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浮选设备中气泡与颗粒的碰撞是一个复杂的力学过程,本文设计了一套电磁弹射装置,将颗粒以可控的速度和角度射向水中的静止气泡,用以简化模拟真实的浮选现象。高速相机被用来监测这一碰撞过程,通过对图像进行分析,提取了颗粒的运动参数以及气泡的变形信息,研究了颗粒与气泡的作用时间与液膜排液规律,并推导了一个数学模型来预测碰撞现象的时间尺度并提出了黏附判据。  相似文献   

颗粒气泡黏附指从颗粒与气泡相遇开始到液膜发生薄化破裂最后至三相润湿周边铺展形成稳定矿化气絮体的过程,是浮选中的核心作用单元。然而浮选颗粒气泡黏附机理至今仍不明确。黏附过程主要受颗粒气泡的表面物理化学性质及溶液化学条件影响,表面力及流体作用力协同支配微纳尺度下颗粒气泡间液膜薄化破裂行为。排液过程中气液界面的变形效应进一步增加了系统复杂性,上述因素使得颗粒气泡黏附的理论研究及试验探索步履维艰。早期关于颗粒气泡黏附的研究主要聚焦于黏附概率,其中宏观尺度下的诱导时间测试占据主导地位,通过诱导时间结果计算黏附概率。对国内外宏观尺度下颗粒气泡黏附概率模型及研究技术手段进展展开全面综述,并对现有技术瓶颈及局限进行分析。诱导时间测量仪及高速动态摄影技术大大促进了浮选工作者对颗粒气泡黏附的理解,“诱导时间与实际浮选回收率具有着良好的相关关系”也已经被广泛证明。然而因微纳尺度下的表面力及液膜薄化动力学信息的缺失导致宏观诱导时间并不能从基础层面揭示颗粒气泡的黏附机理,微纳尺度下颗粒气泡间相互作用力及液膜薄化动力学的定量测试表征是技术发展的必然趋势,其可为浮选微观矿化反应过程提供新的理论视角,同时也为难浮煤及难选矿浮选过程强化提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

煤泥盐水浮选技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
盐水对浮选体系下颗粒与气泡行为的影响规律进行了综述。浮选矿浆中的无机盐电解质在提高精煤可燃体回收率的同时也增加了脉石矿物的回收。反电荷阳离子在煤粒表面吸附改善颗粒疏水性,颗粒-气泡间的液膜排液速度因双电层被压缩而加快;同时电解质兼有起泡剂的效果,能有效阻止气泡兼并聚合。另一方面,盐水浮选体系下细粒脉石颗粒的水流夹带和聚合截留现象严重,可燃体回收与脉石颗粒非选择性上浮之间的矛盾激增。  相似文献   

浮选中颗粒-气泡间相对运动研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
颗粒-气泡间相对运动的研究对浮选机理的认知至关重要,对新型浮选机的开发和提高浮选效率均具有指导意义,本文系统综述了颗粒-气泡间相对运动的研究进展。早期研究过程中,研究者忽略了颗粒和气泡性质的影响,将颗粒视为随流线运动的点,气泡视为刚性球体,利用流线方程对颗粒-气泡间的相对运动展开研究;随着认知过程的不断深入,颗粒和气泡物理化学性质的影响逐步得到了关注,研究者分别从颗粒惯性力、重力、形状和粗糙度以及气泡表面流动性等方面并展开了大量研究;颗粒-气泡间相对运动的试验研究多通过颗粒沉降法进行,研究对象由单个玻璃微珠发展为大量矿物颗粒,且出现了关于运动玻璃球与上升气泡之间相对运动的研究。研究表明,当颗粒粒度较细、密度较小时,利用流线方程对颗粒-气泡间相对运动的研究具有一定的适用性;当颗粒粒度较粗、密度较大时,需考虑正负惯性力、重力等因素对颗粒-气泡间相对运动的影响。此外,颗粒形状的不规则性会影响颗粒周围液体对颗粒的作用力,导致临界碰撞半径减小,且颗粒表面不规则的凸起会促进颗粒-气泡间水化膜的破裂,减少诱导时间,增大颗粒表面粗糙度有助于增强颗粒-气泡间的黏附强度。气泡表面的流动性可采用"滞留帽"模型进行分析,具有较好的适用性。对于颗粒-气泡间相对运动的试验研究主要采用颗粒沉降法,亲水玻璃微珠只能在气泡上半球滑行,到达气泡赤道位置附近后便离开气泡,疏水玻璃微珠会刺破颗粒-气泡间的水化膜,越过气泡赤道后会继续沿气泡表面滑行并最终黏附在气泡底部,煤颗粒与气泡的黏附效率随碰撞角和密度的增大而减小。然而目前的试验研究多集中于静水领域,对于浮选流场中颗粒-气泡间相对运动的试验研究尚需进一步探索。  相似文献   

彭涛  杨思原  朱忠旭  张浩峰 《金属矿山》2021,49(10):161-166
淀粉是由糖苷键结合的多糖聚合物,可作为调整剂运用于钛铁矿反浮选脱硅。矿物颗粒与浮选气泡 的相互作用是决定矿物浮选效率的关键因素,而不同的淀粉由于分子结构的差异对其有重要影响。研究了在不同 玉米淀粉作用下的钛铁矿颗粒与气泡的碰撞及黏附过程。采用自行搭建的颗粒-气泡相互作用观测装置,发现不 同淀粉组分对钛铁矿颗粒与气泡的碰撞概率及黏附概率有重要影响。结合接触角检测和激光粒度测试试验推测 支链淀粉含量越高的淀粉分子更容易团聚矿物颗粒从而增大其与气泡的碰撞概率,且其更容易减小钛铁矿疏水性 从而降低其与气泡的黏附力。最后基于试验结果和前人理论,建立了颗粒与气泡碰撞及黏附过程的数学模型,并 讨论了淀粉分子结构在模型中的作用。  相似文献   

彭涛  杨思原  朱忠旭  张浩峰 《金属矿山》2020,49(10):161-166
淀粉是由糖苷键结合的多糖聚合物,可作为调整剂运用于钛铁矿反浮选脱硅。矿物颗粒与浮选气泡 的相互作用是决定矿物浮选效率的关键因素,而不同的淀粉由于分子结构的差异对其有重要影响。研究了在不同 玉米淀粉作用下的钛铁矿颗粒与气泡的碰撞及黏附过程。采用自行搭建的颗粒-气泡相互作用观测装置,发现不 同淀粉组分对钛铁矿颗粒与气泡的碰撞概率及黏附概率有重要影响。结合接触角检测和激光粒度测试试验推测 支链淀粉含量越高的淀粉分子更容易团聚矿物颗粒从而增大其与气泡的碰撞概率,且其更容易减小钛铁矿疏水性 从而降低其与气泡的黏附力。最后基于试验结果和前人理论,建立了颗粒与气泡碰撞及黏附过程的数学模型,并 讨论了淀粉分子结构在模型中的作用。  相似文献   

为了研究浮选过程中的气泡与微细粒煤泥之间的碰撞效率,提出了一种基于数值模拟软件FLUENT的碰撞效率数值计算方法,并采用此方法模拟了微观尺度下不同颗粒粒径、颗粒密度、气泡直径、流场湍流强度下单气泡与颗粒碰撞行为,计算出气泡-颗粒间的碰撞效率,得到各因素对单气泡与颗粒碰撞效率的影响规律。结果如下:颗粒粒度和气泡尺寸是影响气泡颗粒间的碰撞效率的主要因素。随着颗粒粒度、密度以及湍流强度的增加,碰撞效率增大。在静水中,碰撞效率随气泡尺寸的增大而增大;在湍流中,随着气泡尺寸变大,碰撞效率呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

颗粒-气泡黏附是浮选核心作用单元,驱动其自发黏附的主要作用为疏水颗粒-气泡间疏水引力。作为长程疏水引力主要来源,界面纳米气泡对浮选界面调控有重要影响。从纳米气泡的基本性质、稳定性机理及浮选强化机制3个方面进行了系统讨论。纳米气泡异常稳定性和接触角一直是近20 a来的研究热点。经典物理学理论预测纳米气泡寿命在微秒尺度,而试验发现纳米气泡寿命通常可达数天以上。针对纳米气泡异常稳定性提出污染物层、动态平衡、三相线钉扎等假说,然而各假说均无法解释所有试验现象,其稳定性机理仍需要深入研究。纳米气泡接触角(气侧)远小于Young接触角,高密度气体导致的固-气界面能降低可能是接触角异常的主要原因。对纳米气泡强化浮选黏附机制进行了探讨,一方面界面纳米气泡可通过边界滑移促进颗粒-气泡碰撞过程中液膜排液,另一方面纳米气泡桥接使颗粒-气泡出现长程引力,同时颗粒-气泡间的DLVO力由排斥力转变为引力,从而促使颗粒-气泡黏附。目前已有试验表明纳米气泡在煤、磷酸盐、白钨矿及铁矿石等多种矿物的浮选中均有显著提升效果。在浮选日益精细化的背景下,纳米气泡强化技术可为浮选界面调控提供新的理论视角与技术手段,是未来浮选领域...  相似文献   

为了准确地检测出浮选过程中颗粒与气泡是否发生碰撞,提出了一种基于形态学图像处理和最大类间方差法(Otsu)的颗粒与气泡碰撞检测方法。首先利用图像的预处理操作优化图像,通过最大类间方差法分割出目标区域与背景区域,然后结合最小二乘法将颗粒与气泡拟合成圆,方便求取坐标信息及半径,最后将所有的颗粒位置提取到一幅图像中,实现了对颗粒位置的跟踪,避免了连续帧图像跟踪的复杂程度。结果表明,该算法能够快速地检测出颗粒与气泡是否发生碰撞,有效地节省了人工试验的工作时间。  相似文献   

介绍了浮选过程中关键设备—气泡发生器以及结构与工作原理。详细介绍随着流场强度和气泡大小的变化,浮选颗粒临界尺寸的变化。描述了颗粒在流场中的受力状态以及它们的碰撞效率。  相似文献   

Interactions between particles and bubbles are influenced by hydrodynamic forces of the aqueous medium in which the flotation process takes place. This paper investigates the effect of liquid hydrodynamic forces working at short inter-surface separation distance, referred to as microhydrodynamic forces, on the bubble-particle collision (encounter) interaction. The full equation of particle motion around an air bubble with either a mobile surface (e.g., the potential flow) or an immobile surface (e.g., the Stokes flow) has been solved and analyzed numerically. The effect of particle density, size and film thickness (i.e., inter-surface separation distance) on the bubble-particle collision angle and efficiency has been examined. The new results were compared against the results obtained under the condition that microhydrodynamic effect has been ignored (the conventional theory). The effect of microhydrodynamics on the collision angle and efficiency has been found significant. Generally, the microhydrodynamic effect decreases the collision efficiency due to retarding the particle approach to the rising bubble surface. There also exists a critical set of particle size and density, where the collision angle is minimal, for both the mobile and immobile bubble surfaces. Away from the critical particle size and density the collision angle increases to 90°.  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2003,16(10):983-991
The PFC3D (particle flow code) that models the movement and interaction of particles by the DEM techniques was employed to simulate the particle movement and to calculate the velocity and energy distribution of collision in two types of impact crusher: the Canica vertical shaft crusher and the BJD horizontal shaft swing hammer mill. The distribution of collision energies was then converted into a product size distribution for a particular ore type using JKMRC impact breakage test data. Experimental data of the Canica VSI crusher treating quarry and the BJD hammer mill treating coal were used to verify the DEM simulation results.Upon the DEM procedures being validated, a detailed simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects of the machine design and operational conditions on velocity and energy distributions of collision inside the milling chamber and on the particle breakage behaviour.  相似文献   

IsaMill? is a high-speed stirred mill for a range of milling duties from ultra-fine to relatively coarse grinding in the mineral processing industry. This work investigated particle and slurry flow in a mill using a combined Discrete Element Method and Computational Fluid Dynamics (DEM-CFD) approach. Slurry properties, such as flow density and viscosity, were varied to study their effects on the flow properties in terms of flow velocity, power draw, collision frequency, collision energy and total impact energy. Significant differences were observed when slurry was introduced and other conditions unchanged. With increasing density, fluid and particle flows showed stronger circulation in the axial direction due to the larger drag forces. Increased relative velocity and interaction between particles with disc led to higher collision frequency and collision energy. Increase in flow viscosity limited particles from moving towards the outer wall and the particles were more dispersed due to the larger circulating velocity in the axial direction. The total impact energy of the media and power draw also increase with slurry density and viscosity. The developed model provides a useful framework for further analysis of particle–slurry interactions in IsaMills?.  相似文献   

卓启明  刘文礼  徐宏祥  孙小朋 《煤炭学报》2019,44(10):3193-3200
颗粒与气泡间相对运动的研究对浮选机理的认识十分重要,目前关于颗粒与气泡间相对运动的研究多为理论推导,试验研究比较匮乏且试验对象多为形状规则,表面性质均匀的颗粒。以内蒙古公乌素原煤为研究对象,利用自行设计搭建的试验装置研究了粒级为0.100~0.074 mm、密度级分别为-1.3,1.4~1.5和+1.7 g/cm~3的煤样与气泡间的相对运动。试验通过追踪大量煤颗粒的运动轨迹,研究了颗粒沉降阶段、运动轨迹偏离阶段和碰撞阶段中颗粒运动特征参数的变化规律。试验结果表明:颗粒当量直径均值为0.092 mm,颗粒经短暂加速后便达到沉降末速,颗粒沉降末速随颗粒当量直径和密度的增大而增大。气泡会影响颗粒的运动轨迹,同一初始沉降区间内,竖直方向上煤样轨迹偏离点到气泡的距离随煤样密度的增大而减小。静水条件下颗粒和气泡碰撞角的主分布区间为20°~50°,且碰撞区间和颗粒集中分布区间随初始沉降区间向外扩展而扩展。颗粒和气泡的碰撞角小于50°时,碰撞点处颗粒速度减小比例随碰撞角增大近似直线减小,碰撞角大于50°时,碰撞点处颗粒速度减小比例趋于平稳,低密度颗粒的速度减小量大于高密度级颗粒的速度减小量,然而差异并不明显。理论计算发现,颗粒初始沉降位置距气泡中轴较近时理论碰撞速度较小,且颗粒理论碰撞速度随颗粒初始沉降位置向外扩展而增大,与试验规律较为吻合。  相似文献   

为了解溜井内颗粒物料运动特征,利用颗粒离散元方法和Hertz-Mindlin非线性接触模型,考虑井壁形貌特征和溜放矿块粒级组成,建立了井壁起伏差服从正态分布的非光滑井壁溜井和铲运机球形随机颗粒群放矿数值分析模型,用该模型对溜井不同区段内颗粒群碰撞及运动规律统计特征展开了分析。结果表明:①颗粒对溜井壁的碰撞源于颗粒脱离铲斗时速度的不一致性,碰撞自井口开始至井深-18~-30 m处达到碰撞频数最高值;②颗粒碰撞频发区为井口以下至2/3井深,该区域内颗粒的平均速率低且变化较小,井壁受损程度主要受颗粒对井壁碰撞频数影响,此后颗粒平均速率快速增长;③铲斗翻转速度对颗粒碰撞井壁的频数和平均速率的影响不明显,减缓铲斗翻转速度致使颗粒对井壁的碰撞集中区域下移;④井壁两侧受碰撞的频数变化受井壁起伏差影响较大,且碰撞总频数随井壁起伏差的增加而增多。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2003,16(11):1055-1059
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling of a Denver-type flotation cell has been performed. Bubble–particle collision rates in different parts of the cell have been calculated from the local turbulent velocities, and the size and number concentrations of bubbles and particles obtained from CFD modelling. The probability of collision due to streamline effect of fine particles moving around the bubble has also been estimated. The local attachment rate based on the collision rate and collision probability is then calculated and found to decrease as particle size decreases. This is consistent with the decrease in flotation recovery of fine particles as observed in flotation practice. The magnitudes of the collection rate constants obtained from CFD modelling indicate that transport rates of the bubble–particle aggregates to the froth layer may contribute quite significantly to the overall flotation rate in plant-scale equipment.  相似文献   

Particle collision modeling - A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past 100 years particle collision models for a range of particle inertias and carrier fluid flow conditions have been developed. Models for perikinetic and orthokinetic collisions for simple, laminar shear flows as well as collisions associated with differential sedimentation are well documented. Collision models developed for turbulent flow conditions are demarcated on the one side with the model of Saffman and Turner (1956) associated with particles exhibiting zero inertia and on the other side with the model of Abrahamson (1975) for particle velocities that are completely decorrelated from the carrier fluid velocities. Various attempts have been made to develop universal collision models that span the entire range of inertias in a turbulent flow field. It is a well-accepted fact that models based on a cylindrical as opposed to a spherical formulation are erroneous. Furthermore, the collision frequency of particles exhibiting identical inertias are not negligible. Particles exhibiting relaxation times close to the Kolmogorov time scale of the turbulent flow are subject to preferential concentration that could increase the collision frequency by up to two orders of magnitude. In recent years the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of colliding particles in a turbulent flow field have been preferred as a means to secure the collision data on which the collision models are based. The primary advantage of the numerical treatment is better control over flow and particle variables as well as more accurate collision statistics. However, a numerical treatment places a severe restriction on the magnitude of the turbulent flow Reynolds number. The future development of more comprehensive and accurate collision models will most likely keep pace with the growth in computational resources.  相似文献   

以运动学理论为基础,推导矿石在溜井内运动时的碰撞位置和碰撞能量。以碰撞频数和碰撞累计损伤能量作为主要因素,定量表示溜井井壁的变形破坏状态。基于理论推导结果,利用Python构建平动质点碰撞损伤模型。研究结果显示,碰撞频数与碰撞累计损伤能量呈正相关关系,二者均可表示溜井内壁的变形破坏状态;计算得出的溜井内壁损伤状态分布与溜井实际垮塌形态基本吻合,验证了推导过程的合理性与模型的适用性。  相似文献   

Bubble–particle interactions play an important role in many technological processes, e.g., in flotation. Although mineral flotation involves fine particles, this work focuses on the interactions between a small bubble and larger spherical particle and determining their collision efficiency. Based on the theoretical and experimental work, a simple relation for estimating the collision efficiency is proposed. The calculated efficiencies are compared to a large set of experimental data and are found to be in excellent agreement.  相似文献   

Understanding the limits of fine particle flotation is the key to the selective separation of fine mineral particles. Fine particles have low collision efficiencies with gas bubbles and float slowly. There has been a great deal of work aimed at overcoming the inefficient collision of small particles with rising air bubbles. This review deals with the influence of bubble size, particle aggregation, different flow conditions, particle induction time, as well as the action of surface and capillary forces on fine particle–bubble capture. Recommendations for practice are given.  相似文献   

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