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数字视频网络的领先创新者BigBand Networks日前宣布.江苏有线正在部署其宽带多媒体服务路由器(BMR),用于处理和提供数字电视服务.包括高清(HD)和互动电视。BigBand BMR将部署在其省会以及其他9个城市.为数百万用户提供数字电视服务。  相似文献   

网络用户对带宽需求的不断增加,加速了宽带网络的建设。大容量交换路由器是建设宽带网络的核心部件。该文针对路由器内部交换网络的拓扑设计以及路由算法这两个方面进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

PowerHammer P640/P320/P160是高性能、大容量的电信级核心路由器,主要面向电信级骨干IP网络、宽带IP城域网核心网络及行业用户骨干核心网络的发展与建设。  相似文献   

凌湘 《电信科学》2001,17(7):70-71
随着网络技术的发展和网络业务的拓展,宽带化、IP化成为发展的必然趋势,这个趋势不但在可靠性、接口密度和配置的灵活性、路由计算和数据包的转发速率以及多业务支持等方面对路由器提出了更高的要求,而且使一体化(固定接口)的路由器的弊端和局限性开始显露出来。固定接口的路由器已不能很好地满足用户多变的组网需求,因为固定接口路由器的网络接口类型和接口数量是固定的,一旦网络需要升级,就不得不将原有的设备抛掉,重新购置,造成了很严重的重复投资;其次,随着网络的普及,已经不可能存在能够适用于所有用户需要的网络模型,…  相似文献   

ADSL在宽带接入网中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查月华  胡建彰 《电视技术》2001,(8):50-51,55
针对当前接入网的高速化、宽带化趋势,在非对称数字用户环路(ADSL)接入模型的基础上分析了ADSL的宽带接入方式,以及ADSL的应用发展前景。  相似文献   

威文芽 《通信世界》2000,(13):30-30
IP技术在Internet网络上获得的巨大成功,奠定了基于IP技术的网络在各类通信网络中的主导地位。Internet近年来的迅猛发展使得网络的宽带化和高速化需求越来越迫切,为此各国网络界纷纷提出了高性能IP骨干网方案,建设下一代Internet。国家高技术研究发展(863)计划,以其敏锐的洞察力把握住关键时机,及时地提出了我国自己的下一代骨干网方案──“中国高速信息示范网(CAINONET)”,核心路由器(CR)是该项目得以实现的重大研究课题之一。 为了满足CAINONET总体组提出的关于核心路…  相似文献   

未来的通信网络对设备的带宽、容量、QoS保证等多个方面提出了非常严格的要求甚至是挑战。设备厂商从网络的容量、覆盖、部署、业务和演进几方面综合考虑,帮助运营商来增加已签约用户的ARPU值并吸引更多的低端用户入网,实现网络价值的最大化。未来的通信网络将更加注重客户需求与技术发展,围绕客户来提升竞争力,降低运营成本和增加运营收入,网络也将具有高性能、全网快速灵活部署和进入全IP时代等重要特点。华为技术有限公司所撰《迎接移动通信宽带化时代》一文介绍了华为高性能端到端HSPA解决方案、EnerGGSM解决方案、EV-DO Rev.A解决方案和WiMAX 16e移动宽带解决方案,向我们展示了华为应用于全球80多个国家和地区,服务全球2亿多移动用户的成功经验。本文对于我们进一步了解未来移动通信向宽带化迈进的特点具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

F-engine R4000系列是烽火网络针对宽带数据网络推出的宽带接入服务器/路由器。它采用先进的高性能网络处理器架构,能够实现数据包的快速路由和转发,以及高速的网络地址转换。内置的BAS功能,支持DHCP WEB、802.1x、PPPOE等多种认证方式,配合多种用户身份识别手段,可向数千个用户提供高速率、高质量的接入服务;  相似文献   

MIPS科技公司宣布,其MIPS3274K处理器内核已用于雷凌科技(Ralink Technology)的新一代802.11n双频WLAN存取点(AP)/路由器SoC。该超标量741(内核有助于雷凌为宽带路由.以太网络至Wi-Fi桥接、VoIP、在线游戏和家庭娱乐设计出功能强大的芯片组。这些应用都需要高性能、低功耗和紧凑的处理解决方案.以支持先进服务,内容与功能,同时降低系统成本。  相似文献   

爱立信 《中国新通信》2009,11(21):85-88
该文章主要从打造高性能网络、确保友好的用户使用环境以及建立灵活的运营支撑系统三个方面,来重点论述如何建立成功的移动宽带。  相似文献   

目前,高速网络处理系统的板级互连带宽达到了40G比特速率级,这对网络处理系统的处理速度和吞吐量提出了极大的挑战。为解决核心路由器40 Gb/sPOS线路接口板中器件间的高速数据交互难题,采用Interlaken协议对高速数据流接口设计方法进行了研究,利用高端FPGA的高速通道和IP核设计技术,完成了链路层处理芯片与转发...  相似文献   

Software routers based on personal computer (PC) architectures are becoming an important alternative to proprietary and expensive network devices. However, software routers suffer from many limitations of the PC architecture, including, among others, limited bus and central processing unit (CPU) bandwidth, high memory access latency, limited scalability in terms of number of network interface cards, and lack of resilience mechanisms. Multistage PC-based architectures can be an interesting alternative since they permit us to i) increase the performance of single- software routers, ii) scale router size, iii) distribute packet-manipulation and control functionality, iv) recover from single-component failures, and v) incrementally upgrade router performance. We propose a specific multistage architecture, exploiting PC-based routers as switching elements, to build a high-speed, large-size, scalable, and reliable software router. A small-scale prototype of the multistage router is currently up and running in our labs, and performance evaluation is under way.  相似文献   

文章概述了IP服务质量问题。然后介绍了一种高性能路由器处理模型,并详细论述了利用网络处理器实现上述模型中服务质量处理的关键部分。如流分类与聚合、标记、策略、流控和流队列调度等。  相似文献   

王海涛  田畅  郑少仁 《电信科学》2003,19(10):40-43
随着Internet的迅速发展和网络安全要求的提高,军用高速路由器的开发势在必行。本首先说明了研制军用高速路由器的必要性,然后介绍了国内外的发展现状,并在此基础上阐述了高速路由器的体系结构和实现难点。接着说明了设计目标和技术手段,最后讨论了高速路由器的实现策略并预测了其前景。  相似文献   

随着因特网的飞速发展。网络应用日新月异。然而,这些新的应用中有相当一部分是为了少量的应用或者少数人的需求而提出来的,仅依靠对现有网络的体系结构进行局部的修补已经不能够很好地解决这些问题,这就要求下一代网络的体系结构必须能够在尽量少地改变现有网络基础设施的条件下.满足不同重要程度的各种需求。本文在介绍了主动网络的产生背景、概念和体系结构之后,提出了主动网络在边缘的观念.并给出了一种可扩展的主动路由器硬件结构。  相似文献   

IEEE 802.16 WiMax技术概述及在广电数据网中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WiMax技术的产生,为网络传输提供了一种高速、覆盖面广的无线传输方式。而广电宽带数据网经过几年的发展也进入了发展的瓶颈阶段。如何引入WiMax技术,将为广电宽带数据网带来新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

Network design is a compromise between two conflicting requirements: high network efficiency and high quality of service (QoS). High efficiency suggests full sharing of network resources. However, in a multiclass network, QoS differentiation among several traffic classes suggests traffic segregation and resource partitioning. High efficiency in a partitioned network can be realized by elastic time-varying partitioning of the network capacity. The network can be laterally divided into bands, and each band may be reconfigured frequently, under the constraint of the fixed total capacity. Rapid partitioning is facilitated by two main developments: the capability of high-speed transfer of control data, and the ease of dynamic partitioning of link capacity. This article describes how elastic network bands are used to realize an efficient network serving heterogeneous traffic. It also discusses the intraband management of independent connections and reserved end-to-end paths so that the connection-request processing load is reduced while a high transport-capacity utilization is maintained  相似文献   

A Single-Buffered (SB) router is a router where only one stage of shared buffering is sandwiched between two interconnects in comparison of a Combined Input and Output Queued (CIOQ) router where a central switch fabric is sandwiched between two stages of buffering. The notion of SB routers was firstly proposed by the High-Performance Networking Group (HPNG) of Stanford University, along with two promising designs of SB routers: one of which was Parallel Shared Memory (PSM) router and the other was Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) router. Admittedly, the work of HPNG deserved full credit, but all results presented by them appeared to relay on a Centralized Memory Management Algorithm (CMMA) which was essentially impractical because of the high processing and communication complexity. This paper attempts to make a scalable high-speed SB router completely practical by introducing a fully distributed architecture for managing the shared memory of SB routers. The resulting SB router is called as a Virtual Output and Input Queued (VOIQ) router. Furthermore, the scheme of VOIQ routers can not only eliminate the need for the CMMA scheduler, thus allowing a fully distributed implementation with low processing and commu- nication complexity, but also provide QoS guarantees and efficiently support variable-length packets in this paper. In particular, the results of performance testing and the hardware implementation of our VOIQ-based router (NDSC~ SR1880-TTM series) are illustrated at the end of this paper. The proposal of this paper is the first distributed scheme of how to design and implement SB routers publicized till now.  相似文献   

路由器如何在保证转发性能的前提下提供网络安全保证已经成为当前的研究热点.介绍了基于IXP1200网络处理器的安全路由器的设计和实现方案.该系统在网络处理器处理分组快速灵活的特点上集成了防火墙、带宽处理和策略处理等功能,在保证系统高度安全性的同时,还保证了转发性能.  相似文献   

Technologies and building blocks for fast packet forwarding   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We provide a review of the state of the art and the future of packet processing and switching. The industry's response to the need for wire-speed packet processing devices whose function can be rapidly adapted to continuously changing standards and customer requirements is the concept of special programmable network processors. We discuss the prerequisites of processing tens to hundreds of millions of packets per second and indicate ways to achieve scalability through parallel packet processing. Tomorrow's switch fabrics, which will provide node-internal connectivity between the input and output ports of a router or switch, will have to sustain terabit-per-second throughput. After reviewing fundamental switching concepts, we discuss architectural and design issues that must be addressed to allow the evolution of packet switch fabrics to terabit-per-second throughput performance  相似文献   

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