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An optical PSK heterodyne communications receiver is investigated. The receiver is based on the decision-directed phase-locked loop. The performance of the phase-locked loop subsystem is analyzed taking into account both shot noise and laser phase noise. It is shown that for reliable phase locking (rms phase error less than 10°), heterodyne second-order loops require at least 6771 electrons/s per volt every hertz of the laser linewidth. This number corresponds to the limit when the loop dumping factor η is infinitely large; ifeta = 0.7, then the loop needs 10 157 electrons/(s . Hz). If the detector has a unity quantum efficiency andlambda = 1.5 mum, the above quoted numberers give 0.9 pW/ kHz foreta rightarrow inftyand 1.35 pW/kHz fornu = 0.7. The loop bandwidth required is also evaluated and found to be155 Deltanu, whereDeltanuis the laser linewidth. Finally, the linewidth permitted for PSK heterodyne recievers is evaluated and found to be2.26 cdot 10^{-3} R_{b}where Rbis the system bit rate. ForR_{b}=100Mbit/s, this leads toDeltanu < 226kHz. Such and better linewidths have been demonstrated with laboratory external cavity lasers. For comparison, ASK and FSK heterodyne receivers are much more tolerant to phase noise,-they can tolerateDeltanuup to 0.09 Rb. At the same time, homodyne receivers impose much more stringent requirements on the laser linewidth (Deltanu < 3 cdot 10^{4} R_{b}).  相似文献   

刘继红  张莹  梁猛 《光通信技术》2011,35(12):46-48
通过仿真相干光接收机载波相位估计性能,研究了采用不同调制格式时对所使用激光器线宽的要求,分析了16-QAM采用Star和Square两种不同星座图时线宽要求差异的原因.仿真结果表明:对于既定的比特速率,采用高阶调制格式的系统降低了线路符号速率,但要求激光器线宽更窄;同一调制格式对激光器线宽的要求与所采用的星座图有关.  相似文献   

Optical homodyne receivers based on decision-driven phase-locked loops are investigated. The performance of these receivers is affected by two phase noises due to the laser transmitter and laser local oscillator, and by two shot noises due to the two detectors employed in the receiver. The impact of these noises is minimized if the loop bandwidthBis chosen optimally. The value of Boptand the corresponding optimum loop performance are evaluated in this paper. It is shown that second-order phase-locked loops require at least 0.8 pW of signal power per every kilohertz of laser linewidth (this number refers to the system with the detector responsivity 1 A/W, dumping factor 0.7, and rms phase error 10°). This signal power is used for phase locking, and is, therefore, lost from the data receiver. Further, the maximum permissible laser linewidthDelta vis evaluated and for second order loops with the dumping factor 0.7 found to be 3.1 × 10-4. Rb, where Rb(bit/s) is the system bit rate. ForR_{b} = 100Mbit/s, this leads toDelta v = 31kHz. For comparison, heterodyne receivers with noncoherent postdetection processing only requireDelta v = 0.72-9MHz forR_{b} = 100Mbit/s. Thus, the homodyne systems impose much more stringent requirements on the laser linewidth than the heterodyne systems. However, homodyne systems have several important advantages over heterodyne systems, and the progress of laser technology may make homodyning increasingly attractive. Even today, homodyne reception is feasible with experimental external cavity lasers, which have been demonstrated to haveDelta vas low as 10 kHz.  相似文献   

Optical homodyne receivers based on decision-driven phase-locked loops are investigated. The performance of these receivers is affected by two phase noises due to the laser transmitter and laser local oscillator, and by two shot noises due to the two detectors employed in the receiver. The impact of these noises is minimized if the loop bandwidthBis chosen optimally. The value of Boptand the corresponding optimum loop performance are evaluated in this paper. It is shown that second-order phase-locked loops require at least 0.8 pW of signal power per every kilohertz of laser linewidth (this number refers to the system with the detector responsivity 1 A/W, dumping factor 0.7, and rms phase error 10°). This signal power is used for phase locking, and is, therefore, lost from the data receiver. Further, the maximum permissible laser linewidthDeltanuis evaluated and for second order loops with the dumping factor 0.7 found to be3.1 times 10^{-4} cdot R_{b}, where Rb(bit/s) is the system bit rate. ForR_{b} = 100Mbit/s, this leads toDeltanu = 31kHz. For comparison, heterodyne receivers with noncoherent postdetection processing only requireDeltanu = 0.72-9MHz forR_{b} = 100Mbit/s. Thus, the homodyne systems impose much more stringent requirements on the laser linewidth than the heterodyne systems. However, homodyne systems have several important advantages over heterodyne systems, and the progress of laser technology may make homodyning increasingly attractive. Even today, homodyne reception is feasible with experimental external cavity lasers, which have been demonstrated to haveDeltanuas low as 10 kHz.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical analysis of the effect of using lasers with significant linewidths in coherent optical fiber transmission systems has shown how the design of the optical receiver, particularly the IF stage, affects the sensitivity. This paper reviews this theory for two classes of coherent systems-those making a differential phase measurement, and those not using phase information-where the requirements on laser linewidth are not stringent. We discuss the factors that affect the performance of systems with significant laser phase noise. Wherever possible, we compare the theoretical results with published system experiments. We show that our theory fits the experimental data well and indicates why experimental results have fallen short of the theoretical limits.  相似文献   

Semiconductor lasers for coherent optical fiber communications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current status of semiconductor lasers used in coherent optical fiber communications is reviewed for nonexperts in the field. The issues of spectral purity, tuning, modulation, and advanced fabrication methods for photonic integration are discussed, with examples drawn from current experimental devices  相似文献   

Balanced coherent receivers perform substantially better than single-detector receivers in multichannel optical fiber FDM communications systems since the balanced approach eliminates the direct-detection and signal-cross-signal interference. The permissible channel spacingDdepends on the intermediate frequency fIF, on the bit rate Rb, and on the modulation/demodulation format. In particular,Dincreases by 2 Hz for every 1-Hz increase of the fIF. The signal-to-interference ratio SIR, as defined in the text, provides a simple measure of the amount of the interference generated by undesired channels. The criterion SIR = 30 dB is selected in this paper and leads to the following minimum channel spacings: for heterodyne systems,3.8R_{b}for FSK,9.5R_{b}for ASK, and12.4R_{b}for PSK; for homodyne systems,7.5R_{b}for ASK and10.5R_{b}for PSK. Simultaneous transmission of several channels generates an excess shot noise studied here for the first time. If the local oscillator power is 40 dB above the received signal power and 2000 channels are transmitted without optical prefiltering, the excess shot noise power penalty is less than 1 dB.  相似文献   

The sensitivity penalty is evaluated for amplitude-shift-keyed and frequency-shift-keyed multichannel coherent systems that use lasers with linewidths which are a significant fraction of the bit rate. The study was conducted for both ASK and FSK systems using a single-filter receiver with nonsynchronous detection. For FSK systems, both NRZ (nonreturn-to-zero) and alternate mark inversion (AMI) signal formats were studied. The optical channel spacing is strongly determined by the laser linewidth. For example, with the FSK-NRZ data rate of 150 Mb/s, the optical channel spacing which gives 1-dB crosstalk penalty is 4 GHz when the intermediate frequency linewidth is 50 MHz (laser linewidth is 25 MHz), as opposed to 1.8 GHz when the linewidth is negligible.<>  相似文献   

A coherent optical beam forming network using phase-locked semiconductor lasers as sources is presented. For this scheme the spectral purity of the intermediate frequency derived from mixing the signals from two semiconductor lasers is considered. The relationship between the linewidths of the lasers in a satellite transmitter and the phase error at the detector of a microwave differential quaternary phase-shift keying earth station receiver is analyzed. The demands placed on the linewidths from the point of view of phase stability requirements are calculated using quaternary phase-shift keying modulation at data rates of 33 and 131 Mb/s. It is shown that a substantial improvement in performance can be achieved when phase locking the two lasers to each other is feasible  相似文献   

The power penalty induced by imperfect phase recovery in PSK homodyne communication systems with balanced phase-locked loop receivers are exactly evaluated. Optimum phase deviations between the mark-state and the space-state bits are used in this study. This study for the first time shows the imperfect-phase-recovery-induced power penalty as a function of laser linewidth with optimum phase deviations considered. It can be estimated from the theoretical result that an optimal balanced PLL receiver requires the laser linewidth as Δν⩽1.15×10-6× (bit rate) in contrast to the previous reported one Δν⩽5.88×10-6× (bit rate). We also point out here that the previously reported laser linewidth requirement was wrongly estimated  相似文献   

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