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荀亮  黄清 《电子工程师》2006,32(12):25-28
介绍了多载波通信中一种设计高效宽带锐截止FIR(有限冲击响应)滤波器的新方法———频障法。通过选择特定的原型滤波器来降低实现宽带锐截止FIR滤波器的复杂度。首先设计一个合适的宽带低通原型FIR滤波器Ha(z),然后得到其互补滤波器Hc(z)。再对它们进行L倍内插,得到两个互补的多带滤波器Ha(zL)、Hc(zL),然后用合适的频障滤波器HMa(z)和HM c(z)分别去消除Ha(zL)、Hc(zL)中不需要的频带,相应的输出加在一起就是所要设计的滤波器H(z)。详细研究了该方法的实现结构和设计方法,并通过设计实例证明了实现同样的性能时频障法比其他方法能节省很大的运算量,因而具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

设计窄过渡带FIR滤波器的一种非常有效的方法是采用频率响应屏蔽技术(FRM).但是如果过渡带要求过窄,经典FRM滤波器各子滤波器的阶数会变得很高.据此,本文提出一种可变带宽镜像半带滤波FRM滤波新结构,通过增加两个镜像半带滤波器,将原型滤波器及其互补滤波器的镜像分别分成奇偶两部分,使得原型滤波器和屏蔽滤波器的设计更加灵活,并降低了滤波器的计算复杂度,达到了设计高效窄过渡带滤波器的目的.理论分析和实例均验证了该结构的有效性.  相似文献   

戚晓慧  吴瑛  尹洁昕 《信号处理》2014,30(10):1213-1219
本文提出了一种可用于宽带接收信号近似完全重构的余弦调制滤波器组。首先将滤波器组的设计转化为原型滤波器的设计,利用代价函数保证其通带平稳和阻带衰减,针对已有算法中幅度失真较大的问题,文中利用代价函数保证过渡带具有平方根余弦滚降特性,并且为了避免加强目标函数约束所带来的误差,对通带截止频率进行调整使得原型滤波器的3dB通带截止频率等于理想滤波器的通带截止频率。文中还推导了以滤波器系数为变量,代价函数的闭合解表达式,并针对滤波器设计复杂度高的问题,采用了基于迭代求解原型滤波器的方法。实验仿真表明,该方法得到的调制滤波器组较已有设计方法具有更好的性能。   相似文献   

提出了一种设计高效窄过渡带宽FIR滤波器的新方法。该方法以传统的频率响应屏蔽(FRM)方法为基础,通过选择特定的原型滤波器来降低合成的数字FIR滤波器的复杂度。本文研究了该方法的原理、实现结构和设计方法,并通过设计实例证明了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

根据子滤波器抽头级联法,采用梳状滤波器作为子滤波器,设计了一种新型FIR数字滤波器.通过C语言编程的方法来选择子滤波器阶数,使原型滤波器的过渡带宽度最宽.采用经过变换的通带和阻带边界频率来进行原型滤波器的设计,使得原型滤波器的阶数比传统实现方法低很多.采用该方法实现的FIR滤波器乘法器个数比传统方法少很多,硬件实现更为简单,大幅减小了硬件开销.该方法已成功用于回声消除和噪声抑制芯片,FIR滤波器的面积约为传统方法的50%,用180 nm 3.3 V/1.8 V 6层金属混合信号CMOS工艺流片,结果表明,对于过渡带较窄的滤波器,该方法非常有效.  相似文献   

该文在分析滤波器传递函数的对称性与其冲激响应的关系的基础上,提出了一类具有稀疏冲激响应系数的特殊滤波器,以这类滤波器作为原型滤波器可以进一步降低FRM结构FIR滤波器的计箅复杂度.并研究了基于此类FRM结构FIR滤波器的采样率变换算法、实现结构、计算复杂度及其设计问题等.最后,通过实际例子验证这种采样率变换方法的有效性.  相似文献   

外插脉冲响应(EIR)滤波器设计技术是一种低复杂度有限冲击响应(FIR)滤波器设计技术,而基于主成份分析(PCA)的EIR(PCA-EIR)滤波器设计技术是一种有效(算法执行简单,效果较好)的EIR滤波器设计技术.PCA-EIR技术通过对由原型FIR滤波器系数组成的系数矩阵采用PCA技术进行降维来近似合成原型FIR滤波器,以达到降低原型滤波器硬件执行复杂度的目的.本文提出了一种简单有效的改进型PCA-EIR技术,其基本思想是将系数矩阵的前若干列向量保持不变,对剩余部分列向量组成的矩阵采用PCA技术进行降维来合成原型FIR滤波器.所提出改进型PCA-EIR技术的算法执行复杂度与传统PCA-EIR技术相当,且在滤波器频率响应指标基本相等的前提下,改进型PCA-EIR技术节省3.5%-17.5%乘法器和25.6%-51.6%加法器,从而进一步降低了FIR滤波器的硬件执行复杂度.  相似文献   

针对信道化原型滤波器设计复杂度较高的问题,提出一种满足线性相位要求的原型滤波器频域插值设计算法。该算法采用无约束迭代优化办法获得了阻带衰减较高的低阶滤波器模型,然后根据所推导的频域插值模型构建满足线性相位特性的原型滤波器频谱,最后通过快速傅里叶逆变换获得了满足信道化滤波器组完全重构特性要求的原型滤波器。所提设计算法将频域插值与迭代优化相结合,有效地解决了设计高阻带衰减的原型滤波器时待优化参数数目较大的问题,并且不会产生镜像频谱,省去了镜像抑制滤波器的设计。仿真结果表明,所提算法相比传统的时域插值设计算法具有显著的性能改善,并且降低了设计复杂度。  相似文献   

该文研究了单原型的DFT调制滤波器组的设计方法。在该方法中,滤波器组的设计问题被归结为一个无约束的优化问题,其目标函数为滤波器组的传递失真、混叠失真和原型滤波器的阻带能量的加权和。结合线性化方法,原型滤波器通过迭代求解。在单步迭代中,原型滤波器的系数通过解析式求解得到。仿真表明,与传统的设计算法相比,本文方法设计所得的DFT调制滤波器组重构误差减小了约40dB,阻带衰减提高了约2dB。并且新算法的计算复杂度明显低于传统算法。  相似文献   

提出一种准完全重构(NPR)余弦调制滤波器组(CMFBs)的最优化设计方法.通过使用最优化方法设计原型滤波器,使其过渡带具有平方根余弦滚降(SRCR)特性.这种原型滤波器能够更好地满足设计NPR CMFBs所需的平坦性条件.CMFBs设计问题的核心被归结为一个凸极小极大最优化问题,可以用二阶锥规划(SOCP)算法进行求解.该设计方法不需要用户提供原型滤波器的初始值,并且在滤波器阶数和过渡带宽一定的情况下能获得更小的重构误差和更大的阻带衰减.  相似文献   

Due to the growing importance of multichannel modulation, there has been great interest in the design of high-performance transmultiplex systems. In this paper, a new cosine-modulated transmultiplex structure is proposed based on a prototype filter designed with the frequency-response masking (FRM) approach. This new structure leads to substantial reduction in the computational complexity (number of multiplications per output sample) of the prototype filters having sharp transition band and equivalently small roll-off values. The relation between the interpolation factor used in the FRM prototype filter and the decimation factor in the subbands leads to distinct structures. Examples included indicate that the reduction in computational complexity can be higher than 50% of the current state-of-art designs, whereas the reduction on the number of distinct coefficients of the prototype filter can be reduced even further (over 75%). As a result, the proposed approach allows the design of very selective subfilters for transmultiplexes with a very large number of subchannels.  相似文献   

An edge-coupled quarter wavelength resonator and half-wavelength open stubs are used for designing a highly selective wideband bandpass filter (BPF). A homogeneous medium is considered and the even-odd mode approach is used for filter analysis. Next, a microstrip line implementation procedure is described. The filter has sharp rejection, wide stopband, low insertion loss (IL), and fabrication simplicity. A prototype BPF having 69.5% 3-dB fractional bandwidth (FBW) is fabricated. A simple stub modification extends the upper 20-dB stopband to five times that of the filter upper cutoff frequency. Passband IL is within 1.6dB  相似文献   

A low complexity digital reconfigurable filter bank structure which is suitable for digital channelizers in software defined radio is proposed in this paper. In order to get a sharp transition width with low hardware complexity, multiplicative finite impulse response (MFIR) filter is used as the prototype filter in the proposed structure. A masking stage and a channel generation stage constitute the two stages of the proposed structure. In the masking stage, 5 sub-bands are generated by performing cosine modulation technique on the prototype filter. In the channel generation stage, different channels are generated by doing spectral addition/subtraction operations on the interpolated versions of the MFIR filter. Hence, the basic techniques used in the proposed structure are, cosine modulation and fractional interpolation technique. By adjusting a 3-bit control signal, different regions and channels, generated by the two stages, can be obtained. The proposed structure has a hardware complexity, which is much lesser than that of the state-of-the art techniques used for SDR channelizers. The number of channels generated using the proposed structure is also more. The main advantage of the proposed structure is that the hardware complexity of the proposed structure remains the same even if the number of channels is increased.  相似文献   

提出了一种准完全重构的余弦调制滤波器组的设计方法,使用优化方法设计原型滤波器。该方法固定原型滤波器的阻带截止频率为ωs=π/M,以通带截止频率ωp为参数变量,用量子粒子群优化算法(QPSO)优化满足重构条件的目标函数,间接设计原型滤波器,然后通过调制得到余弦调制滤波器组。稍微放宽余弦调制滤波器组的精确条件,从而大大降低了设计的复杂性,减少运行时间。仿真实验结果表明,该算法简单有效,可获得具有高阻带衰减、低混叠误差和重构误差的余弦调制滤波器组。  相似文献   

Modern wireless communications gadgets demand multi-standard communications facilities with least overlap between different input radio channels. A sharp digital filter of extremely narrow transition-width with lower stop band ripples offers alias-free switching among the preferred frequency bands. A computationally competent low pass filter (LPF) structure based on the multistage frequency response masking (FRM) approach is proposed for the design of sharp finite impulse response (FIR) filters which are suitable for wireless communications applications. In comparison of basic FRM with other existing multistage FRM structures, the proposed structure has a narrow transition bandwidth and higher stop band attenuation with significant reduction in terms of the number of computational steps. A design example is incorporated to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach. Simulation results establish the improvement of the proposed scheme over other recently published design strategies.  相似文献   

A design procedure for frequency-response masking (FRM) prototype filters of cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFBs) is proposed. In the given method, we perform minimization of the maximum attenuation level in the filters stopband, subject to intersymbol interference (ISI) and intercarrier interference (ICI) constraints. For optimization, a quasi-Newton algorithm with line search is used, and we provide simplified analytical expressions to impose the interference constraints, which greatly reduce the computational complexity of the optimization procedure. The result is lower levels of ISI and ICI for a predetermined filter order, or a reduced filter complexity for given levels of interferences. It is then illustrated how the FRM-CMFB structure is suitable for implementing filter banks with a large number of bands, yielding sharp transition bands and small roll-off factors, which is an attractive feature for a wide range of practical applications.  相似文献   

研制了一款可编程6阶巴特沃斯有源RC滤波器.为提高滤波器中运算放大器的增益带宽积,设计了一种新型的前馈补偿运算放大器.为消除工艺偏差和环境变化对截止频率的影响,设计了一种片上数字控制频率调谐电路,并采用TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS工艺进行了流片.滤波器采用低通滤波结构,测试结果表明,3 dB截止频率为1~32 MHz,步进1 MHz,带内增益0 dB,带内纹波0.8 dB,2倍带宽处带外抑制不小于24 dBc,5倍带宽处带外抑制不小于68 dBc,滤波器等效输入噪声为340 nV/√Hz@1MHz,调谐误差为±3%.滤波器裸芯片面积0.87 mm×1.05 mm.采用1.8V电源电压,滤波器整体功耗小于20 mW.  相似文献   

We present the design of a compact microstrip lowpass filter with a wide stopband which is up to ten times the cutoff frequency. The filter is based on a coupled-line configuration and shunt open stubs. The open stubs create additional transmission zeros, which are used to extend the stopband of the filter without any additional components or cascaded units. A prototype lowpass filter with a 3 dB cutoff frequency of 0.428 GHz and a 15 dB stopband extended up to 4.77 GHz is fabricated to validate the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Software defined radio (SDR) is a platform for using the same hardware to support multiple wireless communication standards. The channelizer in the SDR is used to separate the channels from the wideband signal. The features required for using the same hardware to switch between different standards are reconfigurability and low complexity. To achieve this, we use a variable bandwidth filter (VBF) with facility for the reduction and enhancement of the bandwidth, without changing the filter coefficients. This paper proposes an optimal and multiplier-less implementation of a baseband channel filter for supporting the bandwidth requirements of various wireless communication standards. This paper also discusses the concept for using it as a multi-band SDR channelizer for the direct conversion of signals from a wideband input to the baseband signal without using an intermediate stage. Frequency response masking (FRM) filter with continuous coefficients is designed and modified harmony search algorithm is used for finding the optimal canonic signed digit representation for the multiplier-less implementation. This reduces the complexity and power consumption. The VBF with the optimized FRM filter is evaluated for the selectable bandwidths starting from 1.25 to 8 MHz, which covers the bandwidth requirements of a wide range of wireless communication standards.  相似文献   

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