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由于反馈时延、信道估计误差和频率复用的存在严重影响中继系统性能,研究了不准确信道状态信息(CSI)下,存在同信道干扰(CCI)的多天线双跳放大转发(AF)中继系统的中断概率性能。首先基于发射端存在反馈时延、接收端存在信道估计误差的波束成形(BF)模型,得到中继系统的输出等效信干噪比(SINR)。然后推导出输出信干噪比中断概率(OP),计算机仿真不仅验证了所提出的中断概率性能分析方法的正确性,并且在不同信道参数下,对系统中断概率性能的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

针对非对称的多用户MIMO双向中继干扰信道,本文提出了一种简化的基于最大信干噪比的干扰对齐算法,给出了干扰对齐的可行性条件和干扰抑制方案,并分析了系统容量和自由度。本文算法的中继节点不必做复杂的信号处理,大大降低了整个系统的信号处理复杂度;同时,本文算法是基于最大信干噪比方案,与现有文献的中继迫零方案比较,大大提高了系统在中低信噪比时的容量;进一步,通过仿真验证表明,基于本文算法的K用户对双向中继干扰网络可以达到。   相似文献   

在多中继协作通信系统中,提出一种基于放大转发协议的全双工中继选择算法并进行了相应的理论分析。由于全双工中继中自干扰的存在,为保证通信的质量,首先利用传统的最大化边界信干噪比算法选择一个中继,然后利用中继的最优功率放大因子来减小自干扰对系统的不利影响。基于最优放大因子的全双工中继选择方案在系统中断概率、中继节点功率消耗、目的节点接收信干噪比方面都优于采用最大化边界信干噪比的系统。最后,我们利用蒙特卡洛仿真结果证明了该选择算法的优势。   相似文献   

分析了地面多个中继节点采用放大转发协议辅助卫星通信构成的星地混合协作网存在同信道干扰时的性能.首先在用户端采用最大比合并方案并受到同信道干扰的情况下,得到其输出信干噪比的表达式.其次针对卫星链路服从阴影莱斯分布和地面链路服从瑞利分布的情况,推导出输出信干噪比的矩母函数,并进一步得到系统平均误符号率的解析表达式.接着,推导出高信噪比条件下系统平均误符号率的近似表达,为估算系统的性能提供了更加快速的方法.最后,计算机仿真验证了理论计算公式的准确性,并分析了信道参数、中继数目和调制方式对星地混合协作传输的影响.  相似文献   

为了更好地抑制全双工多入多出技术(MIMO)中继系统的自干扰,提高信息传输速率,提出了一种新型的波束成型组合算法。该组合在源节点和目的节点采用奇异值分解的波束成型向量,而在中继站采用基于最大化信干噪比接收波束成型来抑制中继端的自干扰,以及最大化信泄噪比发射波束成型矩阵来减少中继发送端泄漏到中继接收机的信号组合波束成型算法。为了降低复杂度,随后引入了交替迭代结构来进一步优化中继接收和发送波束成型矩阵,并比较了不同组合波束成型方案的和速率性能。仿真结果表明,与现存的波束成型组合相比,当干噪比较低时,提出的组合算法能够提供更优的和速率性能。  相似文献   

该文研究了基于波束形成技术的双跳多输入多输出(MIMO)放大转发(AF)中继系统的中断概率,该系统在发射端、中继端和接收端都配置了多根天线。假设每条链路的发射端采用最大比传输(MRT)技术,接收端采用最大合并比(MRC)技术,该文得出了中继端受到同信道干扰时的信干噪比(SINR),推导了基于固定增益中继方案的中断概率(OP)闭合表达式。计算机仿真结果不仅验证了性能分析的有效性,而且还分析了关键参数对系统性能的影响以及配置多天线带来的好处。  相似文献   

对分布式空域基站协作进行了分析仿真,重点对两小区场景和三小区场景采用最大化层虚拟信干噪比算法的预编码技术进行了仿真验证,并与采用最大化虚拟信干噪比算法的预编码技术进行了比对。仿真结果表明通过分布式的基站协作预编码算法,可以有效地抑制小区间干扰,提高系统的性能;结果还表明层虚拟信干噪比算法比虚拟信干噪比算法有更好的性能,增加天线数量也可以提高系统的性能。  相似文献   

一种多用户多中继MIMO通信系统迭代预编码方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文针对多中继MIMO通信系统多用户传输时的用户间干扰问题,提出了一种可以有效抑制多用户干扰的发射端与中继端迭代预编码的方案。该方案首先在中继端进行多中继联合的迫零预编码,然后将基站与多用户之间等效为一个点到多点的MIMO信道,采用最大化信漏噪比的预编码方法,在发射端进一步消除用户间的干扰,同时避免了噪声放大的影响,进而通过中继端预编码与发射端预编码的多次迭代,更好地保持了多中继并行传输引入空间分集所带来的性能优势,有效地抑制了用户间干扰,获得了更高的系统和容量。  相似文献   

主要考虑中继接入选择策略对基于OFDMA的中继增强型蜂窝网络带来的系统性能影响.分别针对集中式和分布式控制两种情景,以最大化用户吞吐量为目标设计了基于信干噪比的接入选择策略.并通过搭建基于802.16j的系统级动态仿真平台对其性能进行仿真分析.与传统的接入方案相比.该方案在用户吞吐量分布,以及不同中继位置下的系统频谱效率指标下,均可获得更好的系统性能增益.  相似文献   

史寅科  邱玲 《电子与信息学报》2012,34(10):2293-2298
该文在双向多中继选择系统中,分析了采用自适应调制的基于三时隙时分广播(TDBC)中继传输协议的系统性能,给出了存在信道估计误差时,系统的端到端信干噪比表达式,然后通过不等式缩放将表达式转化为多个服从指数分布变量和的形式,求出了其上界的分布,并利用该分布推导出了系统平均频谱效率的上界闭式表达式。通过仿真可以看出,理论分析结果与蒙特卡洛仿真结果相吻合,随着信道估计误差的增加,系统的平均频谱效率降低,并会由于自干扰不能完全被消除而出现平台。为了降低信道估计误差对系统性能的影响,该文进一步提出了一种中继端最优的功率分配策略。  相似文献   

We consider a multiuser two-way relay network where multiple pairs of users exchange information with the assistance of a relay node, using orthogonal channels per pair. For a variety of two-way relaying mechanisms, such as decodeand- forward (DF), amplify-and-forward (AF) and compress-andforward (CF), we investigate the problem of optimally allocating relay?s power among the user pairs it assists such that an arbitrary weighted sum rate of all users is maximized, and solve the problem as one or a set of convex problems for each relaying scheme. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the optimum relay power allocation as well as the comparison among different two-way relaying schemes.  相似文献   

Cooperative communication is an ongoing research area which lies on the basic idea of transmission of information from the transmitter to the receiver with the assistance of a virtual array of relay nodes in between, which will eventually provide the spatial diversity. This paper deals with the resource allocation (bandwidth in this case) among multiple users (source‐ destination pairs) in a cooperative communication environment along with the relay selection when there are multiple relay nodes to assist the transmitting nodes to pass on their data signal to respective receivers. A multi‐user, multi‐relay system model is considered here on which Amplify‐and‐Forward relaying scheme is applied. The bandwidth allocation and relay selection are done based on the Stackelberg game according to which transmitting nodes are treated as purchasers and relaying nodes are treated as vendors. By this planned approach, the transmitting nodes can discover the relays at comparatively better positions and can purchase the optimal bandwidth from those helping relays. By this approach, the relays which are competing with each other can increase their own utilities by demanding the optimal prices and the multiple users which are competing with each other can maximize their own utilities by demanding the optimal bandwidths. Distributed relay selection scheme is applied here which does not require precise information of channel state information as opposed to Centralized scheme and it gives comparable results, too.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of distributed relay selection in wireless networks using a game theoretic approach. Specifically, we consider a system model where one relay node can be shared by multiple source-destination pairs. Our objective is to find the relay selections of source nodes to optimize the total capacity. The relay selection problem is formulated as a congestion game with player-specific payoff functions and the existence of Nash equilibrium (NE) is demonstrated. Then we propose a stochastic learning automata (SLA) based distributed relay selection approach to obtain the NE without information exchange among source nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed distributed relay selection approach achieves satisfactory performance, when compared with other solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a game theoretic relay load balancing and power allocation scheme is proposed for downlink transmission in a decode‐and‐forward orthogonal frequency division multiple access‐based cellular relay network. A system with a base station communicating with multiple users via multiple relays is considered. The relays have limited power, which must be divided among the users they support. In traditional scheme, each relay simply divides its transmit power equally among all its users. Moreover, each user selects the relay with the highest channel gain. In this work, we do not apply the traditional relay scheme. It is because the users are distributed randomly, and by applying the traditional relay selection scheme, it may happen that some relays have more users connected to them than other relays, which results in having unbalanced load among the relays. In order to avoid performance degradation, achieve relay load balancing, and maximize the total data rate of the network, a game theoretic approach is proposed, which efficiently assigns the users to relays. The power of each relay is wisely distributed among users by the efficient power allocation scheme. Simulation results indicate that the proposed game‐based scheme can considerably improve the average sum‐spectral efficiency. Moreover, it shows that by applying the game, users who can connect to uncongested relays join them as opposed to connecting to congested relays. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a down-link non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system with imperfect successive interference cancellation (SIC) using Energy-Harvesting untrusted relays is investigated. These relaying nodes use in this study use a power-switching architecture to harvest energy from the sources signals and apply an amplify-and-forward protocol to forward the signals. In addition, transmit jamming or artificial noise, is generated by a source node to improve the security of the system and protect confidential source information from untrusted relays. Likewise, three relaying selection strategies are employed to examine the secrecy performance of the proposed system. In order to evaluate the performance evaluation of the proposed system, closed-form expressions of the Secrecy Outage Probability (SOP) are studied over Rayleigh fading channels and a Monte Carlo simulation is used to confirm the analytical results. Furthermore, we study the effects of various parameters, such as power allocation factors, relay node selection, the number of relays, energy harvesting efficiency and the location of relay nodes on the secure outage performances for two users of NOMA system and conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA). These results show that NOMA offers the better security performance with multiple users.  相似文献   

In this letter, we investigate the sum-rate performance of the multi-way relay network (MWRN) with amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying, where multiple users exchange information with the help of a relay node. We consider a full exchange scenario where each user has to decode messages form all the other users. We analyze the sum-rate lower and upper bounds of the AF MWRN, and derive a closed-form expression for the average sum-rate low bound when the number of users is sufficient large. Numerical results show that the derived bound is tight.  相似文献   

网络中的一些边缘用户达不到高速率传输的信道条件,为此文中通过中继用户辅助传输能形成一种虚拟的MIMO(VMIMO),并对低精度量化下的VMIMO-OFDMA中继传输技术进行了研究。通过性能分析与仿真表明,尽管低精度量化会引入量化噪声,但是随着中继协同用户数的增多,并且在到达一定比特数时,性能趋于稳定。特别是当量化比特数达到3比特时,系统性能接近理想ADC性能。这对于单用户来说,特别是移动便携设备而言是很有意义的,通过多用户的协同通信,在保证了可靠通信的情况下,减小了功耗和复杂度。  相似文献   

The two-way relay cooperation for underlay cognitive radio networks based on WIPT was presented,where secondary system adopted the two-way relay cooperative transmission.First,the relay adopted a power splitting protocol to harvest energy and to decode information transmitted by secondary users,then the relay forwarded information to two secondary users by using the harvested energy.Subsequently the exact expression of the outage probability,the ergodic capacity and energy efficiency of the secondary user system were derived.Finally,numerical simulation discusses the impact on the system performance with regard to secondary transmission power.The results reveal that the two-way relay cooperation effectively reduces the outage probability of data transmission.The capacity and energy efficiency of the system reaches optimal level when the power allocation coefficient is 0.5.  相似文献   

Cooperative relay to improve diversity in cognitive radio networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent studies demonstrated that dynamic spectrum access can improve spectrum utilization significantly by allowing secondary unlicensed users to dynamically share the spectrum that is not used by the primary licensed users. Cognitive radio was proposed to promote the spectrum utilization by opportunistically exploiting the existence of spectrum ?holes.? Meanwhile, cooperative relay technology is regarded widely as a key technology for increasing transmission diversity gain in various types of wireless networks, including cognitive radio networks. In this article, we first give a brief overview of the envisioned applications of: cooperative relay technology to CRNs, cooperative transmission of primary traffic by secondary users, cooperative transmission between secondary nodes to improve spatial diversity, and cooperative relay between secondary nodes to improve spectrum diversity. As the latter is a new direction, in this article we focus on this scenario and investigate a simple wireless network, where a spectrum-rich node is selected as the relay node to improve the performance between the source and the destination. With the introduction of cooperative relay, many unique problems should be considered, especially the issue for relay selection and spectrum allocation. To demonstrate the feasibility and performance of cooperative relay for cognitive radio, a new MAC protocol was proposed and implemented in a universal software radio peripheral-based testbed. Experimental results show that the throughput of the whole system is greatly increased by exploiting the benefit of cooperative relay.  相似文献   

银泽正  杨震  冯友宏 《信号处理》2021,37(5):747-756
针对实际场景中存在的具有上下行双向传输任务的通信系统,本文提出了一种双向中继协作非正交多址接入(NOMA, non-orthogonal multiple access)传输方案,基于解码转发(DF, Decode and Forward)协议研究信号的上行和下行双向传输技术,与现有NOMA方案不同,本方案为近端用户分配较大的功率,利用网络编码(NC, network coding)原理在两个时隙内实现基站和用户之间的双向信息交换。进一步考虑不完美信道状态信息(CSI, Channel State Information)条件,分析系统的传输性能并推导了系统中断概率以及遍历和速率闭合表达式。仿真结果表明,在完美CSI和不完美CSI条件下,相比于现有文献所提方案、单向中继(OWR,One-Way Relay)和正交多址(OMA, Orthogonal Multiple Access)网络,本文所提方案有效降低了系统的传输中断概率,提高了系统的遍历和速率以及系统吞吐量。   相似文献   

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