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<正>Rare earth luminescent material is one of the most important application sectors of rare earths.China enjoys the exceptional advantage to develop rare earth luminescent material for its abundant rare earth resources.After several decades'endeavor,China's rare earth luminescent material industry,headed by rare earth phosphor for lamp and LED and high efficient rare earth energy-saving light source,has been gradually developed into a scale industry.China has become a major production base of rare earth phosphor for lamps and rare earth  相似文献   

Ⅱ.Outlook 1.Development trend of the industry (1)Regional rare earth economy basically formed and consolidation of rare earth industry is progressing steadily Baotou Steel Rare Earths has consolidated the rare earth industry in Inner Mongolia and Northern Rare Earth Group led by Baotou Steel(Group) Company has been established.Consolidation Work  相似文献   

Ⅱ,Maior problems existing in China rare-earth industry 1.Slow development of rare earth application technology and stagnant upgrade of the industry structure There are some problems existing in China rare earth industry currently,including weak development of new rare earth application technologies,slow industrialization of research achievements.  相似文献   

<正>3.Current rare earth export situation a.RE export enterprises To further strengthen administration on export of rare earths and standardize export system,the Ministry of Commerce instituted the"Qualification Standards and  相似文献   

<正>d.Rare earth export 1).RE export volume.Export volume of rare earths increased year-on-year from 1986 to 2005 in China. But,to stabilize rare earth market and facilitate the optimization of rare earth industry structure,Chinese government had taken series policies since 2006,including reducing export quota,canceling export tariff rebate,adjusting tariff policies,increasing export tax  相似文献   

Introduction Great changes have taken place in rare earth industry,rare earth market and related rare earth policies in China since 2011.Some rare earth policies have been put forward,like the newly adjusted rare earth resource tax standards,Pollutant Discharge Standards for Rare Earth Industry and especially Several Opinions on Promoting the  相似文献   

5.Prices of lanthanum and cerium products decreased gradually after reaching the high Prices of lanthanum and cerium products rose rapidly with holistic price soaring in rare earth market during 2011.However,affected by the sluggish demand from international crude oil,petroleum cracking catalysts,glass,special materials and battery industries,the price dropped gradually after it hit the highest level.The highest price of lanthanum  相似文献   

这是一篇冶金工程领域的论文。以赣州地区某离子型稀土矿为研究对象,采用连续搅拌浸出和柱浸的方式,研究不同条件下矿样中稀土及杂质元素的浸出情况,为离子型稀土矿产资源的绿色高效开采提供参考。实验结果表明:连续搅拌浸出过程中稀土浸出率均在80%左右,二次浸出液中TREO/Al明显增大,TREO/Ca明显减小,TREO/Mg略微减小;柱浸实验中随着浸矿深度的增加,浸出液pH值逐步上升,TREO/Al增加至15.52,TREO/Ca降低至0.64。稀土浸出率均达到96%以上,但随着深度的增加轻稀土配分由49.43%上升到了53.28%,重稀土配分从35.91%逐步下降至32.18%。连续搅拌浸出和柱浸实验均表明随着矿样深度的增加,稀土浸出率无明显降低,低品位矿层稀土浸出仍然具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

(3) Price of Y and Eu products stabilized due to sluggish demand Energy-saving lamp is widely recognized by the world for its remarkable energy saving effect,reduction of greenhouse gas emission and the roles in improving people's living environment.But it was very difficult for rare earth industry to recover instantly from global financial crisis.Phosphor market was depressed for  相似文献   

<正>Ⅲ.Application trend of rare earth in iron and steel Currently,pretreatment to hot metal and molten steel refining in China are not so popular as in developed countries.The content of sulfur in low-alloy steel in some small and medium steel mills in China is about 0.012%,which is several times higher than that in o-  相似文献   

Ⅲ.Thoughts on development of rare earth industry Development of Chinese rare earth industry can be divided into four stages roughly,infant development stage(1950s~the end of 1980s), stable growth stage(1990~1998),fast expanding stage(since 1999) and rational development stage (after 2007) with implementation of administration  相似文献   

Ⅳ Market analysis of RE-based La series optical glass 1.RE production and market status Huge RE reserve has always been regarded as one of the advantages for China’s rare earths application in high tech fields.However,in the recent decade,the problems of disordered mining and illegal export were very severe in China.Statistics show that,at the expense of low price,low level of resource utilization,serious damage to the  相似文献   

State government Intensified regulation on rare earth industry during the "Eleventh-Five year" period(2006~2010) and had implemented series of control measures,which played an positive role in reversing low selling price of rare earths,prohibiting illegal mining,improving scattered operation and cracking down on smuggling.Through asset replacement,  相似文献   

这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。本文以河南某稀土及伴生萤石资源为研究对象,依据工艺矿物学和小型选矿实验所得的研究结果,进行了处理量为60 kg/h的扩大连续实验。通过化学分析、AMICS镜下鉴定等分析手段发现,该原矿样品中主要有用元素REO含量为1.53%,CaF2含量为18.22%,稀土选别目标矿物为氟碳铈矿和氟碳钙铈矿;采用“稀土、萤石混合浮选-稀土、萤石分离”的工艺对矿石中的稀土、萤石进行回收,实验室小型实验取得了良好指标。在此基础上,对原矿样品进行了扩大连续实验,最终获得了REO品位52.54%、回收率51.15%的稀土精矿和CaF2品位94.76%、回收率60.80%的萤石精矿,精矿产品指标良好,扩大实验结果较为理想,初步实现了稀土伴生萤石的综合回收利用,有助于为企业生产提供技术支撑,有助于为同类型稀土及共伴生资源矿床的综合开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

分析了稀土铝酸盐长余辉发光材料国内市场需求的现状,以及其在塑料、纤维、涂料等行业中的研究应用现状.最后对长余辉发光材料的发展进行了展望,指出通过优化生产工艺,生产高亮度、低成本的不同粒径稀土铝酸盐长余辉发光材料,并通过粉体表面处理技术提高产品的应用性能,加速其产业的发展.  相似文献   

我国选煤技术现状与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国选煤技术发展快速,原煤入选比例大幅提高,选煤厂规模大型化、生产运行高效化、工艺流程差异化、装备大型化、生产自动化、设计标准化、工艺布置模块化的迫切要求和技术发展趋势,提出了进一步提高装备大型化、可靠性、自动化水平,开发和完善褐煤提质技术、稀缺煤种的深度精选技术的近期选煤技术主攻方向。  相似文献   

我国煤泥水沉降澄清处理技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤泥水处理是选煤厂生产过程中的关键环节,同时也是大多选煤厂的问题环节。文章从煤泥水自身特性入手,分析了煤泥水难以沉降澄清的主要原因,介绍了我国煤泥水处理技术、药剂、工艺及设备等方面现状,剖析了存在的主要问题,并提出了煤泥水处理技术发展趋势。  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子质谱〖BF〗法(ICP-MS)详细研究了邯邢矿区二叠系石盒子组中伊利石黏土岩的稀土元素地球化学特征.结果表明:样品稀土元素总量为22.59~570.54 μg/g,平均值为163.23 μg/g;w(LREE)/w(HREE=5.41~21.82,平均值为8.87,相对富集LREE;Eu,Ce均呈负异常;δCe与δEu,(Dy/Sm)N, w(REE)三者之间的相关性表明,该区伊利石黏土岩的成岩作用对REE影响较为明显;δCe和Ceanom值的变化反映了研究区二叠系石盒子组伊利石黏土岩形成于陆相沉积环境,水介质条件为富氧环境.稀土元素分布模式、组合特征显示该区二叠系石盒子组伊利石黏土岩母岩主要为先期的沉积岩及中酸性火山岩,部分母岩为碱性玄武岩.  相似文献   

运用X射线衍射分析(XRD)、电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)及常规化学分析方法对马兰8号煤顶板、煤样、夹矸及黄铁矿结核中的矿物组成、微量与稀土元素及常量元素等地球化学特征进行了分析。结果表明,与美国大部分煤、中国大部分煤及华北石炭二叠纪煤对比:煤样中富集Li、Zn、Ga、Sr、Hf、U、Zr、W、Sn和REEs等元素;顶板样品中富集V、Cr、Zn、Rb、Cs、Sr、Hf、U、Zr、W、Tl、Pb、Ni和REEs等元素;夹矸中富集Li、V、Cu、Ga、Sr、Ba、Hf、Th、U、Zr、Sn、W、Pb和REEs等元素;黄铁矿结核中富集Cr、Cu、As、Se、Cd、Sb、W、Tl和Pb等元素,其中有害微量元素V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Se、Ba、Th、Cd、Sn、Sb、Tl和Pb主要分布在黄铁矿结核、顶板及夹矸中。稀土元素分布模式表明,煤层稀土元素主要来源于陆源碎屑,同时受海水的影响,不同分层受海水影响程度不同。稀土元素含量与灰分产率的相关性分析,以及与Al和Si等造岩元素含量的聚类分析表明,马兰8号煤层稀土元素主要赋存于黏土矿物之中。  相似文献   

This paper analyses output streams of a kaolin plant to select the most valuable waste stream for metal recovery. The results indicate that rare metals (Sn, Nb, W) and Light Rare Earth Elements (LREEs) are pre-concentrated in the micaceous residue which contains a relatively high LREE (La, Ce, Nd) concentration of around 170 ppm. This residue have been characterised using a two-stage gravity pre-concentration process involving a Falcon concentrator and a shaking table to obtain concentrates suitable for mineralogical study. A statistical analysis, combined with qualitative mineralogy, highlights the main mineralogical associations and identifies monazite, cassiterite, Nb-rutile and wolframite as the main metal-bearing minerals. Estimation formulas for Nb and LREE using only the TiO2 and SiO2 content of the wastes, obtained by binary and multiple linear regression, show very accurate results suggesting a possible on-line application. This will provide tools to select the most valuable waste streams or the associated tailing dams (using historical data) for metals recovery. These selected wastes will be used for metallurgical test works to assess the potential for by-product recovery of these metals.  相似文献   

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