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针对正交频分多址接入解码转发(OFDMA-DF)中继上行链路通信系统,提出了一种基于比例速率公平约束的资源分配算法.新算法主要分为两个步骤:首先在假定平均功率分配下,按照速率约束比越小的用户越优先选择子载波和中继这一准则进行载波分配和中继选择;然后在此基础上进行子载波上的优化功率分配,并给出了功率分配结果.分析结果显示,新算法在获得较高系统容量的同时能很好地保证用户之间的公平性.  相似文献   

一种自适应的OFDMA系统下行分组调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种适合于OFDMA(正交频分多址接入)系统的资源分配与调度算法,该算法利用物理层的信道信息和MAC层的队列状态信息,并综合考虑了数据分组传输的时延要求和业务的优先级,采取资源块与子载波分配相结合的资源分配方式。仿真结果表明,该算法在吞吐量和公平性方面都得到了较好的改善。  相似文献   

随着无线通信技术的迅猛发展,无线资源的需求量越来越大,用户对服务质量的要求也越来越高,因此,未来通信系统需要智能地在用户服务质量(QoS)需求和无线资源限制间进行一个有效的折中。为了提高认知无线网络频谱利用率,在可用子载波、次级用户功率预算及公平性等约束条件下,基于速率自适应(RA)准则,提出了在认知正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中兼顾速率公平的多用户子载波功率联合分配算法。该算法将子载波和功率分配分为两步,在兼顾各次级用户速率公平性的同时,最大化链路容量。仿真结果表明,该联合分配算法在系统吞吐量与次级用户速率公平性之间可以取得有效的折中。  相似文献   

近年来,正交频分多址接入系统做为一种新的多址接入技术受到了极大关注。在OFDMA中,相临的多个子载波被分配给不同的用户来为用户并行低速传输数据。子载波是相互间重叠且正交的,所以避免了载波间干扰的产生。文中介绍了向上链接子载波交织分配的OFDMA系统。  相似文献   

霍龙 《电讯技术》2015,55(4):424-429
针对存在有信道估计误差的正交频分多址( OFDMA)中继系统,在考虑用户传输中断概率的同时,提出了满足不同用户最小服务质量( QoS)需求和比例公平性约束条件下的中继选择、子载波分配和功率分配的联合优化问题,建立了以最大化系统总容量为目标的优化模型。在此基础上以速率最大化为目标进行最佳中继选择,并通过动态子载波分配来满足用户的最小QoS需求和比例公平性,最后采用拉格朗日乘子法来得到最优功率分配方案。仿真结果表明,此算法在降低用户中断概率的同时,提高了系统吞吐量并保证了用户速率的比例公平性。  相似文献   

正交频分多址(OFDMA)是以OFDM调制为基础的新一代无线接入技术,在这种方式中,多址是通过给每个用户分配可用子载波总数的一部分来实现的。介绍了一种OFDMA下行链路的实时动态子载波分配算法,算法根据各个子载波对各个用户的瞬时信道增益,在使系统总的发送功率最小的准则下,为各用户分配最优的子载波组。最后用MATLAB语言仿真实现了该算法.仿真结果表明该算法性能要优于传统的静态子信道方案。  相似文献   

一种新型的OFDMA系统调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王瑞文 《通信技术》2011,44(3):9-10,14
近年来正交频分多址接入(OFDMA,Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access)技术在无线通信中的应用越来越广泛。针对OFDMA系统中的资源调度问题,介绍和分析了OFDMA系统中常见的分组调度算法-轮询算法、最大载干比算法和比例公平算法,并且提出了一种结合了遗传搜索的自适应调度算法。最后在此基础上对这四种分组调度算法进行了仿真和分析,仿真结果表明,不管是系统吞吐量还是公平性,自适应调度算法都有较好的性能提升。  相似文献   

魏方旭  胡晓鹏 《电讯技术》2012,52(4):553-557
针对多入多出正交频分复用( MIMO - OFDM)系统的下行链路,提出一种基于信道状态信息(CSI)反馈的次优子载波分配算法.算法从寻求容量和公平性之间的平衡出发,将提高系统容量作为资源分配的优化目标.该算法首先按照比例公平约束进行子载波初始分配,然后将现行分配给任意两个用户的子载波互换之后计算系统容量,如果系统容量增加,则将子载波在用户间进行交换,否则保持初始分配不变.将子载波在用户间进行迭代调整,直到系统总容量不再增加为止.仿真结果表明,该算法能够很好地保证比例公平约束,有效地提高系统容量,提升效率可以达到贪婪算法的40%左右,对MIMO - OFDM系统中的子载波分配具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

一种用于IEEE 802.16无线城域网TDD模式中的带宽调度方案   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文提出了一种用于IEEE 802.16宽带无线接入系统TDD模式下的公平而有效的带宽分配调度体系。与该领域中传统的固定带宽分配方式相比,该文提出的调度体系结构综合考虑了上下行链路不同业务带宽需求并进行动态带宽分配。该文提出一种新的亏空公平优先级队列(DFPQ)算法来调度不同优先级的业务流,可以为系统提供更好的公平性。仿真结果显示该文提出的调度体系结构能够很好地满足所有类型业务的服务质量(QoS)需求,并提供较好的公平性。  相似文献   

在非连续载波聚合(高频+低频)场景下,载波衰减特性不同,聚合的载波有不同的覆盖范围,使得不同用户可调度的载波数量不同,若使用传统比例公平( PF)算法会导致小区不同位置用户资源配置的不公平性。本文提出了一种分组权重PF调度算法( GWPF ),根据用户可调度的载波数量,将用户和载波分组,并引入加权因子对原比例公平算法进行加权处理,从而提高用户公平性。仿真结果表明GWPF较PF算法有着更好的用户公平性和边缘小区吞吐量。  相似文献   

该文采用非合作博弈论的方法研究了多小区OFDMA系统中的动态资源分配问题,首先将各基站的发射功率平均分配给各子载波,然后由所有小区在每个子载波上独立地进行资源分配博弈,给出了用户调度与功率分配联合博弈框架。为了进一步简化,将用户调度和资源分配分开完成,通过将信道增益引入到定价函数中,提出了一种新的定价机制,建立了用户确定时的非合作功率分配博弈模型,分析了其纳什均衡的存在性和唯一性,并设计了具体的博弈算法。仿真结果表明,所提算法在保证吞吐量性能的同时,进一步提升了系统的公平性。  相似文献   

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) is an attracting system for combating the frequency selective fading. It’s widely considered as a promising candidate modulation and access scheme for next generation mobile communication systems. However, the explosive growth of multimedia applications raises higher performance requirements for Radio Resource Management (RRM) in OFDMA system. In particular, limited bandwidth and fierce resource competition impose a challenging issue on the design of packet scheduler. In this paper, we propose two scheduling algorithms applicable to mixed services (i.e., real-time and non-real-time services), that is QoS-oriented Dynamic Threshold Control (DTC) algorithm and fairness-oriented Fairness Aware and QoS Aware (FAQA) algorithm. These two algorithms are both composed of two stages, i.e., initial subcarrier allocation and subcarrier reallocation. For the DTC algorithm, in the stage of initial subcarrier allocation, based on the different metrics to weigh QoS between both services, we design a unique scheduling strategy for each type of service. A dynamic threshold is adopted to help users quickly recover from starvation, so that any one user in system can escape from severely degraded QoS. In the stage of subcarrier reallocation, we will reallocate the surplus subcarriers from the buffer-empty users to the buffer-nonempty users so as to increase spectrum efficiency. For FAQA algorithm, in the stage of initial subcarrier allocation, for the purpose of achieving Proportional Fairness (PF) with lower complexity, we deduce a simple scheduling strategy satisfying PF criterion by means of Greedy algorithm. In the stage of subcarrier reallocation, in order to increase the number of users satisfying QoS requirements, we’ll reallocate the surplus subcarriers from the QoS-satisfied users to the QoS-unsatisfied users. Simulation results demonstrate that, on one hand, the DTC algorithm not only guarantees the quality of both services, but also increases the spectrum efficiency; on the other hand, the FAQA algorithm well maintains the fairness among users, and increases the QoS satisfaction degree at the same time.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a packet scheduling discipline called packet loss fair scheduling, in which the packet loss of each user from different real‐time traffic is fairly distributed according to the quality of service requirements. We consider an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system. The basic frame structure of the system is for the downlink in a cellular packet network, where the time axis is divided into a finite number of slots within a frame, and the frequency axis is segmented into subchannels that consist of multiple subcarriers. In addition, to compensate for fast and slow channel variation, we employ a link adaptation technique such as adaptive modulation and coding. From the simulation results, our proposed packet scheduling scheme can support QoS differentiations while guaranteeing short‐term fairness as well as long‐term fairness for various real‐time traffic.  相似文献   

In this paper,we focus on the resource scheduling in the downlink of long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) assuming equal power allocation among subcarriers.Considering the backward compatibility,the LT...  相似文献   

陈瑾平  杨绿溪 《信号处理》2011,27(12):1824-1830
正交频分多址(OFDMA)技术以其更高的频谱效率和抗多径衰落特性成为高速无线通信网络的候选标准。兼顾效率和公平性是OFDMA系统资源分配亟待解决的问题。本文研究了OFDMA系统中的无线资源分配问题,既要保证QoS用户的最小速率要求,同时“尽力而为”用户之间必须满足最小速率最大化公平性(max-min fairness)准则;该资源分配问题可以表述为一个系统总功率约束下的子载波分配和功率控制的混合离散型优化模型,这是难解的NP-hard问题,穷举搜索的代价是极其巨大的。针对该非凸模型,本文设计一个拉格朗日松弛的优化算法,该算法中采用修正的椭球算法求解对偶问题。算法具有多项式时间复杂度,且与子载波数目呈线性增长关系。仿真结果表明,该算法能近似最优地满足用户QoS及最大最小公平性要求。   相似文献   

该文针对以OFDMA(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access)为多址接入方式的多无线电系统中用户比例公平性和系统效率问题进行了研究,提出一种联合资源分配算法,不仅保证了用户比例公平性下系统的吞吐量,还充分考虑了分配的带宽是子信道带宽整倍数的特点,对分配给每个终端的带宽进行子信道整数倍调整。最后通过仿真对比,从系统吞吐量和公平性两方面给出了算法的性能。  相似文献   

One of the key problems in uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems is to efficiently and fairly allocate subcarriers and powers. However, most existing work has not sufficiently taken into account fairness when allocating these resources so that subcarriers cannot be fairly allocated among users with different channel conditions. To overcome this shortcoming, we first present an optimization framework with fairness, which aims to fairly allocate subcarriers among different users and to distribute the transmission power of each user over the assigned subcarriers. Here, the fairness is guaranteed by associating each user with a utility function and placing a lower limit on the number of subcarriers assigned. In particular, different from previous work, utility functions are allowed to be nonconcave and nondifferentiable so that our framework can be suitable for resource allocation for real‐time applications. Furthermore, an iterative algorithm based on the ant colony optimization is proposed, according to which subcarriers can be efficiently and fairly allocated among different users. Simulation results verify the convergence of our algorithm. In addition, our algorithm outperforms several other algorithms in terms of the fairness of resource allocation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a low-complexity beamforming-based scheduling scheme utilizing a semi-orthogonal user selection (SUS) algorithm in downlink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)/space division multiple access (SDMA) systems to support multimedia traffic. One of the challenges in the multi-dimensional (space, time, and frequency) radio resource allocation problem for OFDMA/SDMA systems is its high complexity, especially to simultaneously satisfy the quality of services (QoS) requirements for various traffic classes. In the literature, the SUS algorithm is usually applied to the single-class traffic environment, but extending the SUS algorithm to the multimedia environment is not straightforward because of the need to prioritize the real-time (RT) users and the non-real-time (NRT) users. To solve this problem, we propose the concept of urgency value to guarantee the fairness of the NRT as well as the best effort (BE) users while satisfying the delay requirement for the RT users. Simulation results show that, when traffic load is greater than 0.5, the proposed scheduling algorithm can improve the fairness performance by more than 100% over the most recently proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

As the system performance is obviously improved by introducing the concept of relay into the traditional orthogonal frequency division multiple access(OFDMA)systems,resource scheduling in relay-enhanced OFDMA systems is worthy of being studied carefully.To solve the optimization problem of achieving the maximum throughput while satisfying the quality of service(QoS)and guaranteeing the fairness of users,a novel resource scheduling scheme with QoS support for the downlink of two-hop relay-enhanced OFDMA systems is proposed.The proposed scheme,which is considered both in the first time sub-slot between direct link users and relay stations,and the second time sub-slot among relay link users,takes QoS support into consideration,as well as the system throughput and the fairness for users.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has good performance in maximizing system throughput and guaranteeing the performance in the service delay and the data loss rate.  相似文献   

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