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空间遥感紫外光谱辐射计辐照度定标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建了由150 W大功率氘灯、1 000 W石英卤钨灯及球面反射镜组成的平行光光谱辐照度定标单元,解决了多数光谱辐射计由于在紫外波段响应度低、信噪比小导致的定标困难,也满足了空间遥感类光谱辐射计的辐照度定标要求.分两个波段标定了紫外光谱辐射计160~400 nm波段光谱辐照度响应度,其中160~250 nm定标不确定度4.7%,250~400 nm定标不确定度2.7%.  相似文献   

介绍了机载热红外高光谱成像仪样机的低温光谱仪设计特点,为了检测系统的光谱识别能力,在实验室开展了详细的光谱性能测试。为满足气体探测对超高光谱精度的需求,提出了采用CO2激光器结合高精度单色仪的方法应用于色散型高光谱成像系统。在实验室对氨气气体进行了准确的红外吸收光谱测试,表明系统可用于气体探测及识别。在此基础上,开展了飞行试验,应用结果表明热红外高光谱可以有效开展城市典型建筑物分类、工业化学气体排放种类和形态监测等应用,特别是后者是目前其它光学遥感手段尚不具备的。以上研究和试验结果表明机载热红外高光谱成像仪已经具备了业务应用能力,后续将在仪器辐射定量化精度的提升方面进一步开展研究工作。  相似文献   

分析了投射灯照度测量误差的原因,提出了测量新思路。  相似文献   

2000年9月在敦煌辐射校正场用国内外两组仪器同时获取场地数据,经数据处理分析后,对中巴地球资源一号卫星CCD相机进行了绝对辐射定标。本文通过对试验数据的结果比对和误差分析,证明国产仪器完全能满足对中巴地球资源一号卫星进行绝对辐射定标的精度要求。  相似文献   

2000年9月在敦煌辐射校正场用国内外两组仪器同时获取场地数据,经数据处理分析后,对中巴地球资源一号卫星CCD相机进行了绝对辐射定标。本文通过对试验数据的结果比对和误差分析,证明国产仪器完全能满足对中巴地球资源一号卫星进行绝对辐射定标的精度要求。  相似文献   

介绍了机载多光谱扫描仪光谱定标的原理、装置及实验方法,并给出了部分结果与讨论.  相似文献   

紫外高光谱探测仪在轨运行时通过地球光观测光路和太阳光观测光路获取辐射和光谱信息, 因此在发射前需 对载荷进行实验室定标。定标后获取的辐照度定标系数将用于在轨计算获取反演所需的太阳参考谱, 定标精度直接 影响仪器在轨探测及数据反演精度, 决定着获取的遥感信息的可靠性。采用直接发散光辐照度定标方法, 搭建二维定 标平台对定标光路进行不同角度、距离的标准灯测试, 将三个距离下的实验值借助最小二乘法线性拟合得到辐照度 定标系数, 并对系数进行角度等因素的校正。测试结果表明合成不确定度为 3.42%, 符合辐射定标要求, 表明了方法的 可行性。  相似文献   

刘贺雄  周冰  高宇辰  贺宣  鲁军 《激光与红外》2018,48(10):1274-1277
随着高光谱相机在特定区域特定波段背景辐射精确测量方面的应用,对高光谱相机辐射定标的精度、分辨率的要求也不断提高。本文通过测量滤波片透过率及积分球出射DN值得到各波段透过的能量占总透过能量的百分比,并结合实际测得的各波段辐亮度,建立其与相机探测器输出的各波段DN值的关系,达到辐射定标的目的。将提高高光谱相机定标分辨率转换为提高测量滤波片透过率的波长分辨率,简化了研究过程。通过定标结果可知,波长在较小范围内变化时,高光谱相机对其增益系数也会发生变化。  相似文献   

受涂覆工艺、物理特性和气动应力等因素影响,飞机红外隐身涂层容易产生裂纹、剥落等损伤.监控涂层光谱发射率是红外隐身涂层状态监控的一种有效手段.光谱发射率监控设备的定标直接影响涂层光谱发射率测量结果的可信度,进而影响飞机红外隐身特性的评估结果.针对光谱发射率测量定标需求,研究了积分球定向积分反射比测量系统定标方法,并开展红...  相似文献   

杨宜 《红外》2006,27(8):24-26,32
本文首先介绍了成像光谱仪光谱定标的背景、原理.接着重点介绍了国外关于光谱定标的几种技术,最后对国内光谱定标进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用太阳测量整层大气光谱透过率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了利用太阳辐射测量整层大气光谱透过率的实验装置、测量原理和数据处理方法.为得到大气光学参数的实际变化规律,设计了由宽光谱范围的平场凹面光栅和高灵敏度的线阵CCD构成的硬件系统,利用太阳直接辐射测量其连续光谱,使用Langley拟合方法进行定标,通过运算得到了实际天气条件下的大气光谱透过率.将实测结果与现有其他设备的测量数据进行了对比,证明了测量结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an intercomparison of spectroradiometers for global and direct normal incidence irradiance in the visible and near‐infrared spectral regions together with an assessment of the impact these results may have on the estimation of the short‐circuit current (ISC) calibration of photovoltaic devices and on the spectral mismatch calculation. The intercomparison was conducted in the framework of the European project Apollon with the additional participation of external partners from the Italian project for the long‐term monitoring of solar radiation for photovoltaics. Six institutions and six spectroradiometer systems, representing different technologies and manufacturers, were involved. Prior to the intercomparison, all participating partners calibrated their own instrument(s) according to their usual procedures in order to verify the entire measuring and traceability chain. The difference in measured spectra shape and amplitude showed to have an impact on ISC calculation of less than 3% and less than 6% for single‐junction and multi‐junction devices, respectively. When only the shape of the spectra is considered, the spectral mismatch ranges from 1.7% to 4.7% depending on the spectral response of the device. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, results are presented concerning solar spectral irradiance measurements performed in Madrid in the wavelength range 250–2500 nm, that is, extending the spectral range far away from the wavelengths where PV semiconductors are active. These data were obtained considering a horizontal receiver surface during selected clear days covering the four seasons of the year. PV materials having different spectral responses (m‐Si, a‐Si, CIGS, CdTe) have been considered to calculate spectral factors (SF) taking as reference the standard solar spectrum AM1.5 defined in standard IEC 60904‐3. From these SFs, the influence of natural solar spectral variations in PV conversion has been established. It is shown, for example, that PV technologies based on a‐Si are highly favored, from the spectral point of view, in spring–summer compared to other technologies having broader spectral responses, which are more favored in autumn–winter. From the experimental measured solar spectra, we have calculated Weighed Solar Spectra (WSS) corresponding to the four seasons of the year and also to the whole year. The WSS represents, for a certain period of time, the solar spectrum weighed over the irradiance level. SFs have been calculated for different WSSs showing spectral gains for the four PV materials during almost the full year. Otherwise, it is also shown in this work how the near‐IR part of the solar spectrum affects the evaluation of the solar resource as a whole when reference solar cells made of different PV materials are used. For typical m‐Si, a‐Si, CIGS, and CdTe solar cells, the ratio of Isc over global irradiance is not constant along a given day showing variations that depend on the season and on the PV material considered. © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于绝对辐亮度计定标的积分球紫外光谱辐射特性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对积分球开口光谱辐射特性测量的复杂性及紫外波段标准光源不确定度大的缺点,构建了一种基于紫外标准探测器的高精度绝对辐亮度计。用所构建的绝对辐亮度计,以3个波长为例,标定积分球开口光谱辐亮度,修正了250~400 nm波段积分球开口光谱辐亮度曲线。同时,利用该绝对辐亮度计对积分球输出稳定性、积分球开口均匀性以及朗伯余弦特性进行了全面测试。积分球开口3个波长280,313和352 nm处光谱辐亮度定标合成标准不确定度分别为3.2%,3.0%和3.0%,积分球输出稳定性、开口均匀性以及朗伯余弦特性3个波长处合成标准不确定度分别为1.7%,1.6%和1.6%。不确定度分析表明用绝对辐亮度计研究积分球光谱辐射特性与传统的积分球光谱辐射特性研究相比方便可行且精度更高。  相似文献   

Solar spectral irradiance measurements on a routinely basis are relevant to study the influence of solar spectrum on the photovoltaic (PV) module performance, especially for thin film and third generation PV. Two spectroradiometers from EKO were added to the instrumentation available at the ESTER outdoor station of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. A detailed characterisation of the spectral irradiance at the site was carried on during more than 6 months of monitoring activity measuring spectral solar irradiance in the range 350–1700 nm with a time interval of 10 min on a horizontal plane. A wide variety of spectra were acquired in various weather conditions, and indications about the spectra behaviour on a daily and seasonal basis were obtained. Moreover, information about the effect of the weather conditions on the solar radiation spectral distribution were identified. The Average Photon Energy index was used as an indicator of the spectra characteristics. The same index was also used to evidence the solar spectrum influence on polycrystalline and double junction amorphous silicon PV modules. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高精度中远红外辐射定标技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
红外辐射定标是红外遥感信息定量化的关键技术之一.从我国空间红外传感器的发展要求出发,结合国外基于绝对低温辐射计的红外辐射定标技术研究状况,提出了利用宽波段可调谐激光器和球状InSb、HgCdTe光电探测器以及薄膜热电堆探测器TS-76来实现高精度中远红外辐射定标的技术方案.  相似文献   

六陌辖尉俦感器件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳辐射测量将对预测长期的气候变化提供重要依据.为了获得更加精确的太阳辐出度数据,研制微型化、高精度的绝对辐射计是今后太阳辐射探测的重要研究方向.介绍了目前研究的几种典型的太阳辐射传感器件,重点阐述了几种常用的热电型辐射探测器,对它们的特点进行了分析和比较.  相似文献   

8mm大气辐射特性的测量与分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用8mm辐射计对8月份几中天气情况(睛、多云、阴)进行观测实验,统计结果表明多云和阴天对8mm辐射计的亮温度有明显影响。利用辐射计观测的天空温度对云中液态水总量的变化进行了反演,同时计算了大气衰减及液态水总量,并对误差做了分析。  相似文献   

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