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尾矿库工程管理系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了尾矿库工程管理系统,包括尾矿库数据库,尾矿库稳定性分析系统,尾矿库洪水模拟系统和尾矿库观测系统,对发生尾矿库工程灾害的可能性和危害程度做出判断和评估,可适时指导尾矿库的安全使用,避免尾矿库工程灾害的发生。  相似文献   

石竹  袁江  邵伟 《矿冶工程》2021,41(3):158-161
以湖南省某县铅锌无主尾矿库为例,从安全及环境角度全方位分析了尾矿库存在的问题,采用清方削坡、截排洪设施建设、封场覆盖工程、新建观测井等措施对该历史遗留尾矿库进行整治,取得显著成效。提出了历史遗留尾矿库治理建议,可为我国同类工程提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

为适应数字化、可视化矿山的管理趋势,提高尾矿库管理水平,基于3Dmine矿业工程软件解决生产实际问题。通过收集整理尾矿库数据,建立尾矿库三维模型,尝试解决分析库容、核算筑坝量、估算溶液量和尾矿量、优化排尾计划等实际问题,工程实例应用达到了预期效果。对于类似矿山解决尾矿库生产实际问题具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

数字尾矿库研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了建立数字尾矿库的必要性,重点研究了数字尾矿库中地形、坝体、气象、水文、工程地质、调洪、稳定分析等模型的有机集成。并根据模型间的数据流程,给出数字尾矿库决策支持系统的结构。建立数字尾矿库系统后,可对尾矿库进行实时监测、动态模拟,以指导生产,提高安全系数。  相似文献   

沈楼燕 《金属矿山》2009,39(1):156-158
西藏高原脆弱的生态、恶劣的气候决定了在这个特殊地区进行尾矿库设计工作时必须特别注重环境保护和水土保持,同时,高寒气候给尾矿库的筑坝、排洪、防渗等都带来了不利影响和困难。结合在西藏高原执行矿山项目的工程实践经验,就高原高寒地区尾矿库设计工作应当注意的问题,如冻土、堆坝和库容问题等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

谭杰骥 《现代矿业》2020,36(3):84-85
近些年受尾矿库选址及环境保护等政策的限制,新建尾矿库的工程投资明显增加,因此在原有堆坝高度上继续加高的工程增多,接近100~200 m级的高坝尾矿库大量涌现。为增加尾矿库的稳定性,以某尾矿库工程为例,坝体浸润线埋深较高,稳定计算不能满足相关规范要求。为有效降低浸润线,在堆积坝内采用大口辐射井和飘管相结合的排渗设施。经现场实际运行,排渗设施的应用对保证坝体稳定具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

郝喆  张亮 《现代矿业》2018,34(11):151-155
针对《尾矿库在线安全监测系统工程技术规范》(GB 51108-2015)实施后存在的问题,结合辽宁省尾矿库在线监测工程的现场实际,进行了尾矿库在线安全监测管理平台设计。建立了在线监测平台的设计路线和总体架构,确定了监测平台软件组成、中心版和企业版的程序框图,阐述了数据同步方法、系统部署与用户访问方法,建立了大屏幕拼接系统并讨论了多屏幕处理方法。通过该系统平台可科学研判尾矿库运行的安全状态,为现场尾矿库监管提供有力的技术保障,对于类似尾矿库在线监测工程有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

以湖南某金矿所属尾矿库加高扩容工程为例,介绍了尾矿库加高扩容方案,依据规程和规范,采用比较分析、数值计算、洪水计算、调洪演算等方法,对加高扩容方案的合理性、坝址处的安全性、筑坝方式的合理性、坝体的安全性、加高扩容的可能性、主隧洞扩建方案的合理性、库内防洪的安全性、库外各支沟的防洪能力的安全性等进行了计算分析。分析结果表明:加高扩容方案合理,尾矿库加高扩容工程的各分部的安全性满足规程、规范要求,研究结果为尾矿库加高扩容工程的设计提供了依据,同时能够为尾矿库加高扩容工程中尾矿库的安全性分析(尤其是复杂排洪系统的防洪安全)提供参考。  相似文献   

张年龙 《现代矿业》2019,35(9):230-232
为了降低尾矿库在金属非金属矿山安全生产中的危险,提高尾矿库在线监测数据的准确性,提高尾矿库工程溃决的预报预测水平,将尾矿库坝体形变位移作为研究重点,通过分析尾矿库的潜在危险、特性和现有监测手段存在的问题,提出GPS在尾矿库坝体进行表面位移监测的系统架构。该系统将数据采集、传输、处理、远程监控融为一体,通过湖东尾矿库项目验证了该系统架构和相关技术的可行性。  相似文献   

我国现阶段新建尾矿库面临诸多困难,利用矿山废弃采坑改建尾矿库可有效解决尾矿堆存问题。以某矿山为例,系统论述了采坑改建尾矿库的技术路线与方案,分别从采场周边环境单元、采场边坡单元、工程实施单元、防洪系统单元、安全管理及其他单元等方面进行了安全论证,供类似采坑改建尾矿库工程参考。  相似文献   

正November 1~10,2014Chinese rare earth market was still inactive.Demand for rare earth products was weak.Consumers took a wait-and-see attitude for lower price.As it was an off season for rare earth products,it was expected that prices of rare earth could continue turbulence at the bottom in short terms.Due to a sharp drop,demand for rare earth from downstream recovered.Affected by new energy vehicles,wind powder and energy-efficient appliances,production of rare earth permanent  相似文献   

正August 1~10,2014 There was some good news in rare earth industry recently.Restructuring plans of rare earth groups led by Baotou IronSteel Group and Xiamen Tungsten Group respectively have been approved by MIIT.And rare earth storage policy,which had been expected for a very long time,has been launched officially.Pushed by the good news,rare earth price started to rebound since August 5.Price of didymium oxide and dysprosium oxide rose about 1% to 2%,averagely.About 10% of  相似文献   

正July 1~10,2014Due to weak demand from downstream industry and slow transactions,rare earth market remained weak and price of rare earth products continued to decline.There was no sign of recovery in downstream market.The market of NdFeB magnetic materials and phosphor was depressed.Catalyst,  相似文献   

<正>Extracted from Securities Guide 1.Popularity of new energy vehicles—an irresistible market trend1.1 Progress of new energy vehicles Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said recently on a visit to Xi'an BYD Autos that new energy vehicles,especially new energy bus,can lessen environment and noise pollution.He encouraged the use of new  相似文献   

孙利军  迟鹏展 《中州煤炭》2019,(6):145-148,153
针对煤矿开采深度不断向深部延伸,掘进巷道受深部高应力的影响越来越大,巷道围岩整体稳定性差,矿山压力显现越剧烈现象,一般锚网喷加锚索支护无法从根本上控制巷道的变形。总结了平煤股份十三矿-685 m进风大巷注浆加固技术,依据对巷道掘进之后变形监测数据的采集,对巷道变形机理进行分析研究,并对注浆时段进行了合理选择,在对巷道的注浆工艺进行了充分论证的基础上,对巷道进行了注浆。注浆后效果表明:巷道滞后注浆时间段的选择非常重要,巷道在恰当的时间内进行注浆加固施工,能有效控制巷道的变形,巷道注浆后变形量明显减小,岩体的稳定性明显增强,减少了巷道日常维修工作,降低了矿井的生产成本,保障了矿井的安全生产。  相似文献   

Brief news     
正China Minmetals Rare Earth Construction of Jianghua Separation Plant is set to complete at the yearend Civil works of Jianghua Separation Plant have been finished and the company is installing and debugging equipments now.It is estimated that construction of Jianghua Separation Plant will be  相似文献   

Brief news     
正Total transactions of rare earth in Rare Earth Ex-change Center of Hunan South Rare and Precious Metal Exchange neared 40 billion yuan from January to October From the opening in January of this year to the end of October,the total transaction of rare earth products in Rare Earth Exchange Center of Hunan South Rare and Precious Metal Exchange neared40 billion yuan.There are 16 varieties including dysprosium oxide and terbium oxide traded on the exchange center,one of the largest trading platforms for rare earth oxides in China.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese rare earth-related listed companies have published their 2013 annual reports.It can be understood from their reports that production and operation activities of Chinese rare earth-related companies were still heavily affected by macro economy and industrial policies.They basically followed the steps of national economy.In 2013,world economy recovered slowly but the economy  相似文献   

正1.Status of rare earth polishing powder Rare earth polishing powder with high content of cerium oxide began to replace iron oxide for glass polishing and became one of the key materials in glass polishing process since 1940.Compared with traditional iron oxide,rare earth polishing powder has many advantages,such as fast polishing rate,high polishing quality and long service life.It can achieve good surface quality and improve operation conditions.For example,in lens polishing,the polishing work that cerium  相似文献   

正Pyrometallurgy Laboratory of Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths had independently developed a new preparation technology of rare earth alloy for NdFeB.The alloy can remarkably enhance the coercivity of NdFeB magnet but also evidently reduce the production cost of the magnet.The new master alloy was prepared in the kA pilot-scale electrolytic cell by the independent technology.The rare earth master alloy can be used as the raw material for NdFeB.Compared  相似文献   

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