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设计了一种等离子半波天线构成的智能天线阵列。通过仿真分析,当选择合适的等离子特征频率和碰撞频率时,等离子天线阵列和金属构成的天线阵列具有相似的辐射特性。但是当等离子体停止激发时,等离子天线阵列有着比金属天线阵列低的RCS值,从而具有隐身的性能。  相似文献   

车体及地面对车载天线性能的影响关系着车载通信系统的性能优劣,车载天线辐射方向图可以直观地表示天线的收发性能,因此对车载天线的辐射方向图进行研究具有工程价值.文中应用一致性几何绕射理论进行定性分析,然后采用基于矩量法(MOM)的FEKO软件,仿真分析了有限大平面上的鞭状天线以及某装甲车载鞭状通讯天线,位于车体不同位置时对其方向图的影响.研究结果对车载天线优化配置设计有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

在传统八木天线理论基础上,设计了一款等离子体八木天线,通过CST软件仿真得到其S11参数、辐射方向图,并根据软件仿真优化参数加工制作出等离子体八木天线原理样机,用高性能矢量网络分析仪对原理样机的S11参数进行了测量。结果表明,当等离子体密度较高时,等离子体八木天线具有很好的定向性以及较高的增益,具有与金属天线可比拟的性能。  相似文献   

李文秋  王刚  苏小保 《电子学报》2018,46(2):268-275
根据表面波在非磁化等离子体柱中的色散关系,理论计算得到存在电子-中性原子碰撞、径向与轴向等离子体密度非均匀分布条件下m=0角向模表面波波矢实部与虚部随信号频率、等离子体密度的变化关系.然后利用波矢的实部与虚部、等离子体柱天线表面指数分布电流模型、等离子体阻抗,推导得到等离子体柱天线的辐射方向图随信号频率、等离子体密度的变化关系;最大增益、天线辐射阻抗随信号频率的变化关系;天线径向能量辐射随等离子体密度的变化关系.理论计算结果表明等离子体柱天线辐射方向图随信号频率、等离子体密度的改变而变化非常明显,信号频率对最大增益、天线辐射阻抗的影响显著;同时,这些理论计算结果与他人实验实测结果吻合,这对于设计高精度要求的等离子体天线提供了重要的理论参考价值.  相似文献   

柱形等离子体天线辐射特性的矩量法分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于矩量法计算了当等离子体天线工作频率远小于等离子体频率时,密度均匀分布的柱形等离子体天线表面电流分布、辐射方向图、输入阻抗及天线效率等天线参数.计算结果表明:等离子体天线具有与金属铜天线类似的辐射特性,并且随等离子体参数变化而改变.此外既可以通过等离子体天线的动态重构,也可以在损失部分效率的前提下选取固定的等离子体参数,获得天线的宽带特性.  相似文献   

等离子体隐身中天线参数的数值计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究了电磁波沿被轴向对称柱形等离子体包围的天线传播特性.通过对传播波矢、辐射方向图等天线参数分析,表明等离子体层在实现隐身同时,天线波矢、辐射方向图等参数也随等离子体密度、厚度等参数变化,一方面等离子体对电磁波的吸收,波矢衰减系数有增大的趋势,另一方面等离子体密度大于一定密度时,会增加天线的有效半径,使衰减系数减少,这些结果对于设计等离子体隐身具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

表面波等离子体天线的柱状等离子体源参数研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
等离子体天线因其具有许多独特的性质而受到各国军方的广泛关注。本文首先介绍了表面波等离子体天线的基本原理及组成,并根据同轴对称表面波沿等离子体柱轴向传播的色散关系,研究了等离子体碰撞频率以及等离子体频率对表面波波矢的影响。文章最后对影响等离子体碰撞频率以及等离子体频率的因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

研究了太赫兹波通过均匀磁化等离子体的传播特性,给出了太赫兹波衰减和相移随等离子体密度、碰撞频率、太赫兹波频率和磁感应强度的变化规律。等离子体电子密度越大,衰减和相移越大;随着碰撞频率的增大,电磁波的衰减先增加到峰值后逐渐减小,且随着磁感应强度的增加,衰减的峰值变大,峰值向碰撞频率减小的方向移动;当电子碰撞频率接近电磁波频率时等离子体对右旋极化波的衰减达到极大值。太赫兹波频率增大,衰减逐渐减小,而相移先增加后逐渐减小。  相似文献   

通过参照金属环天线的构造,自行研制了方环等离子体天线,并借鉴金属天线的测量方法,建立等离子体天线测试系统,对该天线的阻抗特性、辐射特性进行了实验研究.发现,输入电阻在160~350MHz都靠近50Ω,电抗接近0,驻波比低于2,具有非常宽的带宽.而且在频率较低的情况下该天线的增益和与之构造相同的方环金属天线接近.在200MHz试验频率下方环等离子体天线具有较高的方向性.  相似文献   

柱形等离子体天线阻抗及辐射特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助天线测试系统,实验研究了柱形等离子体天线的阻抗特性和辐射特性。实验结果发现:该柱形等离子体天线与相同构造和尺寸的金属天线相比,具有较好的宽带阻抗特性;柱形等离子体天线的相对增益在50~260MHz频带范围内与金属天线相差不大;等离子体发射天线相对增益略高于等离子体接收天线。  相似文献   

The radiated power of an electric dipole antenna in a thin, dissipative, infinite conical plasma sheath is analyzed. The electromagnetic fields are represented by contour integrals, and the radiated power is calculated according to the method of Baños et al. The sheath is characterized by a single parameter, which is proportional to the integrated electron density and depends inversely on the electron collision frequency. The radiation pattern is distorted from the form of the free-space dipole pattern because of the interaction between the primary dipole fields and the fields induced on the surface of the plasma sheath. In most cases it is found that for small electron densities, electron collisions attenuate the induced surface fields so that the patterns approach their free-space form. For larger electron densities, the pattern has a characteristic heart shape for zero collision frequency. The pattern increases in magnitude, while retaining the same form, as the collision frequency increases from zero. As the collision frequency is further increased, the pattern approaches the free-space pattern in magnitude and form.  相似文献   

The problems of a gap-excited finite-sized prolate spheroidal antenna, with and without a confocal prolate spheroidal vacuum sheath, operated in a uniform cold and in a uniform warm lossy plasma medium, have been considered by applying boundary value problem techniques. The dependence of the input admittance, the current distribution, and the radiation pattern, upon the collision frequency, the electron temperature, the length of the antenna, the length-to-radius ratio for the antenna, the ratio of the plasma frequency to the operating frequency, and the thickness of a vacuum sheath have been investigated. Admittance curves are given from which the input admittance of a finite linear antenna can be estimated for a wide range of operating conditions and length-to-radius ratios. Conductance and susceptance maxima, dependent upon the vacuum sheath thickness, have been observed when using the cold plasma model foromega < omega_{p}. When using the warm plasma model in conjunction with the boundary condition that the normal component of the fluid velocity is zero at the antenna surface and at the vacuum sheath surface, the radiation resistance of the antenna is increased significantly for the parameters considered.  相似文献   

沈建  张志刚  饶广然 《通信技术》2015,48(9):1020-1022
为了计算舰载鞭天线近距离通信时地波和天波的干涉,在3~15 MHz频率范围内利用Rotheram地波传播理论计算了鞭天线的地波场强分布,利用国际电信联盟ITU-R P.533建议计算了鞭天线的天波场强分布。通过分析信噪比大于0 dB和场强相差±10 dB的区域后发现,舰载鞭天线的地波和天波场强在一定距离和时段内会互相干涉。结果表明:在通信双方位置一定的情况下,通信时机、通信频率和发射功率等对舰载鞭天线的地波和天波场强干涉区域的影响较大。  相似文献   

A quantitative laboratory experimental investigation has been conducted on the distortion of the main far-field radiation pattern of a horn antenna situated behind a layer of isotropic plasma. The power radiation pattern and phase for orthogonal components of the radiation transmitted through the plasma were investigated for various plasma properties. The experimental results were compared to theory based on the reciprocity theorem and good agreement was obtained. The major features are a gradual attenuation and distortion of the radiation pattern for plasma electron densities below the critical density and a rapid change in the radiation pattern with severe attenuation in the region of the critical electron density followed by "cut-off" at still larger electron densities. No appreciable polarization change of the energy radiated by the antenna is introduced by the plasma.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the experimental characteristics of metal coated dielectric waveguides with a rectangular surface corrugation. Waveguide are designed to operate at a second Bragg frequency of 90 GHz. The period, height and the duty cycle of a rectangular grating were calculated using the chosen frequency. A metallic layer of aluminum is sputtered on one side of the slab waveguide. The purpose of the metallic layer is to simulate a layer of high density plasma on the surface of the waveguide similar to that obtained by optical excitation of semiconductor structures. Experiments were performed to examine the far field radiation pattern, attenuation constant and the dispersion relation. Due to the presence of the plasma layer there will be an angular shift in the far field radiation pattern. We have observed angular shifts of about 20? in the radiation pattern of the waveguide before and after coating. Measurements are made in the frequency range of 88–95 GHz. This waveguide structure can be used to design an electronically steerable antenna and an electronic phase shifter operating in the millimeter-wave frequency band.  相似文献   

等离子体天线具有隐身、动态重构等不同于金属天线的独特的物理性质,在卫星遥感、通信、导航领域具有潜在的应用前景。为了研究等离子体频率对天线特性的影响,采用三维电磁仿真软件建立了柱形等离子体天线模型,在此基础上,针对等离子体频率对等离子体天线的S11曲线、方向图、增益等性能的影响进行了仿真分析,并给出了相关结论。  相似文献   

An experimental study of the input impedance of a short cylindrical antenna immersed in a laboratory magnetoplasma is reported. The antenna is fixed in length and is aligned with its axis parallel to the dc magnetic field. Of particular interest is its impedance behavior in the vicinity of the resonance and cut-off conditions of the magnetoionic medium. Independent measurements are made to determine the electron density from the ion-current characteristics of a spherical Langmuir probe and the strength of the applied magnetic field with a Hall-effect probe. Measured impedances are compared with Balmain's theory. Essential features observed experimentally are a peak in the antenna input resistance near the upper hybrid resonance frequency and a peak in the antenna conductance near the cyclotron frequency. An additional small increase in the input resistance is observed near the plasma frequency when the plasma frequency is not close to either the upper hybrid resonance frequency or the cyclotron frequency. These results suggest the possibility of using a short cylindrical antenna as a diagnostic probe for measuring properties of a magnetoplasma such as the electron density and collision frequency.  相似文献   

The development of antenna theory for nonsinusoidal electromagnetic waves has been based on the idealized rectangular pulse. In practice, an antenna that is designed to operate in the mode of an electric hertzian dipole would radiate a pulse that best approximates a Gaussian one when the driving current consists of a linear transient. The principle of radiation of nonsinusoidal electromagnetic waves with the time variation of Gaussian pulses is discussed. The properties of the Gaussian pulse are presented, i.e., the autocorrelation function, energy spectral density, and spectrum. Antenna patterns, such as peak-amplitude pattern, peak-power pattern, energy pattern, and slope pattern are derived for a Gaussian pulse received (or radiated) by a linear array antenna. Computer plots of the derived antenna patterns are presented that show a considerable improvement in the angular resolution capability over that of the antenna patterns that have been derived for a rectangular pulse  相似文献   

The development of a multiturn loop antenna for a police officer's personal radio set is described. The antenna is small, low profile, lightweight, with dimensions of2.7 times 2.7 times 0.7in high (1.06 times 1.06 times 0.28cm), and is tunable over the 150- to 170-MHz band. VSWR and radiation patterns are presented with the antenna mounted on a man's shoulder. The shoulder-mounted antenna characteristics are described with conditions where the man is in standing, stooping, and prone positions, with various head and arm movements, and with light and heavy clothing. Radiation patterns are referenced to a 6-in helical whip commonly used by police officers. Radiation patterns also indicate body absorption loss for loop and whip antennas mounted at waist level as compared with shoulder levels. The instantaneous bandwidth is 1.4 MHz for a VSWRleq 3:1. A dual-frequency model for use in a two-frequency push-to-talk mode, is also shown to be practical.  相似文献   

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