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蜂窝车联网(C-V2X)与车载自组织网络(VANET)的异构融合能够有效提高网络容量。然而,不同网络在非授权频段上共存而引起的信道冲突会导致系统吞吐量降低和用户接入时延增大,无法满足车联网用户对服务质量(QoS)的需求。针对该问题,该文提出一种基于用户个性化QoS需求的时频资源分配方法。首先,分别对C-V2X 和 VANET 的吞吐量和时延进行建模分析,刻画用户数据传输时间配置与吞吐量和时延的数学关系;然后,基于上述模型构建吞吐量-时延联合优化函数,根据用户的个性化QoS需求实现异构网络中吞吐量和时延的优化;最后,提出一种基于改进多目标粒子群优化的时延-吞吐量联合优化算法(DT-JOA)进行求解。仿真结果表明,该文所提网络资源分配算法可以有效地保证用户的个性化QoS需求,提升异构网络综合性能。  相似文献   

蜂窝车联网(C-V2X)与车载自组织网络(VANET)的异构融合能够有效提高网络容量.然而,不同网络在非授权频段上共存而引起的信道冲突会导致系统吞吐量降低和用户接入时延增大,无法满足车联网用户对服务质量(QoS)的需求.针对该问题,该文提出一种基于用户个性化QoS需求的时频资源分配方法.首先,分别对C-V2X 和 VANET 的吞吐量和时延进行建模分析,刻画用户数据传输时间配置与吞吐量和时延的数学关系;然后,基于上述模型构建吞吐量-时延联合优化函数,根据用户的个性化QoS需求实现异构网络中吞吐量和时延的优化;最后,提出一种基于改进多目标粒子群优化的时延-吞吐量联合优化算法(DT-JOA)进行求解.仿真结果表明,该文所提网络资源分配算法可以有效地保证用户的个性化QoS需求,提升异构网络综合性能.  相似文献   

吴燕  张申 《半导体光电》2017,38(6):853-856,861
对室内VLC-WiFi异构网络进行研究,提出了基本的组网结构及改进的切换策略.根据室内VLC-WiFi异构网络的特点,确定了上下行传输方案,即上行数据使用WiFi链路传输,下行数据使用VLC和WiFi链路传输.当下行VLC链路不可用时,提出了一种基于切换间隔和运动趋势的动态驻留时间算法.仿真结果表明,提出的切换算法与传统算法相比,在不增加乒乓效应的前提下提高了系统的命中率.  相似文献   

针对认知异构蜂窝网络中上行链路资源分配的优化问题,提出认知异构蜂窝网络中改进离散蜉蝣算法的资源分配算法。认知异构蜂窝网络模型中,考虑用户层间干扰和带外干扰引入功率控制策略控制发射功率来干扰抑制,基于用户服务质量(QoS)需求和干扰阈值约束,最大化能量效率为优化目标,利用改进离散蜉蝣算法优化求解得出最优分配方案。引入不完全Gamma和Beta分布函数的动态自适应权重、黄金正弦位置更新策略,提升蜉蝣算法的收敛速度和搜索能力。仿真实验表明,基于接收SINR的闭环功率控制动态调整用户端的发射功率,能有效抑制用户间的干扰,GSWBMA求解资源分配问题具有良好的寻优效率和收敛性能,有效提升系统能量效率和用户传输速率,保证用户QoS需求。  相似文献   

曾琦  钟俊  刘星 《电子与信息学报》2022,44(9):2977-2985
该文主要解决未来大规模接入场景下,无线异构多层多小区通信网络设计及其多级服务质量(QoS)实现等问题。针对多层异构大规模接入网络的通信需求,该文提出一种基于跳频(FH)的稀疏码分多址接入(SCMA)多层异构传输方案(FH/SCMA)。该通信方案中,小区内大规模用户数据通过SCMA技术复用,异构网络的层间小区和层内小区通过跳频码分多址进行区分。由于传统跳频只能提供同一级别的频点碰撞率(即同一误码率),无法保证异构网络多级QoS需求, 因此该文进而提出一类新的具有两级汉明相关值的跳频序列集合,利用交织技术给出了这类跳频序列的设计方法。为了验证所提出的多级QoS跳频及其异构多层FH/SCMA通信性能,该文从序列设计和系统分析方面进行了严谨的理论分析和大量的仿真验证。研究表明,采用了新型跳频SCMA技术的多层异构网络可保证大规模用户接入、有效抑制多层小区干扰和衰落信道影响;同时,又可实现异构多层网络多级QoS传输质量需求(多级误码率(BER))。该文的研究成果从信号处理与传输角度,为多层异构网络设计及其多级QoS传输需求提供了有价值的解决方案。  相似文献   

针对异构云无线接入网络(H-CRAN)网络下基于网络切片的在线无线资源动态优化问题,该文通过综合考虑业务接入控制、拥塞控制、资源分配和复用,建立一个以最大化网络平均和吞吐量为目标,受限于基站(BS)发射功率、系统稳定性、不同切片的服务质量(QoS)需求和资源分配等约束的随机优化模型,并进而提出了一种联合拥塞控制和资源分配的网络切片动态资源调度算法。该算法会在每个资源调度时隙内动态地为性能需求各异的网络切片中的用户分配资源。仿真结果表明,该文算法能在满足各切片用户QoS需求和维持网络稳定的基础上,提升网络整体吞吐量,并且还可通过调整控制参量的取值实现时延和吞吐量间的动态平衡。  相似文献   

在蜂窝网络中,采用全双工传输的设备直通(D2D)通信可以共享蜂窝通信的信道资源,提升频谱利用率和系统吞吐量.针对单对全双工D2D用户复用单个蜂窝用户的上行信道资源时,用户之间会产生同频干扰的问题,提出了一种低复杂度的功率控制算法.该算法在保证全双工D2D用户和蜂窝用户(CU)的服务质量(QoS)的前提下,最大化全双工D2D链路的吞吐量.仿真结果表明,该算法能够提高全双工D2D链路的吞吐量;全双工D2D链路吞吐量取决于蜂窝用户的QoS要求、相对距离以及自干扰消除数量的限制.  相似文献   

王军 《电信快报》2008,(3):23-25
无线链路的时变特性和位置依赖性将导致基于开放式互连(OSI)的分层模型缺乏足够的适应性,系统资源利用率和业务QoS得不到有效提升。无线资源管理在系统中位于物理层之上,网络层之下,可方便获取链路的瞬时状态、业务的QoS需求及网络业务分布等信息,且通过相应控制功能可有效控制系统性能。基于此特性,文章提出了基于MIMO-OFDM系统的跨层无线资源管理架构,该架构充分联合物理层的链路状态、IP层的路由信息、传输层的传输状态、业务层的QoS需求等信息,对业务接入、用户移动性、系统资源分配及负载平衡等进行有效控制,充分提高系统资源利用率和业务QoS。  相似文献   

刘焕淋  蒲欣  陈勇  黄美娜  陈金林 《电子学报》2021,49(10):1920-1926
为了有效地管理VLC-WiFi异构网络的小区间干扰,该文设计基于用户中心接入的动态载波分配(DCAUCA)方法,该方法依据用户请求速率构建大小不同的multi-AP小区,对各multi-AP小区依据用户请求速率与网络服务速率的差值降序排列,并依次为各multi-AP小区的VLC AP分配载波.同时,提出基于VLC AP发射功率控制的小区残余干扰抑制(RISPC)策略以进一步优化干扰管理效果.仿真结果表明,DCAUCA方法相较于对比方法最高可提升52.15%的系统吞吐量与7.10%的用户满意度,RISPC策略相较于DCAUCA方法最高可提升9.66%的系统吞吐量.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种用于MIMO-OFDMA 系统下行链路的调度和资源分配算法,该方法能够优化利用空时频三维资源,为不同类业务提供QoS保证。该算法不仅结合了先进的物理层技术,同时从媒体接入控制(MAC)层考虑了业务特性、QoS 需求以及用户公平性等因素对资源进行分配。仿真结果表明,该算法在保证多业务传输质量的同时提高系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a queue-aware resource allocation algorithm which provides quality of service (QoS) guarantees. The proposed solution adopts a cross-layer design approach since it is aware of both users’ queue buffer states (data link layer) and channel quality state (physical layer). Main advantages of the proposed resource allocation algorithm are: the low computational complexity and its capacity of maintaining lower QoS violation probability than other multi-cellular schemes. The proposed solution can also result in enhanced cell-edge data rate and improved fairness performance. User minimum data rate and target bit error rate as considered as QoS parameters. Validation of the proposed algorithm is achieved through various simulation scenarios wherein QoS violation probability, system fairness, user average data rate and cell-edge throughput are investigated. Numerical results and complexity analysis demonstrate the efficiency and the feasibility of the proposed QoS-oriented approach.  相似文献   

The requirement to provide multimedia services with QoS support in mobile networks has led to standardization and deployment of high speed data access technologies such as the High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) system. HSDPA improves downlink packet data and multimedia services support in WCDMA-based cellular networks. As is the trend in emerging wireless access technologies, HSDPA supports end-user multi-class sessions comprising parallel flows with diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as real-time (RT) voice or video streaming concurrent with non real-time (NRT) data service being transmitted to the same user, with differentiated queuing at the radio link interface. Hence, in this paper we present and evaluate novel radio link buffer management schemes for QoS control of multimedia traffic comprising concurrent RT and NRT flows in the same HSDPA end-user session. The new buffer management schemes—Enhanced Time Space Priority (E-TSP) and Dynamic Time Space Priority (D-TSP)—are designed to improve radio link and network resource utilization as well as optimize end-to-end QoS performance of both RT and NRT flows in the end-user session. Both schemes are based on a Time-Space Priority (TSP) queuing system, which provides joint delay and loss differentiation between the flows by queuing (partially) loss tolerant RT flow packets for higher transmission priority but with restricted access to the buffer space, whilst allowing unlimited access to the buffer space for delay-tolerant NRT flow but with queuing for lower transmission priority. Experiments by means of extensive system-level HSDPA simulations demonstrates that with the proposed TSP-based radio link buffer management schemes, significant end-to-end QoS performance gains accrue to end-user traffic with simultaneous RT and NRT flows, in addition to improved resource utilization in the radio access network.  相似文献   

针对正交频分复用(OFDM)系统资源分配和调度问题,提出一种基于第三代移动通信长期演进(LTE)系统的分块跨层资源分配算法。此算法考虑物理层的信道状态信息、媒体接入层(MAC)的有限用户缓存队列长度、用户的丢失率和时延等QoS要求,以提高系统频谱效率为总体目标。通过从实时视频业务和混合业务两种业务类型下进行大量对比分析,得出提出的算法能有效提高系统的频谱效率和降低系统时延。  相似文献   

Providing quality of service (QoS) to different service classes with integrated real-time and non-real-time traffic is an important issue in broadband wireless access networks. Opportunistic MAC (OMAC) is a novel view of communication over spatiotemporally varying wireless link whereby the multi-user diversity is exploited rather than combated to maximize bandwidth efficiency or system throughput. It combines cross-layer design features and opportunistic scheduling scheme to achieve high utilization while providing QoS support to various applications. Channel characteristics, traffic characteristics and queue characteristics are the essential factors in the design of opportunistic scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we propose a cross-layer MAC scheduling framework in WiMAX point-to-multipoint (PMP) systems and a corresponding opportunistic scheduling algorithm with an adaptive power control scheme to provide QoS support to the heterogeneous traffic. Extensive simulation experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of our proposal. The simulation results show that our proposed solution can improve the performance of the WiMAX PMP systems in terms of packet loss rate, packet delay and system throughput.  相似文献   

在D2D通信系统与蜂窝网络共存的场景下,引入中继节点可有效提高D2D链路的吞吐量和D2D用户对蜂窝用户的干扰。文中基于译码转发模式,结合跨层协作通信的思想,提出了一种基于物理层和数据链路层的跨层中继选择算法。该算法结合物理层的信道状态信息和数据链路层的队列状态信息,两个参数进行最优中继节点的选择。并最终通过仿真验证表明,基于跨层中继选择算法可提高通信系统的吞吐量,同时降低了通信系统的平均时延和数据包错误率。  相似文献   

The IEEE 802.16j Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) WiMAX network allows the number of hops between the end user and the base station to be more than two hops. It supports non‐real‐time Polling Service, which considers the minimum reserved rate and the maximum sustained rate as a QoS requirements. The reliability of sending the data over MMR WiMAX is achieved by using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in transport layer and automatic repeat request in the link layer. However, the use of automatic repeat request in the link layer makes the round trip time fluctuate rapidly, which increases the possibility of retransmission timeout (RTO) expiration. TCP performance degrades because of frequent timeout, and hence the QoS transmission rates cannot be satisfied. Therefore, this paper presents an RTO smoothing scheme and QoS aware transmission control to enhance the performance of data transmission over MMR WiMAX networks. The RTO smoothing scheme aims to reduce the frequent timeout occurrences. The slow start threshold and maximum congestion window are adjusted to satisfy the required QoS and it provides transmission rate fairness for the users at different hops. The results showed that, the proposed schemes reduce the timeout, and improve the utilization of the allocated resources and TCP throughput. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


To attain high quality of service (QoS) with efficient power consumption with minimum delay through Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) through mesh network is an important research area. But the existing real-time routing system involves multiple hops with time varying mobility channels for fastest data propagation is greatly degraded with power utilization factor through congestion traffic queue. Required allocation and resource management through desired access points plays vital roles in which multiple hops demands delay rates by interconnected data nodes. In order to achieve high throughput with minimum delay the QoS in real-time data communication have to be concentrated by using Viterbi decoder with convolution codes. By undertaking IEEE 802.11 WLAN physical layers afford multiple transmission rates by engaging various modulations and channel coding schemes, major point arises to pinpoint the desired transmission rate to enhance the performance. Because each node exhibits different dynamic characteristics based on the token rings passed from the server to the end links. In order to validate the real-time traffic with power consumption and average delay communication, an improved Viterbi decoder is designed with convolution codes to determine accurate channel estimation based on learning the utilization ration of the needed to execute the current wireless channel optimization. The proposed methodology can attain accurate channel estimation without additional implementation effort and modifications to the current 802.11 standard. And each node is capable to choose the optimized transmission rate, so that the system performance can be improved with very minimum power with high packet transmission ratio with minimum traffic rate to improve QoS. The proposed scheme also offers an appealing combination of the allocation of transmission rate and the current link condition. Based on the basic relationship between them, the proposed decoding scheme maximizes the throughput with periodic learning of channel variation and system status.


This paper proposes two power‐efficient resource allocation policies with statistical delay Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for uplink time‐division multiple access (TDMA) communication links. Specifically, the first policy aims at maximizing the system throughput while fulfilling the delay QoS and average power constraints, and the second policy is devised as an effort to minimize the total average power subject to individual delay QoS constraints. Convex optimization problems associated with the resource allocation policies are formulated based on a cross‐layer framework, where the queue at the data link layer is served by the resource allocation policy. By employing the Lagrangian duality theory and the dual decomposition theory, two subgradient iteration algorithms are developed to obtain the globally optimal solutions. The aforementioned resource allocation policies have been shown to be deterministic functions of delay QoS requirements and channel fading states. Moreover, numerical results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed resource allocation policies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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