting a multiple-pass decoding approach. The paper discusses (a) the pilot symbol encoding technique required to force a M-level CPM scheme with a modulation index of p/M, p is an integer, to return periodically to a set of known phase states, (b) the optimal channel estimation filters, (c) a trellis-based precoding technique that can reduce the bit error rate in M-level CPM systems by close to 50%, and (d) a multiple-pass channel estimator/demodulator. Analytical and simulation results are presented for minimum shift keying (MSK), Gaussian MSK, and four-level continuous phase frequency shift keying with a modulation index of 1/4. It is observed that our pilot symbol-assisted CPM schemes exhibit no irreducible error floor even at a channel fade rate of three percent the symbol rate. The implicit phase coding in CPM and the accurate CSI provided by the pilot symbols lead to a diversity effect in the bit error rate curves of these modulation schemes  相似文献   

A method for broadcasting digital audio signals simultaneously with existing analog frequency modulation radio (88-108 MHz) in adjacent channels is presented. The digital transmission is based on continuous phase modulation (CPM) and a proper reduced-state sequence estimator. With the proposed method, the power level and the symbol rate of the transmitter signal is determined in a manner that the interference the CPM signal poses for the analog FM signal in adjacent channels remains below a level according to the radio frequency emission mask defined by international rules. Due to the multipath propagation of the transmitted signal, the transmission behavior of the radio channel is determined by high dispersion up to 85 /spl mu/s. With the selected bit rate, the receiver has to cope with a channel memory of up to 17 bits. Since Viterbi detection is not feasible due to the number of channel states, detection is performed by a reduced-state sequence estimator that is able to eliminate the complete channel interference by decision feedback. Simulation results show that the detector almost achieves the detection quality of the optimum receiver. CPM achieves data rates of up to 200 kb/s inside a 200 kHz FM channel, which is sufficient for transmission of digital compressed audio signals at compact disc quality. The encouraging results of field tests will be published in another paper.  相似文献   

We consider continuous phase modulations (CPMs) in iteratively decoded serially concatenated schemes. Although the overall receiver complexity mainly depends on that of the CPM detector, almost all papers in the literature consider the optimal maximum a posteriori (MAP) symbol detection algorithm and only a few attempts have been made to design low-complexity suboptimal schemes. This problem is faced in this paper by first considering the case of an ideal coherent detection, then extending it to the more interesting case of a transmission over a typical satellite channel affected by phase noise. In both cases, we adopt a simplified representation of an M-ary CPM signal based on the principal pulses of its Laurent decomposition. Since it is not possible to derive the exact detection rule by means of a probabilistic reasoning, the framework of factor graphs (FGs) and the sum-product algorithm (SPA) is used. In the case of channels affected by phase noise, continuous random variables representing the phase samples are explicitly introduced in the FG. By pursuing the principal approach to manage continuous random variables in a FG, i.e., the canonical distribution approach, two algorithms are derived which do not require the presence of known (pilot) symbols, thanks to the intrinsic differential encoder embedded in the CPM modulator.  相似文献   

童启森  杜欣军 《电子器件》2009,32(4):784-787
连续相位调制(CPM)与卷积编码相结合可以进一步提高系统的功率利用率,这使得它在无线通信领域中得到广泛应用.给出了卷积编码CPM的一种低复杂度的非相干序列检测算法,通过正交化处理有效地减少了匹配滤波器个数;在序列检测阶段通过状态融合减少维特比译码的状态数,然后结合判决反馈进行检测.  相似文献   

Continuous Phase Modulation of F-QPSK-B Signals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A continuous phase modulation (CPM) implementation alternative of a recently standardized class of Feher-patented quadrature phase-shift keying (F-QPSK-B) modulation is proposed. Based on the fact that the F-QPSK-B signal has a quasi-constant envelope and continuous phase characteristics, it is shown that it can indeed be generated by the CPM scheme. For example, an F-QPSK-B signal can be fully generated using an existing FM-based transmitter with a modulation index of 0.5. Furthermore, a premodulation filter and an alternating change monitor differential encoder for the continuous-phase-modulated F-QPSK-B signal to be fully compatible with the I/Q modulated F-QPSK-B signal are proposed, allowing direct symbol-by-symbol coherent detection without the use of any special decoding schemes inherent in all CPM schemes. It is shown that the power spectral density and eye diagram of the continuous-phase-modulated F-QPSK-B signal are practically the same as those of the I/Q modulated F-QPSK-B signal. By utilizing CPM characteristics, an optimum maximum-likelihood (ML) coherent receiver for the F-QPSK-B signal is proposed. It is shown that the bit-error-rate performances of the optimum ML coherent detection, symbol-by-symbol coherent detection, and noncoherent detection of the continuous-phase-modulated F-QPSK-B signal are almost the same as those of the I/Q modulated F-QPSK-B signal  相似文献   

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