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针对时分波分复用无源光网络长距离和广覆盖特性带来往返时延增大,造成高优先级业务时延性能严重恶化的问题,提出带有业务区分的混合资源调度算法.根据网络负载实时调整光网络单元组的波长数以实现资源共享,并动态划分子周期以对不同优先级业务进行区分服务;设计混合资源调度算法,以在线方式填充波长空隙,以离线方式保障资源高效调度.仿真结果表明,所提算法能够满足不同优先级业务的时延要求,保证服务质量,并提高信道利用率.  相似文献   

利用网络链路资源被占用的部分信息实现保护资源共享,可以极大地改善网络对业务的丢弃性能.这对采用多协议标记交换(MPLS,Multiprotocol Label Switching)技术的IP over WDM网络来说,并不需要太大的代价.基于此,本文提出了在IP over WDM网中考虑通路保护的动态路由算法.对工作通路的选取,算法对选路成本和路由长度作了折衷考虑;而对于保护通路,则对其共享能力和路由长度作了权衡.仿真结果表明,本文算法不管是对业务的丢弃性能,还是对网络的链路负载平衡度,均取得了较满意的结果.  相似文献   

文章针对切换时延不为零的光交换调度提出了一种新算法--2近似启发算法.算法由两部分组成:选择匹配和决策权重.其中,选择匹配是确定光交叉阵列的切换次数,由贪心算法完成;决策权重是决定各个配置的持续时长,它是通过选择一个值以使剩下的业务矩阵的开销估计最优.2近似启发算法的近似因子为2,时间复杂度为O(N2logN).仿真表明这种调度算法更接近最优调度,比DOUBLE[1]和ADJUST[2]算法更能自适应传送来的不同业务模式.  相似文献   

自适应的认知无线Mesh网络QoS约束的路由与频谱分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种自适应的满足QoS约束的路由与频谱分配(SA2JR)算法,SA2JR的目标是:在满足无线业务QoS约束的情况下,最大化无线业务接受率,让尽可能多的无线业务需求能够被满足.SA2JR包括2个部分,按需的κ-路径路由(κ-Routing)算法,以及QoS驱动的频谱分配(QDSA)算法.κ-Routing负责为每一个需求产生κ条潜在路由路径,QDSA算法自适应地进行频谱分配,目标是从κ-Routing产生的κ条潜在路由路径中找出一条满足QoS约束的可行路由路径.仿真结果表明SA2JR能达到预定目标,获得了较高的无线业务接受率.  相似文献   

为提高移动自组织网络(mobile ad hoc network,MANET)路由查询效率,通过对P2P(peer-to-peer)网络与MANET的交叉研究,在DSR协议基础上引入Chord算法,提出双向路由模型BPDSR.BPDSR双向路由发现算法和路由资源共享算法,降低了查询复杂度,减少了路由失效和绕路问题.通过BPDSR算法性能分析和NS--2仿真实验表明,BPDSR路由模型的路由效率明显提高.  相似文献   

分析了经典轮询算法的优缺点,提出一种保证QoS的新型DBA算法--DGPRA(Divided-period Grant Partly Reaving Arithmetic,分周期授权部分抢占算法).该算法基于轮询的思想,从实用的角度为业务进行了分类,对三种不同的业务提出了新型处理策略:对语音业务预留带宽,对视频和数据业务细分循环周期,分级循环.同时,这种算法中还引入了新的抢占机制.仿真结果表明:该算法有良好的时延特性,特别有利于保证高级业务的QoS.  相似文献   

放大转发OFDM协同中继系统多业务资源分配机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈书平  王文博  张兴  付雷 《通信学报》2010,31(4):116-121
提出了点到点多载波协同中继系统多业务资源分配框架,并给出了一种最优化自适应功率、载波和比特分配算法;为了降低算法复杂度,又提出了一种次优搜索算法,该算法依据信道特性,在满足业务QoS基础上使业务占用资源最小.仿真结果表明:提出的最优算法在保障多媒体业务QoS的基础上能够有效改善频谱效率,对比于传统算法有1~2bit/(s·Hz)的性能提升;而提出的次优搜索能够取得接近最优算法的性能(差别在0.6 bit/(s·Hz)左右),并且实现复杂度由指数级别降至线性.  相似文献   

蒋继胜  朱晓荣 《电子学报》2018,46(5):1259-1264
未来网络中将有大量的机器与机器(machine-to-machine,M2M)通信终端,比人与人(human to human,H2H)通信终端至少要多出2个数量级,网络中传统的资源分配算法无法满足新业务的通信需求.基于H2H与M2M共存场景,本文通过分析M2M终端特性,提出了一种基于背包模型的分级传输的资源分配算法,此分配算法优先保障H2H与时延敏感的M2M通信业务的服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS),同时充分考虑时延非敏感的M2M的业务特性,节省能量消耗.仿真结果表明该算法能够提高资源利用率,同时满足H2H与M2M业务的QoS.  相似文献   

WDM网络动态组播业务共享保护算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
程晓军  葛宁  冯重熙 《电子学报》2006,34(4):595-598
该文研究了WDM网络中动态组播业务的保护.为提高网络资源的利用率,降低连接请求阻塞率,和单播业务的共享保护方案类似,组播连接之间也可以共享保护波长.本文提出了一种动态组播业务共享保护算法,并对算法的性能进行了仿真,同时和组播业务专有保护算法进行了比较.仿真结果表明,共享保护算法比专有保护算法使用了更少的波长资源,具有更低的连接阻塞率.  相似文献   

为了解决流媒体中的拥塞控制问题.文中介绍了针对流媒体传输的几种典型的拥塞控制算法(如TFRC,TFMCC和SMCC等),并在NS2平台上仿真分析了这几种算法,最后提出了这些算法在流媒体业务传输应用方面需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

在区分服务模型中,具有不同微流数量、分组长度和目标速率的流聚集在资源共享时往往无法获得公平带宽。本文在自适应RIO算法基础上提出了一种区分RIO算法(Differentiated RIO,DRIO),DRIO对具有不同目标速率的流区别对待,使得无论在何种情况下都可以很好地保证各流聚集在共享带宽资源上的公平性,而且算法实现简单。仿真结果表明,DRIO对提高流聚集之间的公平性有很明显的效果。  相似文献   

We address the problem of the performance analysis of the stochastic fair sharing (SFS) algorithm for fair link sharing. The SFS scheme has been proposed to carry out a fair link sharing and fair sharing among virtual private networks. Depending upon the current utilization and provisioned capacities of the classes, the SFS admission control algorithm decides which sessions to accept and which to reject. In this letter, we undertake the performance evaluation of the SFS scheme analytically. We explore the tradeoff between fairness and the blocking probability by varying the trunk reservation parameter. The results show that the analytical performance measure agrees well with the simulation results.  相似文献   

高丽  赵海峰  穆晓敏 《电讯技术》2012,52(7):1183-1187
为了提高频谱共享的有效性和公平性,提出了一个基于合作博弈的认知网络频谱共享 模型和接入控制策略。博弈规则为在满足各用户最小收益的前提下,认知用户进行相互合作 ,并最大化总体收益;接入控制策略以满足服务质量需求为约束条件,并引入惩罚函数,迫 使认知用户按照其实际需求竞争频谱资源。仿真结果表明:提出的合作博弈模型和接入策略 提高了认知用户的总体收益和公平性,改善了系统中认知用户的满意度。  相似文献   

The BitTorrent (BT) file sharing protocol is very popular due to its scalability property and the built-in incentive mechanism to reduce free-riding. However, in designing such P2P file sharing protocols, there is a fundamental trade-off between keeping fairness and providing good performance. In particular, the system can either keep peers (especially those resourceful ones) in the system for as long as possible so as to help the system to achieve better performance, or allow more resourceful peers to finish their download as quickly as possible so as to achieve fairness. The current BT protocol represents only one possible implementation in this whole design space. The objective of this paper is to characterize the design space of BT-like protocols. The rationale for considering fairness in the P2P file sharing context is to use it as a measure of willingness to provide service. We show that there is a wide range of design choices, ranging from optimizing the performance of file download time, to optimizing the overall fairness measure. More importantly, we show that there is a simple and easily implementable design knob so that the system can operate at a particular point in the design space. We also discuss different algorithms, ranging from centralized to distributed, in realizing the design knob. Performance evaluations are carried out, both via simulation and network measurement, to quantify the merits and properties of the BT-like file sharing protocols.  相似文献   

Differentiated services networks are fair in the way that different types of traffic can be associated to different network services, and so to different quality levels. However, fairness among flows sharing the same service, may, not be provided. Our goal is to study fairness between scalable multimedia sessions for assured DS services in a multicast network environment. To achieve this goal, we present a fairness mechanism called session-aware popularity-based resource allocation (SAPRA), which allocates resources to scalable. sessions based on their number of receivers. Simulation results in a scalable and multireceiver scenario show that SAPRA maximizes the utilization, of bandwidth and the number of receivers with high-quality reception  相似文献   

张磊  罗涛  刘蔚 《通信学报》2011,32(11):159-167
构建了基于认知无线电的新型车载网络,并提出基于安全业务服务质量(QoS)保障的两步式频谱共享策略:多认知小区间的频谱分配和单认知小区内的频谱共享。仿真结果表明,提出的GNBS(generalized nash bargaining solution)分配方案综合考虑了系统的公平性和总效用,可获得明显大于最大化最小方案的系统和速率,以及明显优于最大化和速率方案的多认知小区间的公平性;GNBS方案可以根据多小区间频谱需求的差异性来动态调节资源分配的比例,有效地实现了需求非对称的多小区间频谱资源的最优化配置;此外,单小区内的协作频谱共享机制,使得协作双方均获得了优于非协作方案的系统效用,有效地提高了系统吞吐量以及认知OBU间的公平性。  相似文献   

文章研究了感知无线电网络中联合频谱分配和调度的问题,给出了基于物理干扰模型的频谱分配算法。调度算法是对由频谱分配算法得到的一系列传输模式进行调度,从而实现频谱共享。本文基于提出的频谱分配算法通过仿真比较了三种调度算法,结果表明考虑了公平性的调度算法的网络吞吐量有稍微的降低(可达到最大吞吐量的96%),但感知用户的整体需求满足度却得到了很大的提高,即达到了很好的公平性。  相似文献   

Bandwidth sharing: objectives and algorithms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper concerns the design of distributed algorithms for sharing network bandwidth resources among contending flows. The classical fairness notion is the so-called max-min fairness. The alternative proportional fairness criterion has recently been introduced by F. Kelly (see Eur. Trans. Telecommun., vol.8, p.33-7, 1997); we introduce a third criterion, which is naturally interpreted in terms of the delays experienced by ongoing transfers. We prove that fixed-size window control can achieve fair bandwidth sharing according to any of these criteria, provided scheduling at each link is performed in an appropriate manner. We then consider a distributed random scheme where each traffic source varies its sending rate randomly, based on binary feedback information from the network. We show how to select the source behavior so as to achieve an equilibrium distribution concentrated around the considered fair rate allocations. This stochastic analysis is then used to assess the asymptotic behavior of deterministic rate adaption procedures  相似文献   

In contemporary multi-core systems, memory is shared among a number of concurrent threads. Memory contention and interference are becoming increasingly severe incurring such problems as performance degradation, unfair resource sharing and priority inversion. In this paper, we aim at the challenge of improving performance and fairness for concurrent threads while minimizing energy consumption in main memory. Therefore, we propose PUMA, a novel solution that reduces memory contention and interference by judiciously partitioning threads among cores and allocating each core exclusive memory banks and bandwidth based on thread’s characteristics. Our results demonstrate that PUMA is able to improve both performance and fairness while reducing energy consumption significantly compared to existing memory management approaches.  相似文献   

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