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数字半色调处理是将连续色调图像转换成二值图像的一个重要过程。使用有限色彩的打印机打印灰度图像或彩色图像时,该处理过程是必须的。文章的主要贡献是提出一种基于数字半色调处理的图像隐藏算法,该算法将1幅二值图像隐藏到其他2幅二值图像中。实验结果显示,文章提出的算法可以很好地隐藏和再现秘密图像,因此,该算法既可应用于水印技术,也可应用于娱乐目的。  相似文献   

一种改进的快速并行细化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对二值化的图像进行细化处理在目标识别中有着重要的应用.Zhang快速并行细化算法是一种常用的细化算法,其细化结果保持了原图像的连通性,且形态结构保持较好,无毛刺现象.但是细化后结果不能保证为单一像素,这为图像的后期处理带来了困难.本文对Zhang并行细化算法进行了改进,实验结果表明改进后的细化结果保证为单一像素,且又保持原有算法的优点.  相似文献   

杨正朋  王琨 《电子科技》2007,(11):18-21
提出了基于方向特性的指纹预处理算法,包括前景/背景提取、平滑、二值化、二值滤波、细化5部分。该算法通过计算指纹方向图对指纹图像进行分割,依据方向场实现二值化,最后采用骨架提取技术细化指纹。这套算法成功减少了原特征的丢失和伪特征的增加。实验结果显示,该算法能够去除噪声,得到较高质量的指纹图像。  相似文献   

研究了一种基于曲波域的指纹图像预处理方法。首先将指纹图像在曲波域中分解,然后用Gabor滤波器来处理粗尺度系数,这些系数是原图像的近似值;同时,在细尺度系数上使用软阈值函数减少沿着脊线方向的噪声。再将重构以后的图像二值化,最后使用基于模板的脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNNs)细化算法细化二值图像,得到指纹的骨架图像。实验结果表明,该方法优于传统的基于Gabor滤波器的指纹图像预处理方法。  相似文献   

在对现有的指纹图像增强算法研究和分析的基础上,结合指纹图像的方向特性和灰度特性,提出了一套较完整的指纹图像预处理和特征提取算法.先利用Kirsch算子得到指纹图像的方向场,并对指纹图像进行方向中值滤波,然后通过图像的边缘强度设计局部自适应阈值对指纹图像进行二值化,最后在指纹的细化图像上提取出指纹的细节特征点,并对其进行去伪处理.实验结果表明,该方法处理效果好,运算速度快.  相似文献   

李静梅  冉祥金  姚成浪 《信息技术》2005,29(12):112-114
提出了一种基于垂直投影特征的文档图像拼接算法,即利用两幅待拼接的文档图像中的两组投影值,确定两幅文档图像的位置关系。该算法可自动拼接两幅文档图像成一幅完整的文档图像。实验结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

指纹二值化及细化的专用算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对指纹图象特点对指纹二值化和细化的算法作了探讨,找出了一套较有效的指纹预处理算法,分析和实验表明,本文的二值化算法灵敏度较高,不仅可用于对指纹的二值化处理而且还可用于对金属断裂照片等其他劣质图象的二值化处理;本文的细化算法则有不产生新断点、保持纹线中心以及可多次迭代的优点,并且还可用于地图等其他二值图象的细化处理。  相似文献   

一种用于版权保护的音频数字水印算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了一种基于小波变换的音频数字水印算法,水印为一幅二值图像,仿真实验表明该算法具有较强的稳健性,可用于数字音产品的版权保护。  相似文献   

针对文档图像存在的退化状况对其二值化处理的影响,文中提出一种基于对比度增强和背景估计的文档图像二值化算法,用于对退化的文档图像进行二值化增强处理。该算法根据不同子区域亮度信息的差异采用不同对比度增强算法对文档图像进行增强处理,通过运用形态学闭运算对增强后的文档图像进行处理来移除文档图像的背景,结合Ostu和Sauvola算法获取文档图像的二值化图像,并通过基于边缘像素邻域灰度值的分布情况进行文本断笔修复。实验结果表明,该算法的F-Measure(FM)为90.47%,峰值信噪比(PSNR)达到19.15 dB,负率指标(NRM)低至0.053 8,分类错误度量(MPM)降至0.000 33,验证了本文提出的二值化算法的有效性。  相似文献   

一种改进的QR码图像二值化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对光照不均的QR码图像进行全局二值化处理后,会出现全白或全黑的误差区域,在局部二值化过程中会出现伪边界情况,并且计算时间也会变长。针对光照不均的QR码图像提出了一种改进的基于背景灰度的二值化算法。首先,根据二维码源图像大小进行分块处理,使用灰度估算公式对分块的灰度值进行计算。其次,使用联合插值算法产生背景灰度水平图像,然后用背景灰度水平图像替代源图像得到校正图像。最后,采用Ostu算法对校正图像进行二值化。实验结果表明,该算法能有效的校正光照不均的QR图像,并得到一个良好的二值化图像。  相似文献   

张蔚  王洪强 《信息技术》2011,(6):105-108,111
近年来,在XML查询处理方法中发表了一些基于节点流栈连接的高效的分枝连接算法。然而,这些算法普遍存在这样的问题:由于它们必须扫描查询中出现的每一个元素对应的节点流,当XML节点数量很大时,查询处理的输入代价很大,效率变得低下。为了解决这个问题,提出了一个新型的标记法记为区间路径,不同于节点流的区间标记法,区间路径可以把具有相同路径的节点集索引到一个集合中。继而提出了分枝点连接算法用于XML查询处理。同基于节点流栈的分枝连接算法相比,该算法有以下优势:节点集的祖先信息直接位于区间路径中;只有和查询结果相关的节点集会被扫描到,大大降低了输入代价;支持查询通配符;对于类型为根路径的查询,只需一次输入操作代价完成查询处理。实验结果表面该算法在输入代价,执行时间和延展性方面都优于基于节点流的分枝连接算法。  相似文献   

针对相控阵成像中因为聚焦深度唯一且不能改变而导致成像失真问题,提出改进方法,提高相控阵检测成像质量。在用单个换能器单元轮流发射声波,全孔径单元接收的收发超声方式得到基础数据组的基础上,在数据处理中重构出发射聚焦和接收聚焦。提出在重构过程中运用动态聚焦补偿技术,使各个深度都聚焦。该文给出重构发射和接收聚焦点及动态聚焦补偿的理论基础,补偿点的计算方法,补偿电路的具体实现。从仿真结果可看出成像效果比传统单点聚焦相控阵有显著提高。提出的相控阵动态深度补偿技术改善了成像质量,物理实现电路简单且具有实用价值。  相似文献   

In a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), after a mobile node is configured with a unique IP address it can perform the unicast communications. In order to reduce the address configuration cost and shorten the latency, this paper proposes an IPv6 address configuration scheme for a MANET. In the scheme, the cluster-based architecture is proposed. In the architecture, the clustering mechanism is combined with the address configuration process in order to achieve the low-cost and low-latency address configuration for all nodes in a MANET. Based on the architecture, the distributed address configuration algorithm is proposed. In the algorithm, a cluster member acquires an address from a cluster head within one-hop scope, so the address configuration task is distributed around cluster heads. In this way, the address configuration in different clusters can be performed in parallel, so the address configuration delay is shortened and the network scalability is improved. The address reclamation/maintenance algorithm is also proposed so that the address resources released by failed nodes can be rapidly recovered for reuse. Finally, the merging/splitting algorithm is proposed in order to ensure that no address collision happens in a MANET. This paper analyzes the performance parameters of the proposed scheme, and the data results show that the proposed scheme effectively reduces the address configuration cost and shortens the delay.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm that permits a receiver to calculate the probability of packet error in parallel with the Viterbi decoding process. This packet reliability value may be used to request retransmissions in a type-I hybrid ARQ scheme. It is shown that this scheme can be used to guarantee any required bound on the packet error probability. In addition, this scheme can be used in conjunction with packet combining. The performance of this scheme is compared with that of the Yamamoto-Itoh algorithm and is shown to provide a significant improvement in throughput  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a flexible turbo decoding algorithm for a high order modulation scheme that uses a standard half‐rate turbo decoder designed for binary quadrature phase‐shift keying (B/QPSK) modulation. A transformation applied to the incoming I‐channel and Q‐channel symbols allows the use of an off‐the‐shelf B/QPSK turbo decoder without any modifications. Iterative codes such as turbo codes process the received symbols recursively to improve performance. As the number of iterations increases, the execution time and power consumption also increase. The proposed algorithm reduces the latency and power consumption by combination of the radix‐4, dual‐path processing, parallel decoding, and early‐stop algorithms. We implement the proposed scheme on a field‐programmable gate array and compare its decoding speed with that of a conventional decoder. The results show that the proposed flexible decoding algorithm is 6.4 times faster than the conventional scheme.  相似文献   

详细介绍某低频段T/R 组件研制过程中的电磁兼容问题——波控电路严重干扰接收通道,导致接收通道噪声系 数带内呈现周期性的尖峰。分别从被干扰对象、干扰源、干扰路径等方面对该问题进行深入的分析,提出完善的改进方 案,给出改进方案前后电磁兼容性能的对比情况,并总结出电磁兼容问题解决过程中可能的误判。该问题是低频段T/R 组件面临的共性问题。本解决方案及思路可为低频段T/R 组件的研制提供重要参考,并对数字T/R 组件的电磁兼容设计 具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Speed-up fractal image compression with a fuzzy classifier   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper presents a fractal image compression scheme incorporated with a fuzzy classifier that is optimized by a genetic algorithm. The fractal image compression scheme requires to find matching range blocks to domain blocks from all the possible division of an image into subblocks. With suitable classification of the subblocks by a fuzzy classifier we can reduce the search time for this matching process so as to speedup the encoding process in the scheme. Implementation results show that by introducing three image classes and using fuzzy classifier optimized by a genetic algorithm the encoding process can be speedup by about 40% of an unclassified encoding system.  相似文献   

A threshold retracking algorithm for processing ice-sheet altimeter data is presented. The primary purpose for developing this algorithm is detection of ice-sheet elevation change, where it is critical that a retracking algorithm produce repeatable elevations. The more consistent an algorithm is in selecting the retracking point the less likely that errors and/or biases will be introduced by the retracking scheme in the elevation-change measurement. The author performed extensive comparisons between the threshold algorithm and two widely used ice-sheet retracking algorithms on Geosat datasets comprised of over 60000 crossover points. The results show that the threshold retracking algorithm, with a 10% threshold level, produces ice-sheet surface elevations that are more repeatable than the elevations derived from the other retracking algorithms. For this reason, the threshold retracking algorithm has been adopted by NASA/GSFC as an alternative to their existing algorithm for production of ice sheet altimeter datasets under the NASA Pathfinder Program. The threshold algorithm will be used to re-process existing ice-sheet altimeter datasets and to process the datasets from future altimeter missions  相似文献   

A High Dynamic Range CMOS Variable Gain Amplifier for Mobile DTV Tuner   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A high dynamic range RF variable gain amplifier (RFVGA) suitable for mobile digital television (DTV) tuners is presented. Variable gain is achieved using a capacitive attenuator and current-steering transconductance (Gm) stages, which provide high linearity with relatively low power consumption. A novel broadband input impedance matching scheme based on resistive shunt-feedback is proposed. This scheme allows the RFVGA to achieve a low noise figure. A gain control technique suitable for CMOS current-steering variable gain amplifiers is described; it features 1 dB per step resolution, independent of process and temperature variations. The chip is fabricated in six-metal 0.18mum CMOS technology and consumes 12.2mA current from 1.8V supply. The RFVGA achieves 16dB maximum gain, 33dB gain control range, a 4.3dB noise figure, and an IIP3 higher than 25dBm  相似文献   

本文提出了一种用于计算任意取向多个介质椭球电磁散射的混合方法.利用扩展边界条件(EBC)导出具有旋转轴对称单个椭球以球面波矢量函数为基底的T矩阵,结合球矢量波函数旋转定理和递推T矩阵方法,给出多个任意取向介质椭球的散射场.数值例子验证了该混合方法的计算精度和有效性.  相似文献   

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