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酒精浓度超标报警器设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒精浓度超标报警器是交警判定驾驶员是否饮酒的重要设备。介绍了一种酒精浓度超标报警器的设计方法,利用MQ-3酒精传感器设计了一款安装在汽车驾驶室内的酒精浓度超标报警器,并对其结构特点、工作原理及其调试方法进行了详细的分析介绍。该系统利用LM393比较器和传感器对人体酒精浓度信号进行检测,判断司机是否酒后驾车,并使酒后驾车者不能启动汽车。因此相对其它类型酒精浓度检测装置具有更高的实用价值。  相似文献   

李致金  周宇  宋安 《现代电子技术》2014,(22):121-123,127
该系统以MSP430F2132微处理器为核心,采用安装在不同位置的传感器阵列,对车厢内各点的酒精浓度进行数据采集。根据检测到的车厢内各点的酒精浓度,为主驾位置酒精浓度是否超标给出准确判断。报警数据通过的方式发送数据给接收机,发动机启动控制系统根据汽车当前行驶状态做出相应的报警和制动,从而有效杜绝酒驾的发生。  相似文献   

该文采用单片机作为主控制器,通过TP-3A酒敏传感器测试驾车人员是否饮酒,采用HKX-08A心率传感器测试驾驶人员的心率。将传感器得到的信号经模拟调理电路处理后,转变成单片机能识别的信号,输送到单片机内部。单片机根据传感器传来的信号,进行综合的比较判断并发出指令。单片机的输出信号被处理放大后,驱动相应的机构控制汽车的电磁阀,从而控制汽车的发动机,实现无人控制的酒精自动检测。  相似文献   

基于ARM的汽车防盗系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于先进的ARM技术,采用无线通信网络以及全球定位系统提出了一种网络型智能汽车防盗系统.系统由三星公司的S3C44B0微处理器、MC55无线通信模块、GM-X205型GPS接收机以及防盗传感器组成.微处理器对采集到的传感器信号进行处理,当确认有盗贼分子盗车后,切断汽车油路的同时给车主手机和监控中心发送汽车被盗的信息以及定位信息,真正解决了汽车的安全问题.  相似文献   

0632589中频接收机利用软件无线电技术的探讨[刊,中]/袁照刚//信息技术与信息化.-2006.(4).-43-45(D)中频接收机的输入信号为一个带通信号,在进行数字处理前.必须先对其进行数字化变换.即将一个实信号变成两个正交效字序列。变换后的数字信号具有数字化前模拟中频信号的全部相位和幅度信息。本文主要探讨如何利用软件无线电技术实现中频接收机的数字采样及正交变换。参5 0632590基于DSP的无线接收机的设计[刊,中]/杨幸芳//西安工程科技学院学报.-2006,20(3).-351-354(C)应用软件无线电技术设计了一种无线接收机。介绍了由DSP芯片ADSP2191和AD6620组成的无线接  相似文献   

无线接收机是一种能够进行无线电信号接收和解调的电子装备,在图像信息定位和声音信息接收中应用较多,人们生活实践中应用的GPS装置、寻呼机、电视机和收音机等均属于无线接收机。一般情况下无线接收机主要指的是收音机、雷达信号接收机和无线电收报机,组成结构包括功率放大器、前置放大器和调台装置等,对于复杂射频环境下的无线接收机电磁兼容原理等需要从实际分析角度展开研究与分析。  相似文献   

李成章 《电子测试》2007,(12):74-80
空气酒精浓度监测仪是基于单片机的可编程的智能仪器.本课题采用MQ3酒精气敏传感器和单片机系统实现酒精浓度监测仪的设计,并且通过LCD液晶实时显示.并可用键盘设定阈值,并具有超值报警功能.本课题分为两部分:硬件设计部分和软件设计部分.硬件部分为利用MQ3气敏传感器测量空气中酒精浓度,并转换为电压信号经A/D转换后传给单片机系统,由单片机及其外围电路进行信号的处理,显示和浓度值的超阈值声光报警.软件部分用汇编语言进行编程,程序采用模块化设计思想.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络节点能量有限的特点,基于网络节点间感知数据在空间上具有相关性,提出一种适用于无线传感器网络的基于边信息的分布式压缩感知算法。该算法在簇头接收的多个信号中,选择其中一个信号作为边信息,来优化其他信号的压缩以及解压过程,使得其他信号能够得到最大程度的压缩。仿真结果表明,该算法能够有效地压缩信号,并且能减少整个网络的能量消耗。  相似文献   

一种适用于无线传感器通信的UWB收发机结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文介绍了一种使用低速率超宽带技术实现的适用于无线传感器网络通信的收发机结构,这种结构采用结构简单的IR-UWB(Impulse Radio UWB)方法,能满足无线传感器节点低功耗、低硬件复杂度的要求。这种结构发射机采用SRD(Step Recovery Diode)二极管来产生UWB脉冲信号,接收机则使用结构简单的能量检测方法。  相似文献   

康莉  谢维信  黄建军  黄敬雄 《信号处理》2013,29(11):1560-1567
本文对无线传感器网络中分布式压缩感知的几个关键技术进行了详细阐述。首先,简要论述了压缩感知方法的基本原理;其次,分析了无线传感器网络中的分布式压缩感知技术与单个信号的压缩感知技术的区别,针对无线传感器网络中联合稀疏模型的建立、分布式信源编码以及联合稀疏信号的重构技术等问题进行了详细讨论;分析了在无线传感器网络的实际应用中,联合稀疏模型、分布式信源编码方式及联合稀疏信号重构方法的性能。最后,对无线传感器网络中分布式压缩感知技术的未来研究方向进行了展望。   相似文献   

An ongoing project for constructing a multimedia corpus of dialogues under the driving condition is reported. More than 500 subjects have been enrolled in this corpus development and more than 2 gigabytes of signals have been collected during approximately 60 minutes of driving per subject. Twelve microphones and three video cameras are installed in a car to obtain audio and video data. In addition, five signals regarding car control and the location of the car provided by the Global Positioning System (GPS) are recorded. All signals are simultaneously recorded directly onto the hard disk of the PCs onboard the specially designed data collection vehicle (DCV). The in-car dialogues are initiated by a human operator, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system and a wizard of OZ (WOZ) system so as to collect as many speech disfluencies as possible. In addition to the details of data collection, in this paper, preliminary results on intermedia signal conversion are described as an example of the corpus-based in-car speech signal processing research.  相似文献   

刘辉  赵建彪  李闯  杨松  林学东  董仁  高红 《电子设计工程》2011,19(1):141-144,148
为解决驾驶员驾驶安全性低和行驶舒适性差的问题,设计出一种新型安全带强制使用装置。采用计算机仿真模拟的方法进行研究和设计,外围的输入信号模拟发动机的加速踏板信号、转速信号和安全带佩戴情况信号,控制芯片采用飞思卡尔公司的MC9S128单片机,输出信号为输给发动机ECU的油门踏板信号和语音提示系统的控制信号。实验表明,如果驾驶员和乘客不佩戴安全带,不管驾驶员如何操作加速踏板,将车速限定在一定的人身安全的车速范围内;当需要提速时,提醒驾驶员和乘客佩戴安全带,以确保人身安全,使汽车被动安全装置更为人性化,由此提高驾车舒适性和安全性。  相似文献   

Recent work in field of neuroprosthetics has demonstrated that by observing the simultaneous activity of many neurons in specific regions of the brain, it is possible to produce control signals that allow animals or humans to drive cursors or prosthetic limbs directly through thoughts. As neuroprosthetic devices transition from experimental to clinical use, there is a need for fully-implantable amplification and telemetry electronics in close proximity to the recording sites. To address these needs, we developed a prototype integrated circuit for wireless neural recording from a 100-channel microelectrode array. The design of both the system-level architecture and the individual circuits were driven by severe power constraints for small implantable devices; chronically heating tissue by only a few degrees Celsius leads to cell death. Due to the high data rate produced by 100 neural signals, the system must perform data reduction as well. We use a combination of a low-power ADC and an array of "spike detectors" to reduce the transmitted data rate while preserving critical information. The complete system receives power and commands (at 6.5 kb/s) wirelessly over a 2.64-MHz inductive link and transmits neural data back at a data rate of 330 kb/s using a fully-integrated 433-MHz FSK transmitter. The 4.7times5.9 mm2 chip was fabricated in a 0.5-mum 3M2P CMOS process and consumes 13.5 mW of power. While cross-chip interference limits performance in single-chip operation, a two-chip system was used to record neural signals from a Utah Electrode Array in cat cortex and transmit the digitized signals wirelessly to a receiver  相似文献   

王杰  康潇 《通信技术》2010,43(6):10-12
在扩频通信系统设计中,为了测试不同的扩频通信系统接收机的工作性能,经常需要改变其测试信号的参数以发射适合接收机测试使用的测试信号。通过对扩频信号产生原理的阐述,并结合Xilinx公司的Virtex-2和TI公司的TMS320C6416T硬件特点,实现了一种扩频序列可调,数据速率和码片速率可调的扩频信号和载波频率可调的的扩频信号发生器。在某数字波束形成系统接收机的测试实验中验证了这种扩频信号发生系统性能稳定可靠。  相似文献   

为防止驾驶员酒后驾驶,实现对事故车辆的定位、救援,设计了一种集酒精检测与汽车事故报警为一体的安全系统。检测系统以Arduino作为主控制器,将酒精传感器与语音模块相结合,当车内酒精浓度超标时,系统发出语音报警。报警系统通过GPS获取、处理车辆位置信息,使用户在手机及OneNET平台获取定位信息,实现对事故车辆的定位与救援。经试验检测结果表明,系统检测成功率达90%以上,系统可从方法上提高酒精检测和救援报警的成功率,具有可靠性高、安装简便的优点。  相似文献   

对可见光通信系统收发端进行了研究,采用分压限流式调制电路驱动LED,以NJM4556AD运算放大器为核心器件作为接收端,搭建了短距离可见光通信测试系统,实验完成了50Hz~50kHz频率信号的有效传输,通过优化接收端成功实现了语音信号的实时传输。实验表明,随着频率的增加信号质量逐渐变差,随着接收端偏离光源准直程度的增加,接收功率逐渐变小,甚至信号无法恢复,并分析了影响信号恢复的主要因素,优化电路后所传输的语音信号能够比较清晰地还原。实验结果对可见光通信的室内应用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Intelligent Transport System applications require accurate and reliable positioning. When stand‐alone global positioning system (GPS) is used in urban areas, the results dramatically degrade, because of signal outages and multipath. This paper unveils new signal processing techniques for carrier phase‐based navigation in urban environments. The techniques identify multipath or weak signals using carrier phase based receiver autonomous integrity monitoring, and abnormal signals and situational measurements are eliminated or estimated. To estimate the carrier phase during a short time period when GPS signals is blocked, this paper uses carrier phase statistics. The performance of the proposed method is verified, through a car test. The test environment has many signal outages and multipath because of high buildings. Many abnormal signal conditions occurred during the test, and the results confirmed that the proposed method performed better than the basic stand‐alone GPS approach when compared with GPS/inertial navigation system (INS) integrated navigation results. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to encapsulate prerecorded neural signals in implantable neural recording microsystems. We have increased the number of channels and the reconstructed neural signal quality in the receiver by combining time-division-multiplexing (TDM) and frequency-division-multiplexing (FDM) method. Reducing the number of channels in each TDM module is the fundamental advantage of this method that leads to reduced crosstalk noise. We evaluate some possible configurations and propose an optimized system that has less power dissipation and area occupation than other configurations. A 24-channel implantable neural recording based on the optimized system is designed in both system and circuit level. In this system, first, channels are divided into three 8-channel groups then after multiplexing in the time domain, they are combined together by FDM method. Finally, a frequency modulator wirelessly transmits neural signals to an external setup. In addition, we adjust local carrier frequencies and the bandwidth of TDM to synchronize detection without transmitting pilot carrier. To justify the system operation, using 0.18 μm CMOS technology, we design the system in circuit level. The designed circuit consumes a power of 1.39 mW at a supply voltage of 1.8 V. This leads to a power consumption of 58 μW per channel.  相似文献   

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