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研制了基于电子束时间展宽技术和微通道板(microchannel plate,MCP)选通技术的时间展宽分幅相机。相机有三条厚度80 nm、宽度8 mm的微带阴极,阴极上加载斜率为2.1 V/ps的高压斜坡脉冲,使得先发射的电子较后面的电子速度快,经过50 cm的漂移区后,电子束产生时间展宽,从而提高相机时间分辨率。阴极和MCP均加载了脉冲电压,因此,需要精确同步光脉冲、阴极脉冲和MCP选通脉冲,分析了完整的同步过程。当阴极仅加直流电压,无电子束时间展宽时,获得相机的时间分辨率为78 ps。当阴极加载高压斜坡脉冲时,电子束时间展宽技术将系统的时间分辨率提高至12 ps。改变延时,将光脉冲分别同步在斜坡脉冲不同位置,获得了时间分辨率与同步位置的关系。  相似文献   

 微通道板(MCP)选通软X射线皮秒分幅相机(XPFC)的动态时间分辨率是其重要的性能指标之一.通过基于均匀设计分析法建立的MCP-XPFC的动态时间分辨率回归方程着重分析了选通电脉冲的宽度和幅值对MCP-XPFC的动态时间分辨率的交互影响.在选通电脉冲V1(t) (250ps,1200V)和V2(t)(170ps,1400V)的作用下,利用MCP-XPFC的选通理论模型、均匀分析法回归方程、以及飞秒激光系统分别对相机的动态时间分辨率进行了理论计算和实验测试,并对结果误差进行了分析.对于250ps的选通脉冲适合的电压范围约为800~1200V,而对于170ps的选通脉冲适合的电压范围为1100~1200V.  相似文献   

高速成像分幅相机通过阴极选通模块控制微光像增强器的光电阴极选通工作可实现ns级的时间分辨率,传统阴极选通模块存在开关速度慢、只有负压输出或正负压不能满幅值输出等问题。本文基于CMOS推挽输出结构和电压电平转移电路,设计实现一种能够使用低边驱动器驱动PMOS和NMOS开关的阴极选通模块,并采用死区时间控制避免上、下管交叉导通。实测验证该电路具有结构简单、性能可靠等优点,实现了ns级上升、下降沿,占空比0~100%可调和满幅值+30~-200 V脉冲输出,十分适合微光像增强器阴极选通使用。  相似文献   

X射线分幅相机是最有效的惯性约束聚变(Inertial Confined Fusion,ICF)诊断工具,具有良好的时间分辨、二维的空间分辨和动态范围大等优点.介绍X射线分幅相机经历的四个发展阶段,详细分析当前发展阶段行波选通型分幅相机,阐述了最新的X射线分幅相机研究结果,预测了未来X射线分幅相机的研究方向.  相似文献   

大画幅等待式转镜分幅相机结构设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用共轴理论和控制离焦相结合的方法,设计了大画幅等待式转镜分幅相机,该相机的画幅尺寸达到了30mm×18mm,同时还具备了相对孔径大和分辨率高的特点,对底片的相对孔径为空间方向1/15和扫描方向1/35,动态目视分辨率达到了35lp/mm,总画幅数80幅,摄影频率1×104~5×105 frame/s。采用2×105 frame/s的拍摄频率对某爆轰过程进行了试验记录,得到了高分辨率的图像。结果表明:相机的画幅尺寸大、空间分辨率高,适用于冲击、爆轰和弹体姿态等试验过程和目标的拍摄。  相似文献   

朱寅非  吴云峰  唐斌 《电子器件》2012,35(5):611-614
超高速数字分幅相机作为一种利用光学系统静态分幅、快门控制电路系统控制摄影的高速相机,具有良好的空间分辨率,时间分辨率高达ns级,提出了一种可获得超高速数字分幅相机所需的高速快门控制电路的设计方案;利用高速CPLD控制模拟延时线(Delay Line)芯片进行精确延时,得到脉冲宽度可调、时间分辨率极高(0.25ns)的低压脉冲,利用单片机实现PC端对电路延时参数的设定。  相似文献   

近贴聚焦微通道板(MCP)象增强器由于具有高的时间和空间分辨率、宽广的光谱和输入强度动态范围、高的增益以及能记录单次瞬变现象,经常被用作超高速的光快门(光闸)。 微通道板象增强器与控制其快门作用的选通脉冲发生器相结合,便构成具有高的光增益和快速响应的超高速相机。本文比较了对一个典型第二代象增强器(18mm,ITT-F4111型象增强器)进行脉冲控制的三种方式。在此基础上,提出了在象增强器的光阴极进行选通的、能产生大幅度毫微秒脉冲的新颖控制电路。实验表明,用这种控制发生器,相机的曝光时间可达到约2ns。文中还讨论了控制发生器与象增强器之间的匹配,并提出一个简单而有效的方法,借此可以消除在单次摄影中必须绝对避免的多次曝光现象。  相似文献   

为了精确地测量阿秒脉冲的特性,自主研制了一套具有高能量分辨率的阿秒条纹相机,该相机采用了电子飞行距离长达2 m的磁瓶式结构电子飞行时间谱仪,可在提高能量分辨率的同时具有较高的光电子收集效率;在该设备的光路系统中实现了NIR飞秒脉冲与XUV阿秒脉冲延时扫描的稳定精度20 as(均方根)。实验中采用双光选通门技术整形飞秒脉冲的光电场,在氖气池中产生了孤立阿秒脉冲。利用上述阿秒条纹相机测量该脉冲,获得了阿秒光电子条纹谱,通过基于单频滤波的相位重构算法得到159 as的孤立阿秒脉冲。  相似文献   

为获取更多惯性约束聚变内爆运动信息和测量聚变燃烧阶段等离子体的时空特性,以微通道板(MCP)选通分幅变像管为基础,采用电子束时间展宽技术和组合透镜成像技术,研制了曝光时间优于30 ps的分幅变像管,并通过变像管结构、工作原理和实验测试分析了2类像管性能差异的原因。研究结果显示,MCP选通分幅变像管具有良好的空间分辨性能,而采用新技术的变像管则具有更优秀的时间分辨性能,实验测试获得MCP选通分幅变像管的曝光时间和空间分辨率分别为97 ps和~53 m (调制度为4%),而采用新技术的分幅变像管分别为和21 ps和~74 m (调制度为3%)。高时间分辨分幅成像技术的应用可为惯性约束聚变的研究提供更多的可信数据。  相似文献   

基于时间展宽技术,设计研制了大面积阴极分幅变像管。借助Matlab编程分别对单磁透镜和双磁透镜像管在离轴空间分辨率和像场畸变等方面特征作了数值模拟,并采用阴极微带光刻分辨率板进行测试验证。实验测试显示,在缩小一倍成像下,双透镜像管在离轴9 mm以内的空间分辨率优于5 lp/mm。相比单透镜像管,双透镜像管具有更高的空间分辨率,更大的有效成像范围以及更小的成像畸变。因而,采用双透镜成像能够有效地提高像管的空间分辨能力,可为分幅相机性能的进一步提升提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Transmission line structures are needed for the high-performance interconnection lines of GHz integrated circuits (ICs) and multichip modules (MCMs), to minimize undesired electromagnetic wave phenomena and, therefore, to maximize the transmission bandwidth of the interconnection lines. In addition, correct and simple models of the interconnection lines are required for the efficient design and analysis of the circuits containing the interconnection lines. In this paper, we present electrical comparisons of three transmission line structures: conventional metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) and the embedded microstrip structures-embedded microstrip (EM) and inverted embedded microstrip (IEM). In addition, we propose closed-form expressions for the embedded microstrip structures EM and IEM and validate the expressions by comparing with empirical results based on S-parameter measurements and subsequent microwave network analysis. Test devices were fabricated using a 1-poly and 3-metal 0.6 μm Si process. The test devices contained the conventional MIS and the two embedded microstrip structures of different sizes. The embedded microstrip structures were shown to carry GHz digital signals with less loss and less dispersion than the conventional MIS line structures. S-parameter measurements of the test devices showed that the embedded microstrip structures could support the quasi-TEM mode propagation at frequencies above 2 GHz. On the other hand, the conventional MIS structure showed slow-wave mode propagation up to 20 GHz. More than 3-dB/mm difference of signal attenuation was observed between the embedded microstrip structures and the conventional MIS structure at 20 GHz. Finally, analytical RLCG transmission line models were developed and shown to agree well with the empirical models deduced from S-parameter measurements  相似文献   

We report on the development of a new microstrip line and Its experimental results on ultra-wideband pulse propagation. The transmission line employs electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures and is implemented in the multilayer metal stack of a 0.25-mum CMOS process. The inductance and capacitance per unit length of the new microstrip line can be independently adjusted to achieve various slow-wave factors for different characteristic impedances by properly selecting the dimensions of the EBG cells, their respective locations, and the CMOS metal layers. Experimental time-domain investigation of the pulse propagation reveals an interesting phenomenon of pulse compression. This unique property of the new CMOS multilayer EBG microstrip line can be exploited to help generate pico-second pulse as well as to compensate for the loss and dispersion of transmission lines, hence effectively retaining or enhancing the pulse propagation characteristics in UWB impulse circuits.  相似文献   

 A proximity focused microchannel plate image-intensifier(MCP I~2)can always serve as a fast optical shutter due to its high temporal and spatial resolution,large spectral and input intensity range,high gain as well as the possibility of transient recording of single-shot events. The MCP I~2 tube combined with a gating pulse generator constitutes the simplest image-converter camera with a high light gain and a fast response.In this paper,three different modes of gating for a typical 18mm“Generation Ⅱ”MCP I~2 tube(ITT type F4111)are compared.On the basis of the above considerations,a new circuit is developed for fast gating at the photocathode of an image- intensifier and for the generation of large-amplitude nanosecond pulses.With this gating generator, a camera exposure time of about 2 ns has been obtained.The matching of the gating generator with the image-intensifier is also discussed.A simple and efficient method is presented to eliminate the multi-exposure effect which must be avoided in high-speed photography.  相似文献   

The propagation of lateral electromagnetic waves and pulses on microstrip is investigated. Interference patterns generated by the superposition of the lateral and direct waves along the air-substrate surface are shown. The field generated by the pulse excitation of a horizontal dipole on the air-substrate boundary is shown to consist of a lateral-wave pulse and a slower direct-wave pulse. Their differences in shape and decay rate are clarified. It is shown that the shape of a Gaussian pulse propagating along an open microstrip transmission line is closely related to the shape of the lateral electric-field pulse generated by a Gaussian current pulse in a dipole on the air-substrate boundary  相似文献   

田丰  宋莹  王攀 《电视技术》2016,40(7):20-23
为实现实景动画拍摄系统,设计了一种基于嵌入式控制器的实体拍摄支架.针对国外拍摄机器人价格超高的问题,设计了低成本、简便易用的实景动画拍摄系统,完成了计算机端插件、通信接口、嵌入式控制器、运动控制支架.经实际应用,3DMAX中虚拟相机姿态导出精度和分辨率达到30f/s(帧/秒),实体相机旋转方向和速率与虚拟相机保持完全同步,实景动画系统同步虚拟相机和实体相机运动路后能获得准确影视内容合成效果.  相似文献   

本文研究设计了某C 波段共形微带天线。该天线在60mm*60mm 的有限尺寸范围内由4 个辐射单元构成 了一个2*2 的微带阵列天线。辐射单元采用开槽的形式,通过调整馈线插入深度,使馈线与贴片单元达到良好的阻 抗匹配。从仿真结果和实测结果可以看出,该天线电压驻波比在0 f ±20 MHz 的频率范围内均小于1.5,且实测方向 图与仿真方向图非常吻合,在0 f 处天线增益达到8.4dB,满足设计指标要求,性能优良,可以满足军事飞行器的使 用要求。  相似文献   

为克服传统选通成像控制系统功能简单、结构单一、时序控制精度不高的不足,提出了一种基于FPGA和延时线应用技术的百ps级三维选通成像控制系统,其中,FPGA控制精度为10 ns,延时线精度高达150 ps。为提高系统的可操作性,设计了上位机界面程序,可灵活改变系统各控制参数。通过微控制器的程序设计,完成USB上下位机的通信和系统各部件的控制,通过FPGA硬件语言描述产生ns级时序粗调信号,延时线产生百ps级精调信号。另外增加了像增强器MCP增益控制和脉冲激光器功率控制,并对控制信息进行实时显示。实验室测试和整机实验均表明系统设计正确,USB传输稳定,可有效产生时序触发信号,并完成MCP增益、激光器功率控制,可稳定工作于三维选通成像等技术领域。  相似文献   

The propagation and crosstalk properties of picosecond electrical pulses along coupled microstrip lines with arbitrary strip widths are investigated. The current distributions and propagation constants of the dominant c- and π-modes in these asymmetric coupled striplines are calculated using the spectral domain approach; and the full-wave analysis results obtained are incorporated into a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to simulate pulse distortion and crosstalk in the coupled transmission lines. Several samples of asymmetric coupled microstrip lines are fabricated and their characteristics are measured. The results of experiments are found to be in good agreement with those of computer simulations. For the first time, rigorous results of picosecond pulse distortion and crosstalk in asymmetric coupled transmission lines are provided  相似文献   

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