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从明暗恢复形状(SFS)是计算机视觉中三维形状恢复问题的关键技术之一,其任务是利用单幅灰度图像中明暗变化来恢复表面三维形状.快速步进法(FMM)作为求解Eikonal偏微分方程的有效手段,可以用于处理从明暗恢复形状问题.本文提出了一种基于改进的Godunov格式的多模板快速步进法(MSFMM)算法,解决了多源FMM的波动交汇问题,具备了处理多源SFS问题的能力.从实验结果可以看出,本文方法可以得到比MSFMM更高精度的结果,可以有效处理多源SFS.  相似文献   

王国珲  苏炜  宋玉贵 《电视技术》2012,36(17):49-51,54
为了实现镜面反射表面快速重构的需求,提出了一种基于高阶Fast Marching方法的从明暗恢复形状算法。首先假定光源为点光源,且位于无穷远处,其次认为摄像机遵循正交投影,其方向与光源方向保持一致,接着使用Blinn-Phong模型来描述镜面反射表面的反射特性,建立基于Blinn-Phong反射模型的镜面表面图像辐照度方程,然后将该辐照度方程转化为含有高度信息的Eikonal偏微分方程,利用高阶Fast Marching方法计算上述Eikonal方程的解,从而获得镜面反射表面的三维形状。实验结果表明:提出的方法可以快速精确地实现镜面反射表面的三维重构。  相似文献   

基于参数域映射及B样条插值的三维重构方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴凤和  张晓峰 《中国激光》2007,34(7):77-982
利用单目CCD图像进行物体表面非接触测量的核心是基于单幅图像的三维重构技术,常采用由阴影恢复形状(SFS)的方法实现三维重构。当图像分辨率较低时,通过由阴影恢复形状的方法重构的三维表面模型其分辨力较差,无法满足实际要求。为此提出了一种基于参数域映射及B样条插值的三维重构方法。采用B样条插值技术对图像进行放大处理,通过像素的参数域映射减小图像的失真及高频信息的丢失,根据放大后图像的灰度信息重构物体的三维表面模型。实验表明,基于参数域映射及B样条技术的图像插值方法很好地保护了图像的细节,利用该方法进行三维重构能够有效改善重构模型的分辨力和光顺性,为提高三维表面非接触测量精度创造了条件。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种利用最小梯度模型重建三维可视表面的方法。该方法根据表面重建的相容性原理,利用表面梯度作为衡量重建表面平滑度的因子,建立了重建模型和完整的重建算法。利用本算法可以从离散点的深度信息中恢复出完整的可视表面,从而建立对景物可视表面的三维描述。研究表明,本算法具有形式简单,计算速度快的优点,且较好地保持了景物的不连续点,是一种较好的三维表面重建方法。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种由光流估计刚体的三维运动参数的方法。该方法具有以下几个特点;1.该方法是线性的,不需迭代求解;2.建立的运动估计方程所用的未知数个数降至五个——刚好是可恢复的运动参数个数,大大缩短运动估计所用的时间;3.引入最小二乘法使算法对噪声具有平滑作用。最后讨论由运动参数恢复可见表面形状的可能性。  相似文献   

一种基于反射特性的人脸三维重建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同姿势下的人脸识别研究中的一种重要思路就是在三维空间解决姿势变化问题,如何由二维人脸图像得到三维人脸形状是其中的一项关键技术.本文提出了一种由两幅正面人脸图像估计人脸表面反射特性,重建三维形状的算法.首先根据人脸的对称特性,由两幅给定光照的正面人脸图像,估计得到个性化人脸特征:反射特性(反射系数与法向量的乘积),并提出消除鼻梁阴影的改进算法;然后由反射特性重建三维人脸形状,最后根据估计得到的反射特性和三维形状合成不同姿势下的人脸图像,实验结果表明,本文提出算法合成的人脸图像更自然一些,而且合成图像不受训练集图像的影响.本方法计算简单,并且不需要任何三维人脸数据作为先验知识.  相似文献   

本文叙述一种在物体表面上投影光栅图形,自动测量物体三维形状的新的分析技术。该方法和由干涉仪在参考面与物面所形成的干涉条纹还原三维形状的方法相同,优点是简单且快速。首先,把光栅投影到参考面的  相似文献   

焊点表面三维重构是微电子组装质量检测与控制技术发展的重点研究内容之一,在基于S FS原理的微电子组装焊点表面三维重构方法中,由于焊点表面同时存在镜面反射和漫反射,使得重构结果不理想。针对这一问题,本研究以翼型引脚焊点的对象,通过对其表面光照反射项进行分析,针对焊点表面及焊点图像的特点,提出一种改进的微电子组装翼型引脚焊点表面三维重构算法。实验结果表明,与基于其他传统光照模型的三维重构方法相比,采用本研究提出的方法重构翼型引脚焊点三维形状结果更加理想。  相似文献   

薛峰  丁晓青 《电子学报》2006,34(10):1896-1899
为了从多幅人脸图像构造三维人脸结构,通常需要自动提取不同图像中的对应特征点,这往往是很难完成的.为了避免这个困难,本文建立了一个基于形状匹配的三维变形模型,在保证形状最佳匹配的条件下,实现对人脸图像姿态的估计和三维人脸重构.模型采用径向基函数对通用头部模型进行变形,用形状上下文来描述点之间的形状相似性,形状距离用来描述头部模型和人脸图像整体形状上的相似性,从而实现形状最佳匹配意义上的三维重构.实验表明,本文的算法只需要在人脸图像中提取特征点集,不需进行配准,就可以恢复出令人满意的三维头部结构.  相似文献   

为了实现快速重构人脸三维形状的需求,设计了一种基于SFS方法的人脸重构系统.首先由摄像机获取点光源作用下的人脸表面图像,其次假定人脸表面的反射特性遵循Lambert定律,建立透视投影下的人脸图像辐照度方程,然后将该方程转化为包含人脸表面深度信息的静态Hamilton - Jacobi偏微分方程,最后由系统软件求得该方程的解,进而重构出入脸表面的三维形状.实验结果表明,该系统可以快速获得较高的重构精度,在1.5s内可以达到0.17%的高度平均相对误差.  相似文献   

张翼  靳国华  姜勇  彭涛 《激光技术》2016,40(3):441-446
为了消除自重和热应力对大口径平面反射镜面形精度的影响,采用有限元分析方法,对比分析了在-20℃环境温度下采用背部固定约束与背部浮动约束获得的反射镜面形仿真数据,设计了动态扫描反射镜背部悬浮支撑结构以实现浮动约束,搭建了检测平台,并进行了大口径平面反射镜面形检测。结果表明,安装该支撑结构后反射镜的面形峰谷值为0.236,平均值为0.049。背部悬浮支撑结构实现了浮动约束,释放了大口径平面反射镜因自重和热应力造成的变形,有效保证了面形精度。  相似文献   

A stable transition controller for constrained robots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the problem of contact transition from free motion to constrained motion for robots. Stability of transition from free motion to constrained motion is essential for successful operation of a robot performing general tasks such as surface following and surface finishing. Uncertainty in the location of the constraint can cause the robot to impact the constraint surface with a nonzero velocity, which may lead to bouncing of the robot end-effector on the surface. A new stable discontinuous transition controller is proposed to deal with contact transition problem. This discontinuous transition control algorithm is used when switching from free motion to constrained motion. Control algorithm for a complete robot task is developed. Extensive experiments with the proposed control strategy were conducted with different levels of constraint uncertainty and impact velocities. Experimental results show much improved transition performance and force regulation with the proposed controller. Details of the experimental platform and typical experimental results are given  相似文献   

This paper reports a direct optimization method of nonlinear circuits. The procedure consists in determining in the power space, a surface including all the extremum allowed powers at terminal ports of each nonlinear component of the circuit. According to the required nonlinear function, an appropriate choice of the tangent planes to this surface allows to calculate the optimum loads for the nonlinear components. This method optimizes the parameters of nonlinear devices without any constraint on the circuit. A small signal analysis is then taken in order to deduce the optimum performance of the nonlinear designed circuit. The realization of a single balanced diode mixer has shown good agreement between the calculated values and the experimental results  相似文献   

A numerical method for near-field array synthesis is developed for arbitrary array geometries. The intended application is for generating a planar field in a test volume for electromagnetic susceptibility testing, but the method is valid for arbitrary field distributions. A uniqueness theorem is utilized to allow the field conditions to be enforced on the surface of the test volume rather than throughout the volume. The synthesis method is a least-squares solution with a constraint on the source norm; the constraint keeps the field small outside the test volume. Numerical results are shown for the case of synthesizing a plane wave in the near field of an array of line sources.  相似文献   

针对行人检测存在识别精度不高,实时性较差等问题进行相关研究.分析了基于多尺度滑动窗口法提取行人检测窗口的缺点,为解决行人检测中检测窗口数量过多的问题,提出在图像分割和路面提取的基础上实现对行人检测窗口的提取.先利用FCM聚类算法训练得到分割阈值,其次提取路面区域,根据路面区域筛选可能存在的行人位置,进而提取感兴趣区域,并对相应的感兴趣区域提取HOG特征进行进一步精确分类.实验结果表明,采用基于路面约束的图像分割方法来提取感兴趣区域,有效减少了遍历窗口的数量,从而提高了行人检测速度和检测精度.  相似文献   

谭佳  孙艳春  梅宏 《电子学报》2006,34(5):969-976
体系结构风格是体系结构设计的重要指导,它为设计人员的交流建立了公共的术语空间,促进了设计复用与代码复用.本文试图为体系结构风格定义提供一个通用的形式化框架,支持建模风格的结构约束、拓扑约束和交互行为约束,并且将风格所蕴含的体系结构变化性特征显式化;通过将该框架引入ABC方法,给出了一种基于风格的体系结构建模方法,并提供了图形化的建模工具.  相似文献   

This paper presents a weighted least squares (WLS) method for IIR digital filter design using a new stability constraint. Utilizing the reweighting technique, an iterative second-order cone programming (SOCP) method is employed to solve the design problem, such that either linear or second-order cone constraints can be further incorporated. In order to guarantee the stability of designed IIR digital filters, a new stability constraint with a prescribed pole radius is derived from the argument principle (AP) of complex analysis. As compared with other frequency-domain stability constraints, the AP-based stability constraint is both sufficient and necessary. Since the derived stability constraint cannot be directly incorporated in the iterative SOCP method, the similar reweighting technique is deployed to approximate the stability constraint in a quadratic form, which is then combined with the WLS iterative design process. Filter design examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed iterative SOCP method.   相似文献   

A spatial filtering method for localizing sources of brain electrical activity from surface recordings is described and analyzed. The spatial filters are implemented as a weighted sum of the data recorded at different sites. The weights are chosen to minimize the filter output power subject to a linear constraint. The linear constraint forces the filter to pass brain electrical activity from a specified location, while the power minimization attenuates activity originating at other locations. The estimated output power as a function of location is normalized by the estimated noise power as a function of location to obtain a neural activity index map. Locations of source activity correspond to maxima in the neural activity index map. The method does not require any prior assumptions about the number of active sources of their geometry because it exploits the spatial covariance of the source electrical activity. This paper presents a development and analysis of the method and explores its sensitivity to deviations between actual and assumed data models. The effect on the algorithm of covariance matrix estimation, correlation between sources, and choice of reference is discussed. Simulated and measured data is used to illustrate the efficacy of the approach  相似文献   

摆镜作为稳像系统核心部件,摆镜单元的性能参数和外载荷对摆镜面形的影响为摆镜设计和装配的主要约束条件。在设计约束基础上,对摆镜及其装卡结构材料进行了选择,对结构进行了轻量化设计。为考察外载作用对摆镜面形影响规律,使用接触非线性有限元方法对摆镜组件进行了仿真,使用基于Zernike多项式的光机集成仿真方法消除刚体位移,得到了消除刚体位移后摆镜面形参数。仿真结果表明:外载作用下摆镜刚体位移明显;预紧力作用下刚体平移占据了刚体位移的主要方面;动力载荷作用下,当重力存在于光轴方向时,静力载荷对摆镜面形起主要作用,否则动力载荷对摆镜面形起主导作用。在仿真数据基础上,对摆镜零件进行了加工和装配,对装配后摆镜进行了面形测试,测试结果表明:摆镜面形能够满足设计要求,也说明了摆镜结构设计的合理性和仿真方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The projection onto convex sets (POCS) method is applied to the classical problem of estimating a power spectrum given values of the autocorrelation function (ACF). This new method can use any number of linear and/or nonlinear constraints on the spectrum to be estimated. The measured ACF constraint, the amplitude limit constraint, and the reference spectrum constraint are introduced, and the corresponding projection operators are established. Computer simulation results indicate that the POCS spectral analysis performs well  相似文献   

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