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郭小飞 《金属矿山》2017,46(6):70-74
结合高压辊磨机中物料粉碎机理,介绍了影响高压辊磨机粉碎效果的关键因素,评述了高压辊磨机设备选型试验的研究现状。高压辊磨机粉碎物料的效果主要受物料性质、辊压机工作参数及粉碎工艺等的影响。通过小型及半工业型高压辊磨机粉碎试验能够为高压辊磨机的设备选型和流程设计提供依据,但试验过程相对复杂。颗粒床活塞压载试验和数学建模尽管能够对矿石料层粉碎的工作压力、比能耗、产品粒度分布等进行有效预测,但和高压辊磨机设备选型的经验公式一样均需要对其适用性进行验证。指出高压辊磨机未来的研究方向为粉碎过程中能量传递模型、矿石碎磨特性及对分选工艺影响等的理论基础研究,以及高压辊磨机在选矿流程中的数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

基于层压粉碎原理,高压辊磨机具有处理量大、能量利用率高、粉碎产品粒度细等特性,已经广泛应用 于冶金矿山领域,且节能降耗效果显著。 文章总结了开路粉碎、边料返回半闭路粉碎和筛分(包括干法筛分和湿法筛 分)全闭路粉碎三种粉碎工艺的选择依据。 结合高压辊磨机在金刚石解离、铁矿球团原料预处理、(半)自磨顽石破碎 和金属矿磨前粉碎领域的典型应用案例,重点阐述了高压辊磨机的粉碎工艺流程、设备型号、操作参数及应用效果。 不断提高粉碎效率、降低粉碎成本仍是高压辊磨机粉碎工艺的发展方向。 虽然多台高压辊磨机串联配置、高压辊磨 机与风力分级设备配置、高压辊磨机与搅拌磨机直接配置等新工艺发展不够成熟,但节能降耗优势明显,有望为冶金 矿山物料高效粉碎提供新的解决方案。  相似文献   

高压辊磨机粉碎原理为层压粉碎,具有处理量大、节能高效等特点。与传统破碎方式相比,高压辊磨机粉碎产品细粒级含量高、微裂纹发育、矿物解离度高、邦德球磨功指数低,还有助于下游选别或浸出作业。随着辊面抗压强度和抗磨蚀性能不断增强,高压辊磨机已经广泛应用于冶金矿山领域,如金刚石与围岩解离、球团原料铁精矿预处理、金属矿磨前(超)细碎,(半)自磨工艺顽石破碎等。高压辊磨机的成功应用与其粉碎行为密切相关。文章依次从高压辊磨机的研发背景、工作原理、辊面压力分布、宏观粉碎过程、料床应力响应、粉碎产品特性等方面系统评述了高压辊磨机的粉碎行为,并分析了边缘效应和辊面磨损的产生机理、负面影响及其应对措施,旨在全面地阐述高压辊磨机粉碎行为。  相似文献   

高压辊磨机自问世以来,引起粉碎界的高度关注,它不仅有助于实现多碎少磨,而且随着产品细度的降低,很可能成为以碎代磨的新型粉碎设备。笔者利用φ200mm×50mm实验室型高压辊磨机,对其工艺因素进行了较系统的研究,分析了高压辊磨机的压力、转速、给料粒度和组成、含水率等工艺因素与粉碎能耗、粉碎概率等粉碎指标的关系,对于研制和设计高压辊磨机,生产运用高压辊磨机有着理论的和实践的意义。  相似文献   

选择边料闭路循环工艺,通过改变边料循环量,采用实验室高压辊磨机对铝土矿进行了粉碎试验。试验结果表明,随着循环次数的增加,高压辊磨机处理能力逐渐减小,铝土矿粉碎产品粒度越来越细,到循环第3次后,高压辊磨机处理能力和铝土矿粉碎产品粒度变化较小,表明边料闭路循环已趋于平衡;边料循环量越大,高压辊磨机处理能力越小,铝土矿粉碎产品粒度越细。  相似文献   

HFKG高压辊磨机在冶金矿山的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许瑞超  王青  丁浩  蔡文举 《现代矿业》2011,27(11):83-84
介绍了HFKG高压辊磨机的粉碎原理以及粉碎物料的优势。列举了HFKG高压辊磨机在原平白石联营铁矿和安徽大昌矿业公司的应用情况。  相似文献   

介绍了HFKG高压辊磨机的粉碎原理以及粉碎物料的优势。列举了HFKG高压辊磨机在原平白石联营铁矿和安徽大昌矿业公司的应用情况。  相似文献   

刘建远 《金属矿山》2012,41(8):112-117
根据工业流程考查数据对凹山选厂超细碎工段的高压辊磨机粉碎进行了数学建模。利用所建粉碎模型以及以分配曲线形式表示的分级模型对高压辊磨机与3 mm筛分作业构成的闭路粉碎流程进行了模拟计算。计算结果证明了这种高压辊磨机模型及建模方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

采用"分级强磁预选-阶段磨矿、阶段分选-强磁反浮选"工艺流程,在实验室条件下对贫赤铁矿高压辊磨机粉碎产品和圆锥破碎机粉碎产品进行分选对比研究,旨在揭示高压辊磨机粉碎对贫赤铁矿石分选指标的影响。贫赤铁矿石经过高压辊磨机粉碎后最终精矿的品位为65.71%,产率为25.84%,精矿回收率为70.76%,相对于圆锥破碎机破碎产品的分选指标,在精矿品位相近的情况下,精矿产率提高1.56个百分点,回收率提高5.18个百分点。在粗粒干式预选精矿磨选流程中,相对于圆锥破碎机破碎产品的分选指标,高压辊磨机粉碎后一段强磁粗选尾矿品位降低0.58个百分点。值得注意的是,高压辊磨机粉碎后进入一段磨机的产率降低7.50个百分点,一段磨矿产品中-0.074 mm含量降低7.29个百分点。  相似文献   

高压辊磨机在国内外矿山得到越来越广泛的应用.在简要阐述高压辊磨机粉碎原理和结构的基础上,综述了高压辊磨机在金刚石矿、金矿、铁矿、铜矿、钼矿等矿物加工工程中的应用进展情况.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling and simulation techniques are widely used to design and optimize comminution circuits in mineral processing plants. However, circuit performance predictions are prone to errors due to inaccurate calibration of models used in simulations. To address this problem, the authors applied a method based on genetic algorithms (GA) for estimation of HPGR (high pressure grinding rolls) model parameters. In this research, a simulation algorithm was developed and implemented in MATLAB™ based on published HPGR models to test and demonstrate GA application for model calibration. The GA toolbox of MATLAB was used to obtain the optimal values of HPGR model parameters. The authors successfully validated simulator predictions against HPGR data sets at laboratory and industrial scales. The results indicate that GA is a robust and powerful search method to find the best values of HPGR model parameters that lead to more reliable simulation predictions.  相似文献   

The comminution efficiency of high-pressure-grinding-rolls (HPGRs) is a well described function of a number of feed parameters including grindability, abrasion index, granulometric composition, top size and particle size distribution. Far less studied is the effect of feed moisture. This paper investigates both the overall and the specific comminution efficiency of a circuit consisting of a pilot HPGR unit followed by a batch ball mill as a function of the moisture level in the HPGR feed. Forsterite olivine sand (−7 mm) supplied by Sibelco Nordic was used as feed material. The results showed that the relationship between moisture and crushing efficiency for both the HPGR and the circuit can be described successfully by means of a parabolic function. Dry material, as well as that with the highest moisture content, showed the lowest particle size reduction ratios irrespective of the specific grinding force level. The paper also analyses the phenomenon of flake generation and shows that the feed moisture influences the flake content in the coarser size fractions of the HPGR product.  相似文献   

High Pressure Grinding Rollers (HPGR) are known to reduce energy consumption and wear costs and improve the throughput in the circuit. It has been suggested that they can also modify the liberation characteristics of the ore. In the present study the effect of using conventional crushing as opposed to HPGR in combination with either dry or wet milling was investigated using a base metal sulphide, viz. sphalerite, in order to determine whether there may be an improvement in flotation performance following the use of different comminution procedures. It was found that, irrespective of the crushing procedure (HPGR or conventional), dry milling resulted in the highest grades and recoveries of zinc. These were typically 94% recovery at 40% grade. In order to gain an insight into the effect which these comminution procedures had on the ore, samples of feed and product were investigated using surface analytical techniques. Mineralogical analyses showed no differences in the liberation characteristics of sphalerite irrespective of the comminution procedures used. However, dry milling produced a lower d50. The paper proposes possible reasons to explain these observations.  相似文献   

The paper reports the progress of a research project using rock samples from a large copper–gold mining project. The orebody contains a mixture of hard rock, softer material, and clays (sericite), in proportions that are expected to vary throughout the mine-life. The feasibility of a novel comminution circuit, using an autogenous (AG) mill/scrubber and parallel trains of cone crushers and high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) is being investigated. The process enables the application of energy-efficient HPGR to base and precious metal hard-ores containing clay, which are usually processed using SAG mill circuits.The work presented in this paper involved laboratory testwork including pilot HPGR testing, and modelling and simulation of both the HPGR-based circuit and an equivalent SAG-based circuit. The preliminary analysis reported herein includes a comparison of the energy consumption of both circuits; complete operating and capital cost comparisons will be reported in a future paper.  相似文献   

关于矿石粉碎特性参数及其测定方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘建远 《金属矿山》2011,40(10):9-19
从粉碎工艺设计应用的角度,综述各种表征矿石粉碎特性的物料参数及其测定方法,包括用于传统碎磨设备选型计算的物料参数及其测定方法、用于自磨/半自磨流程设计的物料参数及其测定方法,以及用于高压辊磨流程设计的粉碎试验方法。  相似文献   

针对国内海拔4500 m的某矿山碎磨工艺流程,以该矿矿石为研究对象进行了半自磨选型SMC落重试验、BOND功指数试验,并获得了矿石性质参数.在此基础上,通过国际上常用的JKSimMet模拟软件得到了半自磨+球磨的碎磨工艺磨机设备选型结果,并对半自磨+球磨工艺、三段一闭路碎磨工艺、高压辊碎磨工艺三种碎磨流程进行了技术经济...  相似文献   

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