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近日,美国高通公司通过无线关爱计划,与制作著名儿童电视节目《芝麻街》的非营利性教育机构芝麻街工作室联合宣布了由双方合作开展的"大家准备好!"3G移动项目,该项目旨在帮助中国的儿童及其家庭学习应急准备知识。通过3G移动互联网站、移动应用和以《芝麻街》人偶为主人公的有趣内容,该项目为3~6岁的儿童及其看护人打造富有互动性和参与性的学习体验。该项目强调了儿童熟记自己姓名和住址、了  相似文献   

日前,美国高通公司通过无线关爱计划,与制作著名儿童电视节目《芝麻街》的非营利性教育机构芝麻街工作室联合宣布了由双方合作开展的“大家准备好!”3G移动项目,该项目旨在帮助中国的儿童及其家庭学习应急准备知识。通过3G移动互联网站、移动应用和以《芝麻街》人偶为主人公的有趣内容,该项目为3~6岁的儿童及其看护人打造富有互动性和参与性的学习体验。该项目强调了儿童熟记自己姓名和住址、了解应急措施、掌握如何准备应急包,以及在何地、向何人求助等在应对紧急情况时的重要性。  相似文献   

中央人民广播电台与中国教育电视台签署战略合作协议1月8日,中央人民广播电台与中国教育电视台共同签署战略合作协议。双方将在新闻采编领域实现新闻线索互通、采访资源共享、传播平台互动、节目主持人和评论员观察员交流,以及记者大型采访活动和专题报道联动等方面开展实质性合作,探索一条传统媒体与新兴媒体相互融合与共赢发展的新途径。合作将从共同打造一档全媒体新闻杂志节目《E视界》开始,以社会视角解读教育报道,以教育视角挖掘社会新闻。《E视界》计划将在今年3月中国教育电视台一套推出。  相似文献   

根据《2018年中国少儿家庭洞察白皮书》数据,"观看少儿节目"已成为各年龄段孩子们广泛的兴趣爱好,但纵观我国各类少儿频道电视播放情况,动画片占据超过80%。有教育意义的儿童电视节目几乎已经消失在如今国内儿童的视野中。对比50年前的美国,《芝麻街》在电视上就完成了学前儿童的教育工作。《芝麻街》的成功,离不开儿童心理视角和传播理论。这里笔者以儿童中心化思维对《芝麻街》做文本分析,分析其如何构建促进儿童学习又符合儿童心理的节目场景。发现《芝麻街》在塑造同龄伙伴时能塑造出轻松交流的场景,而成年人角色则对儿童思维做出适当干扰。  相似文献   

科学素养是公民素质的重要组成部分,而儿童科普读物是对儿童进行科学教育、提升儿童科学素 养的重要辅助材料。然而儿童科普读物并没有受到家长、教师的足够重视,即使意识到读物的重要性,也 不能科学地选择适合孩子的读物。因此为了探讨读物对儿童科学素养的重要性并指导家长、教师科学购买 适合儿童的读物,将市场中的儿童科普读物进行分类,与小学科学课程标准相对比分析其科学性,并对线 上读物商品评论量进行大数据分析探讨读物教育价值,以此探讨科普读物的科学教育价值,就尤为重要。  相似文献   

新年伊始,大洋成功中标浙江台融合汇聚互动传播平台项目,该项目以"即时互动、高效实用、安全可靠、灵活扩展"为原则,在融合各广播、电视频道、微信微视、微博、APP等资源基础上,将开展节目互动策划,打造全媒体指挥调度系统,实现浙江台快速高效的汇聚、筛选、审核及多渠道传播!浙江台作为国内最有影响力的媒体之一,推出了《中国好声音》、《中国梦想秀》、《奔跑吧兄弟》等一系  相似文献   

国内各大卫视与欧美等国家采用电视版权合作制作节目的模式已经屡见不鲜,然而同样被引进的节目在国内观众中的反应却是良莠不齐。实际上中西方国情、文化、观众欣赏习惯有着很大的差异,如果教条式的照搬欧美电视模式无疑会败下阵来。根据中国本土文化的风格以及观众的收视习惯进行改造是引进节目的必修课。近年屡创收视高峰的《中国达人秀》、《中国好声音》等都是本土化成功的代表作,这两个节目幕后的节目制作公司都是星空华文传媒旗下的灿星制作。  相似文献   

《科学大纲》(The Outline of Science )是英国生物学家、博物学家兼科普作家John Arthur Thomson (1861—1933 年)主编的高级科普巨著,于20 世纪20 年代由商务印书馆出版,是民国时期科学传播研究 的典型案例。本文以《科学大纲》、其英文原著以及当时的评论文章为研究对象,考察了英文原著的科学 传播理念,以及《科学大纲》在中国的传播及影响。研究表明,《科学大纲》的翻译、售价并不能令当时 的读者满意,对传播产生了一定影响;另外,当时将传播重点放在了汤姆生强调的科学的趣味性方面,对 于科学的认知方式以及科学的动态发展等方面传播不足。  相似文献   

国家广电总局网站消息,上海文广新闻传媒集团下属的上海电视台已正式获国家广电总局批准开办以电视机、手持设备为接收终端的视听节目传播业务。根据国家有关规定,从事IP电视、手机电视等信息网络传播视听节目业务应按照《互联网等信息网络传播视听节目管理办法》(国家广电总局第39号令)取得《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》。许可证由国家信息网络传播视听节目行业主管部门——国家广电总局按业务类别、传输网络、接收终端等项目分类核发。  相似文献   

杨艳玲 《无线互联科技》2013,(10):193-193,211
电影《刮痧》中以流传几千年的传统中医疗法"刮痧"在美国却被认为虐待儿童的罪证的冲突为主线,讲述了中美文化之间的不同。本文通过许大同一家的行为表现分析中美文化的差异,以及走向二元共存、相互交融。  相似文献   

Researchers have identified a number of interesting differences between engineers and the practice of engineering in Japan and the US (and, to a lesser extent, other countries). They have found that: Japan graduates more engineers per capita than the US; Japanese engineers seem to stay in the practice of engineering longer than their US counterparts; Japanese firms perform more of the post bachelor degree level education and training of engineers than US firms; Japanese universities seem to emphasize teamwork more and business education less than US universities; Japanese firms have less rigid job boundaries than US firms; high performing Japanese firms have more overlap between functions and have developed distinctive ways of handling new product development such as the use of heavy weight project managers. On the other hand, empirical studies so far do not seem to show that "culture" has made much difference in the practice of engineering between the US and Japan. This paper reviews these findings and the implications that have been drawn from them. It goes on to suggest that while this research has provided many useful ideas and models for US managers, in other areas it has stopped short of examining the consequences of what has been found. The result has been the loss of opportunities for policy makers, educators, managers, and social theorists  相似文献   

温超 《科普研究》2014,9(2):47-53
科技类博物馆的科普教育功能主要通过展览来实现,展览水平的提升离不开展览效果评估的开展。本文重点分析了美国NSF对其资助的非正规科学教育项目的评估要求,总结了NSF项目展览效果的评估框架,并以"星球大战:当科学与幻想相遇"巡展的评估案例为例,探索展览效果评估如何具体实施,为我国科技类博物馆展览效果评估活动的开展提供经验。  相似文献   

In a comparative study of 208 US and 109 Swedish durable goods firms, and their practices for promoting design-manufacturing integration, greatest convergence was found for the adoption of manufacturing sign-off of product plans. Sign-off was also the most widespread practice, currently being used by about 75% of all companies in both countries. The US and Swedish firms were also similar, but not identical, in their promotion of mobility among engineers across functions. Permanent moves occur in about half these firms in both countries, but the details, such as which positions are involved, were not available. New structures to promote design-manufacturing integration mere adopted by about 60-65% of all Swedish firms and the larger US companies (1991), but 46% for small US firms (1993). Both countries report the widespread use of teams. There appears to be considerable difference between the two countries in adoption of design training. In 1992 the Swedish adoption rate of DFM (Design for Manufacturing) training was about 20% which is nearly the same as the US large firm adoption rate of 18% in 1987. The larger firm US adoption rate was nearly 56% in 1991 (41% for smaller firms in 1993) but institutional factors such as engineering education have not been controlled. The widest divergence between Swedish and US policies and practices for design-manufacturing integration concerns job rotation. Correlation results indicate convergence of adoption practices in the area of DFM training and manufacturing sign-off for Sweden and the US  相似文献   

In order to conduct a comparative analysis on China's Telecommunications/ICT regulation effectiveness to make up the omission of international researches,and to find out the difference between China and other countries and try to improve China's ICT regulation effectiveness,this paper developed an extended,integrated ICT regulation effectiveness assessment framework,with a name of IEP framework that consists of three assessment directions,namely regulation institution,regulation enforcement and industry performance.Based on this framework and by using Entropy Method,the paper then selected 10 sample countries,including China,six developed countries,and other three developing countries,and made a comprehensive comparison evaluation for those countries.Finally,by focusing on China's results of ranking 10 in institution,6 in enforcement,5 in performance and 8 in total ranking,the paper gave the explanation and presented improvement suggestions for the future ICT regulation in China.  相似文献   

Substantial efforts have been made to improve R&D project termination decisions. One major stream of research has demonstrated that discriminant functions can distinguish between successful and unsuccessful projects. It is of considerable importance to test the validity of discriminant functions. In the present study the authors show the applicability of a discriminant function that was originally developed by Balachandra for US R&D projects to data from British and German R&D projects. The results are mixed. It is encouraging that a very high percentage of projects can be correctly classified as successes or failures. But the discriminant functions vary between countries. Thus, the results reveal different management perceptions of project success factors in these countries  相似文献   

朱凌  潘煜  高丽 《中国通信》2012,9(9):107-122
The competition among cellphone brands in the world is getting fiercer and fiercer in 3G era. This paper intends to examine the level of consumer's brand origin recognition accuracy of high-involved products (referred to hereafter as BORAHI ), investigate the factors facilitating BORAHI , and trace the implications of BORAHIon brand evaluation, especially in cellphone industry. The BORAHI is measured in China through cellphones as the product object and a consumer's cognitive model of BORAHI is built. The paper concludes that: Chinese urban consumers have a fairly high BORAHI ; better-educated consumers demonstrate higher BORAHI scores for foreign brands; male consumers have higher BORAHI scores than females consumers; consumers lower in ethnocentrism exhibit higher level of BORAHIfor foreign brands, and ethnocentrism has no effect on BORAHI for local brands; international experience is not related to BORAHIfor local brands; international experience is positively related to education and income respectively, but it is negatively related to age. This research finds that the consumer behavior in China, one of emerging markets, is significantly different from that in developed countries.  相似文献   

高超声速武器具备改变未来战争规则的潜力,是当前大国军事竞争的焦点所在,受到了中美等国家的高度重视。提出了对高超声速武器在战术应用方面的理解,从防御和进攻两个方面分析了高超声速武器对电子战技术的需求,提出了未来高超声速电子战技术的研究方向建议。  相似文献   

Adam  J.A. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1990,27(4):20-24
The approaches to global competition adopted by Japan, West Germany, and to the US are examined. In Japan several government institutions assist in developing a strategic vision in science and technology. Foremost is Japan's Council for Science and Technology, which promotes a comprehensive national policy. The Science and Technology Agency (STA), consuming about a quarter of Government R&D, funds research, oversees a worldwide collection of science and engineering publications, and directs a technology transfer corporation. West Germany has developed its R&D policy within a broader European context. Some 12% of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT) budget goes toward international organizations. In the US more than 700 federally funded laboratories spend one-third of the Government's R&D funds and employ more than one-sixth of US scientists and engineers. Issues related to capital costs and to education in all the countries are examined  相似文献   

郭亮 《现代电信科技》2011,41(11):48-51
随着互联网技术和服务的高速发展,对数据中心的各方面要求不断提高。国外已有多种成熟的评估体系来对数据中心进行评测与分级,但我国尚无这方面的体系。建立完整的标准体系,研究完备的评测方法,形成完善的评估体系,对我国IDC行业的良性发展将会起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

詹媛 《科普研究》2011,6(3):39-45
本文简要回顾了科学素养概念形成的过程,介绍各国制定本国科学素养教育课程的情况,在此基础上,详细介绍我国《农民科学素质教育大纲》与印度《全民基础科学》的理念和内容,并将这二者进行比较,探讨科学技术指导思想和传统文化对两国科学素养研究产生的影响,为我国的农民科学素养教育政策和措施的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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